How the Earl Fell for His Countess (Matchmaking Madness Book 2)

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How the Earl Fell for His Countess (Matchmaking Madness Book 2) Page 8

by Laura A. Barnes


  “Mama, the rain clouds are coming.” Maggie pointed to the sky.

  “Yes, I see that dear. We must get started on our return home.”

  “What about Reese and Evelyn? Should we warn them?” Maggie asked.

  Lady Worthington watched her son row farther away, oblivious to the impending storm. His attention was devoted to his wife. The storm wasn’t the only factor Reese was oblivious to. He was clueless to the emotions his wife stirred in him. With a little push, he would soon realize the impact Evelyn had over him. And today was one of those days to gently nudge him in Evelyn’s direction.

  A devious smile lit her face. “They will be fine, dear. Graham, is everything prepared?”

  “Yes. I’ve set the scene,” Graham answered.

  “Can we not wait in the cottage for the rain to pass?” Noel asked.

  Eden smirked. “No, we cannot. Mama and Graham have prepared the cottage for Reese and Evelyn.”

  Noel frowned. “How so?”

  “One of a romantic nature,” her mother told her mysteriously. “Now, we need to leave before the storm comes down upon us. Graham, leave your horse for Reese and Evelyn. Maggie, you ride with Graham in Reese’s curricle. Noel and Eden, we will take the cart back.”

  “Mother, Evelyn is afraid of horses,” Eden reprimanded.

  Lady Worthington smiled patiently. “Yes, I am aware of her fear. This is an opportunity for your brother to show his wife that he will protect her from her fears. To allow him to show that he is not the insensitive brute he has shown himself to be. Let it be known, girls, that any gentleman who isn’t sensitive to your fears isn’t worthy of your love.”

  “I must remember to never bring my bride around once I get married,” said Graham.

  “Probably for the best if you decide to follow your brother’s lead,” agreed Lady Worthington.

  “If I am ever so lucky to win a lady’s love from someone as exquisite as Evelyn, I will worship at her feet.”

  Lady Worthington nodded in approval. She knew her younger son would devote his life to the woman he loved. He had always been a charmer with a heart full of love. No matter what rumors floated their way from London about his womanizing ways. Once Graham found his soul mate, there would be no doubt of his devotion.

  Reese, on the other hand, had always held himself above love. Oh, he cared deeply about his family, but he was the only child who had faced his father’s vindictiveness. He had dealt with the brunt of his father’s rages, infidelity toward her, and their financial ruin all by himself. Reese had hardened his heart a little more than most. She hoped in time that he would understand how Evelyn gave her love to him freely with no strings attached.

  Until then, she would help steer Reese along the right path and not the one his father had traveled.

  Thunder crackled overhead, and they hurried along. Lady Worthington looked over her shoulder at the smoke rising from the cottage and smiled in satisfaction. Now it was up to Reese to initiate the seduction scene. Or Evelyn, for that matter.

  REESE STOOD BEHIND Evelyn and drew in her essence. The warmth of the fire breathed life to her fragrance, wrapping Reese in its gentle embrace. He had frozen when she backed away from him. He feared he had taken his advances too far, that it was too soon. Instead, she’d undressed like a siren, her seductive steps moving backwards, enticing him to follow.

  When she turned her back to him, Reese awoke from his trance and strode to her side.

  Evelyn turned to him. Surprise reflected in her gaze at his closeness. Her silken skin beckoned him to caress her softness. Starting at her shoulders, he stroked a path to her plump breasts, and she trembled under his touch. Or it could have been he who trembled for the chance to savor Evelyn. He brushed his thumb across her tight bud, back and forth. Evelyn sighed. When he pressed his thumb and finger and twisted, Evelyn gasped and his mouth crashed into hers, swallowing her moans.

  His other hand reached up to capture her other breast. He stroked them until Evelyn writhed before him. Her kisses begged him to love her with each stroke of her tongue against his. Still, Evelyn never once touched Reese. He burned, ached with a need only Evelyn could fulfill with her gentle caresses. Reese needed her touch upon him, her fingers trailing across his body, her kisses whispering against his skin.

  Reese lifted Evelyn in his arms and carried her to the pillows. He laid her down gently and sat back on his heels, taking in her beauty. Her hair lay in rivulets across her shoulders, soaked from the rain. Evelyn’s body glowed in the fire’s light. She was exquisite, and she was his.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  Reese’s gruff voice echoed his doubt. Evelyn hoped it wasn’t from her not touching him. She lost the ability to function once Reese touched her, her senses exploding with every sensuous caress and kiss. Even now, with his intense stare, Evelyn couldn’t complete a thought, let alone move. But then she noticed her silence and neglect.

  Evelyn needed to show Reese how much she needed him to continue.

  Evelyn rose to her knees, shaking her head at his question. When he still didn’t look satisfied, she started unbuttoning his shirt. When she reached the last button, she lifted his shirt off. Then she trailed her fingers from his shoulder, across his chest, and down to the inside of his trousers, where she ran back and forth. Her hand dipped lower, and Reese sucked in a breath when she brushed across his hardness. His need for her was more than evident.

  Evelyn’s siren smile returned when she touched Reese’s cock. All his doubts fled with that one curious caress. He imagined how he would react if she were to take hold and pleasure him the way he craved. But he couldn’t ask that of Evelyn. She was his wife, not his whore. Still, it didn’t keep him from wondering how the soft touch of her lips guiding him deeper into her mouth would feel. Heaven. Pure heaven with a touch of madness.

  Evelyn wanted to touch Reese as intimately as he touched her, but her shyness kept her from exploring more. Instead, she moved to safer territories and let her hands wander up the length of his back until they sank in his damp strands. Evelyn coaxed Reese to lower his head, so she could answer him with her kiss. Her tongue trailed across his lips, dipping inside then back out again. Teasing him with a taste, then pulling away.

  However, her husband lost patience with her sweet torture and took control of the kiss. He dominated their passion with each stroke of his tongue. Evelyn whimpered under his kiss, losing herself once again to Reese.

  Evelyn’s teasing undid him. His passion had been unleashed, and he needed to make Evelyn his again. Now. He swept her under him, spreading her legs apart. His hands lowered, sweeping up her thighs to find her wet for him. Reese sunk a finger inside, and Evelyn’s fire singed him. He tore open the placket of his trousers, pulled out his cock, and guided it toward the heat. He wanted to take her quick, but stopped when he realized he wanted to savor each sensation of sliding inside her while Evelyn’s heat surrounded him. She rewarded Reese with her body’s response of pleasure.

  Evelyn thrust her body at Reese, her pussy tightening around his cock, gripping him with its softness. She arched her hips into his, her body begging him to stroke her harder. She clutched at his arms while her legs locked around his, sliding up and down with the anticipation of fulfillment.

  “Reese,” Evelyn whispered.

  With each touch from Reese, Evelyn’s desire grew higher, yet still out of reach. Reese took possession of her body with each stroke. She rode toward the edge of completeness that she only wanted to reach with Reese. His strokes turned bolder, demanding Evelyn’s surrender. He built in her a need so powerful, it frightened her until he reached a peak and soothed her with a gentleness her body craved.

  Evelyn moaned. “Reese.”

  His passion kept climbing. Each stroke wasn’t enough for him. Evelyn had only whispered and moaned his name. His need to have her scream his name in ecstasy drove him to take full possession of her soul. He needed to hear her screams as he needed a
ir to breathe. To him, they were the signs of her surrendering to the passion that pushed them into completeness.

  Reese paused, watching his wife on the brink of surrendering, her head thrown back, little whimpers escaping between her lips as her body clung to him. He swiveled his hips, pressing himself in deeper. Her eyes widened at the pressure, capturing his gaze. With each press closer, Evelyn arched into him. She tightened her core around his cock, and each throb vibrated with her need. When her nails dug into his back, Reese lost what control he held onto. He drove into Evelyn, unleashing his possession.

  “Reese!” Evelyn screamed.

  Evelyn screamed Reese’s name over and over when his body took control and satisfied the craving her body needed that only Reese could fulfill. She gave her body freely—and her heart, whether or not he wanted it. It was his, and no other would hold it in their hands. Evelyn had lost herself to Reese.

  Evelyn’s scream sank into Reese’s soul and took hold, never to let go. They were fated to be one, as much as Reese kept trying to deny it. Each time he made love to Evelyn, their bond strengthened. What confused him was that he didn’t want to release the hold. He craved to see how much tighter it would wound itself.

  He gathered Evelyn close, not ready to let her go, before he drifted to sleep.

  Evelyn, wrapped in Reese’s embrace, lay in awe of their powerful connection. She heard Reese’s light snores and snuggled closer. She knew this afternoon was a rare occurrence for their marriage and decided she would indulge in the pleasure for as long as possible instead of denying herself. Until the day she needed to make a decision regarding the fate of their marriage. But for now, she would seek the comfort she craved from his arms.

  Chapter Nine

  Evelyn hummed as she arranged the flowers in the foyer. It was a small task she had taken upon herself once she realized how much Reese loved the smell of fresh-cut flowers. It was an extra touch to her most recent changes that he approved of. Reese was never stingy with his compliments regarding how she had taken over her wifely duties, especially in the bedroom.

  Every night since the picnic, Reese had come to her bedroom and carried her to his, where he made passionate love to her before carrying Evelyn back to her own bed to sleep. While Evelyn yearned to spend the night in his arms, she didn’t protest. A cocoon of forgiveness surrounded them. She didn’t want to disrupt it, for fear that their marriage would become strained again.

  An arm wrapped around her middle, and Evelyn sighed, leaning back against Reese. His warm lips kissed a path along her neck.

  “While the flowers are a lovely touch to the foyer, they pale compared to the beauty of my wife,” he whispered in her ear.

  She melted in his arms. Reese turned Evelyn around and kissed her softly. However, one simple kiss wasn’t enough. He desired to carry her abovestairs, lay her on his bed, and worship her all afternoon. He raised his head, looking for any sign of his family. If they weren’t around, he could make his wish come true.

  “Graham took your mother and sisters into the village to shop.”

  “Did you not wish to join them? I have informed the shopkeepers to add your name to my accounts.”

  “There is nothing I desire in the village stores, my lord. All that I desire is right here.” Evelyn looked down shyly, running her fingers along the buttons of his waistcoat.

  “And the servants?” Reese gulped when Evelyn’s fingers trailed lowered.

  Evelyn stood on her tiptoes, her lips trailing up his neck. This time she whispered in his ears, “I suppose they are taking their luncheon.”

  Evelyn stepped back, giving Reese a lingering glance before she started walking up the stairs. Reese stood spellbound by his aggressive wife and watched her pause halfway up. How he ever thought his wife dull was beyond him. Evelyn kept surprising him at every turn, leaving him in doubt of his revenge.

  “Reese,” Evelyn whispered.


  Evelyn laughed. “I have already whispered your name, which only leaves my moans and screams for you to listen to. Unless your afternoon is full?”

  Evelyn started back down the steps, but soon Reese threw her over his shoulder, taking the stairs two at a time. Evelyn’s laughter filled the house when she heard Reese muttering about having a tease for a wife. Before they reached the landing, someone pounded on the door, letting them know a visitor had arrived. Reese paused only long enough until the pounding stopped, then he continued to his bedroom. However, before he reached the entry, the pounding began again, and no servants rushed to answer the door.

  “Reese, the servants are at lunch. We must answer. Something could have happened to your family and they need our help.”

  “Nonsense, Graham is with them. It is probably a busybody neighbor wanting to meet my wife. I will not share you this afternoon.”

  Evelyn’s heart warmed at Reese’s declaration. She almost forgot about answering the door and considered allowing Reese to draw her into his bedroom. After all, it was at her suggestion that he follow her. However, whoever pounded on the door was relentless.

  “Reese,” Evelyn persisted.

  Reese sighed his frustration. A more inviting afternoon without his family around would seldom happen again. His opportunity was wasted by a simple knock on the door. Whoever they were, they had better have one hell of an explanation for ruining his pleasure.

  Reese stomped down the stairs with Evelyn following him, her laughter floating behind. Reese wanted to enjoy Evelyn’s playful mood in the bedroom. He threw open the door and growled at his guests. His worst nightmare stood on the stoop wearing a mischievous grin, and her cohort standing next to her wore a smirk at Reese’s displeasure. He growled his welcome.

  His wife peeked around him and exclaimed her glee. “Charlie!”

  One hand pushed him away while another hand pulled him back, each lady trying to reach the other while he stood in their way. Evelyn wrapped her arms around Charlotte and twirled her around. Their chatter exploded around them, each asking questions and answering without drawing a breath. If Reese thought his wife a beauty that none could compare to before, she stood breathtaking now. The love Evelyn held for her sister was clear in every aspect of her affection. A love he envied and wished she held for him. Reese shook himself at such nonsense.

  Sinclair cleared his throat behind him. When he looked over his shoulder, he narrowed his eyes at Sinclair’s know-it-all expression. Sinclair stood waiting for an invitation into his home, one Reese had no inclination of extending, even though Sinclair’s wife had made herself welcome. At Reese’s glare, Sinclair only laughed.

  “Ah, I know the feeling,” said Sinclair.

  Reese rolled his eyes. “I highly doubt it.”

  Sinclair shrugged. “You will get used to it.”

  “I have no intention now or in the future.”

  “You are still not sour on marrying Evelyn, are you?” asked Charlotte.

  “Of course, he is not. Are you, my dear?” Evelyn asked, laying her hand on Reese’s arm.

  Reese didn’t answer Evelyn’s or Charlotte’s questions. Was he still angry with her? Evelyn wondered when Reese tensed under her hand and continued scowling at their guests. The happy existence she had convinced herself of evaporated into the animosity from before. The last few weeks disappeared because her sister and brother-in-law had paid a visit. Evelyn stepped back from Reese, not trusting herself around the fury emanating from him.

  Charlotte glared at Worthington’s rude welcoming. Her uncle was correct about the earl. When she first arrived, her sister had displayed a playful complexion. Now Evelyn stepped away from Worthington, holding the same expression of sadness as when she’d confessed her deception.

  Then there was the matter of Worthington. Fury rippled off him worse than when he’d visited Uncle Theo’s estate. Charlotte was so thankful when her husband had suggested they pay a visit to Evelyn on their way to London. She hoped to convince Evelyn to join them on their journey. Now she made herself
a promise that she wouldn’t leave without Evelyn. Her sister didn’t deserve such harsh treatment.

  Charlotte thought her sister had found the same love she experienced with Sinclair. Her letters over the last few weeks had mentioned Reese this and Reese that. Evelyn had filled her lighthearted missives with descriptions of her duties as Reese’s wife and of his wonderful family. Evelyn had seemed happy.

  However, Evelyn’s letters hadn’t convinced Uncle Theo, and he wanted to see for himself. Charlotte had convinced her uncle that when they delivered the colt, they would stay for a visit to discover if Evelyn held the same happiness she portrayed. Lucas had wanted to come with them, but the anger he held toward his friend remained strong. Sinclair had convinced Lucas that he would give them a full report once they reached London.

  “To what do we owe this pleasure?” Worthington snarled.

  “We have set our path for London and we wished to deliver your wedding present along the way,” answered Sinclair.

  “I will take my leave. I have no desire to accept anything for an incident I still find distaste with.” With that, Worthington stalked away, leaving the three of them alone.

  Evelyn stood in shock at his departure. Her heart, which had mended, was now torn asunder once again. Their loving relationship had been a farce. But what was the reason for his deception? Had it all been for revenge? Apparently so.

  Charlotte turned to Sinclair. “Worthington affirmed my decision to gift the paperwork to Evelyn alone. He wasn’t worthy of the gift, Jasper. I know you meant well and wanted a peace offering, but as you have seen for yourself, it was for naught. Worthington has held onto his cruelty.”

  Sinclair ran a hand through her hair. “You are correct as usual, my dear. However, we should not focus on Worthington at this time. Evelyn needs our attention. She appears most distraught.”


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