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A Fantasy About Love

Page 22

by Opal Cole

  "Do you want company?" she asked with a certain longing and obvious desire, but I declined. I needed some serious time with her and once we started fooling around, the evening was gone. She helped me dry myself, however, and it took all my concentration to get dressed without passing the bed and collecting Maureen.

  "What are we going to do tonight? Do you want to stay in or go out?"

  She did not really know what she wanted, but finally she said: "Let's go out. I could make dinner, but you are tired from looking at documents all day and I thought that perhaps a nice restaurant will restore some of your energy. I really believe that we should go out, watch other people and have some fun. Nevertheless, I could make something to eat; I looked at the sorry excuse you call your fridge and went out to get all the ingredients for a light meal. Whatever you want, my love – all I can say is 'I hear and obey, my lord and master!'" and she grinned mischievously.

  I selected some nice grey slacks, a light blue shirt and got a blazer from the wardrobe. I turned around and asked: "How many luggage pieces did you bring? Half of my wardrobe is filled already! Is this a promise that you will stay here more often?"

  "I didn't bring too much; just what I need to go out with you informally and more formally, to the beach or to the park, to play golf or tennis, go to a mall and shopping, but I stopped at bringing clothes for the night. There was no more space in the luggage!" and she smiled again.

  I told her to change also and without hesitation, she disrobed completely and started to go through her things. First was the choice for her panties; she asked me whether this one or that one fitted her better. Since they were g-strings and barely covered her pussy, I said she could take either one. "Well, I also have this one... " and pulled it on. The g-strings were tiny and this one practically did not exist at all. A little string at the back and in front the same little string passed through the middle of her pussy lips. "Do you like this one better?"

  I licked my lips that were suddenly completely dry and said to keep that one for our personal events. She saw me starting to say something and before I got the first word out, she said: "We agreed on no underwear at home. Going out, my love, I have to be decently covered."

  I wondered what her definition of 'decently covered' was, especially as she now considered her bra. They had all one measure in common: they were small to tiny. In my opinion, Maureen did not need a bra as her breasts were firm and upright, but since she needed to be 'decently covered', we discussed options. There were transparent ones and semi-transparent ones; some had a hole in the middle to show the nipple and other covered only half of the areolae. She was waiting whether I would concede defeat and take her right now, but to her disappointment I was steady and firm (and calling myself an idiot all the time). We could have gone out to dinner afterwards and have some fun first, but what the hell; there was always an after-dinner dessert (and I was already looking forward to it).

  Finally, she gave up and selected a nice almost transparent white blouse that hinted at her breasts, and a white skirt that emphasized her slim figure. Black sandals, discreet makeup that accentuated her huge and smiling eyes, her hair put up with little curls, and her opal pendant and ring completed the picture of an elegant and classy lady. Wow! Wait until I told her about Peter's 'little mouse' remark! I called Luigi and he was happy to accept a reservation for us.

  I looked for the car keys but could not find them. I called Maureen for help and she blushed all over. "James, will you forgive me something I have done today without authorization? Please say you do!"

  I told her to inform me first what she had done, but she insisted that first I should forgive her for whatever she had done today. She gave me that sad puppy look that only cute girls can pull off, and I knew I was sunk. I said it was OK, but what did she do? She looked down and confessed that she had taken my Porsche to go shopping, but she did not hit anything, and she did not scratch anything. I looked at her and was a little bit upset – it's a man's thing not to loan one's car, especially to a woman, but I saw the confidence she had in me.

  "Maureen, I don't mind you using that car" little white lie ... "because what's mine is yours. I am worried, however, that you drive the car without me being beside you the first times you use it. It is a mean machine and difficult to drive. I know that you have driven the car before, but you were driving at night and very carefully, and I was at your side. Now, during the day, there is that temptation to put the foot a bit farther down on the accelerator and that car jumps! Please, please be careful!" She nodded and off we went.

  When I opened the car for her, she saw me glancing at the fenders. She grinned: "You can go ahead and check the car, but I told you I didn't hit anything! "

  I had to admit that I had been checking, but once more told her that I had complete confidence in her words and driving skills. This did not stop me, however, from walking around the car and have a look. She was right: no damage. When I sat beside her, she smirked: "I told you, my love. The next time trust me!" I nodded, defeated.

  I handed her the keys and she smiled. Considering her carefully arranged hair and her makeup I did not put the hood down and we arrived at Luigi's safe and sound. As always, Luigi was the typical Italian guy, kissing her hand, making a sarcastic remark about me, but he led us to a secluded table and well protected in an alcove with a window looking at the Sydney skyline. "I know that you have matters to discuss, and I don't want anybody to disturb you. Now, Miss Monahan, can we discuss the wine?"

  I wondered whether we should not select the dish first, but I was silenced with a stern glance from both oenophiles. They discussed several grapes from whatever region they came from, but Luigi insisted on Italian wines. I interrupted them and told Luigi that we would eat the Seared Mandagery Creek venison, sansho pepper, roasted Japanese pumpkin, Saikyo miso and Jerusalem artichoke, so would they please select a wine, and do it now – I was hungry. Luigi seemed insulted and turned his back to me and called a waiter.

  "Bring this gentleman a basket with bread, he insists that he is hungry!" and they went back to their discussion. At the end, there were three candidates: a Pira Superiore Barbera d'Alba, a Fratelli Cigliuti Barbaresco, and a Felsina Riserva Chianti Classico. When they could not decide and the discussion turned to the difference of the taste of green apple skin to red apple skin, I called the wine waiter and ordered a bottle of the Clos Mogador from the Priorat, a Spanish wine I always had liked.

  They looked surprised at me and I told them that first I wanted to eat, and second that I was tired of the discussion – I had been in meetings and indeterminable discussions for two days, and that was enough for me. I apologized, but that was it. Luigi put his nose up and remarked that if I wanted it this way, I was the customer, and walked away. Maureen smiled and her dimples brought a smile to my face. She said that she had been betting with herself on how long I would stand that conversation, but I was politer than she had thought – she would have said something more energetic much earlier. Luigi did not appear again, but the food was excellent, and the wine was superb.

  We decided to have a dessert wine at home, and I drove back to the flat. Maureen laid her hand on my lap and smiling gently, closed her eyes. When we arrived, I woke her up and led her to the flat. She went to the bedroom advising that she would change into something more comfortable and for me to get two glasses and the port wine. I bowed and said: "I hear and obey, my lady and mistress!"

  She beamed and told me to wait for her.

  When she came back, it was as if additional lights had added radiance to the room. She was standing in the door, dressed in a light green and very transparent slinky long dress. Her breasts were completely exposed, and she had put rouge on her nipples. There were two long slits at the sides of the gown and whenever she moved, her long and tanned legs appeared tantalizingly.

  She sat down beside me, then said: "The port, please."

  I handed her the glass and we toasted to a wonderful weekend. Then she slid down and put her head on
my lap. "James, now I'm happy. I'm with you and I want for nothing more. Please kiss me, my love."

  The next minutes were spent with gentle and loving kisses to better acquaint ourselves again, and words that lovers exchange when they are happy. She had placed my hand on her breast, and I was playing with her nipple, finding the delicate skin on the sides of her breasts, stroking up and down a few times before letting my thumb drift down to tease the undersides. I watched, fascinated, as the skin around her nipples puckered and wrinkled to hard tips.

  She looked at me and whispered: "My love, you can have me now if you want it, but would you please consider just going to bed and hug? I am tired and have drunk wine and you must be tired, too, and you have to go back to the office tomorrow morning. I just want to be held by you, put my head on your chest and be happy. I make it up to you, I swear!"

  Without saying anything I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. I went back to clean up the sitting room and when I came back, she was already asleep. Not exactly what I had dreamed about her visit, but the important part was that she was here, and in my arms. I brushed my teeth and went to bed, too. I kissed her gently and visited her breasts with a touch of my lips – after all, rules are rules – and turned off the lights.

  In the morning I woke up with a wonderful warm feeling on my penis. There was a slow movement up and down from her hand, and a warm liquid sensation surrounding the shaft. Slowly, oh so incredibly slowly, she took me in, as if she was inhaling me with every breath. Then she began to use her tongue to stroke me, and I felt it dancing and wriggling as she went lower, then she pulled her head back a little, her tongue still moving, dragging her top teeth lightly up my straining penis, then back down the length, and repeated her actions. I did not last long, and when she pulled me in deeply once more, I arched my hips trying to push my shaft even farther into her and yelled her name. I exploded in her mouth and she swallowed every drop. After a million years or so, Maureen pulled away from me slightly, looking up into my eyes, her eyes sparkling green pools that a man would happily, unhesitatingly, sink into, brimming with life and the love of life.

  "I did promise you to make up for last night. Are we good?"

  I kissed her and my arms slid around her of their own volition, around her waist and further down, to cup her taut cheeks and pull her closer to me. Maureen smiled, her arms tightening around my neck and the back of my head as she pulled me up for another kiss. I kissed her like it was the first time, gently, tentatively, slowly parting her lips with my tongue and slipping it into her mouth, to fence gently with hers. As we kissed, she rubbed herself against me, obviously enjoying the feel of a naked body against another naked body. The feel of her wriggling against me was doing all sorts of things to me, waking up feelings and desires that only she could fulfill.

  To my bitter disappointment, the alarm clock went off. Business called and since I had commanded everyone to be in the office at ten o'clock, I could not be late. Maureen was also visibly frustrated, but said to get ready, as she would make breakfast. When she got out of bed she smiled and said: "Just to make certain that you come back as early as possible!" she put her hands under her breasts and presented them to me. "My lord and master, your breasts need to be kissed with love."

  I pulled her to me and said that not only 'my' breasts needed to be kissed with love, but that I needed to kiss every part of her body with love, and that I would do this tonight when we had the time – lots of time. And then I did kiss her breasts with abandon and love.

  She ran out of the room yelling at me not to waste any time. I did my things, dressed casually and went to have breakfast. Maureen had done her miracle again: Coffee, waffles, eggs and bacon, everything a man needs to start a busy day. I was running behind for my meeting, so I could enjoy her company only for a few minutes, but I promised that I would not to be late for her. If it were possible to have lunch with her, I would advise; if not, she should go out and get something decent to eat. I even gave her a few addresses of good restaurants close to the flat; if she wanted to use the Porsche, she could feel free to do so, but would she please come back in one piece! I could replace the car, but I could not replace her! And off I went.

  I was the first at the office (with the exception of Mary Ann who, as always, was there before anybody else) and prepared the meeting. Peter arrived, my staff, then the controller and as always, the lawyers were last – no surprise there.

  The meeting went on and on until finally, I banged on the table.

  "That's enough, people. We're not here to reinvent the wheel; we're trying to change a standard sales contract into a specific contract for this specific company. Now anybody who wants to discuss for the tenth time paragraph 2, line 17, I would kindly ask to leave and go home. He doesn't help us. I'll now give each participant 30 minutes to come up with a final draft version; we will discuss these versions for one hour and agree with a final version. I'll also evaluate each person's contribution to this project. If anyone considers this as a threat and blackmail, he can do so. I'm tired of turning around in circles and having no reasonable result. You should also remember that NT will analyze the document, too. They will discover anything unreasonable or, worse, stupid, very rapidly. So go away and be back here in thirty minutes, folks!"

  Peter stayed back a moment and asked whether I had not been a little bit too tough. I said no, definitively no. They were professionals, and they had wasted their time and mine. He shrugged his shoulders and said that he hoped I knew what I was doing.

  To my surprise, they came back on time and they had done a proper job. The comments were reasonable and appropriate with the best input coming from Jim Albright as expected, and when we summarized our last effort it was a good draft document. I told them they had done well and invited them to lunch. Most declined since they had made commitments with their family or dates, but unfortunately, some accepted and I was out of my lunch with Maureen.

  We went to a nice little restaurant at the Quai restaurant; it was expensive, but the options were great, and I decided to take Maureen there. Then they went home, and I called Maureen.

  She was at the shopping mall where I had bought the opals for her and had already had her lunch. She asked me, however, to come over there because she wanted to do some shopping with me. She heard me groaning – which man will voluntarily go shopping with a woman? She told me, however, not to whine: it should be a pleasure for me to walk behind her in the mall, looking at handbags, shoes, dresses and belts, and if I behaved nicely and showed visible interest in the things she looked at, she might even go to Victoria's Secret with me and try out some new underwear. I bowed my head and whispered: "I hear and obey, my lady and mistress" and called a taxi.

  At the mall, she was waiting for me with a handful of shopping bags in her hand.

  "James, please carry these. I want to see the shops on the other side of the mall, too." What did I do to end up in this position? All I did was loving that woman!

  I followed her dutifully and the shopping bags in my hands increased. I glanced at her once asking when this would finish, and she said with a big mischievous smile that her mother had liberated her credit card for this weekend. So if she was asked, she would just say that James wanted her to buy these things to be beautiful for him. And woe to me if I said anything different! She was not a little mouse anymore!

  When I could not carry any more bags, I protested and told her to finish. No more shops, just a coffee and some sweets and we would go home. She grinned. "And Victoria's Secrets? It is just around the corner!"

  I told her that I preferred her without any underwear at all, and would she please finish the coffee. She had chosen a Danish with a white cream filling, and looking at me, she took out the cream with her fingers and put them into her mouth, slowly licking finger after finger. Then she repeated it. That was too much; I called the waiter and paid the bill. I practically dragged her to the car, with her protesting that she had not finished sho
pping, that I was a bully, that she never would have an opportunity like today, and could I please stop and listen to her? I stopped and looked at her, this time with a more serious expression.

  "What do you want, Maureen? Spend the money of your mother or be with me? This is not the woman I love! So decide what you want, but I go home."

  She jumped into my arms still loaded with all those bags and complained that I did not understand a joke. Obviously, it was great fun to be able to go shopping in a first-class mall and not having to worry about money, but this was her last priority. She did prefer to buy clothes at C&A and stay with me, rather than to be able to go to Armani or Valentino and be alone. If I wanted to return all these bags, she would do it immediately and would not feel bad. Then she started to cry. How do women manage to do something wrong and at the end, the man is guilty?

  Still loaded with bags, I took her home and when I closed the door behind us, I asked her whether we could please relax now? I would get a bottle of wine out.

  "White or red, my love?" and after she chose white, I selected a good chardonnay. Then we changed and when she came back, I knew that we were back to normal again.

  She was dressed in the same light green and transparent long dress she had worn yesterday. Her breasts were exposed and there were those two long enticing slits opening up the sides of the gown.

  "Am I forgiven, my love?"

  I just opened my arms and she came flying in. I fell back and we both tumbled onto the couch. We laughed and she pressed her body against mine. Considering that she was practically naked and rubbing her body against mine, my penis started to believe that action was possible and woke up. She looked down and smiled: "Is this for me, my love?"


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