How the Earl Fell for His Countess (Matchmaking Madness Book 2)

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How the Earl Fell for His Countess (Matchmaking Madness Book 2) Page 7

by Laura A. Barnes

  Sunshine? Was that not how Reese just referred to Evelyn? Only Graham’s description was more accurate than his. She had been a ray of sunshine to his family. Reese observed how his sisters clamored for her attention, each of them finding something in Evelyn that brightened their outlook on life. While he only thought to use her for a means to an end, they embraced her quiet manner for something altogether different.

  Reese walked toward the pond and leaned against a tree, reflecting on his wife.

  His mother interrupted his thoughts. “I hope your appearance at our picnic today is because you are welcoming Evelyn as your wife, not as a ploy for revenge against the charming girl.”

  Reese wanted to scoff at the “charming girl” comment. Devious would have been the more appropriate term. However, to convince Evelyn of his devotion, he must also convince his family, especially his mother. His mother was shrewd and would notice his intent if he didn’t stay on guard.

  “After a considerable amount of time, my anger with her deception has waned. I no longer hold any animosity toward Evelyn. I want to start anew. There could not have been a more splendid opportunity than to join my family in a picnic at our favorite spot.” He glanced over at her. “Do you not agree it to be most fitting, Mother?”

  His mother narrowed her gaze at him, looking for any sign of deception. When she noticed his innocent smile and how his gaze kept drifting toward Evelyn, she squeezed his arm in acceptance. “Yes, most fitting. I feared for a while you were following in your father’s footsteps with your anger. I am glad that you have found reason and wish to make Evelyn your loving wife.”

  His mother strolled over to the girls and joined in with their laughter. Reese paused, contemplating his mother’s words. She wasn’t the first member of his family who had taunted him with that comparison. Graham and Eden had both thrown those words at him. And if Noel’s frown toward him whenever they crossed was any indication, then she felt the same way. Only Maggie had treated him the same. Or had she? Now that he recalled, Maggie had been absent from joining him in the stables.

  Reese looked toward his family and saw the reason they supported Evelyn. She had become one of them. Would he ever regard her in the same light? Or would he let his revenge ruin what could be an endearing relationship? Either way, he refused to consider it.

  “YOUR FIRST PICNIC WITH Reese. Isn’t it so romantic?” Noel gushed.

  “Actually, we have already shared a picnic once before. Evelyn chose me to be her guest to share a picnic basket with during the house party.”

  Noel beamed. “Even more dreamy. Who else was at the picnic?”

  Reese took a bite out of the chocolate cake everyone else devoured. He swallowed before speaking. “Everyone from the house party. However, Evelyn and I shared a blanket and basket of the most edible delights by ourselves. Did you know my wife has a sweet tooth for chocolate pudding?”

  “Then we must have cook prepare the dessert for dinner,” said his mother.

  “I agree.” Reese winked at Evelyn.

  Noel continued romanticizing the picnic. “Did Reese read love poems to you? Did you gaze into each other’s eyes?”

  Evelyn shook her head. “No, we did not speak throughout the picnic. Your brother made moon eyes at my sister, Charlotte, and glared at her picnic companion, Lord Sinclair.”

  Silence descended on them. Evelyn could pinch herself for being so spiteful. It wasn’t her intention. She made herself a promise not to lie or glamorize their relationship. His family needed to understand, Noel especially, that she had tricked Reese into marrying her.

  Reese stared at her. “Had I known it was your kisses that set my soul on fire, I would have directed all my devotion toward you.”

  The other ladies sighed at his declaration, Graham laughed, and Evelyn only wanted to roll her eyes. She saw his attempt to charm her for what it was. He applied his tactics a little too heavy for Evelyn to believe his sincerity. He may fool his family, but not her. She’d had enough practice with Charlotte over the years to realize that her husband wanted his family to believe he had miraculously forgiven her. But Evelyn knew better.

  What Reese didn’t understand was that she loved him with every breath of her soul. She knew her husband’s flaws and his little idiosyncrasies. When he pretended to play someone false, his tone held a flatness to it, as if he didn’t believe in his lie. However, his voice deepened with passion when he spoke the truth. When he lied, he held his left hand in a fist. But if he told the truth, he used the same hand to speak with. Then there were his eyes. Reese’s blue gaze held a dull flatness with his lies. However, if he believed in what he spoke, the sapphires shone with his sincerity.

  Evelyn smiled sweetly at Reese, willing to play his game until she learned the rules. “I am sure you would have, Lord Worthington.” She looked at Eden. “Would you care to join me for a walk? I wish to continue our discussion from yesterday.”

  Eden jumped up. “I would love to.”

  Reese watched Evelyn walk away with his sister. Eden pointed to landmarks near them, and Evelyn would laugh along with Eden’s stories. Soon Maggie rose from the blanket and skipped after them. He sighed. He didn’t know how to judge their conversation during lunch. Had Evelyn fallen for his false compliment?

  “You try too hard, brother,” said Graham.

  “I agree,” replied his mother.

  “Perhaps, if you were more sincere, Evelyn might believe you. You are sincere, are you not, Reese?” asked Noel.

  He didn’t meet their gazes. “Why would I not be?”

  “Your left hand is closed in a fist,” said Graham, giving him a look.

  Noel shrugged. “Your voice is flat. There was no passion when you spoke.”

  “And your eyes hold a dull expression. If your own family knows these characteristics when you lie, do you not think that the woman who loves you would notice these too?” asked his mother. “Which only confirms what I hoped was not true.”

  He sighed in frustration. “All of you misunderstand.”

  His mother smoothed her hands down her skirt. “Do we?”

  “Yes, I feel awkward sharing my feelings toward Evelyn in front of my family. ‘Tis all.” He shrugged as if it were no big deal.

  “Humph,” answered Graham.

  Noel reached out and wrapped her hands around Reese’s fist, trying to coax his hand to relax. “It is your loss, Reese, if you choose not to forgive Evelyn. She has a heart full of love to give, if only you would give her the chance. If you will not, then one day she will find someone else who will.”

  Noel rose, since Reese wouldn’t loosen his fist. Her smile held sadness for him before she wandered over to her sisters.

  Noel’s declaration left Reese speechless. When had his sister become so wise and capable of speaking with such clarity? He’d always thought of Noel as lighthearted and full of romantic fantasies. However, Noel held an insight that most of her age wouldn’t.

  “Your sister speaks the truth. I only hope you realize the gift given to you before it is too late.”

  His mother rose after her comment, and Graham followed. Graham offered their mother his arm and left Reese alone after they strolled away. Once again, Reese was an outsider to his own family, and Evelyn was more accepted than he was. When had his plan taken a turn for the worse? Was his mother correct and Evelyn knew that he played her false?

  No, impossible. The girl hardly knew him at all.

  Chapter Eight

  Reese cleared the picnic area away. His family valued their privacy during their more intimate moments, so they never allowed the servants to accompany them to the pond. He hoped to atone for his behavior and maybe convince his family and Evelyn that he had changed. Perhaps he could convince Evelyn to join him for a boat ride. There, he would have her alone and could gauge her reaction to see if she had fallen for his charm.

  Soon his family arrived back from their walk. He waited for any sign of forgiveness with his hands behind his back. They stopped ta
lking once they came upon him, making it more than obvious that he had been the topic of their discussion. Reese reined in his annoyance at being their subject of ridicule.

  “Evelyn, can I interest you in a row around the pond? Around the bend of trees, there is a view of the estate I think you will enjoy,” asked Reese.

  “What a splendid idea,” said Noel, winking at Reese from behind Evelyn.

  Reese bit back a smile at his sister’s attempt to convince Evelyn to spend time alone with him.

  They left Evelyn with no choice but to accept Reese’s offer. If she showed displeasure at his attempt to repair their marriage, then his family would lay the fault on her. If she accepted, it didn’t mean Evelyn forgave him or believed Reese wanted to fix their marriage.

  Reese held his breath, awaiting her refusal.

  “I would love to,” Evelyn answered, and he felt only the tiniest twinge of guilt.

  Evelyn followed Reese to the paddle boat, and with Graham’s help, she sat across from Reese while he tested the paddles in the water. Assured they were workable, he paddled them from the clearing. After waving to the family, Evelyn focused her attention on her husband, curious as to why he suggested they spend time alone. However, he never spoke, leaving her disappointed. He worked the rows with his body relaxed and a serene smile settled upon his face. Evelyn had never seen Reese in such a lighthearted mood. It was as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders, and he was enjoying the simplicity of the day.

  She decided to relax her guard and accept his offer for what it was. A time to relax and take pleasure in each other with the beauty of the estate surrounding them. It was a magnificent sight. The trees were full. The wildflowers were blooming and dotted the countryside with its abundance of color. Ducklings swam alongside the boat, causing Evelyn to giggle at their antics.

  When Reese looked her way, Evelyn pointed to the ducks. His face lit up with one of his swooning smiles. Only his smile didn’t just come from his kissable lips, but his eyes shone with humor, drawing Evelyn under his spell. Her fate was doomed.

  Reese rowed them to the opening beyond the trees. The sight in front of him never seemed to amaze him. His property stretched out for miles in splendid beauty. When he was younger, he’d visited this spot often, dreaming of when it would all be his. Now that the day had come, and the view held even more glory. He glanced at Evelyn to see if her reaction was the same.

  Evelyn looked in awe at the gorgeous landscape. She’d grown up on an amazing estate, but it didn’t hold the raw beauty of Reese’s home. The rolling hills in the landscape begged for you to roam them, and the wildflowers whispered for you to pick them. Evelyn imagined exploring the wildness with Reese and their children.

  “There are no words to describe the beauty of your home, Reese.” Evelyn spoke with such sincerity that it choked her up.

  Reese reached across the boat and slid his hands in hers. “Our home, Evelyn. This beauty now belongs to you, too.”

  Reese watched the blush spread over her cheeks. When she tried to pull her hands away, he held on tight. He meant every word he said, and he wanted her to at least believe him on this. His home was now hers and would be the home of their children. A home that he hoped in time would be free of deception and revenge. That might have been hypocritical of his current plans, yet it was how he felt at this moment.

  Evelyn didn’t answer Reese. She kept staring at their joined hands, then flitting away to the scenery, then back to their hands. The warmth and comfort from his touch swept away Evelyn’s doubts on Reese’s agenda. He couldn’t embrace the beauty of this land that he now shared with her and not have forgiven her.

  Soon their peaceful afternoon took a turn for the worse. The dark clouds closed in, and a burst of rain showered down upon them. Reese cursed, causing Evelyn to laugh at him. He shook his head and growled at the sky, but soon started laughing along with her. Her enjoyment at their predicament consumed Reese. He wanted to capture more of the free spirit he didn’t know Evelyn held.

  “Is the rain part of what makes this view so special?” Evelyn teased.

  Reese couldn’t answer her. The rain only enhanced the beauty of Evelyn. Rain dripped along her cheeks and drifted to her lips, leaving little droplets of water waiting for him to lick away. Her emerald eyes shone with flecks of fairy dust. Silver sparkles pulled him closer. Her laughter burst with a melody against the thunder crackling. Reese leaned forward, brushing a wet strand from her cheeks.

  “So very special,” Reese murmured before tracing his tongue across her lips, tasting the sweet drops of rain upon them.

  When Evelyn sighed, Reese wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her into his kiss. Her lips opened under his, and Reese devoured her. One kiss after another. He savored the intoxicating flavor of Evelyn. Raindrops, chocolate cake, and passion. With every one of Evelyn’s kisses, she poured her soul into him, and Reese greedily accepted them, never wanting it to end.

  Evelyn trembled, and Reese thought it was from the passion they shared. But when her teeth started clattering against his, he realized it was from the chill in the air. He pulled away and noticed her body shook from her drenched clothing. Reese swore again at his callous disregard for her care.

  He pulled off his coat and wrapped it around her. “I’ll get us inside soon. Just a little longer.”

  Reese rowed them toward the small cottage nestled between the trees that the family used when they came ice skating in the winter. He searched for his family in the downpour to see if they took up shelter, but all he noticed was Graham’s horse tied near the cottage. The other conveyances were gone. His family had abandoned them. When Evelyn started sneezing, Reese rowed harder, only for the oars to split in half. Was their afternoon destined for one disaster after another?

  Evelyn shivered under Reese’s coat, watching him row them closer to shelter. His determination to see to her welfare comforted her and convinced her that Reese cared. When he stood and the boat shook, Evelyn grabbed onto the sides. “Reese?”

  “The oars broke.”


  “Graham,” Reese growled.

  She frowned. “Why?”

  Reese shook his head, refusing to answer his wife on why his brother would damage their only means to safety. The interfering sneak. Then he realized his family was behind the sabotage, and it explained their absence. When he carried Evelyn into the cottage, he knew everything for a proper seduction would be present. He looked ahead and noted the smoke rising from the chimney. Yes, they had set a fire, and Reese was positive that there would be blankets and pillows laid near the hearth. Also, they would leave provisions to get them through the night.

  He didn’t know whether to keep cursing his bad luck or thank his family for the help in seducing his wife.

  “Reese?” Evelyn said again, staring at him.

  Reese realized he needed to reward his family for his gratitude. They made his plan progress sooner than he’d hoped for. At this instant, his plan no longer mattered. He wanted Evelyn with an ache he didn’t understand but knew he needed to fulfill.

  “Only a trick to seek his revenge. Nothing to concern yourself over.”

  “How will we get to the bank?”

  “Like this.”

  Reese jumped in the water, which only hit him at the waist. Then he started pulling the boat toward land. Once he secured the boat, he lifted Evelyn and carried her to the cottage. Even though her clothing left her soaked, her warmth seared into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and settled her head on his shoulder. Evelyn’s trust humbled him. He didn’t deserve one ounce of it. But like the greedy bastard he was, Reese would take it and use it to his advantage and worry over the consequences of it later.

  When he arrived at the cottage, he noticed the door ajar. Reese kicked the door open and stepped inside. As he thought, a fire warmed the hearth, and a variety of blankets and pillows were spread across the floor. A bottle of wine rested on the table with
two glasses and a picnic basket he’d not seen before. Ahh, his family was so predictable.

  How would Evelyn react to the seduction scene?

  Reese slid her down his body, and Evelyn kept her hands wrapped behind his neck. He didn’t want to give her a chance to see what awaited them. He wanted to sweep her into the passion they always shared once their lips met.

  He took her mouth in a gentle kiss, coaxing Evelyn to open herself to their desire. His hands worked on sliding off her bonnet and unbuttoning her dress. When he freed the buttons, he lowered the dress off her shoulders. When the warm air brushed against her shivering body, Evelyn pulled away and raised her eyes to his. Her questioning gaze pierced him, leaving Reese hanging onto a fear that she would refuse his advances.

  Evelyn wasn’t questioning Reese. His intentions were more than clear. And his family’s, too. They had set her up for Reese’s seduction. Was this set up for Reese, too? Or had it been at his request? No. She didn’t believe so. Evelyn stood there, questioning herself. Should she give herself to a man she didn’t trust to return her love? Or should she refuse whatever Reese wanted to give her?

  Evelyn ached for any sign from Reese that he had forgiven her, and today had proved a step in that direction. His gaze reflected his fear of her refusal. Did he realize the full impact of his emotions regarding her? She knew in her heart that he hadn’t accepted her apology, but he would. But did Reese understand that? Evelyn doubted it. If so, he wouldn’t look conflicted by his actions.

  Evelyn slid out of her wet dress, letting it hit the floor in a puddle. She took two steps back and slid her chemise off. Reese stood rooted, unsure of Evelyn. She smiled, taking two more steps closer to the fire. Evelyn bent over and slid a stocking off before backing up again.

  This time, Reese advanced a few steps then stopped. Evelyn took off her other stocking, leaving a trail behind her. Turning around, she strolled to stand naked before the fire. She heard Reese approach. He came to stand but a whisper away from her. When Reese lifted a hand to trail from her shoulder to her breasts, his hand trembled.


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