How the Earl Fell for His Countess (Matchmaking Madness Book 2)

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How the Earl Fell for His Countess (Matchmaking Madness Book 2) Page 6

by Laura A. Barnes

  “Which is?” asked Graham.

  “That, my boy, is where you will come in.”

  A wicked smile spread across Graham’s face. He understood his mother’s intention and knew Reese would fall for the bait. They had competed their entire life. Evelyn would be no exception. Graham didn’t want Evelyn for himself. He wanted his brother to see the happiness that lay before him. And if flirting with Evelyn helped to achieve that outcome, then he was game. He only hoped he wouldn’t have to use Evelyn as a pawn.

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  EVELYN CURLED UP ON the divan and stared into the darkness. This used to be her favorite part of the day, a time to reflect on her thoughts and to lose herself in a book. She used to love having time to herself. Now she dreaded it. Since marrying Reese, it had become a time of isolation. Not that she never left her room. Her days were full by spending time with his family. They were enjoyable and helped to ease her homesickness.

  While his family adored him, they also knew his faults to a tee. They offered her support and guidance, begging for her patience on his disgruntled attitude. Reese’s mother pleaded for Evelyn to give him a chance. His sisters varied from plotting his demise for his boorish behavior to telling her stories of when he was their hero. Then there was Graham. She couldn’t wish for a more fitting brother. He offered her a companionship filled with friendly overtures. He never spoke a degrading word toward his brother. Evelyn noticed Graham admired Reese and his accomplishments for their family. Whenever Evelyn appeared melancholy, Graham charmed Evelyn into a smile. Before long, he would have her giggling over his silly attempts at humor.

  As she ate dinner alone, she reflected on Reese’s order. While it appeared that she had cowered under his words, it was far from the truth. She’d obliged by his wishes, making herself scarce from him. But she had only done so to allow Reese time to adjust to her presence in his home. To allow his anger time to simmer.

  On the few times they had encountered each other, she’d acknowledged him and then removed herself. Only those moments didn’t happen by accident. Evelyn was aware of Reese whenever he was in the house. The pull of their attraction always alerted her to when he was near. His deep voice rang through the air, and his scent lingered in the hallways. She would follow those clues to find him. Anything for a glimpse of him. Before he noticed, Evelyn would drink him in. Absorb all that was Reese.

  Would he ever forgive her? Or was this the precedent for their marriage?

  Every night she lay in bed, hoping the adjoining door would open and Reese would stroll through demanding his husbandly rights. Not that he would have to demand. She would welcome him into her arms. Mind you, she wasn’t a weak-willed woman who allowed a man to control her. She was a woman who loved her husband and wanted him to return her love. Evelyn believed they could overcome her deceit and build a firm foundation for the years to come. To do so, she needed to give Reese the time he needed.

  It had been a month now. Whenever she came upon him, he no longer snarled in her direction. Over the last week, his family had informed her Reese had started inquiring about Evelyn’s comfort or her whereabouts. She felt in her heart that Reese was warming up to her. She hoped to have his forgiveness soon.

  A knock sounded on the door, startling Evelyn from her musings. Before she replied, the door between their bedrooms opened, and Reese strolled inside. His sudden appearance froze Evelyn in her seat. She devoured him with her eyes, taking in his casual attire. He’d discarded his cravat, suit coat, and waistcoat. He undid the buttons on his shirt, displaying his firm chest.

  Evelyn’s fingers itched to caress the warm skin. She curled her hand into a fist to stop herself from rising and acting on her fantasies. Reese’s tawny locks stood on ends, as if he had run his fingers through his hair multiple times. Evelyn’s gaze continued to trail his form, and her eyes locked onto the front of his trousers.

  It would appear she wasn’t the only one excited to see the other.

  Reese coughed, drawing Evelyn out of her perusal. Her cheeks warmed, which wasn’t the only part of her body on fire from Reese. She started to rise when he held out an arm to stop her progress.

  “Please, stay relaxed.”

  Evelyn lowered herself back against the cushions. But relax? No. As long as Reese stood so near, her body would remain tense. The only way she could relax was if he drew her into his arms. Since his actions showed no signs of affection, Evelyn would remain coiled, ready to spring.

  “How are you?”

  “How am I?” Evelyn squeaked.

  His lips twisted into a slight grin, and a sparkle brightened his eyes. Was he playing with her? Or did he genuinely care for her comfort? “Yes. Are you settling into your new home? Has my family made you feel welcomed?”

  She licked her lips. “Yes. Your family is a delight, and your home is very comforting. It reminds me of home. I have even started taking over some duties from your mother.”

  “Excellent. This is your home now, Evelyn. The servants should seek your guidance for decisions concerning the house. Please, make any changes as you see fit.”

  “I will.”

  Reese nodded, taking in Evelyn stretched out on the divan. Her hair flowed against the light cushions, emphasizing the dark strands. A book lay nestled in her lap. Reese knew it to be her favorite pastime. Whenever he visited the Colebourne estate, he’d noticed Evelyn with her nose in a book, quiet as a mouse. Another sign he let past. He never once saw Charlotte reading. It was Evelyn who came into the Colebourne’s library at Christmas. Even when he seduced her, she was quiet. The only sound coming from her lips were the sweetest moans of pleasure. If he kissed her now, would she respond with those same sweet moans? Or would she object with her displeasure at his behavior since they arrived?

  “Did you require something, Worthington?”

  Did he require something? Yes, Reese required a great deal from his wife. But he knew his cruel behavior would prevent him from receiving her gentle touch. Her sweet lips under his. Her body molded around his, moving as one. Oh, he required more than he realized.

  “You have been absent from dinner since your arrival.”

  Evelyn stiffened. He had the audacity to comment on her absence when he had made his position very clear. She had only followed his instructions to stay invisible from his sight. She thought she had followed Reese’s orders to perfection. Now he wished to discuss her absence as if there were another reason but his own command. At this rate, she wouldn’t ever understand her husband.

  She met his stare boldly.

  “You made my position in your household clear. I am only following your instructions.”

  He held his hands together behind his back and walked farther into the room. “I never forbade you from joining our family for dinner.”

  “My days are filled with your family. I stayed away to allow you time with them. So you may enjoy them without tension filling the air. They should not have their life ruined by our disagreements.”

  He nodded. “I agree, my lady. Hopefully, we can put that aside. I hope you will join our family for a picnic on the morrow. You have my promise that I will leave my disgruntled mood behind.”

  She didn’t answer immediately. “No, I shall remain in my room. I hope you can find enjoyment with your family. It sounds like it will be a joyous afternoon.”

  “You must come. Mags is gathering the food for the ducklings.”

  She perked up at that. “You have ducklings?”

  Reese hid a smile at her question. Evelyn might have been skittish around horses, but he noticed her care toward the other animals on his estate. When he followed her and Mags to the stable yesterday, he spied Evelyn cooing over the baby kittens. Her hand stroked the soft fur with a gentleness he remembered oh so well.

  “Yes, too many to count.”

  She bit her lip, torn. “Mmm.”

  “Would you like to see them?”

  She nodded reluctantly. “Yes.”

  Evelyn r
ealized Reese’s trick. But why? What was his motive to have her join his family for a picnic tomorrow? Why the shift in his acceptance of her presence in his home? Was it because of her uncle’s reply? Uncle Theo had responded to her marital announcement with relief that Reese saw to her welfare. He wrote of his pleasure that Evelyn had settled in comfortably at Worthington Hall and that Reese’s family had welcomed her with open arms. However, her uncle didn’t believe Reese’s regard toward Evelyn.

  Uncle Theo remained unconvinced, especially since Evelyn had never once mentioned Reese or the nature of their marriage in her letters. And for that, her uncle refused to gift them with a marriage settlement. No, Uncle Theo held the opinion that Reese hadn’t demonstrated his worth as her husband. He declared he wouldn’t issue a dowry until he saw the depth of Reese’s love for Evelyn with his own eyes. Evelyn didn’t believe that would ever happen. After all, they had yet to share a marriage bed since the night they wed. She wondered if Reese knew of Uncle Theo’s intentions.

  “Will you join us tomorrow?”

  Evelyn’s gaze trailed across the room, not meeting Reese’s eyes. She longed to spend time with him. Tomorrow’s outing seemed to be the perfect opportunity to show him how she fit in with his family...

  Who did she fool? Certainly not herself. She wouldn’t deny herself a chance to be near him. Did this make her desperate? She no longer cared. Where Reese Worthington stood, she held no pride. She’d lost it when she gave herself to him. She had fallen under Reese’s spell that long-ago winter’s night when he pressed his lips against hers in a tease.


  Reese’s smile grew when Evelyn kept avoiding his gaze. Seducing her would be easier than he thought. He bet he could have her in his bed by tomorrow night if the picnic went as planned. He would reverse his gruff behavior and turn the charm on. If only Reese used the same charm at the house party that he used on that cold winter night. His goal at the house party had been one of a calculated measure. To gain the ownership of a foal. Since he lost, he would have to focus his goal on making Evelyn happy and making her think she held his love.

  Then he could convince the Duke of Colebourne to release the funds from Evelyn’s dowry. Reese wondered if she knew of her uncle’s refusal. The Duke of Colebourne had sent Reese details of the settlement that would help ease Reese’s financial burden. His only stipulation was Evelyn’s happiness. The duke didn’t believe Reese loved Evelyn. Reese wondered what Evelyn had disclosed of their current relationship to the duke. Had she informed her uncle of his cruel words? If she had, then Colebourne would never have written a settlement.

  Reese had made an inquiry to Gray of his father’s intentions, but his friend remained furious with him for seducing his cousin and for Reese’s cruel words regarding Evelyn. It would seem he had no allies within the Colebourne family. He thought to plead his case to Sinclair, but Reese walked a fine line with him, too. Throughout the house party, when Reese thought that he was seducing Charlotte, Sinclair had been the victor. Since Sinclair had married the chit, his loyalty lay with his wife, and he wouldn’t aide Reese.

  “Excellent.” Reese stepped forward, reaching for Evelyn’s hand that was tightly wrapped around a book. He lifted it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss across her knuckles. “It shall be a day of pleasure that I am quite looking forward to.”

  Evelyn’s hand trembled under Reese’s lips. She tried pulling her hand free, but he held on. His thumb stroked back and forth across her palm. Evelyn felt her cheeks grow warm. When she lifted her gaze, Reese was regarding her with a look of desire. Her mouth opened on a sigh before she bit the sound back. However, he noticed and his gaze flared with passion. Then he pulled away, stepping back from Evelyn.

  Reese turned away from the tempting Evelyn. He needed to leave her wondering if he had changed. To set her up to fall at his feet. He strode to the door connecting their room. Before he stepped through, her soft voice whispered to him.

  “Goodnight, Reese.”

  He looked over his shoulder, winking at Evelyn. “Sweet dreams, my lovely Evelyn.”

  Evelyn released the sigh she had been holding and laid back against the cushions. She wrapped her hand around the one he had held and kissed. The warmth of Reese’s fingers stroking across her skin still tingled, the current sizzling to her fingertips.

  Reese must have felt the same charge. Didn’t he?

  Chapter Seven

  Evelyn walked down the staircase at the designated hour to leave for the afternoon picnic, expecting the excited chatter of her new family. However, only silence welcomed her. The only person waiting was Reese.

  Evelyn paused two steps up from the floor. She watched Reese pace back and forth, unaware of her presence. He appeared to be conversing with himself, his hands making his points valid with each swish through the air.

  Reese paused and glanced up. When he saw her, the scowl on his face disappeared and was replaced by a charming smile. A smile charming enough that it distracted her from questioning his behavior.

  Reese approached Evelyn, stopping on the step below hers, eager for their afternoon excursion. What a perfect opportunity to woo Evelyn with his family for company. Not only did he have to convince her that his attitude toward her was changing, but he must also redeem himself with his family. His treatment of Evelyn upset them. To pacify them, he needed to show how much he cared for Evelyn. Then they could help him convince her that he cared about her. If she could use her family to fool him, then why couldn’t he use his family likewise?

  “Am I late?” Evelyn asked.

  He shook his head. “No. My family left early to find the perfect setting for your first visit to our favorite picnic spot. Maggie promised to wait to feed the ducklings until you arrived. But she also said to hurry. Shall we?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Evelyn fumbled with her bonnet. She tried to open the bonnet wider to set upon her head, but Reese’s nearness flustered her. Her hands fumbled with the ribbons.

  Reese pulled it from her hands and slipped it over her curls. After he tied the ribbon, he caressed her cheek, tucking a stray curl inside. He bent his head to place a kiss where he had touched her and whispered near her ear, “You look lovely today.”

  Evelyn held her breath, afraid she might have imagined his attention. When he pulled away with desire burning in his gaze, his warmth spread inside her, and she knew his attention was no illusion. She should stay on guard with his sudden change of attitude, but her knees weakened from his closeness. Her heart opened wider, craving his attention, needing it to survive. If she was a fool, then so be it.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  A calm settled over Reese. He had been debating on how to proceed with Evelyn. Reese wondered how she would receive his attention. He doubted her open acceptance, fearing he had pushed her too hard with his coldness since they married. However, it was as if she held her arms open wide for him to land in. Was Evelyn so desperate for attention that she would accept any kindness he offered? If so, his plan would be easier than he thought. He only had to release his full arsenal of charm, and Evelyn would be his devoted slave.

  Reese grabbed a hold of Evelyn’s hand and guided her out to the curricle waiting for them. He helped her up into the high seat, making her comfortable for the bumpy ride they were about to embark on. After he settled himself, he took the ribbons and started their ride to the pond.

  Along the way, he gave Evelyn a brief history of the estate and pointed out landmarks. She exclaimed her delight at the beauty of his home and asked him questions pertaining to the estate he hadn’t considered himself. She surprised him with her knowledge of estate management. He was so enamored by their conversation, he didn’t notice how near to the pond they were.

  Reese’s family waved to them, their excitement more than obvious. Suddenly, he felt nothing but disappointment. Now he had to share Evelyn with his family. He wished it were only the two of them. He wanted to share the magic of the area with her alon
e. The pond had always been an oasis of happiness for his family. It was the only place their father never visited. They would escape there throughout the year when they needed peace.

  For the first time in his life, Reese experienced selfishness, and he wished his family weren’t there. However, they had as much a right to share this little piece of paradise with Evelyn as he did, if not more so. He didn’t deserve to at all, truth be told. His boorish behavior ruined his right. But still, that didn’t keep him from wanting to share an afternoon wrapped in her sunshine.

  Reese watched Evelyn’s face brighten when she saw his family. Her adoration of them was obvious, as were theirs. His brother and sisters bombarded Evelyn with questions on her opinion of the estate. Evelyn laughed at their enthusiasm. Reese felt a twinge at her laughter and realized he was jealous of her openness with his family. Did he want her to be that carefree with him?

  His twinge only grew tighter when Graham reached out and swung Evelyn from the curricle. Reese’s grip tightened on the ribbons as he stared at Graham’s hands wrapped around his wife’s waist. Then when Evelyn’s laughter grew and she rested her hands on Graham’s shoulders, his twinge clenched again.

  Graham swung Evelyn in a circle before releasing her, but he stayed close enough to her in case she lost her footing. Soon Noel and Eden hooked their arms through Evelyn’s and dragged her to the pond where his mother and Maggie were feeding the ducklings.

  Reese swung his head toward Graham’s chuckle. He narrowed his eyes and growled at his brother, who in return let out a bellow of laughter.

  “Mmm, that is what I thought. I was not for certain. But now I am.”

  “What do you imagine you are so certain of?” Reese growled.

  His brother gave him a sly smile. “Why, your regard of the lovely Evelyn. She looks most exquisite today, does she not? Like sunshine bursting through the clouds. Yes, that is how I would describe her,” Graham answered and walked away before Reese could dispute him.


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