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Page 8

by Brianna Skylark

  Anna gasped. ‘You too?’

  Elsie nodded as Cole knocked his drink back a moment later.

  ‘What?’ laughed Anna.

  ‘What the fuck? Everyone here has had a threesome except for me?’ said Tom, incredulous. ‘Have I lived some sort of sheltered life?’

  ‘Half a threesome,’ said Anna, pointedly. ‘And no, you’ve lived a pure and innocent life and I love you all the more for it every day.’

  ‘Actually Cole and I have had a threesome together,’ said Elsie, interjecting. Time for the big play. ‘More than one.’

  ‘Oh,’ said Anna, her expression changing as she looked at them, and for a brief moment, Elsie saw hope in her eyes. She’d hidden it well, but it had been there and it gave her a momentary boost in confidence. ‘What, um? What did you…?’

  ‘With Alice,’ she said quietly.

  Anna’s eyes widened.

  ‘Two years ago, we all made love right here, on the rugs in front of the fire… Just like…’

  Just like now, she wanted to say, but she stopped herself.

  ‘Oh,’ said Anna. There was a part of her that looked crestfallen all of a sudden, heartbroken even - just for moment - then she drew herself up and laughed, looking at Cole. ‘Lucky you.’

  ‘We’ve also done it with my old Uni friend, Ben,’ Elsie turned her attention towards Tom and smiled.

  The room stayed quiet, Anna looked down at the floor and began to twirl one of the loose strands of thick rug in her fingers.

  ‘Weren’t you jealous?’ she said quietly.

  Elsie shook her head. ‘No, actually I love seeing him with Alice.’

  ‘Seeing?’ she looked up, frowning.

  Elsie nodded.

  Anna took a deep breath. ‘What about you, Cole?’

  He shrugged. ‘I love seeing her come and hearing her moan. I love seeing her happy.’

  She nodded slowly, then she coughed and took a deep breath as her voice wavered. ‘I think it’s Tom’s turn?’

  Elsie could see that Anna was shaking and squeezing her thighs together, but she was also confused. It was time to go all or nothing.

  ‘I don’t think, I, erm…’ he said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, trying to hide himself. ‘I don’t think I can follow that one.’

  ‘Me neither,’ laughed Cole.

  No one moved. No one spoke.

  ‘Never have I ever…’ Elsie took a deep shuddering breath as she looked between the three others slowly. The whole room was tingling with tension now. Time for the rope bridge.

  She whispered as she settled her gaze on Anna. ‘Never, have I ever… had a foursome.’

  The room stayed silent.

  Each of them looked from one to the other, only their eyes moving, their muscles still.

  None of them drank.

  None of them breathed.

  Then Anna bit down on her bottom lip…



  ANNA’S FACE FLUSHED with panic as Elsie’s words paralysed her.

  Her mouth was bone dry, and her lips felt like a desert. Her heart was pumping so hard in her chest that for a moment she became afraid that her new friends might actually hear it.

  Shaking, she flicked her eyes toward her husband as her tongue finally freed itself and ran along the edge of her teeth, goosebumps breaking out across her skin and making her tingle. His gaze met hers - rabbit in the headlights - and she questioned him almost imperceptibly, searching his face for a sign.

  She wanted this.

  She’d been thinking about it for days, ever since they’d left their new friends little cottage and headed back home through the deep snowy roads. To begin with she’d tried to deny it, telling herself she’d been overwhelmed by the intensity of what had happened, but the more she’d tried to suppress the idea, the more it had forced itself upon her thoughts.

  There was electricity there.


  A spark.

  Tom felt it too. To begin with she hadn’t been sure, but that night he’d made love to her more vigorously and with more passion than he had in months, perhaps years. He’d made her orgasm so many times that she’d passed out.

  The following morning he’d woken up before dawn and they’d made love again, his arms enveloping her as his manhood pressed against her naked thigh, insistent and insatiable. Afterwards, as they’d lain together in the loving afterglow, the sun rising and pushing through the thick curtains, turning the room a deep shade of blue, she’d confessed.

  She’d told him how her heart had pounded as Cole had stripped down to his sweater that first morning they’d met. How she had blushed when she and Elsie’s eyes had met in the living room, and lingered.

  How by the time they’d left she’d been so worked up that the moment they’d arrived home, she’d run upstairs and touched herself secretly beneath the covers of their bed, imagining the four of them together. Kissing, touching, and making love.

  And that morning, beneath the blanket, hidden away from the rest of the world, they had opened up... with tears and smiles and tenderness.

  She knew this was wrong, they both did, but she still wanted it.

  And she wanted Tom to want it too, now.

  Needed him to.

  She loved him. More than she had ever thought possible, but she needed this.

  It felt like an insatiable yearning to be free and wild and spontaneous again.

  It was lust, and she was incredibly attracted to both of them.

  She wanted to be fucked and to feel coveted. She wanted to feel jealously and desire. It was desperate and raw.

  She wanted Elsie’s lips and Cole’s cock and Tom’s familiar, irreplaceable love. She wanted them all.

  She watched her husband’s eyes, looking for the tiniest acknowledgement, the barest hint of approval. A nod, a blink, a smile.


  Elsie watched all of this in slow motion, as though it was playing out as the final scene from a TV show, a cliffhanger ending as the audience leaned in, waiting for the twist on the edge of their seat.

  She held her breath and reached out for her husband’s hand, finding it and squeezing it tight.

  Then Tom smiled.

  They all stared at one another, Elsie catching Anna’s sparkling smile as her cheeks flushed red. Tom and Cole looking at one another, a knowing but cautious grin spreading across their faces.

  No one spoke.

  The room remained silent.

  Barely a breath.

  ‘Oh fuck,’ whispered Anna, her voice quivering. ‘I...’

  Elsie reached out and slowly took hold of her shaking hand. Her skin felt warm and soft between her fingers as they delicately interlocked, squeezing with a suggestive tenderness as she smiled.

  ‘We’ve not,’ said Anna, pausing as Elsie knelt up before her, high up on her knees, shuffling forward. ‘We’ve -.’

  ‘I like you,’ said Elsie as Anna’s eyes worked their way up from the shimmering gap between her thighs to her lips. ‘We like you.’

  The fire crackled, fizzling and popping as the fresh log steamed.

  Anna’s lips slowly parted. ‘We like you too.’

  Their eyes lingered, and the room seemed to take a breath, embers flickering and dancing.

  Elsie reached forward, still holding one of Anna’s hands, and placed her open palm against the petite blonde’s cheek, feeling her quiver with excitement and trepidation.

  Then she leaned in, and kissed her.

  Anna’s skin tingled with taboo delight as Elsie’s lips pressed against hers, the soft tip of her tongue sweeping gently across her sweet cherry lipstick as her limbs turned to jelly.

  She sighed, moaning quietly as Elsie shifted forward, sliding her hand confidently around her hip and bottom.

  It felt so good, to feel her touch at last.

  Delicately, and shaking as she did so, her arms rose and she wrapped them around her new friend and the two of them embraced as their bodies
pressed together.

  Elsie’s hand slipped through her hair, nails raking her skin as she moaned. Then her eyes flashed open and she pulled away, dabbing at the saliva glistening on her lip.

  ‘Oh my goodness,’ she sighed, glancing toward her husband, apprehension in her eyes.

  ‘We don’t have to rush,’ said Elsie, still holding onto Anna’s hand. ‘We don’t have to do anything. Or we can just go slow?’

  Tom nodded and Anna smiled, looking down bashfully at their interwoven fingers.

  ‘We want this too,’ she said quietly. ‘We didn’t know if you...’

  Elsie smiled and nodded, squeezing Anna’s fingers in her own. ‘We weren’t sure either, but...’

  Anna nodded and took a deep breath, closing her eyes and smiling, then she glanced across at Cole and immediately blushed, giggling quietly. ‘Slow, would be nice.’

  Elsie leaned forward and kissed her again. As their lips met once more Anna’s eyes widened and a smile spread across her face. Slowly the two of them fell backwards and lay down on the soft thick rug side by side. From the floor she looked over at her husband - still sat calmly in the armchair beside Cole, watching them both - and she smiled as Elsie leaned across and pecked a delicate string of kisses around her neck and under her chin.

  This is really happening, thought Elsie as she tingled with excitement.

  The two of them giggled and gasped in the warmth of the fire as the tips of their fingers touched, sliding them together and interlocking them again as the flames flickered in their eyes.

  Anna glanced across at her husband again, catching his eye as he leaned forward and then Elsie’s lips were pressing against hers insistently as she rolled on top, and she closed her eyes and moaned. As they kissed she sensed Elsie beckoning to the men and she opened her eyes to watch as Cole and Tom shifted in their seats and stood, grinning awkwardly.

  Elsie laughed as Cole gestured for Tom to go forward, the two men nodding to one another politely as they smiled and then after a moments hesitation he did so, and knelt down, Cole moving to the other side.

  ‘Are you okay?’ said Elsie to Anna, straddling her waist as their husbands settled.

  Anna nodded slowly, trembling as Elsie’s fingers rested softly against her tummy, drumming lightly. Elsie smiled and turned toward her own husband, reaching out her arm and running her hand around the back of his neck, pulling him forward and kissing him hard as he grinned. She took his hand in hers and placed it down in the middle of Anna’s chest beneath her own. Then she took hold of Tom’s hand - his long, thick fingers making her blush - and placed it next to Cole’s.

  Anna arched up and smiled, biting her lip as Tom leaned down to kiss her. She reached up her free hand and cupped his cheek as their lips parted. ‘I love you,’ she said, whispering.

  ‘I know,’ he nodded as he pulled away.

  Anna turned her head to look at Cole and then she burst into giggles and hid her face behind her fingers, shaking her head. ‘I can’t believe we’re doing this.’

  Elsie shuffled backwards and up onto her knees, then she reached forward and took hold of Anna’s wrists, pulling her upright until she too was perched between the two men.

  ‘Stand up,’ said Elsie and the two of them rose upwards, holding hands. ‘Turn around.’

  Anna did so, facing toward the heat of the fire as Elsie marvelled at her blonde hair glowing and shimmering in the flames. Then she stepped forward until their bodies touched, and slid one arm around her waist, kissed her neck and ran her other hand up her side and round her back until she felt the edge of the little button at the nape of Anna’s neck.

  Tom walked around in front her, smiling as he watched her head tip back, and listening as she moaned. Then Elsie’s deft fingers undid the button and pulled and each of them watched as Anna’s dress began to slide slowly down and away from her body.

  As it reached her waist, her bra exposed, she turned around and kissed Elsie again, her hands pressing into the small of the dark haired beauty’s back, squeezing the woollen material of her dress as their bodies curved into one another. Then her hands slid down and took hold of the hem and she began to slide it up.

  Cole stepped forward to help as Tom watched from close by, his eyes flitting back and forth and then settling on Elsie’s bare upper thighs as they appeared tantalising slowly, her arms pointing toward the ceiling as Cole slid the whole thing away and dropped it aside.

  She’d chosen a simple pair of high waisted black knickers, with a matching bra made of sheer lace and Tom’s eyes goggled as he stared at her, her hair falling around her shoulders as she smiled at them all.

  Anna took a step back, her own dress now hung loose around her waist. She shifted and it fell away, revealing a relatively more conservative but very similar matching black lace bra and knickers with a lace suspender belt attached to her stockings, covering her little round tummy.

  The two girls took each other in, their eyes travelling unabashed over the others skin and curves, taking in the delicate fabric of their underwear, their beautiful imperfections, and their sweet, happy smile lines.

  Then Elsie turned her attention toward her own husband, pulling him toward her roughly by the collar. Anna laughed and did the same to Tom, copying her as her fingers darted for the buttons of his shirt. In response Elsie tugged at Cole’s, untucking it from his jeans and then pulling it loose and over his head.

  As Anna worked her way down her own husband’s shirt, his eyes traced the contour of Elsie’s bottom, hidden away beneath the sheer material of her underwear and his wife smiled, watching as the bulge in his trousers grew. As his gaze fell back to his own wife she grinned wider and raised her eyebrows and a flash of guilt crossed his face.

  ‘It’s okay,’ she said, standing on tiptoes to kiss him. ‘You can look.’

  Elsie turned her neck and looked at the two of them as Cole held her in his arms, and she smiled as she saw them looking back at her. Then she peeled herself away and slid her fingers down Anna’s slender back, her other hand skimming through Tom’s thick chest hair as she stepped closer, gingerly at first as she entered their personal space.

  Anna smiled as the two of them looked at her, asking for her permission with their eyes, and then she glanced across at Cole, grinned, and nodded.

  Elsie took hold of Tom’s nearest shaking hand, his big thick fingers dwarfing her own and placed it against her hip and then she stepped closer and began to unbuckle his belt as he held his breath, his knees weak with excitement as he looked back and forth between her and his wife.

  Anna laughed and then jumped as Cole’s arms slipped around her waist, her whole body tingling with surprise as he pressed himself against her from behind. She turned around, finding herself inches from his mouth and then bit down on her lip as he looked at her, as though he was preparing to pounce.

  Tom’s belt came free in Elsie’s hand and she dropped it aside, fumbling for his button and fly, unzipping him and then tugging roughly at his jeans until the tall handsome man that had taken her breath away on the ice only days ago, was stood in nothing but his tight boxer shorts, bulging pointedly as he stepped away.

  Anna followed suit and Cole stepped back, his cock aching to be free.

  Elsie turned toward Anna again and took hold of her, tugging her down to the floor as she squealed. She knelt up in front of her, then she took hold of her cheeks in the palms of her hands and kissed her deeply as she gestured to the men. Cole knelt beside her and Tom behind, and together, the three of them began to undress her and kiss her.

  Tom went for her neck as Cole’s fingers unlatched her bra, Elsie taking it away in her hands and pressing their breasts together as she moaned. She gasped as Cole’s lips made their way down her shoulder, his hands sliding up her bare thighs as Elsie straddled her and she writhed as her new friend’s tongue pressed into her mouth.

  It was utterly overwhelming, her body felt like it was floating, tingling and in free fall, all at the same time and yet it
was exactly what she had wanted.

  Elsie grinned as Tom’s thick, unmistakeable fingers fumbled with her bra and Anna stared in wide eyed delight as he pulled at it, watching it fall away. Then Elsie was pushing her back, laying her flat on the rug as their men drew closer, the heat of the fire intense as she shook in a deluge of anticipation.

  Elsie’s hair fell across her face as their lips met again and then she was gone, moving down her neck, kissing her and teasing her and making her squirm as her kisses traced a line down the middle of her chest. Then she was moving to one side, little pecks beneath her bosom making her arch her back, round and round her sensitive nipples, her whole body aching for her touch, and then finally her lips closed around one and Anna cried out, her arms stretching out for the two men.

  They drew closer and Anna’s arm wrapped around her husband, pulling him into her as Elsie made her way slowly across to her other breast.

  Anna squeezed, moaning into Tom’s ear as she kept going, kissing a line down her tummy until she reached the lace material of her suspender belt. Pausing, she slipped her fingers beneath the edge and ran them back and forth slowly, making her buck and cry out, looking down as she parted her legs, and then Elsie unclipped the first suspender and she lay her head back flat on the rug and closed her eyes.

  Elsie slowly peeled the lace topped sheer stocking down Anna’s thigh and then she unclipped the other side and slid that one down too, teasing her with her fingers, her eyes glancing up and meeting Tom’s, jaw wide as he watched mesmerised. As she pushed both of them aside, she licked her lips and began to kiss her way back up Anna’s calf, moving up to her thigh, parting them further, widening her as she crept her way up.

  Anna arched her back as Elsie’s lips hovered over her warmth, her cheeks flushing red as she felt the girl’s hot breath against her, her whole body tense and quivering as her fingers slipped up her hips and took ahold of the edge of her knickers. Then she was pulling them down and away, the suspender belt coming too, down under her bottom as she lifted herself up, feeling it cling to her soaking wet pussy as she kept pulling, down and down past her knees and off over her feet.


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