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A Fantasy About Love

Page 9

by Opal Cole

  She gave me the address and now I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughterhouse. I had met her only once, but the comments I had heard about her were frightening. I had learned, however, to trust my love for the rest of our lives.

  I dressed sharply, grey trousers, a blue blazer and one of my Hermès ties. The concierge told me where I could buy flowers and I got a beautiful wildflowers arrangement for Mrs. Monahan, and a single red rose for my love. I rang the bell at seven thirty sharp - never give your enemy an advantage - and Maureen opened the door. Not a blue top this time, but a formal black cocktail dress. Her hair was done up, her face had some makeup, and she was visibly nervous; but as always, she was also very beautiful.

  "James, please come in."

  She took a deep breath and turned to her mother standing behind her.

  "You have met James before, mother."

  I did my German thing with a small bow to her, kissed her hand and handed her the flowers. She was surprised.

  "These are for me? They are beautiful! Any special reason?"

  She proved her image as the tough lady, but I had met worse adversaries in my life, and won.

  "These flowers are for you because you are Maureen's mother, and I am grateful that you allowed me to meet her and court her. And if I may say so, these beautiful flowers are quite fitting for a beautiful lady."

  She stared at me for a while.

  "You surprise me again, and you are not what I expected. Perhaps we should start again from zero and behave like civilized people. Please be welcome in our house."

  Turning to Maureen I gave her the rose and took her hand and kissed it, but not daring to do what I really wanted: kiss the makeup off her face. She was even prettier with a clean face than with artificial highlights. She smiled and accepted the rose with grace. When her mother turned to enter the living area, she winked at me and blew me a kiss.

  The house was artfully decorated, not overstuffed with antiques or radically modern exposition pieces, but an eclectic style joining furniture, carpets and paintings from all over the world, which combined well in this house. One wall of the sitting was covered with oil paintings depicting the Australian landscape, with somber colors. The only exception was a painting of Ayer's Rock, with the sun lighting up the red stone.

  Mrs. Monahan led us to the living room and asked us whether we wanted to have a drink. I declined politely, not knowing what was ahead of me. She smiled and told me to relax since this was not the Holy Inquisition, but a meeting among friends - and looking at us - perhaps more than friends.

  "Perhaps a glass of white wine as I understand from Maureen that you enjoy fine wines."

  She looked at Maureen and asked her to go to her wine cellar and select a good white - she should know enough about wines to get a good Chardonnay that could be drunk on its own. When Maureen got up obediently, Mrs. Monahan told her to take her time and think about the Seppelt Salinger NV and also to look for a red wine for dinner. In the meantime, she could get to know me a bit better.

  Maureen left whispering "Good luck."

  "Mr. Winter, tell me something about yourself ... My daughter has become so involved with you that I believe that I have the right of a mother to know who you are. The little that Maureen told me I tend to discard - according to her you can walk on water. So tell me, Mr. Winter, who are you? And what do you want?"

  I considered my words carefully.

  "Mrs. Monahan, the first question is easier to answer than the second. I was born in Germany 30 years ago, grew up in Bavaria and went to University in Kiel. I studied international economics and business administration - it was and still is one of the best universities in Germany in this area. I got my degree and saw an ad for a planning position in IBM, the company I work today. There was a tough entrance examination, but I passed it, worked in several positions including finally the marketing division, got transferred for two years to our headquarters in New York, and did well enough to be offered a management position here in Australia. I've been here for six months and enjoy every moment of it. I always have been a lonely person, my family lost everything including our properties in eastern Germany after the war, and we had to commence our lives from zero. My mother died early, and I was brought up by my father who was of the old Prussian tradition of serving your country. There was not much affection around, but lots of discipline. I learned to compete and survive. I was successful in studies and business and intend to go ahead even farther."

  Now came the difficult part, and she watched me thoughtfully.

  Your second question is more difficult to answer, Mrs. Monahan, and I´ll try to open up more than I am accustomed to, but I believe you've the right to know. What happened between Maureen and me I cannot explain. We met through in a providential moment, and what I thought could be a nice evening turned into a sentiment much deeper. We had lunch together, then dinner and went to the opera. There is one moment when I realized that it was more than affection - I don't know whether Maureen has told you about the moment when I almost cried, and I was brought up that men never cry. After listening to 'Casta Diva there must have been a tear in my eyes and when I looked at your daughter and saw the sentiment in her eyes, that for her it was also something different, I realized that I was in serious danger of falling in love. And this has happened. When I think about her, I feel happy, I want to please her, to protect her, to care for her, and when I'm close to her these feelings multiply. We have not yet discussed our future together, but I know what I want: to be with her forever. I would dearly want to have your blessing for her and my happiness."

  She had not stopped looking at me and I saw her face softening. She must have felt the sincerity in my voice and of my feelings and took a deep breath.

  "Mr. Winter, I cannot avoid seeing the affection and love that Maureen has for you, and I believe you when you tell me that your own feelings are as deep. All I want is for her to be happy, and from the way she has changed in the last few days, opening up and showing her emotions, I want to believe that the two of you will be happy together. You have my blessing to court her, as you said so politely, and from the glow in Maureen's eyes when she returned today, you went a lot farther than just courting."

  At this moment Maureen came back and offered a bottle of wine for Mrs. Monahan's approval. She looked at me, questioning my survival, and I nodded that everything was alright.

  "Maureen, dear, go to the kitchen and see that everything is in order. I need to talk to Mr. Winter for a few moments more and I´ll call you."

  Wondering what was going to hit me now, I sent a kiss to my love and told her that up to now, I was still alive. Mrs. Monahan waited for her to leave and looked at me.

  "Mr. Winter, let me tell you something about my family. You need to know this before you go any farther. For many generations the female side very often has had red hair and a fiery temperament, and we have a blessing and a curse. We love only once in our life, and when we give ourselves to a man, we give ourselves completely, with no restraints or limits. Whatever our man wants, we will want. If he feels like going on an excursion to the North Pole, we'll go, too. If he wants to go through all pages of the Kama Sutra, we'll do it with enthusiasm. If he has to live in a different country, we'll leave family and friends behind and go with him. He decides our life, and we follow willingly and without any questioning. We'll not be slaves, but he will be our Master. If he's honest with his feelings and true to his promises, we'll have a blessed life. If he betrays us or does not love us anymore, our heart will die - as simple as this. Will you accept this responsibility for her life?"

  Her eyes went far away, and a sad smile appeared.

  "Look at me. I was very happy with my husband and my family. When he died six years ago, my life ended. I became a bitter person and forgot Maureen. She might have told you something about that period, but it was not pretty. The moment I had to pick up my daughter at a police station gave me a wakeup call and I tried to change, but it was too late. The relationship
with Maureen had improved, but on important matters we would speak very little to each other for weeks. Then you happened, and she came back from Sydney smiling. We sat down and cried for a long time, but our life together is improving every day. You don't know how grateful I am for you to have done this. You gave her back to me and I shall not forget this, ever."

  Her smile turned from sad to kind.

  "She told me also a bit about your picnic and what happened - you don't have to panic, I assume that she didn't tell me everything - but from what she told me, I believe that you could have gone all the way; you stepped back, however, because she said that she was not ready yet. You had promised not to do anything she didn't want, and you honored that promise. Mr. Winter, I don't know any other man who would have had that integrity and love to protect her life, and not to satisfy his own needs. Mr. Winter, you have become a part of our family now and whatever happens between the two of you, you'll always be welcome here, but I warn you - if you ever hurt my daughter, I will make your life so miserable you cannot imagine it!"

  She got up and took my hand lifting me to my feet.

  "I said that we are family now, so please call me Eileen."

  She placed a little kiss on my cheeks and as surprised as I was, I could still smell her perfume and saw the beautiful woman she was. She was as red-haired as Maureen, with a face not as soft and young as Maureen's, but with more definition and experience. She was smiling now, and everything had changed for the better.

  "If you want me to call you Eileen, I would be honored if you called me James, and if I'm part of your family now, you are also part of mine"... and gave her a kiss on her cheeks. She was not expecting it and I smiled.

  "This is for keeping Maureen and me under such pressure what you would do to us; it is also a pleasure to kiss such a beautiful lady."

  She blushed - imagine the iron lady blushing - and took my arm.

  "Let's tell Maureen that you are still alive; she must be biting her nails by now."

  We walked into the kitchen and Maureen looked first anxiously at me, then with surprise at her mother. What had happened? When she saw both of us smiling, she jumped forward and first gave me a kiss, then another one to her mother.

  "Mom, I'm so happy that you like James."

  Eileen swallowed several times and said in a low voice: "Do you realize that this is the first time in years that you call me 'Mom'?"

  Maureen looked at her and said that from now on, she would always call her 'Mom', because she had returned to be not only a mother, but also a friend and protector. She had always wanted this, but because of everything that had happened, sentiments had slowly diminished between the two women, but it seemed that this was now healing rapidly. She gave Eileen another kiss and asked her "What was decided about my future?"

  "You can have him, and with my blessings. He is part of our family now, and always welcome in my house and heart."

  "Mom, what happened to you? Does James have a similar effect on you, as he has on me?"

  "We discussed our opinions and positions, and I agreed that he can court you, as long as I am not forgotten in this relationship. Remember that I do not want to lose you again and I have James´ promise on this."

  Maureen kissed her again, much more warmly and looked at her. "Can I kiss James, too, Mom?"

  "Go ahead, but don't embarrass the poor guy.

  Maureen turned to me, hugged me closely and kissed me, not a motherly kiss, but a kiss from a woman who loved her man and enjoyed it. A small cough separated us, and Eileen said that if we wanted to eat tonight, someone had to look after the food, and that the person indicated tonight was Maureen. She asked me to open the bottle of white wine and pour us a drink. It was a Grosset Polish Hill Riesling from the Clare Valley, and it had an aromatic and complex nose with some minerals and lime adding to its crispness. It tasted light but balanced and I complimented both Eileen and Maureen on their choice. We returned to the living room and let Maureen suffer in the kitchen.

  "James, you're luckier than you know. Not only is she beautiful and a wonderful person, she knows how to cook, too."

  We talked more about me, my background, my experience in Australia, and about business in general. It was impressive how well informed she was, and how decisive her opinion was on how to go forward with her company. She warned me, however, that whatever would happen between us, NT was business and that I should not expect any special treatment. She had her responsibilities to her company and her employees, and she would not hesitate to choose another company if the offer were better.

  We had almost finished the bottle when Maureen called us to the table. She looked lovely in her black cocktail dress with a little apron protecting her from any stains. I helped her take it off and she whispered that I could take the rest off, too. Seeing her daughter saying something and blushing furiously, she told us to behave, at least while she was still in the same room. Suddenly, both started to giggle and blush, and Eileen ordered us to sit down. I inquired politely what the giggle was about and was told by both, that ladies did not giggle and to shut up - this was a girl moment.

  The roast beef was very tasty, and the wine Maureen had selected, a De Bortoli Reserve Pinot Noir, accompanied it perfectly. The aromatic cherry fruit nose, a complex earthy taste and a berry and herby palate complemented the solid flavour of the beef. A small apple tart with a glass of the Lillypilly Estate's 2002 Noble Blend finished out a wonderful and tasty dinner. I thanked both ladies for the evening and when I was ready to leave, Eileen said that the evening was early and if I wanted to stay some minutes more and if Maureen accepted this, I was welcome. She herself would retire to her bedroom, read some business reports and go to sleep.

  Maureen went 'humpf' as if she would let me go away voluntarily, having any chance at all to stay close to me and kissed her mother good night. Eileen turned to me and smiling, said: "Don't do anything that I would not do ..." and to my surprise, gave me a kiss, not sensually, but affectionate, and left. She turned at the last moment and said: "Come tomorrow for breakfast and stay the day with us. OK?"

  Maureen stood there with her eyes wide open. She apparently could not believe what had happened. Her stiff and rigid mother had kissed her boyfriend in front of her, and not on the cheek, but on the lips? And had invited him to stay the day? What had happened to her?

  "Darling, what did you do to my mother? She is not herself. She invited you to stay here tomorrow for breakfast, lunch and whatever time you have until you have to leave. You know when was the last time we had someone here for Sunday breakfast? Years and years! And she kissed you! This is not the mother I know from the last years. What happened? Did you bewitch her like you spelled me?"

  "Darling, technically speaking I cannot bewitch her. I am not a witch - at best I could be a sorcerer, a wizard, a warlock or a mage. You should hope that I am a wizard, because sorcerers are often quite evil!"

  She told me to stop this German nonsense and tell her what happened.

  "We talked about my past, how we met and what I expected from you, and what you could expect from me. Did you have to tell her about our picnic interlude? I almost fainted when she started on our activities today; not all of them, I hope, but I can imagine what went through her mind. And she was grateful that you had returned to her as a daughter and a friend - I don't know why she credited me with this, but I did not refuse. She also told me some story about the magic that your mother and her ancestors carry for a very long time. I cannot really believe what she said since times have changed, but she seemed to be serious about the, as she called it, 'blessing and curse'. So you might be a witch - which would explain why I love you so much."

  Maureen looked at me and apparently wondered whether she should tell me more. Then she said that it was not her mother's imagination, but that it had happened several times over the years. It was always complete happiness or suicide for the woman involved.

  "She wanted to warn you about the consequences of further involvement with
me - and I believe we do not need to go much farther for this to happen - and that was also the reason that I told you I was not ready for the final step. James, my darling, consider well what you are going to do with me, because it is not a joke, this is deadly serious. If you have any doubts, you better leave now, before it is too late. If you feel, however, as I believe you do feel, I will give myself to you from the bottom of my heart and soul. I am ready, darling."

  I took her in my arms and hugged her so close that she protested a bit, not so much against the hug, but against the force that seemed to crush her. I apologized but kept her in my arms.

  "Darling, I cannot do now what I want to do; we are in your mother's home and I want this to be as special as you and I can imagine it; the day was wonderful, and I am still going to see you tomorrow. What could be better?"

  "I can think about a lot of things that would be better than letting you return to your hotel now. Come here."

  She led me back to the living room and pushing me down on the couch, settled herself on my lap.

  "I called a taxi to arrive in twenty minutes. Is there anything you can imagine you can do during the next fifteen minutes? I believe that is all I can get away with. May I give you a hint? This dress has a special button and if you find it and open it, everything will fall apart."

  It took me two minutes to find this button; actually, she had to put my hand on it, because it seemed to be impossible to concentrate on a button if I had her lips to kiss. When it fell off her shoulders, I had other parts to kiss. My mouth hunted for her breast and I sucked her nipple tenderly. She purred like a very satisfied cat and I placed my hand on her other breast, twisting her hard nub. She leaned forward to force more of her body into my hand and murmured "More, James, more ... a bit harder... " and she shuddered. Taking my hand away from her breast, she guided it to her pussy and whispered: "Make me come..." I stroked her outer lips and then put one finger into her folds. She moaned "More, James..." and obediently I put a second finger deep into her pussy. My thumb found her clit and I rubbed it gently, increasing the speed slowly until she cried out. "Yes, my love ... yes ... yes..." and slowly coming back to her senses, hugged me with all her forces.


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