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Delphi Complete Works of William Wordsworth

Page 82

by William Wordsworth

  And prudent caution needful to avert

  Impending evil, equally require

  That the whole people should be taught and trained.

  So shall licentiousness and black resolve

  Be rooted out, and virtuous habits take 360

  Their place; and genuine piety descend,

  Like an inheritance, from age to age.

  With such foundations laid, avaunt the fear

  Of numbers crowded on their native soil,

  To the prevention of all healthful growth

  Through mutual injury! Rather in the law

  Of increase and the mandate from above

  Rejoice!—and ye have special cause for joy.

  —For, as the element of air affords

  An easy passage to the industrious bees 370

  Fraught with their burthens; and a way as smooth

  For those ordained to take their sounding flight

  From the thronged hive, and settle where they list

  In fresh abodes—their labour to renew;

  So the wide waters, open to the power,

  The will, the instincts, and appointed needs

  Of Britain, do invite her to cast off

  Her swarms, and in succession send them forth;

  Bound to establish new communities

  On every shore whose aspect favours hope 380

  Or bold adventure; promising to skill

  And perseverance their deserved reward.

  Yes,” he continued, kindling as he spake,

  “Change wide, and deep, and silently performed,

  This Land shall witness; and as days roll on,

  Earth’s universal frame shall feel the effect;

  Even till the smallest habitable rock,

  Beaten by lonely billows, hear the songs

  Of humanised society; and bloom

  With civil arts, that shall breathe forth their fragrance, 390

  A grateful tribute to all-ruling Heaven.

  From culture, unexclusively bestowed

  On Albion’s noble Race in freedom born,

  Expect these mighty issues: from the pains

  And faithful care of unambitious schools

  Instructing simple childhood’s ready ear:

  Thence look for these magnificent results!

  —Vast the circumference of hope—and ye

  Are at its centre, British Lawgivers;

  Ah! sleep not there in shame! Shall Wisdom’s voice 400

  From out the bosom of these troubled times

  Repeat the dictates of her calmer mind,

  And shall the venerable halls ye fill

  Refuse to echo the sublime decree?

  Trust not to partial care a general good;

  Transfer not to futurity a work

  Of urgent need.—Your Country must complete

  Her glorious destiny. Begin even now,

  Now, when oppression, like the Egyptian plague

  Of darkness, stretched o’er guilty Europe, makes 410

  The brightness more conspicuous that invests

  The happy Island where ye think and act;

  Now, when destruction is a prime pursuit,

  Show to the wretched nations for what end

  The powers of civil polity were given.”

  Abruptly here, but with a graceful air,

  The Sage broke off. No sooner had he ceased

  Than, looking forth, the gentle Lady said,

  “Behold the shades of afternoon have fallen

  Upon this flowery slope; and see—beyond— 420

  The silvery lake is streaked with placid blue;

  As if preparing for the peace of evening.

  How temptingly the landscape shines! The air

  Breathes invitation; easy is the walk

  To the lake’s margin, where a boat lies moored

  Under a sheltering tree.”—Upon this hint

  We rose together; all were pleased; but most

  The beauteous girl, whose cheek was flushed with joy.

  Light as a sunbeam glides along the hills

  She vanished—eager to impart the scheme 430

  To her loved brother and his shy compeer.

  —Now was there bustle in the Vicar’s house

  And earnest preparation.—Forth we went,

  And down the vale along the streamlet’s edge

  Pursued our way, a broken company,

  Mute or conversing, single or in pairs.

  Thus having reached a bridge, that overarched

  The hasty rivulet where it lay becalmed

  In a deep pool, by happy chance we saw

  A twofold image; on a grassy bank 440

  A snow-white ram, and in the crystal flood

  Another and the same! Most beautiful,

  On the green turf, with his imperial front

  Shaggy and bold, and wreathed horns superb,

  The breathing creature stood; as beautiful,

  Beneath him, showed his shadowy counterpart.

  Each had his glowing mountains, each his sky,

  And each seemed centre of his own fair world:

  Antipodes unconscious of each other,

  Yet, in partition, with their several spheres, 450

  Blended in perfect stillness, to our sight!

  “Ah! what a pity were it to disperse,

  Or to disturb, so fair a spectacle,

  And yet a breath can do it!”

  These few words

  The Lady whispered, while we stood and gazed

  Gathered together, all in still delight,

  Not without awe. Thence passing on, she said

  In like low voice to my particular ear,

  “I love to hear that eloquent old Man

  Pour forth his meditations, and descant 460

  On human life from infancy to age.

  How pure his spirit! in what vivid hues

  His mind gives back the various forms of things,

  Caught in their fairest, happiest, attitude!

  While he is speaking, I have power to see

  Even as he sees; but when his voice hath ceased,

  Then, with a sigh, sometimes I feel, as now,

  That combinations so serene and bright

  Cannot be lasting in a world like ours,

  Whose highest beauty, beautiful as it is, 470

  Like that reflected in yon quiet pool,

  Seems but a fleeting sunbeam’s gift, whose peace,

  The sufferance only of a breath of air!”

  More had she said—but sportive shouts were heard

  Sent from the jocund hearts of those two Boys,

  Who, bearing each a basket on his arm,

  Down the green field came tripping after us.

  With caution we embarked; and now the pair

  For prouder service were addrest; but each,

  Wishful to leave an opening for my choice, 480

  Dropped the light oar his eager hand had seized.

  Thanks given for that becoming courtesy,

  Their place I took—and for a grateful office

  Pregnant with recollections of the time

  When, on thy bosom, spacious Windermere!

  A Youth, I practised this delightful art;

  Tossed on the waves alone, or ‘mid a crew

  Of joyous comrades. Soon as the reedy marge

  Was cleared, I dipped, with arms accordant, oars

  Free from obstruction; and the boat advanced 490

  Through crystal water, smoothly as a hawk,

  That, disentangled from the shady boughs

  Of some thick wood, her place of covert, cleaves

  With correspondent wings the abyss of air.

  —”Observe,” the Vicar said, “yon rocky isle

  With birch-trees fringed; my hand shall guide the helm,

  While thitherward we shape our course; or while

  We seek that other, on the western shore;

  Where the bare columns of those lofty

  Supporting gracefully a massy dome 500

  Of sombre foliage, seem to imitate

  A Grecian temple rising from the Deep.”

  “Turn where we may,” said I, “we cannot err

  In this delicious region.”—Cultured slopes,

  Wild tracts of forest-ground, and scattered groves,

  And mountains bare, or clothed with ancient woods,

  Surrounded us; and, as we held our way

  Along the level of the glassy flood,

  They ceased not to surround us; change of place

  From kindred features diversely combined, 510

  Producing change of beauty ever new.

  —Ah! that such beauty, varying in the light

  Of living nature, cannot be portrayed

  By words, nor by the pencil’s silent skill;

  But is the property of him alone

  Who hath beheld it, noted it with care,

  And in his mind recorded it with love!

  Suffice it, therefore, if the rural Muse

  Vouchsafe sweet influence, while her Poet speaks

  Of trivial occupations well devised, 520

  And unsought pleasures springing up by chance;

  As if some friendly Genius had ordained

  That, as the day thus far had been enriched

  By acquisition of sincere delight,

  The same should be continued to its close.

  One spirit animating old and young,

  A gipsy-fire we kindled on the shore

  Of the fair Isle with birch-trees fringed—and there,

  Merrily seated in a ring, partook

  A choice repast—served by our young companions 530

  With rival earnestness and kindred glee.

  Launched from our hands the smooth stone skimmed the lake;

  With shouts we raised the echoes:—stiller sounds

  The lovely Girl supplied—a simple song,

  Whose low tones reached not to the distant rocks

  To be repeated thence, but gently sank

  Into our hearts; and charmed the peaceful flood.

  Rapaciously we gathered flowery spoils

  From land and water; lilies of each hue—

  Golden and white, that float upon the waves, 540

  And court the wind; and leaves of that shy plant,

  (Her flowers were shed) the lily of the vale,

  That loves the ground, and from the sun withholds

  Her pensive beauty; from the breeze her sweets.

  Such product, and such pastime, did the place

  And season yield; but, as we re-embarked,

  Leaving, in quest of other scenes, the shore

  Of that wild spot, the Solitary said

  In a low voice, yet careless who might hear,

  “The fire, that burned so brightly to our wish, 550

  Where is it now?—Deserted on the beach—

  Dying, or dead! Nor shall the fanning breeze

  Revive its ashes. What care we for this,

  Whose ends are gained? Behold an emblem here

  Of one day’s pleasure, and all mortal joys!

  And, in this unpremeditated slight

  Of that which is no longer needed, see

  The common course of human gratitude!”

  This plaintive note disturbed not the repose

  Of the still evening. Right across the lake 560

  Our pinnace moves; then, coasting creek and bay,

  Glades we behold, and into thickets peep,

  Where couch the spotted deer; or raised our eyes

  To shaggy steeps on which the careless goat

  Browsed by the side of dashing waterfalls;

  And thus the bark, meandering with the shore,

  Pursued her voyage, till a natural pier

  Of jutting rock invited us to land.

  Alert to follow as the Pastor led,

  We clomb a green hill’s side; and, as we clomb, 570

  The Valley, opening out her bosom, gave

  Fair prospect, intercepted less and less,

  O’er the flat meadows and indented coast

  Of the smooth lake, in compass seen:—far off,

  And yet conspicuous, stood the old Church-tower,

  In majesty presiding over fields

  And habitations seemingly preserved

  From all intrusion of the restless world

  By rocks impassable and mountains huge.

  Soft heath this elevated spot supplied, 580

  And choice of moss-clad stones, whereon we couched

  Or sate reclined; admiring quietly

  The general aspect of the scene; but each

  Not seldom over anxious to make known

  His own discoveries; or to favourite points

  Directing notice, merely from a wish

  To impart a joy, imperfect while unshared.

  That rapturous moment never shall I forget

  When these particular interests were effaced

  From every mind!—Already had the sun, 590

  Sinking with less than ordinary state,

  Attained his western bound; but rays of light—

  Now suddenly diverging from the orb

  Retired behind the mountain tops or veiled

  By the dense air—shot upwards to the crown

  Of the blue firmament—aloft, and wide:

  And multitudes of little floating clouds,

  Through their ethereal texture pierced—ere we,

  Who saw, of change were conscious—had become

  Vivid as fire; clouds separately poised,— 600

  Innumerable multitude of forms

  Scattered through half the circle of the sky;

  And giving back, and shedding each on each,

  With prodigal communion, the bright hues

  Which from the unapparent fount of glory

  They had imbibed, and ceased not to receive.

  That which the heavens displayed, the liquid deep

  Repeated; but with unity sublime!

  While from the grassy mountain’s open side

  We gazed, in silence hushed, with eyes intent 610

  On the refulgent spectacle, diffused

  Through earth, sky, water, and all visible space,

  The Priest in holy transport thus exclaimed:

  “Eternal Spirit! universal God!

  Power inaccessible to human thought,

  Save by degrees and steps which thou hast deigned

  To furnish; for this effluence of thyself,

  To the infirmity of mortal sense

  Vouchsafed; this local transitory type

  Of thy paternal splendours, and the pomp 620

  Of those who fill thy courts in highest heaven,

  The radiant Cherubim;—accept the thanks

  Which we, thy humble Creatures, here convened,

  Presume to offer; we, who—from the breast

  Of the frail earth, permitted to behold

  The faint reflections only of thy face—

  Are yet exalted, and in soul adore!

  Such as they are who in thy presence stand

  Unsullied, incorruptible, and drink

  Imperishable majesty streamed forth 630

  From thy empyreal throne, the elect of earth

  Shall be—divested at the appointed hour

  Of all dishonour, cleansed from mortal stain.

  —Accomplish, then, their number; and conclude

  Time’s weary course! Or if, by thy decree,

  The consummation that will come by stealth

  Be yet far distant, let thy Word prevail,

  Oh! let thy Word prevail, to take away

  The sting of human nature. Spread the law,

  As it is written in thy holy book, 640

  Throughout all lands; let every nation hear

  The high behest, and every heart obey;

  Both for the love of purity, and hope

  Which it affords, to such as do thy wi

  And persevere in good, that they shall rise,

  To have a nearer view of thee, in heaven.

  —Father of good! this prayer in bounty grant,

  In mercy grant it, to thy wretched sons.

  Then, not till then, shall persecution cease,

  And cruel wars expire. The way is marked, 650

  The guide appointed, and the ransom paid.

  Alas! the nations, who of yore received

  These tidings, and in Christian temples meet

  The sacred truth to knowledge, linger still;

  Preferring bonds and darkness to a state

  Of holy freedom, by redeeming love

  Proffered to all, while yet on earth detained.

  So fare the many; and the thoughtful few,

  Who in the anguish of their souls bewail

  This dire perverseness, cannot choose but ask, 660

  Shall it endure?—Shall enmity and strife,

  Falsehood and guile, be left to sow their seed;

  And the kind never perish? Is the hope

  Fallacious, or shall righteousness obtain

  A peaceable dominion, wide as earth,

  And ne’er to fail? Shall that blest day arrive

  When they, whose choice or lot it is to dwell

  In crowded cities, without fear shall live

  Studious of mutual benefit; and he,

  Whom Morn awakens, among dews and flowers 670

  Of every clime, to till the lonely field,

  Be happy in himself?—The law of faith

  Working through love, such conquest shall it gain,

  Such triumph over sin and guilt achieve?

  Almighty Lord, thy further grace impart!

  And with that help the wonder shall be seen

  Fulfilled, the hope accomplished; and thy praise

  Be sung with transport and unceasing joy.

  Once,” and with mild demeanour, as he spake,

  On us the venerable Pastor turned 680

  His beaming eye that had been raised to Heaven,

  “Once, while the Name, Jehovah, was a sound

  Within the circuit of this sea-girt isle

  Unheard, the savage nations bowed the head

  To Gods delighting in remorseless deeds;

  Gods which themselves had fashioned, to promote

  Ill purposes, and flatter foul desires.

  Then, in the bosom of yon mountain-cove,

  To those inventions of corrupted man

  Mysterious rites were solemnised; and there— 690

  Amid impending rocks and gloomy woods—

  Of those terrific Idols some received

  Such dismal service, that the loudest voice

  Of the swoln cataracts (which now are heard

  Soft murmuring) was too weak to overcome,

  Though aided by wild winds, the groans and shrieks

  Of human victims, offered up to appease

  Or to propitiate. And, if living eyes


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