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Future in the Stars

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by D Patrick Wagner


  Copyright ©2020 By Daniel Wagner, all rights reserved.

  Reproduction or transmission of this book, in whole or in part, by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or by any other means is strictly prohibited, except with prior written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, places and incidents described are products of the writer’s imagination and any resemblance to real people, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental.

  You may direct all inquiries to:

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  Books by D. Patrick Wagner

  (Click on a title to go to the book at Amazon)

  The Marston Chronicles

  Book 1: Sleeping in the Stars

  Book 2: Waking in the Stars

  Book 3: Meeting in the Stars

  Book 4 Battle in the Stars

  Book 5 Rescue in the Stars

  Book 6 Victory in the Stars

  Book 7 Future in the Stars

  The HEBA Narratives

  Cutter’s Saga

  Book 1 neophyte (Forthcoming)

  The Mage Wars

  Book 1: Finding Lightning

  Book 2: Using Lightning

  Table of contents

  Books by D. Patrick Wagner

  Table of contents


  Chapter 01

  Chapter 02

  Chapter 03

  Chapter 04

  Chapter 05

  Chapter 06

  Chapter 07

  Chapter 08

  Chapter 09

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  To be Continued

  Books by D. Patrick Wagner


  Chapter 01

  Nest One – Aboard Ravage Maker

  War sat on the stool in his executive conference room, four legs magnetically clamped to Ravage Maker’s deck. No meal sat on his desk. No signs of any pleasures occupied his room. The Mortek war Magistrate had cleared out all his personal affects, changing his quarters into what he wanted his mind to be.

  His First Officers rigidly sat on their own hard stools, loathe to speak, loathe to draw War’s attention.

  “This is not acceptable.” War emphasized his statement by slamming his claw on the counter. “We are Mortek. We do not lose!”

  “If I may, My Lord.”

  “Yes, Logistics?”

  “As long as we fought against the soft skins and their own technology, we were victorious. It was only the introduction of the alien technology which shifted the outcome.”

  “I am aware of that, Logistics.”

  “My Lord, Logistics is correct. In spite of that, we did succeed in countering the soft skin’s alien capabilities.”

  “Continue, Intelligence.”

  “We have no answer to the jump drives which the soft skins use. We did, however, discover ship configurations which negated their superiority. Also, our nuclear weaponry proved effective against the alien shields. And, it is also proven that, once past the shields, their armor is no match for our weaponry.”

  Materialist added, “I might add that, there seems to be a limited number of ships, mostly small, which have jump capabilities.”

  “What are you leading to?”

  “Intelligence, Logistics and I have been discussing our situation. We do not believe that it is as bleak as it appears. Intelligence?”

  “My Lord, with enough ships, we can overwhelm anything which the jump ships can counter.”

  “You are proposing an arms race.”

  “Yes, My Lord. With enough ships, we can take back everything which those jump ships took from us. We can again expand.”

  “You are forgetting about the Marston threat. If we continue our conquest, he will destroy our colony ship.”

  “I, Logistics, Intelligence and flight have a plan for that.”

  “Speak. We shall see.”

  Ballison – Federacy Remote Command

  Vice-Admiral Weiskoff sank into his custom-designed, nanite-built executive chair. Looking down, he rubbed his hand on the Federacy-black, pseudo leather armrest. Looking up, he saw his senior officers standing at ease, waiting for their orders.

  “Take off your quant-coms. Walk with me,” Weiskoff commanded as he abandoned his luxurious chair.

  The Vengeance officers, after placing their communication devices on Weiskoff’s desk, followed their leader out of his executive office, through the administration room, and past multiple administration people sitting in cubbyholes, all doing what administrative staff did. Reaching the vestibule which separated his seat of power from the Senior Officer’s own offices, Weiskoff and his entourage reached the lifts.

  Stepping onto the floating platform, the Vice-Admiral waited for his people to pack in then commanded, “Ground floor.”

  Walking across the base of the four-sided pyramid known as the Federacy Remote Command, Weiskoff led his followers out of the building, through the entrance arch and out to the center of the tarmac.

  “Mr. Hartman, what have you got? How can we lock that nosey A.I. out of our conversations?”

  First Lieutenant Gary Hartman, previously the chief engineer on Odin, now holding that same position on Vengeance, pulled out his tablet.

  “I’ve been socializing with Mack McCauley, the engineer on Griffin, Admiral. During our conversations, he showed me a converted crew’s quarters. They had turned it into a Faraday cage, resting on a non-conductive base.”

  After tapping the tablet’s screen a few times, he displayed the result to his superior.

  “This will block Igaklay’s snooping?”

  “As long as there are no electronics or power coming from without and no quant-com devices within, yes, Sir.”

  “How soon can you get one built?”

  “That’s the problem, Admiral. We can’t build it with Ballisonian tech or even here on Ballison. we need to construct it using manual labor and non-Ballisonian materials. Somewhere where Igaklay can’t drop a quant-com on it.”

  “Then, you are telling me that we have the knowledge on how to build a secure conference room, but we don’t have the materials.”

  “Not on Ballison, Admiral.”

  “Then we go to another planet.”

  “Admiral, if I may?”

  “Yes, Mr. Robinson?”

  “Calius, Sir. Except for the science facility and the associated town, it is non-technical.”

  “Excellent thought, Mr. Robinson. That’s where we will go. Mr. Clarke, didn’t we get intel that the Mortek hadn’t invaded Calius?”

  “I believe I recall reading something about that, Admiral. I will run a review.”

  “Do that. Captain Brewer, get Vengeance ready to sail. We’re going to Cencore.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral.”

  “When can we launch?”

  “Give me two days, Admiral. We can set sail day-after-tomorrow.”

  “Soon enough. And no one, I mean no one, is to contact Calius. The moment that damnable computer finds out that we are interested in our science division, it’ll drop a quant-com on it. Then we’re right back to where we started.”

  “We all understand, Admiral,” Weiskoff’s Adjunct answered for the entire Senior Staff.

  “Captain, as soon as we reach Cencore, achieve orbit around Olympia. Major Wilson, get your Marines ready. I want a full recon to find any ship that still exists on that p

  “Sir, yes, sir.”

  “Good. Get back to work.”

  Elonia – Royal Palace

  King Daruke hated when his council interrupted his day and called for a conference. With this slow burn coloring his attitude, he entered the council chambers and took his place at the head of the table. Once seated, he looked at a steward.


  That one word galvanized the servant into action. Everyone waited for their King to get his wine and open the meeting. Once his wine had been delivered, King Daruke took a swig then Pointed his ears forward as he viewed his councilors.

  “You said that we have an economic crisis. What is it, this time?”

  Senator Sanjinan, of the Chikuno Clan, spoke first.

  “Since the Humans defeated the Mortek and established a central government on the planet Ballison, there has been a steady migration of members of your clan, Clan Kaporine, to Ballison.”

  “Good riddance. They have shown no loyalty to me. As far as I am concerned, they can all leave. Elonia will be better off without them.”

  “Politically, we are all in agreement, Your Majesty. However, this has created an economic burden on our planet.”


  “Yes. The most powerful leaders in various industries within the Clan are leaving, taking their wealth and knowledge with them. The skilled tradesmen and labor leaders are following. The Kaporine Clan on Elonia is rapidly losing its economic leaders and its skilled labor. They are migrating to Ballison.”

  “Why haven’t you stopped it?”

  “There are no laws which stop this migration.”

  “Then make some.”

  “By the time our Senate is able to create these laws and have them enforced, the damage will have been done. Where Clan Kaporine was the most powerful of the eleven clams, by the time we create and vote on these laws, it will have become one of the most impoverished.”

  “Wisdom Seeker is the ship performing the transfer, is that correct?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Then the solution is simple. Seize the ship. Take away my sister’s favorite toy.”

  “Legally, that is not allowed, Your Majesty. besides, that would be impossible. With Wisdom Seeker’s jump drive, it will simply escape from any boarding attempts.”

  “Then what, Senator Sanjinan, do you recommend?”

  “Well, Your Majesty, we, your Council, recommend that you enact a writ of extreme emergency.”

  “You are recommending that I send in the Elonian military to stop the immigration.”

  “That is correct, Your Majesty. If Clan Kaporine’s shifting of its industry and agriculture is not stopped immediately, there will be no Clan Kaporine with any wealth. Well, not on Elonia.”

  “This is intolerable. Write up the writ. I will send out our military the moment I authorize it. But that does not solve the problem. There is a king in exile, my father. Something must be done about him.”

  “That is a discussion best not spoken out loud, Your Majesty.”


  As did all the Old Earth religions, Christianity had evolved. With the discovery of the gates, Humanity now knew that it was not alone. As all the Old Earth religions did, Christianity took a new look at its Scriptures and reinterpreted their meanings. Christianity found a place for other intelligent beings, with new Christian sects rising while old sects adjusted. The center of the disparity between these new and old sects focused on the arguments of these alien beings having or not having souls. This new style of Christianity came to Sanctuary.

  Sanctuary’s resident High Priest stood on the dais, smiling broadly as he watched the two newlyweds energetically seal their new relationship with a deep, bonding kiss.

  Mack’s best man, Buster, in his Mr. Morris skin and formal tuxedo, loudly applauded, as did the rest of the church’s congregation. Sue’s Maid of Honor, Mistress Analyn, dressed in her royal robes, huffed and flicked her ears, adding to the joyous occasion. The Elonian royal also clapped her paws, taking on the mannerism of her Human friends and compatriots. Igaklay, still holding the pillow from being the ring bearer, stood and watched, learning more about Humanity and its society.

  Krag leaned down and whispered, “That went well.”

  “Mack and Sue look really happy. They needed to do this,” Keiko responded.

  “That is true, Ambassador. Since Mz. Benton is due to drop a cub, there should be a proper bonding to legitimize the cub’s hereditary.”

  “Humans give birth to a child, Gopai, they do not drop cubs.”

  “I apologize for my error, Justice Vidhee. Give birth to a child.”

  “You are right, Gopai, but that is not what I meant,” Keiko continued. “I meant that they needed to take this step, getting married, to make their bond permanent.”

  “I think I understand. It is your belief that Mr. Mack and Mz. Sue needed to become a bonded pair even if she wasn’t pregnant.”

  “You are learning, Gopai.”

  The discussion between Krag, the Commander of the Human-Elonian-Ballisonian Alliance, Keiko, the H.E.B.A. Ambassador, Vidhee, the Chief Justice of the H.E.B.A. Supreme Court, and Gopai, Griffin’s gunnery officer, ended abruptly as a cheer rose and everyone headed from the wedding to the reception.

  The four trailed the crowd as it rushed to the wedding party scattered across Sanctuary’s open park area within the hollowed-out asteroid. Looking out, they saw that Mrs. Gregor had put on quite the celebration. Not only did they see the area cordoned off for the wedding party and their guests, but they also saw the rest of the park filled with vendors and hawkers, selling foods, trinkets and memorabilia commemorating the end of the Mortek war.

  Krag led the procession of Keiko, Vidhee and Gopai towards the post-wedding party. As the four slowly moved through the joyous occasion, Mack’s father and mother joined them.

  “Congratulations, Hank. You are now a proud father-in-law.”

  “Thank ya, Krag. But, I think that my Anna is happier about this than I am.”

  Mack’s father said this as he wrapped an arm around his wife.

  “Now, she gets to have some grandbairns to spoil rotten.”

  “Aye. And in the proper order. First a mother-in-law then a grandmother.”

  As Anna made that pronouncement, Mr. and Mrs. Gregor joined the procession.

  “You are so right, Mrs. McCauley. Our Harriette figured that out, also.”

  “Speaking of, how are the newlyweds doing, ma’am?”

  “Very well, Ambassador. I never thought that our daughter would settle down. I always thought that she would take after her father, the old coot.”

  Gloria said this as she hugged her husband’s arm.

  “Well, it did take a horse wrangler to get her to settle down.”

  “I don’t think anyone less could have done it. Our Harriet has always been a wild one.”

  “I see that your honor guard is a hit with the children. Are they dangerous?”

  Gregor said this as the group’s attention was drawn to a large cluster of children fighting to get close to the seven-foot, furry, cat-like Elonians. They watched as a few of the braver ones reached out and touched the winter-colored fur.

  “No, Mr. Gregor,” Gopai responded. “We are very protective of our cubs and would never harm them. Well, except for a cuff to the head once in a while.”

  “That is true, Mr. Gregor. The Elonian sense of pack security is one of the primary driving forces of their society. As long as nothing enrages them, they are very caring.”

  “I will take your word for it, Ambassador.

  As the group reached the newlyweds and the boisterous group, Igaklay, looking incongruous in his full tuxedo, grey-green skin, and bulbous eyes, rushed to meet them. He still carried the ring pillow.

  “How did I do? How did I look? Did you like it?”

  “You did very well, Igaklay. And you look very spiffy in your tuxedo.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Gre

  “Who made it for you?”

  “I did.” The pride in the little Ballisonian came through.


  “Yes! Watch!”

  Everyone watched as the nanites covering Igaklay’s body rearranged and became his HEBA uniform.

  “See? I had previously uploaded Griffin’s video library. Then I reviewed every one which had weddings and ring bearers. Finally, I analysed the commonality between them all. That gave me the data I needed to form a postulation on the dress requirements for a ring bearer. It was easy to manufacture the pillow and program the nanites to create my tuxedo.”

  “That must have taken quite a long time, Igaklay.”

  “It did, Mrs. Gregor. I applied point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one percent of my logic for a whole fourteen milliseconds. It was very enjoyable!”


  Again, everyone watched as the nanites shifted back into the tuxedo form.

  “How creative. Can anyone have these nanites and a variety of clothes?”

  “Of course, Mrs. Gregor.”

  “They won’t hurt the people wearing them?”

  “No! Never! In fact, my nanites would protect anyone from the weather or minor harm.”

  “Can you program these nanites to form multiple styles?”

  “That is what I did for the Griffin crew.”

  “What are you thinking, Gloria?”

  “Well, with all the destruction to the Federacy infrastructure, I’m thinking that a replacement for the textile industry might come in handy, Dear.”

  “You’re thinking of starting up a nanite clothing line. Nice. I’m in. Igaklay, what would it take to set up a company that creates clothing designs and sells your nanites?”

  “It would be easy! But, you need to get permission from my Overseers.”


  “Yes, Mrs. Gregor. Commander Marston and Ambassador Suzume.”

  Everyone looked at the two mentioned.


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