Book Read Free

Future in the Stars

Page 7

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Cansina, how are you doing with the walkthrough?”

  “I am just finishing up, Captain.”

  “Did you find anything which would stop us from returning to Ballison?”

  “No, Captain.”

  “Tribune Ambakai, Sergeant Boulos, get strapped in. You too, Cansina. We jump in five minutes.

  Everyone on Griffin’s bridge heard the affirmations. After five minutes, Krag nodded to Keiko. Griffin jumped.

  Aboard Vengeance - Cencore

  “Vice-Admiral Weiskoff sat in his command chair and watched Captain Brewer settle the bridge as Vengeance’s crew prepared for the multiple jumps required to reach Old Earth. He watched as the captain sincerely spoke to each of his people, assuring them that they were capable of doing their jobs.

  Disgusted with the coddling, Weiskoff stood and strode to his office. Once he reached his desk, he removed the quant-com from its storage box and set it on the felt pad.

  Every time Weiskoff used his quant-com, this communicator controlled by that insufferable Igaklay, a flash of anger ran through him. It did again, as he spoke at the Ballisonian tech resting on his desk.

  “Heimdallr, report.”

  “Heimdallr, Actual, Vice-Admiral.”

  “What are the Mortek up to?”

  “It looks like they’re building war ships like crazy, sir. They’ve filled out their remnants of the war to the point that they have a full fleet. And more ships are arriving. The frigates are coming through the gate almost daily. Same with their attack ships. So far, two cruisers have arrived.”

  “Any dreadnaughts?”

  “No new ones, Admiral.”

  “Notify me the minute one comes through the gate.”

  “Aye, aye, sir. They did something strange, though, sir.”


  “Their colony ship left. It headed back through the gate. Back towards what they call Home One.”

  “They’re getting it out of harm’s way. Those damned bugs are getting ready for another push.”

  “It would seem so, sir.”

  “Out. Igaklay, get me Marston.”

  “Of course, Vice-Admiral. Immediately, Vice-Admiral.”

  Weiskoff didn’t detect the sarcasm and disrespect in the moon-sized A.I.’s voice.

  “Marston here, sir.”

  “Where are my frigates?”

  “Three are two days before final testing is complete, sir. You should be receiving them within the week.”

  “That is not soon enough. I have captains and crews waiting for their assignments.”

  “It is what it is, Vice-Admiral. Preceptor Igaklay is balancing the schedule to the benefit of all production lines, sir. No Human could do any better.”

  “I should be top priority, Marston.”

  “I understand your point of view, sir. But, we are having an inordinate amount of immigration. Between the Elonians and Sasanians we are pressed to maximum production and supplies. Food, clothing, and shelter have become critical. I am currently at the waypoint between Atlantius and Ballison. When I arrive, I will get a more detailed status report. I can have it on your tablet within twenty-four hours after that.”

  “Too late. I am pulling out the Federacy fleet and jumping to the Sol system tomorrow morning.”

  “The frigates will not be ready, Vice-Admiral.”

  “Damn it! Get them to Cencore as soon as possible. As I said, I have crews waiting. At least, get them some quant-coms so that they can be apprised of their ships’ progress.”

  “Igaklay will jump a drone with the equipment immediately, sir.”

  “Get it done, Marston.”

  Weiskoff cut the link. Then he stabbed a button on Vengeance’s military communicator. He waited as three captains popped onto the viewing screen. Captain Brewer knocked and waited. Weiskoff nodded for him to enter.

  “Gentlemen, Marston and his alien friends have let us down. We will not be receiving the frigates as he promised. And the bugs are rebuilding their military fleet. As a result, I am heading to the Sol system without support ships. Retribution, Requital, Retaliation, you will remain onsite as rearguard. Stay in communication with that bastard, Marston. Push him to deliver those frigates. Vengeance will be jumping at zero six hundred, tomorrow. Dismissed.

  Aboard Heimdallr – Yeni Persia

  “Great. Just great.”

  “Quit your bitching, Brooksy.”

  “What? You like hanging around the Mortek, Toast? Seeing what they’ve put up their sleeves? I want to get back to Cencore and have a big cold one, a steak and some company.”

  “Whine, whine, whine. Have some cheese. Cap, think we should give Hawk a heads-up? Keep him updated with what’s going on here?”

  “Yeah. Do it, Toast. On the downlow.”

  “I’m thinking, Cap. Since Number Three wants updates, maybe to break the monotony, we should do a jump to the Mortek home world. Get a look-see at what’s going on there.”

  “Good idea, Brooksy. Toast, hold off on updating Hawk until we do a sneak and peek on the Mortek’s home world.”

  “Copy that, Cap.”

  “Get ready to jump, people.”

  “Cap, it’s at our maximum range. Do you want me to shorten the jump, take a day to recharge?”

  “Good thinking, Brooksy. That way, when we get there, we’ll still have some juice in the jump drive.”

  “Yeah. If things get hairy, we can rabbit out of there. I like it, Cap.”

  “Do it, Brooksy.”

  “Man, I love my jump drive.”

  Ballison Medical Center

  Coming back from her toiletry, Mistress Analyn heard the commotion coming from Mahi’s room. Hurrying in, she saw her wounded bodyguard standing, glaring at the medical attendants and almost showing his teeth.

  “I have spent enough time in this bed. I have healed enough!”

  “But, but, Sir Mahajani,” one of the attendants stammered.

  “No! get me my armor.”

  “Mahi, please. Listen to the attendants. They are only trying to make you better.”

  “My Mistress. I understand. I am better.”

  Analyn saw how hard Mahi worked at keeping his balance. She saw the grim determination in his eyes, jaw, and posture.

  “Mahi. Sit. That is a command.”

  Her bodyguard sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Preceptor Igaklay, what is Mahi’s status?”

  “He is healing nicely, Mistress Analyn,” Analyn, Mahajani, and the two attendants heard over the speaker system.

  “That is not good enough. How are the implants? How is his health?”

  “His body has almost completely accepted the implants, Mistress. With the nanites in his system the minor wounds are almost healed.”

  “Is there any reason for Mahi to remain in the medical center?”

  “Mainly for observation and therapy, Mistress. I might note that there is going to be a period of recovery while his nervous and muscular systems adjust to their artificial extensions.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Currently, Sir Mahajani does not have the same level of control over his artificial right forearm as before his injury. The same is true for the artificial musculature addition in his left leg. Or his intestinal tract.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It will take time for Sir Mahajani to return to his former physical self. Even then, there very well could be limitations to his abilities. He will experience balance issues. His digestive system will be unsettled for a period of time. This will cause weakness, nausea and possible low emotional states. Also, his reflexes will never be as quick or as precise as before the damage.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Mahajani interrupted.

  “Please, Mahi. Remain calm. Preceptor, is there anything stopping Mahi from leaving? Does he need more attention?”

  “Only physical therapy to help him with his implants and repairs.”

  “Bah. I don’t need that. I can
train myself.”

  “Preceptor Igaklay, if it wouldn’t offend you, would you please release Sir Mahajani into my care?”

  “That would not be offensive, Mistress Analyn. However, under those circumstances, I could not accept responsibility for the results of his physical therapy.”

  “I understand, preceptor. I will accept those responsibilities.”

  “As you wish, Mistress. On another topic, Griffin has arrived in system and will be landing within the hour.”

  “Mahi, get changed. Light armor, only. No scimitar.”

  “You need protection, My Mistress.”

  “There are eight guardsmen standing outside. I cannot get rid of them. I have plenty of protection. Besides, I will soon have my cat.”


  “You will see. I will wait outside for you to change.”

  Seeing Mahi’s physical and mental state, Analyn’s decision became finalized. If this new, synthetic snow leopard could protect her, it could also protect her Mahi.


  By the time Analyn, with Sir Mahajani and her guard, reached the landing port, Griffin had already settled, the tailgate had dropped, and the crew, complete with honor guard, had disembarked.

  They met midpoint between the spaceport and the HEBA pyramid.

  The newly arrived Griffin contingent saw Sir Mahajani noticeably limp as the large Elonian accompanied Mistress Analyn. Whispers moved through the Griffin guard.

  Krag and Keiko saw Mahajani’s struggle.

  “Oh no,” Keiko whispered.

  “Not good,” Krag answered, while growing a rage.

  Everyone met.

  “Mistress, you should have told us about the assassination attempt,” Krag began.

  “I am very displeased that you did not apprise us of the situation, Analyn,” Keiko followed.

  Mistress Analyn stood taller, raised her tail, and pointed her ears at Krag and Keiko.

  “This is Kaporine business.”

  “No, Mistress. This is Ballison business.”

  “When you deal with Vice-Admiral Weiskoff, you do this unilaterally. Why is your dealing with the Human Space Force any different than my dealing with Elonians, Commander?”

  “We always keep you apprised of our actions and decisions, Analyn.”

  “That is true, Keiko.”

  “Whenever you have comments or ideas, we listen.”

  “Yes, that is also true.”

  ”You should have done the same concerning the assassination,” Keiko stated.

  “Let me ask you a question, Mistress. What would have happened if the assassination had succeeded? Ballison is in the very beginning of becoming a thriving community once again. You are the at the center of keeping everything organized and successful. What would happen if you were killed?”

  “My parents could take over.”

  “And if they had been killed?”

  “Ballison would have been thrown into confusion. You and the Commander would have taken control.”

  “Not a very bright idea, Mistress,” Krag interjected.

  “You are right, Keiko. Although this assassination was Elonian against Elonian, it does affect Ballison. I apologize.”

  “No apology is necessary, Analyn. I think that Krag and I are just blowing off steam. Um, releasing our own stress and fear. We would be devastated if anything were to happen to you.”

  Keiko looked at Krag, scowled and gave a head tilt. Krag knew her signals.

  “Keiko’s right. But now, the past’s the past. We need to get on with the future. Igaklay, would you contact Jack, please.”

  “Hey, Hawk. I bet you’re calling for a sit-rep. the five ships all arrived and have attained stable orbits. All’s good here.”

  “Thanks, Jack.”

  “Do you need anything else?”

  “Nope. I guess you can stand down for a couple of weeks.”

  “Actually, we have a contract to ship some beef from Tolimar to New Brittany. So, we’ll be pulling out in a couple of days.”

  “OK. Safe trip. Out.”

  Krag turned back to Mistress Analyn.

  “Now, we have some unfinished business.”

  “You are talking about Sub-Captain Desinal.”

  “You read my mind, Mistress. We need to get her settled in.”

  “My father has ordered that she take up residence in her prison compound. She and her family are already there.”

  “OK. Since she is both Elonian and HEBA navy, let’s get her settled in. Should we pick up your father?”

  “If this is a formal beginning of her imprisonment, then, yes.”

  “Analyn, would you contact your father so that we can pick him up?”

  “OK, Keiko.”

  “We’ll take a shuttle,” Krag stated.

  * * * * *

  A Ballisonian transport landed first. Eight Elonian Guardsmen rushed out and set up a defensive parameter within the newly constructed compound. Ex-Sub-Captain Desinal, her husband, and her daughter, Chindra, came out of the building and watched the landing.

  A second shuttle followed, setting down within the defensive ring. Its ramp dropped and twelve Griffin guardsmen rushed down, strengthening the defensive circle.

  Lord Kaporine, as head of the Elonians on Ballison, led the rest down the ramp. As the entourage collected and moved towards the building, the Desinal family came to meet them. Ex-Sub-Captain Desinal, now, a convicted prisoner, placed the back of her paw against her forehead and bowed deeply. Her bond-mate and daughter duplicated the action.

  “Rise,” Lord Kaporine commanded.

  Once the three straightened, the leader of Clan Kaporine continued.

  “Dame Desinal, step forward.”

  The Elonian did, then came to formal attention.

  “You have been found guilty of criminal insubordination and clan betrayal. As your punishment, you have been sentenced to five years imprisonment. Do you agree with my previous statements?”

  “Yes, Lord Kaporine. I am prepared to serve my sentence.”

  “Commander Marston and Ambassador Suzume have vouched for you and have pleaded for a lighter sentence. As has your bond-mate. I have decided that your sentence will remain in place.”

  “I understand, Sire.”

  You will remain incarcerated in this dwelling during your sentence. Hold out your wrist.”

  Dame Desinal did as she was ordered.

  “Preceptor Igaklay?”

  Igaklay stepped forward and attached a strangely designed quant-com.

  “This quant-com is also a tracker. For the term of your sentence, you will never remove it. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  “Further, you are to remain within the electronic boundaries established around this compound. The only times in which you are allowed to leave, you will be accompanied by at least one guardsman. And that will only occur with approval from myself or Mistress Analyn.”

  Dame Desinal just nodded in acceptance.

  “Next. On a daily basis, you will be allowed three human hours of conjugal visits from your bond-mate and daughter.”

  “What? Pardon, Sire. I did not mean to interrupt.”

  “Finally. You will be heavily monitored by Igaklay and a board of evaluators. Your behavior will be judged. You will be judged on your remote contributions to the betterment of Ballisonian society. If you prove yourself, you will be eligible for parole in three years.”

  Energy vibrated through the convicted Elonian as she sharpened her stance.

  “Thank you, Sire. I will put my whole being into re-earning the trust of you and Clan Kaporine.”

  Krag and Keiko saw Dame Desinal’s ears, snout and tail flick with excitement at these unanticipated boons. They saw her fairly vibrate at being able to be with her family for three hours a day. They saw her eyes widen at the idea that she might be able to leave her prison in three years.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “What will become of Repriev

  “Commander Marston?”

  “As promised, Reprieve is permanently leased to the Desinal family. As long as it is flown under the HEBA Maritime banner and is used for the betterment of the HEB Alliance, it will continue to be under the control of the Desinal family.”

  Dame Desinal’s bond-mate stepped forward.

  “We are going to park it. Unless we can find a temporary captain. I and Chindra are not leaving Tarsina until she is released from prison.”

  “Gertsia, that is not wise. You are now the provider for the family.”

  “Yes, my Bond-Mate. However, I am an engineer. Not a pilot or a captain. I will support Commander Marston in getting his fleet ready. I will provide for our family in that way.”

  “What about Ollie and Mr. Yonek?”

  “With their experience, they will have no trouble finding work. It is settled.”

  Dame Desinal reached forward and pulled her bond-mate close.

  “Thank you,” she mindspoke.

  “Actually, Dame Desinal, I think that I might have a place for Pilot Briar, if he is willing. I will talk to him, later.”

  “Thank you, Commander. I would worry about him. He is so impulsive.”

  Lord Kaporine took back the conversation.

  “Is there anything else?”

  “If I may, Sire, may I have access to Human and Ballisonian history and societal conventions data? I wish to spend my time learning of this new culture which we are forming.”

  Everyone picked up on the word ‘we’. Those with insight understood that Dame Desinal had not withdrawn from her commitment to this new society.

  “Preceptor Igaklay?”

  “I will have a tablet with a secured data stream delivered immediately, Dame Desinal.”

  “Preceptor Igaklay, please activate the security fence and note the time. Engineer Desinal, Cub Chindra, please come with me. Dame Desinal, your sentence begins now.”

  Dame Desinal saluted and bowed to Lord Kaporine in acceptance.

  Ballison – H.E.B. Alliance Pyramid

  The two Ballisonian transports returned to the giant pyramid after the formal incarceration of Dame Desinal. The routine repeated. Mistress Analyn’s guard established the secure parameter. Griffin’s guard supported the security. Everyone else exited Griffin.


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