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A Fantasy About Love

Page 29

by Opal Cole

  Her shoulders dropped, and her eyes became dark, remembering those days.

  "When he died suddenly, I was lost and the only reason I stayed alive was you, my daughter. I had to care for you and could not let myself fade away. Unfortunately, I concentrated what was left of my life on my business -- first among other matters to prove to myself that I was not just a toy, but also an intelligent woman. I managed to do this, and everyone respected me, but I lost you. The incident you were involved called me back, but it was too late as you had lost your love and care for me because I had abandoned you. I tried to get you back, but I also focused more and more on the company. I was successful as a business woman, but dreadful as a mother."

  Maureen reached for her mother's hands and kissed them. "Mom, it was bad, but it is also in the past. Forget it. I have."

  Eileen wiped a tear off her eye and continued.

  "Then you met James and everything changed. You came back from Sydney smiling and your eyes were sparkling. You even talked to me and I saw what I had lost. I wondered who this man was who had been able to cause such a change, and when I met him at the office, I started to see what fascinated you. He was polite, but determined, obviously smart and well prepared, and he had the respect of his colleagues. When you came back from your picnic you laughed, embraced me and bubbled all over how wonderful the day had been. I wanted to see him away from the office and invited him for dinner and then for breakfast the next day. He was everything you had said and more. Remember when I was suddenly topless? He did not stare, but he looked with admiration and that's all a woman wants to see in the eyes of a man."

  Now Eileen took hold of my hands and used them to caress her cheeks.

  "When you came back, you only strengthened the image that had grown on me. Smart, polite, determined, love for Maureen shining out of your eyes, and whenever you touched her, she smiled. I compared you to my former husband and I saw what I had missed.

  She bent forward and for a moment, lay her head on my shoulder. Wiping a tear away, she looked at Maureen and smiled thoughtfully.

  "Maureen, you're not a toy for him -- you're his other half. He accepts and asks for your opinion and I've seen him change his mind when you disputed a matter with him, because he saw that you were right. I never had that experience since even if he was wrong, his opinion counted. So James slowly crept into my heart, too, and suddenly I wasn't afraid anymore to show that I'm a beautiful woman, ready to love again, ready to made love to with tenderness, not with force. When he massaged me at the pool, my body wanted him, and my heart wondered whether it was possible to have someone for me again?"

  Eileen started to smile with happiness.

  "Maureen, remember that before meeting James, I had slept only with one man in my life: your father. James was and is yours, but I wondered whether you could give a small part of your happiness to me. And then you opened your arms and let me in, and I gave myself to you, James; you took my heart and my soul. Maureen accepted this and embraced me, too, and I was in paradise. My mind was still looking back, however, and wondered whether this could be true. I was in doubt and acted accordingly. I was the driven business woman and I transferred this state of mind to our private life."

  Now she looked at me for a long time, doubts and determination in her eyes.

  "You warned me twice, and at last it dawned on me that I didn't have to compete with you, James, or with you, my daughter. I was accepted as I was. The only proof I still needed James, was last night when you accepted my invitation to my bedroom and he took me in my ass. As you said, that is the ultimate proof of trust and I gave it to you. You showed me that it was not only tenderness you were giving, but at the right moment --and last night was it --you would also take with force what I had offered. This showed me the strength I was looking for and I knew that I was safe. I have your love and support, and I've my daughter's love and trust. What more can I want?¨

  She sat up and took our hands.

  "What I want to say, James and Maureen, that I don't look back anymore; that I don't compare whatever happens with what happened years ago; that there'll be no more competition who'll come more often or more violently; and that I know that you love me and that I'm safe and protected when I'm with you. You will marry soon, and Maureen will move away -- I know that this move will only be physically, but that your hearts will stay with me forever."

  Suddenly, Eileen became serious.

  "The only part of mine that I cannot give you yet is my company as you have your own job and I have the responsibility for hundreds of people. We'll have some interesting discussions on your project, and don't expect me to back down easily, but whenever you'll be here in Brisbane, I expect you to stay in this house and no bedroom will be locked, and when I will visit you, I'll not sleep in the guest room. And to quote my dear daughter: James, 'you can take me whenever or however you want' and Maureen, whenever you are lonely up to the moment you marry and even when James is traveling, my bedroom is always open for a conversation and some fun -- you seemed to have learned the fun part quite rapidly."

  "This is it: this is the option you have: take me or leave me. May I suggest that you take me?"

  Maureen was crying and I had some tears also in my eyes. We both got up and embraced her.

  "Eileen (and Maureen added "Mom"), you are hereby officially taken."

  And then everyone cried for a while. We went back to the couch and I sat down, with my two ladies snuggling close to me. What a wonderful morning and what a wonderful feeling! We spent the morning playing around including a few games of scrabble and I let them win occasionally, and then Eileen proposed poker.

  I was vanquished completely because whenever I thought there was a chance for me, Maureen would touch my penis -- it was officially now that it was a 'he' and that his name was George -- or Eileen would flash her breasts at me asking me to see whether there was a spot on the left breast, just under the nipple and I lost every game, but it was fun. We went out for lunch in a river restaurant; for a change, the two ladies were dressed, and later, coming back, Eileen looked at us and said that she would leave us alone for the next few hours. I had to go back to Sydney at night for an important meeting on Monday morning, and she did now want to separate us for these last hours.

  We went to Maureen's bedroom, made wonderful, gentle love and when I had to say goodbye, Eileen opened her blouse and said that I should not forget her puppies; we all broke up laughing because she had painted her breasts with a puppy's face, with the nipple being the puppy's nose. She smiled and said "Wuff! Wuff!"

  It was hilarious as my kiss transferred all the makeup to my face, but it broke the sad feeling of my saying goodbye

  And then Maureen drove me to the airport, very reluctantly I said goodbye and flew back to Sydney, and my work.

  Chapter 15: Squeak! Squeak!

  I discovered that now it had become much more difficult to be alone in my flat, but there were still traces of Maureen's perfume on the pillows and I buried my head into them, feeling lonely but happy. Maureen called me every night and Eileen often chipped in with a few sweet and some wicked comments.

  The next morning was business as usual; SNAFU is the appropriate American term. I had to convince a customer not to cancel his order, and all I was able to do was to delay a decision. The problem was not completely our fault, but one of my people had cooperated actively to increase the mess. I called him in, closed the door and gave him hell. Then I asked him what he would do to bring the customer back.

  He looked at me, swallowed and offered to go to the customer and apologize even for things he had not done. I agreed and said that I would go with him since the responsibility was mine, too. He should arrange a date for the meeting immediately. He did not leave smiling, but visibly relieved that it had not been worse, and that I would accompany him to the customer.

  I had lunch with another potential customer and went back to the office for the meeting on NT. Frank had asked his boss, Sir Allan, to participate, be
cause we would need resources from other departments and eventually, other countries. It was a good meeting; Mary Ann had everything ready at my disposal, everyone participated, and we received support and praise from all, and ended with another meeting date set when I would have to present a draft plan on goals, timing and requisition of resources. The next meeting with NT was set for two weeks hence, and I had to go back with a detailed proposal.

  Sir Allen asked Frank and me to come to his office, which was quite stately furnished, as it was proper for the CEO of an important company. He had added some personal items: two paintings of the Australian desert and as a contrast, a lovely drawing of an English landscape. There was a photograph of his wife Ellen on his desk and a few flowers lightened up the austere picture. All he wanted to ask was how I was feeling about all this, after all, my future mother-in-law had become a very important customer! Were there any doubts in my mind that I could handle this without internal or external problems?

  I replied that I had thought this through several times, and I was confident that both my company and NT would come out well. I repeated also that Peter had been involved from the beginning and would stay involved, and I insisted that Frank would come to the important meetings, too. I did not comment on Frank's fascination with Eileen; I believed nothing would keep him away from these meetings!

  Things went well during the week; I did a lot of videoconferencing to explain the deal and ask for commitments on resources, and slowly the project came together. I had delegated some of my normal activities, too, and Jim did his best to give me enough time to fine-tune my presentation.

  I had my nightly calls from Maureen and occasionally Eileen stepped in also; they were anxious for me to come back to Brisbane and have the first Project Meeting: Maureen for obvious reasons, Eileen with her priorities mixed between love, sex and business. It was fun to talk to her and hear those priorities battling in her.

  I was also happy to hear from my father; he sent me a rather austere letter, wishing us luck hoping to see us soon, and he wished us the best of everything. Unfortunately, there was also a letter from his doctor, advising that his health was getting worse and that it might be a good idea for me to visit him soon.

  On Friday morning I had the big Board Room filled with people from all divisions and one visitor from abroad -- my specialist on logistics from headquarters. I went through my four-hour presentation and question time began. I was prepared for most questions and even the ones I could not answer immediately were discussed and a satisfactory conclusion found with everyone adding comments and suggestions.

  At the end, Sir Allan got up, thanked us for the patience and cooperation, thanked me for a job well done, and agreed to have us present the updated version of our project presented to NT next Friday. He wondered for a moment why we had to wait until Friday, but Frank -- thank God! -- jumped in and replied that this was done on NT's request. They wanted to set up everything within their company and needed that time; after all, it was a dramatic change in their procedures and a very significant investment in human and material assets. He would accompany us to the meeting and hoped that once this meeting had resolved any outstanding issues, we could pull out all stops and go ahead (I wondered for a moment whether he would say 'full force ahead, but he stopped at the last moment).

  I was exhausted; it had been a long week with long working hours and a tremendous amount of pressure and went home a bit early. It was still nice weather but threatened to become a thunderstorm later at night. All I wanted now was to get home, change, get myself a Bourbon, put my feet on the table, and relax. Later, I would call Maureen and tell her what happened.

  When I went up to my floor in the elevator, suddenly I felt, however, that Maureen was near. I remembered the first time we made love and when I discovered that I could sense her presence even when she was in another room and this was again a proof of how much our souls had intermingled. It was strange, however, that my feeling was much stronger than hers; perhaps it was a sign that I always could protect her? I heard music when I opened the door.

  And there she was: my Maureen in all her glory, with a big smile on her face and her arms stretched out to embrace me. She wore a slinky long gown that emphasized her slim figure and was thin enough that I could see her proud breasts with her nipples already standing up. She kissed me with her eyes closed and when I received her tongue, I was lost. She was here, and she was mine! We stood there for a few minutes until she stepped back and said that she needed that: she could not stay in Brisbane and wait for me to appear. Thank God for airplanes!

  I kissed her once more and told her to let me shower and change. She followed me into my bedroom and watched me taking my clothes off and going into the shower stall. To my surprise she did not join me, but when I came out, she made certain that every spot of my body was dried gently. I changed into some casual clothes and sat down in the living room, but first I got myself a shot of my preferred Bourbon and for her a glass of white wine.

  "I love it that you came to Sydney, but why didn't you tell me?"

  "If I had told you, would you have been 100% focused on your presentation or would you have been slightly distracted? I care for you, my love, and little sacrifices can bring large rewards! And one of my rewards was that I took your Porsche out for a spin! What a wonderful car! But I was careful as I promised, my love!"

  She came closer, put her head on my shoulders and my hand on her breast. Her hair tickled me and the perfume she wore was light and spicy -- as she was. No makeup: just my Maureen and nobody in this world was more beautiful. She wriggled around until she found the right position, which started to wake up other parts of my body and asked to tell her my week.

  I had told her already most of it in our phone calls, but it was so different and so much more pleasant to talk to her with her in my arms. She seemed to enjoy it, too, since an occasional little satisfied groan escaped her when I played with her nipple, but we managed to stay on our subject and when I told her about the praise from Sir Allan, she kissed me again to confirm that I was a great guy.

  This could have gone in a certain direction we both obviously wanted, but then Eileen called to see where her daughter was and how my day had gone. I told her that Maureen was in my arms and that she would see the result of my day next Friday in Brisbane. She seemed to be a bit upset that she would not get any additional information on my presentation, but I reminded her that professionally, we represented two different companies with the same aim, but different methods. She would see, and she would be satisfied. Before she hung up, she told me that she loved me, that I should say hello from her to George, and would I please make certain that Friday would come very fast? And then I heard some faint rustling and she said "Wuff! Wuff!" and hung up.

  We both laughed and I kissed her long and deeply. "This one is for Eileen. Please give it to her!" She blushed but responded with enthusiasm.

  We discussed what to do for dinner and when she suggested going back to Luigi's, I agreed. She started to change when we heard a loud thunder: finally, the thunderstorm had arrived. She looked at me and smiled.

  "Thank God, I went out and bought some food. There is never anything useful in your fridge! You need a woman to care for you!"

  She was a very tempting reason to forget dinner: she had just undressed completely and was standing in front of me, completely nude. I looked at her and as always, was completely overwhelmed.

  Her lustrous red hair was done up, her eyes were sparkling and full of love for me, and her lips were smiling. Her, no 'my', breasts were proud and perky, her areolae puffy as I liked them and her nipples hard as a rock. Her opal pendant was around her neck and the ring on her finger. Her hips were slim and her pussy wet and inviting. Her long legs were tanned and well turned: she must have started running again. I sank down slowly and followed the contours of her body with my mouth, touching her shoulders, her neck, her breasts with the alluring tips, blowing some air into her belly bottom, coming to rest at her pussy
, working hard to gain entry (and she helped me opening her legs) and finally gliding to her feet, and then slowly moving up again. When I moved closer to her pussy, she grasped my head and pulled it closer, starting to whimper how much she had missed me. And when I touched her pussy lips, she only said "Yes, please!"

  And then my stomach growled -- repeatedly and loudly to remind me that I didn't eat anything the whole day. She looked down at me and could only say: "No, not at this moment! Please, no!", but it growled again, only this time even louder.

  She smiled, shrugged and said: "Someone is telling me that there are other priorities for this moment!" and pulled me up to give me a kiss.

  "Let's go and eat something, but remember where you were -- you can start there again!"

  She looked for something to wear and selected the gown she had worn once already in my flat. It was the long black gown that exposed her lovely breasts completely, and she applied some shiny dark dust in the valley between her breasts emphasizing the swell of her mounds, and then pointing out her puffy areolae with light beige and the points of her nipples with a fiery red point. The opal pendant hung between her pert breasts, giving an additional glitter to the picture. She looked at me and smiled.

  "I know how you like to look at my breasts, and to touch them. They're yours, my love."

  We went to the kitchen and while I poured a glass of wine for us, she prepared dinner. Nothing fancy, some cold cuts, bread and cheeses, but tasty and looking at her whilst she moved through the kitchen, I knew how much I loved her.


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