Book Read Free


Page 3

by Steve Barlow

  Blast! Go back to 1.


  You radio an ‘all clear’ message. Helicopters start to arrive. Medical staff tend to Jackson. Mike Annick appears and gathers the returning staff.

  “Congratulations, Agent,” says Cranberry. “You saved the world — again.”

  “Only just,” you say. “That was a weird assignment for G.H.O.S.T.”

  “True. So, tell me, Agent — what do you think now about a partnership between humans and machines?”

  You shake your head wearily. “I’m in two minds about it.”


  Phantom Flyer: For fast international and intercontinental travel, you use the Phantom Flyer, a supersonic business jet crammed full of detection and communication equipment and weaponry.

  Spook Trucks: For more local travel you use one of G.H.O.S.T.’s fleet of Spook Trucks — heavily armed and armoured SUVs you requisition from local agents.

  RACER (Robot and Cyborg Electronic Restraint) taser-style weapon, able to fire magnetic darts

  BAM (Blasts All Monsters)

  SAC (Scrambles All Cyborgs) electronic pulse hand grenade

  HECK (High Energy Cyborg Killer) limpet mine device able to fire energy pulses into a robotic brain


  You are at a stadium in London, watching your favourite football team and cheering them on.

  Your phone rings with the Ghostbusters theme. You answer it. “Not now, Cranberry! We’re playing against United and they’ve just scored!”

  “Very disappointing, I’m sure,” says Cranberry, “but you’re needed at the British Museum.”

  To tell Cranberry you’ll go at the end of the match, go to 12.

  To leave the stadium at once, go to 31.


  You drive to the museum in your Spook Truck, checking your video and audio comms links that allow Cranberry, back at Arcane Manor, to see and hear everything you do.

  “Do you read me, Cranberry?”

  “Loud and clear, Agent.”

  You arrive at the museum to find the police have already sealed off the building.

  The officer in charge steps forward. “Stay back! We’ve been told there are mummies on the loose in there!”

  You show him your ID. “What mummies?”

  The officer points to a young woman. “This is the Curator of Egyptology at the museum. Ask her.”

  The Curator nods. “My name is Selma Masry, and the officer is right. Our mummies are coming alive!”…

  Continue the adventure in:



  About the 2Steves

  “The 2Steves” are one of Britain’s most popular writing double acts for young people, specialising in comedy and adventure.

  Together they have written many books, including the I HERO Immortals series.

  Find out what they’ve been up to at:

  About the illustrator: Paul Davidson

  Paul Davidson is a British illustrator and comic book artist.

  Franklin Watts

  First published in Great Britain in 2020

  by The Watts Publishing Group

  Text © Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore 2020

  Illustrations © The Watts Publishing Group 2020

  Cover design: Cathryn Gilbert and Peter Scoulding

  The authors and illustrator have asserted their rights in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

  All rights reserved

  ISBN 978 1 4451 7000 8

  ebook ISBN 978 1 4451 7002 2

  Library ebook ISBN 978 1 4451 7001 5

  1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

  Printed in Great Britain

  Franklin Watts

  An imprint of

  Hachette Children’s Group

  Part of The Watts Publishing Group

  Carmelite House

  50 Victoria Embankment

  London EC4Y 0DZ

  An Hachette UK Company




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