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Scarlet Huntress (Tales of Grimm Hollow Book 1)

Page 21

by LeAnn Mason

  Choking back tears of my own, I only nodded. She was right. I did need her, and I’d do my best to be what she needed from here on out. I was saved from having to form words by a gentle knock at the door. A graying braid swung into view when Elsie peeked around, her kind face moving to crease in well-worn lines as a smile lit her face. “May we come in, dear?”

  I waved her in, and a rush of warmth I didn't understand seemed to enfold me.

  “They missed you. So much,” Elsie said fondly, her eyes glued to the air over my shoulder, a soft smile on her lips. At my perplexed look, her smile grew. “Your mother and Grams. They are able to be with you—and me—now.”

  “The Spirit Warriors…” It clicked. “I didn't hallucinate Grams' voice?” I felt the air around me frantically, searching for my long-lost relatives, my legs bunching and tangling in the bed sheets as I twisted.

  “No, dear. No hallucinations. Well, not that time. My magic freed them from the binding spell Seth had placed on their spirits. It's why I never knew they had died. Their spirits couldn't travel from him.”

  “Can I talk to them? Can I see them?” I asked hopefully, voice cracking.

  “I think there will be time for it. I'm pretty sure they won't be leaving just yet. There's time, but it takes a lot of energy and maybe some more privacy…”

  I looked around the room, realizing she was probably right. I didn't really want anyone around to see the epic meltdown that would happen when I talked to my mother for the first time. A caress followed my thought, cradling my cheek in a cocoon of warmth and love that threatened to break me with just a touch. I cleared my throat, a scratchiness still present. “Thank you,” I whispered sincerely to my great aunt. “Aunt Elsie.” Those two words made the old woman's buttery aura flare. A tear gathered at the corner of each of her eyes. I needed to redirect if I didn't want to start the waterworks with an audience.

  Jason hovered behind in the doorway, eyes down, a very submissive move for my very dominant Shifter. I’d need to remedy our earlier misunderstanding. I’d get a kiss out of him yet, a real one when I didn’t reek of my own sick. Later, I promised him with a look when he finally met my eyes.

  “How are you feeling this evening? Any aches? Soreness? How is your throat?”

  “My throat?” My hand flew reflexively to the area in question, fingers meeting flesh marred with indentations and scarring.

  “Oh, no, Allya… I’m so sorry. Gloria stopped the bleeding and healed your wounds. Mostly. The scarring is minimal. I think it suits your ferocity, my dear.”

  “Everyone in town is already talking about the ‘Scarlet Huntress.’ The Sentinel who, with only two weeks of training, led the raid that annihilated the Lupo Coven.”


  “The job is yours for the taking if you want it, Red. Comes with a paycheck and everything,” Jason answered with tipped lips.

  “What of Ryan? What happened to the king? Nick?” I finally remembered the others lost on our mission to take Seth out. The losses.

  The downturned eyes of everyone in the room answered my questions.

  Dead. They were dead. And it was my fault.

  “Ryan is in a coma. Has been since we got back early yesterday morning. The Witch didn’t have enough power to kill the King of the Shifters. Hopefully, in time, he will come out of it. But for now, we can only wait. Gloria and the coven are doing what they can.” Elsie paused, gathering herself to continue. “Nick… hasn’t been found.”

  I had a new mission then. “Has anyone looked for him? I will look for him."

  “We have started our search but so far… nothing. I know you will search, and I’ll be right there with you, Red,” Jason assured. “Every step.”

  “Can’t shake you, huh?”

  “Nope.” He popped the “p”, those glorious dimples making a rare appearance in his cheeks as he grinned. He was so hot when he wasn’t being an ass. He knew it, too. The devilish glint in his eyes said so.

  “I have a feeling your partnership will be full of bite,” Mae mused sardonically, her eyes flitting between the two of us behind her glasses.

  “More than you know,” I quipped without breaking eye contact with Jason. Ebony agreed, finally perking up to the conversation. She was all about bringing the hunter to heel at our side. “Biting is most certainly in the forecast.”

  “Bring it, Red.”

  It was on. “After I get Mae settled,” I said with finality, moving my attention to my best friend. “After all, there are all manner of beasts here.”


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  It took one man and one day to shatter my life.

  Parents murdered. Home burnt to the ground. Kidnapped by an honest-to-God Warlock. My introduction to the magical world took everything from me, leaving me reeling.

  But reuniting with my best friend, and the promise of learning a whole new supernatural world is too good to pass up. When Shifter royalty approaches me to help their son and heir with his studies, I jump at the chance to have have a purpose beyond escape. Plus, Rory Leone is as gorgeous as he is volatile.

  They want me to tame the beast, so he can rule, but being a human entangled with the royals of Grimm Hollow puts a target on my back. Every female with an eye on the throne needs to come through me. It'll take everything that I have to keep Rory, but I need to survive first.

  As my best friend would say: Bring it.

  Pre-order Golden Beauty in time for its Spring 2020 release!







  Scarlet Huntress

  Golden Beauty (Spring 2020)

  Ivory Inferno (Summer 2020)

  Silver Cinders (Winter 2020)

  Crimson Rose (Spring 2021)


  LeAnn Mason is an author of YA/NA Urban Science Fantasy Crime. When she's not writing, she can be found out with her hubby and two munchkins around their Oklahoma home either herding chickens or racing ATVs.

  Though currently horseless, she has been riding since her early teen years and adores the giant animals so much that she wrote them into her story. Music is another constant in her life, a literal muse to her writing, so it is no surprise to find it entrenched in the pages as well.

  Just in case you like what you read and want to see what else she has brewing, or think you may like being an Enforcer, join her mailing list HERE and check her out at the following places:

  Website Email Amazon Goodreads BookBub Reader Group FB Author Page


  I just want to take a moment to thank my readers, without you there would be no me. As always, my family has been behind me with encouragement and more than a couple rolled eyes. My daughter has even pushed me and hounded me wondering when she would be able to read it. Soon, Bug. Soon.

  My friends and beta readers, Amanda S., Amanda C., Michelle, L.B. and Dawn, you guys are amazing and a huge part of the story’s awesomeness and I love you for it! L.B. Carter and Holmes Edits did a fabulous job in helping me smooth out my baby, thank you dearly.




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