Book Read Free

Future in the Stars

Page 19

by D Patrick Wagner

  “I’m not sure. A couple of thousand ships arriving in the Sol system could not go unnoticed. But, so far, no one from Earth has formally reached out.”


  Everyone heard the sadness in the Fleet-Admiral’s single response. Pulling himself back to the now, he continued.

  “Well. I don’t know how much you know about the Federacy, so let me begin with a brief description. The Federacy is made up of twelve solar systems and just over two billion people. All of the systems are linked by the same gates as the one outside Saturn.”

  “Other than the population size, that is pretty much what our history books describe, Admiral.”

  “One of the outer systems is a system named Yeni Persia. About eighteen months ago, an alien fleet invaded, conquered, and destroyed its primary planet, Sasania.”


  “Yes, sir. You are?”

  “Chairman Jeromy Carrington. Direct descendent of the founder of the Carrington dome.”

  “I am pleased to meet you. Yes, aliens. Four-legged monsters with articulating arms and claws. They stand more than nine feet tall. Ugly creatures.”

  “Do you have video and data on these aliens?”

  “Yes, Chairman. I will have the Vice-Admiral send everyone a packet.”

  Chancellor Hightower glanced at Victoria. She signed.


  “Over the course of the next six months, they, the Mortek, expanded their invasion and jumped from planet to planet. We had no space force large enough or with enough equipment to withstand the onslaught.”

  “It sounds horrifying. I feel for your loss, Fleet-Admiral.”

  “Thank you, Chancellor. War is always horrifying.”

  Vice-Admiral Weiskoff lifted his container, held it to his mouth, pressed his tongue against the opening and sucked in a mouthful of water.

  “Nothing stopped them. These Mortek destroyed everything in their path. We saw the writing on the wall. About five months into the invasion, the Federacy decided to form a refugee fleet and head to Old Earth. So, here we are. Roughly one point five million people crammed aboard about two thousand ships.”

  Lord Cedric looked at Victoria.


  “You are looking for sanctuary.”

  “That is correct, Chairman.” Weiskoff’s curiosity showed on his face as he focused on to the new voice.

  “I run the Musselman colony. You can call me George.”

  “I am pleased to meet you.”

  “That’s a lot of people. There is no way that Mars can absorb that many.”

  “That is why I was disappointed that Earth hadn’t sent a delegation, Chairman. We were hoping to settle on Earth.”

  “I don’t know if you would be welcome. Earth has become moribund in its political thinking. It doesn’t like change. And those in power wouldn’t want one-point-five million people upsetting their powerbase.”

  “We have to try. We can’t take another year in the grey.”

  “We’ll contact the United Earthly Nations. See what they will agree to.”

  “Um, Chancellor?”

  “Yes, Mr. Carrington?”

  “What about the Musselman Launch Town holdings?”

  “That place hasn’t been up and running for a couple of centuries. It’s a wreck,” the Musselman Chairman responded.”

  “True. But the land belongs to a Mars colony, George. We don’t need the UEN to give us permission.”

  “Yup. That’s true, Cedric. But it sure will put their panties in a twist, if we go and drop one and a half million people right there in the Republic of Texas.”

  “I am sure that we can get the UEN to buy in.’

  “Sure enough. If we pony up enough credits, they will dance to our tune.”

  “True. If all the colonies pool some credits, we’ve got enough to buy just about anyone we want.”

  “Yup. Those Earth Pols are greedier than a raccoon in a kitchen. I’ll throw in some credits to grease the rails. Maybe down the line I’ll see a return.”

  “What’s in it for us?”

  “Well, Jeromy, think of this as the Carrington house doing its good deed for the decade.”

  “That’s funny, George. No, really, we should think about long term, how to make this a going concern.”

  “One step at a time, Chairman Carrington. First, let’s see if we can find a place for our homeless cousins.”

  “OK. I’ll listen. Maybe throw in some credits. See where this lands.”

  “Counting George and myself, that’s three. What about the rest of you?”

  Chancellor Cedric looked around the table of colony chairpersons. He got approving nods from the rest of them.

  Fleet-Admiral Weiskoff sat forward in his chair as he watched and listened to this possibility of success.

  “It would take a lot of work to get Launch City back to being operational. And a lot of credits.”

  “We have more than a million people, the best of the best, Chairman Musselman. We can do the work. We also have equipment.”

  Cedric looked at Victoria. She flashed multiple signs.

  “Eager. Hopeful. Son, resistant.”

  “Vice-Admiral Weiskoff, what do you think about the people of this fleet settling on Earth?”

  “I came here to tell them that we defeated the Mortek. The aliens have withdrawn from every planet except for Sasania. They are no longer a threat. We can all go home.”

  “Resentful, anxious, nervous.”

  Cedric looked from Victoria and back to the Vice-Admiral. “How did you do that?”

  “We found alien technology that allowed us to jump short or vast distances in seconds.”

  When Cedric glanced at Victoria, she signed a single word.


  “The jump drive you spoke about, Theodore?”

  “Yes, Father. It became a game changer.”

  “Vice-Admiral, You say that Humanity defeated these aliens.”

  “Yes. We drove them back to Yeni Persia and set up a barricade to close the gate.”

  Sir Cedric glanced at Victoria.


  “By using these jump drives.”

  “And other alien technologies.”


  “How did you discover these jump drives?”

  “The Federacy has been discovering these jump drives for hundreds of years. They belong to a dead civilization, the Ballisons.”


  “And you succeeded in activating them.”



  “I see. You spoke of the Ballisons. How do you know that that is what they were called?”

  “We found their planet.”


  “The dead civilization. So, you found an uninhabited planet which still had working jump drives.”

  Fathers know their sons. They know when one is hedging the truth. So, the Fleet-Admiral watched his son, tried to ascertain what the boy was hiding.

  “Not exactly, Chancellor. Although the Ballisons disappeared, there remained an artificial intelligence to maintain the planet.”


  “One A.I. to run a whole planet?”

  “It’s in orbit around the planet. It’s as big as Earth’s moon.”


  “Jeez. And, you have one of these jump drives in that strange ship out there.”

  “Yes, Chancellor. Vengeance can jump between three hundred and five hundred lightyears almost instantaneously. But then, it requires a full day to recharge its dark matter tanks.”


  “Jump drives. Dark matter energy. What else is on this planet?”

  “A lot. Gravity generators, energy shields. We have only just begun to touch the surface.”

  “Gravity generators?”

  “Yes, Chancellor. Vengeance doesn’t use magnetism to simulate gravity. We actually have Cencore-normal gravity on the sh

  “One last question, Vice-Admiral. Would you be willing to share this technology with UMCR?”

  “Yes, with fair trade, of course.”


  Also knowing Victoria’s sign language, Sir Reginald had followed the sub-dialogue. He surreptitiously raised a finger at his uncle and pointed it towards the door. Lord Cedric understood and accepted the recommendation.

  “Excellent! Ladies, gentlemen, have we heard enough? Should we go into committee and discuss if we will open up Chairman Musselman’s holdings and allow Fleet-Admiral Weiskoff to settle his people there?”

  Everyone at the table affirmed.

  “Fleet-Admiral Weiskoff, we have heard your petition. We will go into chambers and discuss this issue. You will receive our conclusion within a day.”

  “Thank you, Chancellor. That is the best that we could ask for.”

  The Chancellor rose and gave a small bow. The Fleet-Admiral stood. His three subordinates followed suit. The doorman quickly pulled the double doors open and stepped aside.

  As the two Weiskoffs left, the father spoke softly to his son.

  “You’re hiding something. Be on Frigg at oh-nine hundred. Be prepared to tell me everything.”

  “Yes, Father.”

  After the four Federacy officers left, Lord Cedric retook his seat.

  “Well? Do we believe them?”

  “I think that the Fleet-Admiral is up front. He wants to take care of his people.”

  “Yup, you aren’t wrong on that, Jeromy.”

  “The son though, he’s a snake.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Blackwood. I wonder what he was lying about. Not the jump drive. We’ve seen it in action. George, you said that you are willing to throw in Launch Town for some alien tech.”

  “It’s been nothing but a credit gulper for centuries. Yeah, Cedric, if I can wrangle a way to get some of those jump drives, that gravity generator thing, and make some credits, it’s in the pot.”

  “Good, George. Let’s figure out how we can get that alien tech.”

  “You read my mind.”

  Ballison – H.E.B. Alliance Spaceport

  Mistress Analyn looked on in surprise. She stood, frozen by the turnout for her sendoff to Elonia. Not only were her parents, with full honor guard, here, but also the full Griffin Den. What surprised her the most was the Captain of Wisdom Seeker, Captain Kakkarna and one of his bridge crew.

  The entire bridge crew stood at attention behind the Mistress of Ballison and permanent leaser of Enduring Spirit. Behind them, also standing at attention, the still bruised and banged up security guard. Those who could, held their ears and tails high. The human half stood at attention, nothing moving, not even their eyes. The four killer-bee pilots, two Elonian, two Human, stood with their fellow security guard. Almost all displayed the badges of their mutual respect exercises.

  Mistress Analyn placed the back of her hand-paw to her forehead and bowed deeply.

  “I am deeply honored by your presence, all of you.”

  “And we are proud of you, Little Fire. Dispense with the formality and give your father a hug.”

  Analyn rushed forward and did.

  “Be safe, Little Fire. You do not know what rotten ice you are going to walk on.”

  “I will, Father.”

  “Sir Mahajani, Lieutenant Negiani, I charge you with the care and safety of the Mistress of Ballison. It is your responsibility to protect her at all times and to return her to Ballison.”

  “At your command, Your Lordship.” Mahajani spoke for the both of them.

  Lord Kaporine looked down at the synthetic snow leopard standing beside his daughter.

  “Rikka, nothing is to happen to my daughter. Understood?”

  Analyn’s pet and protector growled a response as the level two A.I. nodded her head in understanding.

  “Now, I have decided that Elder Anupi will accompany you. When you are negotiating with your brother, you will need someone to pour water on your fire.”

  “This is a great honor, Father. Elder Anupi, welcome aboard Enduring Spirit.

  As Elder Anupi purposely strode forward, Captain Kakkarna cleared his throat and spoke.

  “Mistress Analyn, I have decided to loan you Pilot Nemoni.”

  “It would be an honor for Master Nemoni to pilot Enduring Spirit. However, we have a pilot who has trained extensively on the operations of this Mortek frigate. Pilot Kafer, a pilot from Tolimar.”

  “I understand, Mistress. What is Pilot Kafer’s background?”

  “Mr. Kafer is ex-Federacy. A fighter pilot.”

  “As you said, your pilot is in training. Since he flew small planes, he is not experienced in piloting a large warship. Pilot Nemoni has that experience. Not a warship, but a large civilian transport. Behind Sub-Captain Banajin, Pilot Nemoni is the most experienced pilot in all of Elonia. She has been studying the operation of Enduring Spirit’s pilot console from the time that Commander Marston awarded you this Mortek frigate. At the very least, she should be allowed to act as Sub-Pilot. Her experience might be critical.”

  Everyone watched the Mistress of Ballison as she mentally worked through this new variable.

  “I humbly accept your offer, Captain Kakkarna. Pilot Nemoni, welcome aboard Enduring Spirit.”

  Wisdom Seeker’s lead pilot, now Enduring Spirit’s temporary sub-pilot, bowed in acceptance.

  “And, Mistress, you are going to need a weapons specialist. So, you get Gopai.”

  “Truly? He is the weapons specialist for Den Griffin, Commander.”

  “Yes. And the best weaponeer in all of the H.E.B. Alliance. That is why I am loaning him to you.”

  “This is a great honor, Commander. Welcome aboard Enduring Spirit, Gopai.”

  Gopai repeated Nemoni’s bow and took his place within Analyn’s group.

  “I wish to accompany you to Elonia, Mistress Analyn.”

  “You do, Vidhee? Why?”

  “I am going to formally resign my position on the Monarchal Legal Court. Also, I am going to inform everyone that I have applied for, and been approved for, citizenship on Ballison.”

  “Oh. That is very drastic, Vidhee.”

  “Legate Buster and I have been discussing this. My resignation and dual citizenship can create a legal and diplomatic bridge between our two civilizations. Also, I do not believe that I can pass judgement fairly on the HEBA Legal Court if I am conflicted with Elonian law.

  “I see. You are always welcome, Honorable Vidhee. Are there any more surprises you wish to spring on me, Father, Commander, Captain?” Analyn smiled at Keiko. “Ambassador?”

  “No, Mistress. We’re good.”

  The Humans chuckled. The Elonians huffed. Igaklay enjoyed and continued to learn.

  “Well, Captain Jewels, as you Humans say, let’s get this show on the road.”

  “Aye, aye, Mistress.”

  Chapter 12

  Ballison – Clan Kaporine Palace

  Johi deferentially knocked on the door leading to Lord Kaporine’s office.


  Lord Kaporine looked up as his door swung out, revealing Johi, Captain Long, Sub-Captain Baker and the greyish-green Ballisonian Synthetic from Gypsy.

  “Come in, come in,” Kaporine invited as he rose.

  Johi led his charges in and directed them to the discussion area. Having learned from the Griffin crew, all wore boots with extended cleats. As they entered, they punched indentations into the ice-covered floor. Immediately upon approaching the comfortable chairs, everyone saw their seats transform into shapes suitable for the human anatomy.

  No chair formed for Eton. Igaklay knew better than to subject the Liberated Ballisonian A.I. to Igaklay technology. As a protective measure, Eten stepped away, creating distance by taking up position against one ice-covered wall.

  As Lord Kaporine took his own overstuffed chair, he asked, “Beverages? Snacks?”

  “Coffee for me,” Kimberly stated. “Boy, am I glad that I
have this Elonian heating unit on my arm. I would freeze my, well, you know, off.”

  “Yes, Sub-Captain. I have one for just the opposite. My blood would boil if I entered your heated climate without mine.”

  “No disrespect, Your Lordship.”

  “None taken, Sub-Captain. Anyone else?”

  “I could go with the same as the Sub-Captain, Your Lordship.”

  Kaporine gave an ear twitch to the head of his household. Johi nodded at the unspoken request. Then Johi froze and unfroze.

  “Johi, would you please contact Doctor Roshnak and Doctor Ganakin? I believe that they will wish to be in on this meeting.”

  “Immediately, Sire.”

  After Johi left, Kaporine turned back to his guests.

  “Captain Long, I understand that you have some requests.”

  “Um, yes, Your Lordship.”

  “Sire will do, Captain.”

  “OK. Sire, first on my list is the science team. I’ve been told that doctors Roshnak and Ganakin have already volunteered.”

  “As have the entire science team of Wisdom Seeker. We had to refuse many requests. There is no shortage of people. How many do you need?”

  “I would say seven, Sire. We’ve allocated enough living space and lab room for seven.”

  Wisdom Seeker can fulfill that need. Do you have any idea on what specialties these scientists should need?”

  “I’m not sure on that. I would leave that up to the two doctors.”

  “Excellent decision. Now, about your bridge personnel?”

  “I’m looking for a navigator, sensor specialist and communication specialist.”

  “Unfortunately, Wisdom Seeker has shaved its crew to very thin ice. There is no one available to satisfy your needs.”

  “Oh. Then we will need to look elsewhere.”

  “Um. Captain, may I make a suggestion?”

  “Jump in, Sub-Captain.”

  “The Sasanians. With their colony here on Ballison, I would guess that their military would have people skilled enough to be cross-trained.”

  “See, Kimberly? Outside of the box. Get it done.”

  “Who is ruling the Sasania colony, Sire? Do you know?”

  “King El-Hashim Ardishar, Sub-Captain. As he is my counterpart, we have had dialogues since the Sasanians have begun arriving. However, I would recommend that you communicate with Commander Toma. He is the senior officer for the Federacy Naval force.”


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