Book Read Free

A Greek Affair

Page 14

by Linn B. Halton

  My heart leaps in my chest but this isn’t all about the excited look on the faces of the three girls who are staring open-mouthed in delight. Instead, I’m wonder what Daniel is thinking? It never occurred to me we would be able to grab some time alone together.

  ‘Of course, Bella would love that, Thanos and Demetra. That is really most kind of you, my dear friends.’

  I nod in agreement before Rosie jumps in for fear of being left out. ‘I’m sure Rosie would enjoy that too, thank you.’

  Thanos smiles at Demetra and they both seem delighted. The girls are now hugging each other and it takes a few minutes to calm everything down. Thanos and his wife head off to make the preparations for the sleepover with a difference – I mean, a suite! – and we try our best to get the girls to focus on eating some food.

  As we take our seats around the table, laughing and happy, the girls entertain us with their constant chatter.

  This is what family life should be all about and for a few hours today we’ve been living it. The fact that here tonight we represent two broken families and a traditional Greek one, is pushed to the back of our minds. The reality is that all three girls are happy and excited at the prospect of the fun night ahead and that’s all that counts.

  We end the evening standing in a row staring out at the two marvels that were the focal point of our day’s activities. This time next week, this will already be a fading memory and that makes me feel even more desperate to capture this moment forever. Life should be full of high points that make Rosie and myself feel as good as we do tonight. Her little face can’t hide what a happy day she’s had, or her excitement about joining her two new friends tonight. As for me? Daniel, Bella and Vana are new acquaintances whose paths we are crossing very briefly before we head off in different directions.

  We all hug as we say goodnight to the girls when Demetra comes to collect them. She has a pass key for our room so that Rosie can collect her toothbrush and two nighties; one for her and one for Bella. I can see that Demetra will fuss over them like a mother hen. But when they leave the terrace there’s suddenly a strange silence hanging over Daniel and me.

  ‘Don’t worry, Demetra will take very good care of them all, I promise. I doubt they will get much sleep until the early hours, though. As some point I’m sure they will run out of steam and fall asleep.’ Daniel laughs to himself.

  And then there were two.

  Just Two Lonely People

  Daniel and I sit, idling over the remainder of the bottle of red wine, and I muse over the fact that wine has never tasted quite so good. Every mouthful seems to hit the right spot and then I realise it’s not the wine at all.

  I’m pretty sure that dawns on me at the exact same time as Daniel is starting to come to the same conclusion. We exchange a glance but neither of us says anything.

  If he wanted to, would I? Could I?

  In the darkness surrounded only by the lights from the other hotels close by and pinpricks of light from homes dotted here and there on the wide vista in front of us, it is calming. Even our own silence is affirming, as if we are both in accord without having to say a word. But still, neither of us makes a move. I want to reach out and touch Daniel so badly it hurts. Instead, I drain the last of the wine in my glass with regret. The night must end and for fear of saying something out of line, I stand, pushing back on my chair to break the spell.

  ‘Well, it’s been a wonderful day, thank you, Daniel.’

  He pushes his half-full glass away from him and eases himself up out of his seat to stand merely inches away from me. Our eyes lock and before I know it we’re kissing. Who kissed whom first I have no idea because, in the end, it doesn’t really matter.

  He whispers into my ear, ‘Shall I call and cancel my taxi?’

  I kick myself for not being cool and making him wait for my quiet ‘yes’ but the decision was made a while ago. I only needed to know that Daniel wanted this as much as I do.

  Fearing only that there would be a sense of awkwardness, that’s soon dispelled as he catches up my left hand in his and tugs me closer.

  ‘Let’s not waste a moment, then. We’re child-free and the night is young.’

  I laugh, and it seems to echo around the terrace, with a carefree ring to it. Still hand in hand, Daniel gently leads me down the steps and into the corridor, stopping only to make the call. Then we head to my room. My hands shake a little as I press the keycard up against the pad and it stays red. I turn it over and the green light seems to shine out twice as brightly as before.

  ‘I guess it’s a go then.’ Daniel’s voice is soft and sultry as he follows me inside.

  It’s not quite pitch-black, as high up on the hill the floodlights around the Acropolis are like little stars, jewels in the white stone crown. Between us and it there is only darkness and we stand, hungrily kissing each other in this surreal setting.

  Suddenly Daniel pulls back a little. ‘You are sure about this, Leah, are you? I can’t deny the chemistry between us but two lonely, single parents having an unexpected night off could get a little wild. It’s been a long time for me and I think I won’t cause offence if I hazard a guess and say it’s the same for you.’

  Is he getting cold feet?

  ‘It is but hey, don’t we deserve to get a little wild and have some fun? The kids will have a great time so let’s stop thinking and start doing.’

  I throw myself back onto the bed and kick off my shoes as Daniel does the same. We lie facing each other and I’m wondering if I’ve forgotten what to do. But then he gently raises his hand to cup my cheek.

  ‘You’re a beautiful woman, Leah and I’m sorry you’ve been hurt. I hope you know that tonight is special but to avoid gossip I’ll have to speed away in a taxi at 5 a.m. before Thanos is on duty. I’m guessing the kids will stay up so late they will sleep in a bit.’

  I place my index finger against his lips to shush him and with the other hand I begin easing my dress down over my shoulders. Immediately I feel the change in him and then it’s all action as his hands are eager to explore my body. I’m laughing and struggling to free myself of my clothes. In the end, we can’t wait and it doesn’t matter that my dress is around my waist and Daniel is still wearing his shirt and boxers. I slide onto his lap and we move in perfect unison, that moment when there’s no room in your head for anything else because you are consumed. Consumed by those wonderful endorphins that take you on a rollercoaster ride of sensation. All you can think of is ‘don’t stop, just don’t stop’ until you both collapse back on the bed, laughing and breathless, enjoying the afterglow of release.

  We lie in each other’s arms for a while, listening to the sounds of cars going up and down the street, sending little flickers of light over the ceiling; people coming home from a late dinner, or visiting friends maybe. This is a reminder that we get into our own little routines believing that’s how it will always be, but our kids won’t always be young. There will come a point when they are independent and as single parents, we have to plan for that day.

  ‘What are you thinking about?’

  Daniel rolls onto his side, to gaze at me in the gloomy light. At least he won’t be able to see my smudged mascara, and my messy hair might actually look sexy and not totally unappealing.

  ‘That we owe it to our kids to show them by example that we aren’t shutting out the world. That life goes on after relationships break up. I think I’ve focused too much on keeping afloat financially and it’s made me shut off some feelings I felt were redundant.’

  Oh. Too heavy. But before I can make it clear I’m not aiming that at Daniel specifically, he responds.

  ‘I’m guilty of that, too. It’s just easier keeping things simple. Bringing another person into your life isn’t simply one little additional thing to accommodate, it changes the whole balance. I’m still figuring out how to parent on my own when Bella is with me. And I haven’t had her in my life as much as I should, so I fill that space with work. When I get back to the UK it will be
very different. I can only hope I can rise to the challenge and be the sort of dad she needs. But you already have it sussed, Leah, and I admire you for that.’

  ‘Do I?’ It’s half-hearted and I know it, because I’m coping but that’s it.

  Daniel gently drapes one arm across me, curling his fingers around my waist, and sliding the other behind his head as if he’s thinking. But within moments his breathing changes and I realise he’s asleep. It doesn’t take long for me to drop off, too and when I next open my eyes the clock shows that it almost 4 a.m. Our positions have changed and we’re both on our sides facing each other. The air is a little balmy even though the air conditioning is chuntering away. I’m naked, having cast off everything at some point and having tugged the sheet over me, no doubt feeling exposed and sensing someone next to me. But Daniel is still half-dressed, his shirt open. I decide to let him sleep for another forty minutes before waking him and lie here, fascinated, unable to take my eyes off him.

  Even in the twilight, before dawn breaks, I struggle to make out the detail on his face which is a mass of shadows. Instinctively, I reach out to softly, so softly, place my hand on his chest as it rises and falls, almost to convince myself this is real. His skin is slightly cool from the waft of air directed across the bed but as I slowly move my fingers away, fearing I’ll awaken him, I almost cry out. So shocked am I by the raised skin of a scar that I can’t quite make out, but which extends right down the centre of his chest. At one end there’s a slight depression and while it is obviously well-healed, whatever surgery Daniel has been through is serious.

  It sends me into a sudden panic. When he wakes up should I pretend I haven’t noticed? Should I ask him outright about it? Why on earth hasn’t he said anything? He must have realised that you can’t get this up close and personal with someone without them becoming aware of it. And then I wonder if that’s why he didn’t seem too bothered to strip off as soon as our bodies hit the bed.

  Inwardly, I groan. Another man with secrets he doesn’t feel the need to share. He hasn’t lied to me but he also hasn’t been totally honest. But then maybe in his mind this unexpected night together doesn’t warrant an explanation. Even in the gloom I find myself shaking my head. I regret nothing but honesty is everything to me. If this was the other way around I would have found a way of dropping it into the conversation. Goodness, if it’s a problem with his lungs, what if he’d had breathing difficulties in his sleep? Or if it’s his heart – shouldn’t a person sharing a bed and engaging in sex with him deserve some sort of heads-up in case there’s an issue?

  My head is in a spin and I roll over onto my back, shrugging the sheet up under my chin, self-protectively. The next time I glance at the clock I’m shocked because it’s ten to five and I reach out to gently shake Daniel’s arm.

  ‘It’s time to move, your taxi will be here very soon.’

  He slowly brings himself out of his deep sleep, making those muffled groaning sounds as he begins to stretch out his body. The moment he realises where he is he grins and the soft light from the window glints on the white of his eyes and his teeth.

  ‘Mm … good morning, Leah. I didn’t snore, did I?’

  ‘No. You’re a quiet sleeper.’

  ‘How long have you been awake?’

  ‘Not long. It was a shock when I saw the time but you only have a few minutes. I don’t suppose the receptionist will know which room you’re in.’

  He sits bolt upright. ‘Oh. Yes. I’d better get a move on.’

  He quickly buttons his shirt before leaning over to kiss my cheek, lingering for a moment despite the lack of time. Jumping out of bed, rather regretfully, Daniel stoops to reclaim his jeans and slip into them.

  ‘This isn’t quite the romantic ending I’d envisaged to our amazing night. I guess we were both exhausted, but it seems a waste…’ I can sense a real hesitation in his voice. He’s not happy to walk away so soon and I wonder if we had more time what exactly he’d say.

  ‘I couldn’t help noticing—’

  The moment I speak he stops what he’s doing for one split second and gives me a horrified look.

  ‘I’m sorry, I must go. I’ll be back a bit later. Perhaps give me a call when you know what time the girls will be ready.’ His hand is already on the door handle but he turns to glance over in my direction. Daniel is clearly unable to judge my reaction, as I’m unable to judge his, in the greyness of the early morning light. ‘That was wonderful, Leah, and I hope you thought so, too.’


  ‘Hey, Mum how are you both doing this morning?’

  Balancing the phone between my chin and my shoulder, I close the laptop, pleased with this morning’s work session. Rosie is out of the shower and I waited to make the call. I knew that she would be eager to share the details of yesterday and last night’s unexpected adventure, with Mum and Dad. It suits me fine as I’m feeling a little uncertain, if I’m being honest with myself. Being tempted to jump into bed with someone you hardly know is one thing, carrying that through is quite another. And, yes, what I discovered in the early hours has unsettled me and it was certainly a reality check. It reminded me that Daniel and I are virtually strangers, even though there is this overwhelming attraction between us. And then some.

  ‘We’re off to the garden centre this morning. Dad’s on a quest for more colour in the borders.’ She sounds happier today and content. I’m assuming this means that she feels he’s making some progress with his latest health scare. ‘How was your first day of sightseeing in Athens?’

  Rosie is standing next to me, eager to tell Grandma all about Bella, Vana, and, no doubt, Daniel. I figure it’s best to leave her to it.

  ‘Rosie’s here waiting to tell you everything. I’m heading off to get ready as day two on the sightseeing agenda promises to be a packed one. But immediately after breakfast I’m doing a tour of the facilities here with the deputy manager, including the two restaurants and the kitchens. Time to fill in the remainder of that questionnaire but this hotel will pass with flying colours from what I’ve already seen. I’ll ring you when we get to Athens airport tomorrow, before we fly out. Enjoy the garden centre. Love to you both.’

  Rosie’s hand is ready and waiting to take the phone from me. As I finish getting dressed it’s hard not to listen to the conversation.

  ‘—big suite on the top floor was awesome! It was such fun and Demetra let us talk until we fell asleep. Vana taught us some new Greek words. Bella said we should go to York to visit her when we’re all back home. Her dad is so cool, Grandma. He knows all about the ruins here and Bella says that’s what he does. He digs up the ground to find the things that are now buried in the earth. Things people often threw away, he says, or what they had in their homes. Imagine people in the future digging up our rubbish. Plastic plates aren’t going to be quite so exciting to dig up, are they, Grandma?’

  I smother a laugh and head into the bathroom, as it seems wrong to listen in on their conversation. Besides, today I want to pay a little more attention to my make-up and hair.

  Daniel is a strange one, for sure. Yesterday I turned my head a few times and caught him looking at me with interest in those deep, mesmerizing, pale blue eyes of his. He immediately looked away but it was enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck begin to tingle. Last night he alluded to the chemistry between us. Is this what they mean when they use the phrase fatal attraction? Fatal as in destined to failure because even after one night of passion there’s no real future in it?

  Our lives, and lifestyles, are so very different that we really are at the opposite ends of a spectrum. The only link we share is a broken relationship and the fact that it gave us our beautiful daughters. A textbook case of wrong place, wrong time, but maybe last night was fate making a point and reminding us both there’s more to life than simply surviving. But my pulse is racing at the thought of him this morning and that I can’t deny.

  I place my palms on the vanity counter and lean in closer to the mirror, peering at
myself. What do you really want, Leah? Am I trying to prove something to myself, and Daniel just happens to be yet another safe option? One that can’t go anywhere, but it’s enough to make me think I’ve let go of the past? Or is this sense of overwhelming attraction worth exploring and trying to take further? Or am I kidding myself and it was a moment when anyone could be forgiven for letting down their guard. The fact that he hasn’t told me his whole story is a red flag – I know that only too well. If he’s capable of keeping quiet about something so important, what else might he choose to hide from me?

  I sigh, shaking my head as I stare back at myself. I admit I’m scared of taking the lid off my personal little can of worms when I sit down with Jackie Kimberley. I haven’t even been completely honest with Harrison and I’m beginning to feel like a bit of a hypocrite. You accused him of being a wimp, Leah, but who’s really the wimp here?

  I jolt upright, pushing away my thoughts and call out to Rosie.

  ‘We should head down to breakfast, now, darling. Say goodbye to Grandma.’

  When I walk back into the room she’s blowing a kiss down the phone and it puts an instant smile on my face.

  ‘Gotta go now, speak to you later!’ She sounds so bright and confident, it makes my heart soar.

  I’m feeling rather cross with myself. Stop analysing every little thing and start living for the moment, that little voice inside my head admonishes. Switch off from everything and have a little fun for a change, Leah. After all, this is your last day in paradise and your last day with Daniel. After last night’s turn of events it might turn out to be the start of something: something special. All you need do is, at best, have an open mind, or accept that after today none of this will matter, anyway.

  On the Tourist Trail

  Bella, Rosie and I are standing in reception when Daniel’s taxi arrives, as I thank Manos, the deputy manager for his very comprehensive tour. Going behind the scenes, everything seems to run like clockwork, with meticulous attention to detail. He tells me that a lot of the staff are related to the Fotopoules family itself. What comes across quite strongly is the pride they have in delivering impeccable service where nothing is too much trouble. We shake hands and I turn, as our visitors are about to step through the doors into the reception area.


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