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How the Earl Fell for His Countess (Matchmaking Madness Book 2)

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by Laura A. Barnes

  Once his lips met hers, Evelyn melted. Her embarrassment was forgotten at his gentle kiss. He teased her lips open, and she felt the smile on his face. She enjoyed the teasing nature of her husband, as unexpected as it was. Evelyn relaxed in his hold, losing herself in the kiss. She opened her mouth, drawing Reese in. Their kiss deepened, both forgetting about their audience.

  “Oh, how gross,” Maggie whined.

  Noel sighed from the door. “How romantic.”

  Reese raised his head, getting lost in Evelyn’s eyes. “Get lost, squirt.” He lowered his head to return to what promised to be an excellent morning.

  That was until his mother’s voice rang through the bedroom. “Margaret Ann, remove yourself from your brother’s room this instance. Noel, please join Eden in the library for your lesson. Reese, I understand you have news to share with the family. Since over half the day has passed, if you and your bride are fully rested, your family will enjoy hearing the story of how your marriage came to be. I will save your wife any more embarrassment and leave you to your privacy,” she ordered before closing the door.

  Reese sighed, lowering his head. The spell surrounding them was broken. Evelyn lay tense under him, her face bright red. He rolled off the bed, wrapped a blanket around his waist, and opened the door.

  “Jenkins!” he hollered.

  Reese didn’t have to wait long for the butler to arrive. The servant knew the trouble that lay ahead. Reese had sworn the man to secrecy, but the entire house had discovered the news of his marriage.

  “I am sorry, my lord. Murray ran off at the mouth during breakfast to Mrs. Stickler. All the servants heard. Then soon the maids whispered to your mother, sisters, and brother.”

  “Is the Countess’s room prepared?”

  Jenkins’ head bobbed up and down. “Yes, it is ready for her approval. Mrs. Stickler awaits with Clara, the maid assigned to her, in there now.”

  “And Graham?”

  “He returned last week sporting a black eye.”

  Reese sighed. “Very well. I will show Lady Worthington her suite and introduce her to Mrs. Stickler. Please inform my family that we shall join them for afternoon tea. In the meantime, please send a tray to her lady’s room and to mine. We both will require baths.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Evelyn rose from the bed and wrapped the sheet around herself after Reese dismissed the butler. This wasn’t how she imagined meeting her new family for the first time. She didn’t remember arriving the previous evening, nor did she remember undressing or sleeping with Reese. The last thing she remembered was watching her husband drink himself into a stupor on the long carriage ride. After growing irritated with his drunken mutterings, she’d closed her eyes. She must have slept deeply to not recall arriving at her husband’s estate.

  “Umm ...” Reese started.

  “You have a room to show me.” Evelyn didn’t want to listen to Reese’s explanations. She already saw his shuttered expression, the one he used to keep his distance from her. At this moment, she didn’t care. She wanted a few moments to herself before embarking on her new journey. From what she’d just witnessed, she’d left one lively family to join another.

  Would her new family grant her the quiet time her own family did? Evelyn had made Uncle Theo a promise to leave her shell behind and experience life to the fullest. What better way than to embrace Reese’s family with openness. That way, Reese would have trouble keeping his guard up around her.

  Evelyn walked to the door adjoining the two rooms. As with most estates, the bedroom adjoined to the master’s was for the lady of the house. Reese’s home would be no different. She waited at the door for him to open it. He held up a finger, then quickly dressed in the clothes he’d worn the day before. He opened the door and ushered Evelyn through. She noted the housekeeper and a maid waiting by the door to the hallway.

  “Mrs. Stickler, may I introduce you to my wife, Lady Evelyn Worthington?”

  Mrs. Stickler curtsied, offering Evelyn a smile of welcome. “It is a pleasure to welcome you to Worthington Hall, my lady. Let me introduce you to Clara. She will be your lady’s maid.”

  Clara curtsied with less grace. “My lady, it will be my pleasure to serve you,” she stuttered.

  Evelyn nodded to their greetings. “Thank you for the warm welcome.”

  Evelyn strolled around the room. She noted how the furniture held a pristine shine. There were fresh flowers on the nightstand and a small fire burning in the grate. The drapes and bedding were worn, the paint was peeling from the walls, and the rug was frayed at the edges.

  However, the servants stood proudly to represent the Worthington family. Her husband stood on guard, as if he were waiting for her to object to the room. His pride was on full display.

  Evelyn smiled. “The room is lovely. I shall enjoy it immensely.”

  Mrs. Stickler beamed. She gave orders to Clara to help settle Evelyn in and took her leave, promising to meet with her over the next several days for Evelyn’s duties as the new countess. Clara bustled around the bedroom, ordering the footman in to fill the bath, and prepared a plate and tea for Evelyn to eat at the small table near the windows.


  Evelyn looked up when Reese spoke her name. Her husband seemed lost on how to handle her. She was lost herself. He took a step toward her and stopped. His mouth opened to speak, then closed again.

  Evelyn walked to him and spoke softly, so the servants couldn’t hear. “Worthington, I am going to pamper myself with a warm bath and eat a small meal. I suggest you do the same. After we are both feeling like ourselves again, we can talk before we join your family. You have made yourself more than clear on what you require of my wifely duties. However, I am unsure what you wish to tell your family about our marriage. While you are getting ready, I suggest you prepare an explanation, and then you can inform me what I am allowed to say.”

  Evelyn turned, dismissing him, and joined Clara at the table. She let the maid fuss over her and answered questions pertaining to her care. She glanced out of the corner of her eye to see her husband standing there, dumbfounded by her brush-off.

  Evelyn smiled. One point for her.

  Reese stared at his wife like a fool. His attempt to show her that he controlled their marriage swung back and hit him square in the face. Evelyn had accepted the bedroom graciously, showed politeness to his servants, and didn’t snub her nose at the out-of-date furniture and poor living conditions from what she was used to. Then she calmly informed him how she knew her place as his wife and would accept whatever scheme he wanted to portray to his family. Of course she would. His wife was a devious, manipulative siren. And here he thought she was the meek, biddable twin. What a quandary he was in.

  She won that round, but he would win the next.

  Chapter Four

  Evelyn waited and then waited some more for her husband to inform her on how they were to portray their marriage to his family. However, Reese never came to her bedroom. After a lengthy amount of time, she opened the connecting door to their rooms, only to find his bedroom empty.

  She spun on her heel and almost slammed the door in frustration, but decided against it. She wouldn’t give the servants a reason to gossip. Where was he?

  Evelyn took to pacing back and forth across her room. Her own behavior unsettled her. She had never been one to overreact. However, Reese Worthington brought out emotions in her she never knew she had. For example, she needed to repress her rage at his abandonment. He had no intention of introducing her to his family in a loving manner. Her rage bewildered her. Evelyn’s temper used to be gentle, never rising to the situation. Her sister Charlotte was the one to explode without warning, not her. Then there was the matter of turning softhearted at any attention from Reese. He disarmed her defenses. All it took was a kiss and Evelyn melted.

  Well, she wouldn’t let him deter her from meeting her new family.

  While pretending to impersonate Charlotte during the house party, Evelyn had
built her confidence. And with that confidence, she would introduce herself to Reese’s family.

  She pressed her hands down her skirts, calming her nerves. With a swift glance in the mirror to check her appearance, she opened the door and walked right into a lovely young lady. A beauty with flaxen hair and the same eyes as her husband. A dark sapphire gaze too young to be so serious. The girl appeared to hold the weight of the world on her shoulders.

  “Please forgive me, I ...” Evelyn attempted to apologize.

  “You were trying to calm your temper before you made our acquaintance.”


  The girl laughed, and a smile lit her face, making her even more stunning. Evelyn paled in comparison to the beauty before her. “I knocked. You must not have heard me over your pacing.”

  Evelyn opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She had no excuse.

  “I am Eden, Reese’s sister. So I am very familiar with how infuriating my brother can be. Mother sent me to gather you two. But, I suppose he is not in his room?”

  Evelyn ground her teeth. “No.”

  Eden gave her a knowing look. “As I said, an infuriating male. Unfortunately, it is a trait the gentlemen in this family hold. I can attempt to make an excuse for him, but it will only be a fib.”

  “There is no need, Eden. You are not responsible for your brother’s ill manners. He is the only one to blame. But as my Aunt Susanna always says, never allow a gentleman to treat you with disrespect. If he does, then make him suffer with kindness.” And she intended to do just that. She smiled at her new sister-in-law. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Eden. My name is Evelyn. And for the record, I will not hold Worthington’s behavior against you or the rest of your family.”

  Eden laughed. “You are going to make a wonderful addition to our family.” Eden hooked her arm through Evelyn’s and guided her along the hallway. “Now come and meet the other heathens.”

  Eden led Evelyn into the parlor containing the Worthington clan, minus the one who needed to be there. Evelyn gazed upon everyone, taking in their reactions to her appearance. Her protective shell started to rise at their quietness, but it soon lowered once she noticed their smiling faces. Eden patted her hand before she walked away to sit next to her mother on the settee.

  The youngest girl jumped out of her seat and came over, dragging Evelyn farther into the parlor. “I told you she was beautiful, Graham,” Maggie said to the gentleman leaning against the fireplace mantle.

  “I did not refute your claim, Mags. Reese only associates himself with beautiful women. I only stated that Reese’s bride must hold some other flaw. Why else would she marry our brother?” The gentleman raised a questioning brow at Evelyn.

  The gentleman resembled her husband greatly. From his thick blond waves to his immaculate dress. Like Reese, nothing was out of place. The only difference between the two brothers was this brother exuded charm, from the sparkle in his eyes to the smile hovering on his lips. Oh, if Evelyn weren’t so much in love with his infuriating brother, she could have easily fallen for this one.

  “Indeed, why? A question I keep asking myself more and more with each passing hour.” Evelyn raised her own eyebrow back at him.

  He gave her a slow smile. “Ah, my new sister, I believe you have a story to tell. In the meantime, allow me to introduce myself. I am your new brother, Graham.”

  “Please to meet you, Graham. I have never had a brother before.”

  “I shall enjoy teaching you the many delights of having one.”

  “Down, Graham. She is your sister. Stop flirting with your brother’s bride.” Eden laughed.

  Graham waved her away. “Flirting. What nonsense. I am only trying to make our new sister feel comfortable since her husband has failed to do so.”

  “Please forgive my children.”

  Evelyn turned toward the older woman’s voice. Her mother-in-law smiled fondly at her children’s antics. Evelyn relaxed when she noticed the lady’s welcoming acceptance.

  “There is nothing to forgive. Their banter reminds me of home. I am the one who needs to apologize for not introducing myself. I am Evelyn.”

  The lady smiled warmly. “Yes, my dear, we know. My son informed me that much. The rest he kept quiet on before he took himself off.”

  “Ree ... Ah, Worthington left?”

  “Only to the stables, my dear. I am sure he will be along shortly.”


  Would he? Evelyn didn’t believe so. No, Reese meant to avoid the inquisition concerning their marriage. Which left her to explain the need for their quick union. Reese wouldn’t give any explanations because the fault lay with her. Did he believe Evelyn wouldn’t admit to her betrayal? Since he’d refused to come to her room to devise a plan to approach his family’s questions, then he left Evelyn no choice.

  Besides her deceit, Evelyn was not one to lie. Her new family deserved to hear the truth from them, not from the gossipmongers. Evelyn wasn’t naïve. She knew the first bit of gossip for the upcoming season would be of their trip to Gretna Green. She didn’t look, but their pity filled the air. Evelyn raised her head and gifted them with a genuine smile.

  “Please sit, Evelyn. We are all eager to welcome you,” said Lady Worthington.

  Evelyn sat in the chair nearest her mother-in-law and met her new family. Lady Worthington dismissed the servants, and the tea soon turned into an animated affair. The sisters teased Graham, and he returned their fun with his own humorous remarks, occasionally flirting with Evelyn. Their mother smiled at their foolishness, interjecting her own gaiety from time to time. Evelyn laughed along with them, enjoying herself for the first time in days.

  “Why the hasty marriage to Gretna Green?” asked Eden.

  “Was it love at first sight?” Noel sighed.

  “Does he kiss you much?” asked Maggie.

  “He is a fool if he does not,” Graham murmured lowly. But not low enough, for Evelyn heard.

  Warmth spread across Evelyn’s cheeks. She glanced at Lady Worthington to see a secretive smile cross her face that she tried covering with her teacup. The turn in conversation caught Evelyn off guard. Since no one had mentioned the marriage, she’d become comfortable enough to think they would wait for Reese to explain it once he joined them. Since her husband hadn’t returned, it seemed his family had grown impatient to hear the story.

  “Ahh ...” Evelyn stumbled in her explanation.

  They fixed their gazes on her, waiting to hear what they imagined was a love story, but it was far from it. They had welcomed her into their warm embrace and made her feel as if she were one of them. Would they think less of her once she explained how she deceived their brother and forced his hand to marry her?

  Evelyn tried to delay telling them. “’Tis a long story.”

  Which only made Reese’s family want to hear it more. Evelyn gulped at their eager faces. This wouldn’t paint her in a good light. Nevertheless, it was a story she needed to tell. After she laid herself bare, she would plead for their forgiveness.

  “We have all afternoon, sister,” Graham encouraged with a wicked smile. Her new brother knew that any marriage in Gretna Green resulted from scandal.

  Evelyn licked her lips. “Very well. Before I begin, please allow me to explain I never intended to trap Reese. My actions were of a simpleminded miss, and for that, I hope I can plead for your forgiveness once you hear the truth.”

  Graham laughed. “Evelyn, my dear, you married Reese. We are the ones who need to seek your forgiveness. However, your story sounds most interesting, and we await to hear the tale.”

  Evelyn frowned his way. Her new brother already took pleasure at the demise of Reese without even hearing the story. However, she couldn’t resist Graham’s incorrigible grin. She shook her head at him, returning his foolish smile.

  “For me, the story begins last winter. Reese stayed with my family over the Christmas holiday. It started with an, um ... a simple kiss under the mistletoe.” Evelyn coughed behind he
r hand.

  Noel sighed. “Ahh, it was love at first sight.”

  “Only on my end.” Evelyn twisted her lips, remembering how her husband had confused her with Charlotte.

  “Impossible. Reese must have felt the same,” Noel argued.

  Evelyn shifted in her seat. “Unfortunately, no. He thought he kissed my sister. Which led to a fiasco at the end of my Uncle Theo’s house party.”

  Graham frowned. “Your sister? My brother is a blind fool.”

  “No, just a confused one. Charlotte and I did not make it easy for him to tell the difference as we played our schemes on him. Only they backfired on us.”

  Graham didn’t look convinced. “Please explain how Reese could have been so fooled to not tell you apart from your sister.”

  “My sister Charlotte is my identical twin. ‘Tis nothing different about us but our personalities. We differ from night and day. Charlie is lighthearted, adventurous, and feisty. Reese described me to be the dullest of all debutantes, one who would never hold his interest. We switched identities and pretended to be the other, not making it easy to tell us apart, unless you were family and knew the difference. Which Reese did not.”

  “Ah, Reese’s charm is something to be desired. Yet, you profess to hold love for him. Are you mad?” asked Eden.

  Evelyn laughed. “I think I am.”

  “Do continue, dear,” Lady Worthington said.

  “As I explained, Charlotte and I switched places throughout the house party. At times it seemed as if Reese showed interest. However, it was only to pull information from me on how to charm Charlotte.” Evelyn looked down at her hands. “I should have been wiser. He never attempted to charm me. However, when I pretended to be Charlotte, there was this undeniable spark between us. I thought Reese felt it too.”

  “See, I told you,” Noel argued.

  Evelyn bestowed her with a wistful smile before continuing to explain the week of the house party to her new family. If she worried they would think less of her, she had been wrong. They were as supportive of her as her own family, which was a comforting thought. But would they be after she told them how she’d caught Reese in her web?


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