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Future in the Stars

Page 21

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Yup, a real bag of snakes. But manageable. Our houses took on Earth before, Cedric. And we knocked the stuffing out of them. We just need to remind them of that.”

  “Yes, George. But that was three hundred hears ago. The Musselman family owned the launch pads. We Hightowers owned the ships. Earth needed us.”

  “Yeah, well, when we get our hands on the gravity generator and jump drive, they’re gonna need us old boys again. But, let’s not put the cart before the horse. First, we reel in the old man. Get his signature on a contract. Then, we play games with those pols on Earth.”

  “You’re right, George. And that begins tonight. Reggie, I’m going to need you and Victoria to be in on that.”

  “I am always willing to help, Uncle.”

  “And you, Victoria?”

  “Of course, Sir Cedric.”

  “You always do good, Cedric. Make sure that the UMCR gets what we want. Like always, I’ll just hang in the background, be your sidekick.”

  “I am very glad that I don’t have to deal with all these machinations. Just let me run my security company.”

  “No, Reggie. You aren’t cut out of political cloth. But you are my most reliable sounding board. You and the lovely Victoria.”

  Lord Cedric said this as he winked at Victoria.

  “Uncle, I have paperwork and some business plans to sort out. Would you mind if we cut this meeting short?”

  “Not at all, Reggie. See you at supper.”

  “Should I bring Victoria?”

  “Yes. And Mrs. Moore.”

  “OK. See you then. See you tonight, Mr. Musselman.”

  “Later, kid.”

  Elonia Palace Landing Port

  “Master Tuvia, I am receiving a message from a ship calling itself Enduring Spirit.”

  The Master Landing Port Administrator, Tuvia, rushed over to his communications operator.

  “Who is it? What does it say, Patia?”

  “The message is from a Captain Jewels. She indicates that she is a human child bearer and wishes to speak to the chief administrator. You, sir.”

  “Link it to my desk, Patia. I will receive the communique there.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  By the time the Landing port administrator dropped his tail into the slot on his chair and sat, his desktop communicator had begun pinging. Tuvia pressed the connect button with a single, extended claw.

  “This is Master Administrator Tuvia. With whom am I speaking? Why are you in Elonian space?”

  “This is Captain Jewels of Enduring Spirit. We are here on a diplomatic mission from Ballison. We ask permission that we be allowed to land a shuttle containing a diplomatic contingent and request an audience with King Daruke.”

  “Please remain in space while I pass your request to the palace.”

  “We will hold our position until you respond, Master Tuvia.”

  Tuvia again pressed the communication button, breaking the connection.

  “Patia, contact the Palace. Forward this dialogue to them and request guidance on our response.”

  “Immediately, Master Tuvia.”

  Everyone in the control tower nervously flicked ears and tails at this first contact with a ship from an alien world. Tuvia had to force himself to remain seated while waiting for the return call from the palace. Patia kept focusing and refocusing on his communications equipment, willing the response to come through.

  Finally, Patia’s comm light blinked.

  “Patia speaking.”

  After a pause, the Elonian communications operator continued, “Understood.”

  “Master Tuvia, we are to contact Enduring Spirit and get a full list of beings who are to be in the diplomatic group. Then we are to wait for the palace’s response.”

  “I will take over, Patia.”

  Tuvia worked his communications unit and re-established the link with Enduring Spirit.

  “Captain Jewels, we have received a request from the palace. You are to supply us with a list of the personnel who will comprise your delegation, including race and rank.”

  “Yes, sir. I am composing the list and sending it to you as we speak. If you will give me a moment?”


  Tuvia’s communicator pinged, indicating that he had received the list. Tapping some keys on his console, he forwarded it to the palace and continued his anxious wait. It didn’t take long.

  “Master Tuvia,” the Landing Pad Administrator heard over the speakers.


  “The diplomatic delegation is authorized to land in a shuttle. Only those specified on the list will be allowed to set foot on Elonian ice.”

  “Understood, sir. I will convey your orders immediately.”

  Without a signoff, Tuvia’s communicator lost connection to the palace. He immediately re-established contact with Enduring Spirit.

  “Captain Jewels, the delegation has received permission to land in the shuttle. What is your expected time of arrival?”

  “Within the hour, half a sedeca by your time.”

  “I shall inform the palace.”

  * * * * *

  Enduring Spirit’s shuttle descended, blasting rockets of hot air, melting, and breaking the sheath of ice covering its assigned landing pad. Frozen remnants and water vapor clouded into the freezing air, partially hiding the landing. Eventually the constantly blowing, biting Elonian winds dispersed the artificial cloud, revealing Enduring Spirit’s now-grounded space shuttle.

  After The ramp to Enduring Spirit’s shuttle dropped, four Defenders, two Humans, two Elonians, took up positions of attention, defining the walk path for the arriving dignitaries. With a snap to attention, the four brought their weapons across their bodies, held firmly at forty-five-degree angles. Mistress Analyn led, with Sir Mahajani just back of her left and Rikka padding along at her right. Elder Anupi and Honorable Vidhee followed. In the distance, they saw the ice particles thrown into the freezing Elonian air as multiple vehicles approached.

  Four heavily armored vehicles skated towards the landed shuttle, their runners gouging sharp trails in the hard-frozen ice. As they approached, ice bolts extended from the undercarriages of all four vehicles, at first scraping, then digging into the ice, bringing the military vehicles to a stop

  Thirty-two Guardsmen leaped from the four armored vehicles, finding purchase with their foot claws digging into the ice. They raced forward and formed a half-circle around the arriving dignitaries. All brought their weapons to bear.

  In response, the four Enduring Spirit Defenders brought their own weapons from at-arms to ready. As Rikka crouched, preparing to spring, Analyn gave her guard cat a mental command to hold. Sir Mahajani reached across his body, ready to pull his scimitar. Analyn gave a quite shake of her head.

  After stoppage of the military vehicles and the disbursement of the armed Elonian Guardsmen, another, boxy vehicle followed and stopped. One Elonian Guardsman, obviously the commanding officer, stepped forward.

  “By order of King Daruke, you are all charged with crimes against the state and under arrest.”

  Analyn’s temper took over.

  “What? That minvern brother of mine thinks he can lord it over me?”

  Elder Anupi reached out and took his Mistress’s arm.

  “Please, Mistress. Control.”

  Analyn clamped her muzzle shut and un-balled her hand-paws. Rikka again tensed, ready to attack. Mahajani continued to grip his sword.

  “We are here on a diplomatic mission under the protection of Ballison and the Human, Elonian, Ballisonian Alliance. As such, we are immune from Elonian laws and their enforcement.”

  “That is for you to discuss with King Daruke. Until then, you are under arrest. Have your warriors lower their weapons or you will be fired upon.”

  After scanning the thirty-one guardsmen pointing their weapons at her and her people, Analyn gave a nod of command. All her Defenders brought their weapons back to the ready.

  “Who else is on

  With her hottest glare, Analyn answered, “Just the pilot.”

  “Mindspeak to him. Tell him to lift off and never return.”

  “Pilot Kafer is a Human. He cannot mindspeak. Tribune Negiani, please inform Pilot Kafer that I have ordered him to return to Enduring Spirit.”

  “At your command, Mistress.”

  Negiani spoke into his wrist comm, transferring Analyn’s order.

  “Pilot Kafer asks if he should bring down the killer-bees and burn these ice-balls to the ground.”

  “Tell Pilot Kafer that it will not be necessary at this time, Tribune.”

  “As you wish, Mistress.”

  The Guardsman Commander held his look of consternation only for a moment. Then he pointed a paw at the Enduring Spirit Defenders.

  “Disarm those traitors and put them in the dungeon!”

  He waved at Mistress Analyn, Sir Mahajani, Elder Anupi and Honorable Vidhee. “Those four, take them to the King!”

  Chapter 13

  Ballison – Sasania Compound

  The first thing the contingent from Gypsy noticed after they left their shuttle was the opulence of the royal tent. Although obviously temporary, its outside shape bespoke of multiple rooms, both large and small. A canvas awning covered the entranceway. Guards in royal livery stood at attention, with nothing moving.

  The second thing they noticed was the listlessness of the people wandering or sitting amid the surrounding tents. They also noticed that this same languor permeated the Sasanian marines scattered throughout the encampment.

  “Everyone looks beaten down, Cap.”

  “I guess being turned into slaves and watching your family being eaten will do that to you.”

  “I don’t know if we’ll find anyone who wants to join our little expedition.”

  “Don’t underestimate the human will, Kimberly. We always rise to the occasion.”

  “True, Cap. Look what we did to the Mortek.”

  As the three approached, a man wearing the uniform of a Federacy officer rushed forward.


  The officer commanded this as he eyed the three individuals. His first stare took in the dark-haired girl with the shaved sides of her head, the dark black eye makeup and the piercings in her nose and lip. Then he took in the small, Ballisonian android in a strange uniform. Finally, his focus rested on the tall captain.

  “Ah. You are just the man I want to see. Where is Commander Toma?”

  “He is busy.”

  “And you are?”

  “Captain Qureshi of the Sasanian Space Fleet Headquarters Guard.”

  “Well, Captain, I am Captain Long of the Human, Elonian, Ballisonian Alliance. We are here to discuss matters of import with Commander Toma. Please apprise him of our arrival and inform him that this is official HEBA business.”

  “Stay here. Do not approach the palace or the post.”

  “Right here. Got it.”

  “Maybe my idea about using Sasanians wasn’t so good after all.”

  “Nonsense, Sub-Captain. All these people need is some hope and a vision of a safe future.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Comfortable in each other’s presence, Kimberly and Slim dropped into silence, alternately looking around or internally woolgathering as they waited to see what the future would bring. Eton simply stood, frozen in place, waiting for his next command. Eventually, Captain Qureshi returned.

  “The Commander will see you now. Follow me.”

  “He’s used to bossing people around, isn’t he?”

  “Lead on, Sub-Captain.”

  “Oh no. you’re the boss on this jaunt.”

  Slim led Kimberly and Eton as he followed in Captain Qureshi’s footsteps. Eventually, they arrived at a command tent. The guard saluted then waited for one in return from the captain. After returning the salute, the guard opened the makeshift door and waited while Captain Long led his charges inside.

  Captain Long and Sub-Captain Baker scanned the large area and saw multiple workstations with people lethargically going through their motions. Focusing their attention on the center of the back wall, they saw a worn and weary commander sitting behind his desk. As they slammed to attention, the lost look left the Sasania’s military leader’s eyes and focus returned.

  “Captain Long?”

  “Yes, sir. May I introduce you to my second, Sub-Captain Baker.”

  “Sub-Captain? We don’t have that rank in the Federacy.”

  “No, sir. It is a HEBA rank, analogous to the Executive Officer.”

  “And her uniform? What is that? Old Earth German Nazi?”

  “No, sir. Goth, sir.”

  “Oh. A nihilist.”

  “Sorry to disagree, sir, but a non-conforming thinker, sir. Because of Sub-Captain Baker’s unique skillset, she is allowed a certain amount of freedom in self-expression.”

  “Not exactly regulation. Why has HEBA sent you?”

  “To recruit, sir.”

  “Oh? Have a seat.”

  Commander Toma waved towards two collapsible chairs which had been placed in front of his desk. Both Slim and Kimberly accepted his invitation.

  “Recruiting, you say.”

  “Yes, sir. I am Captain of a Ballisonian ship, and we are in need of crewmembers. Specifically, a navigator, a communications specialist and a sensors operator.”

  “It is not a Federacy ship.”

  “No, sir. As I previously stated, it is an alien ship. A Ballisonian ship. A civilian ship with membership in the H.E.B. Alliance Merchant Fleet.”

  “It is not a military vessel.”

  “It is not, sir. It is a scientific, exploration ship.”

  “I’m sorry, Captain, but, this is a Federacy base. All personnel are enlisted in the Federacy Marine Force. And, without authorization from my commanding officer, Vice-Admiral Weiskoff, I can’t release any of my men for civilian assignment.”

  “The Federacy is dead, Commander. You know that. Humanity has taken a new path.”

  “Nevertheless, I am still a Federacy officer. And my men are still Federacy marines.”

  “Everything has changed. I was a Federacy fighter pilot and wing commander. I resigned my commission. I adjusted to the new reality. We must all change with it. Adjust or die.”

  Toma, Long and Kimberly didn’t notice that the entire room had been listening in on their conversation. One marine cleared his throat.

  “Um, sorry to interrupt, Commander. Captain Long, you stated that you need a sensor specialist, correct?”

  Captain Long saw the single silver bar on the marine’s collar. “Yes, Lieutenant.”

  “I am Lieutenant Ashid, Senior Sensor Specialist for the Sasania Federacy Marine Force.”

  “It is good to meet you.”

  “If I were a civilian, would it be possible that I could apply for the position of Sensor operator?”

  “First, a question. Do you have family?”

  “None that survived, sir. My wife and daughter were lost during the invasion.”

  “That is very sad to hear. It must weight heavily on your heart. Absolutely apply, Lieutenant. If your background checks out, you will get the job.”

  “Commander Toma, I’m sorry, but we are dying here. We are a marine force without a purpose.”

  “You don’t think I know that, Lieutenant?” the anger in Toma’s voice spoke of his pain and frustration.

  “I know you do, sir. I have worked for you for more than a decade. I can see the torment you are going through. But I believe that Captain Long has supplied us with an answer, shown us a way to find a new purpose.”

  “What are you thinking, Lieutenant?”

  “I wish to resign my commission. I wish to do the same job in the civilian sector which I am doing now. And I think that our entire battalion, what’s left of it, should do the same. We should form a civilian corporation and become a manpower supplier.”

  “That is something to think about. I have been Federacy
my entire adult life. I don’t know if I could do that.”

  “I still formally submit my resignation to you, Commander.”

  Everyone watched, some with held breath, as Commander Toma thought hard. Coming to a conclusion, he banged his hand on the makeshift desk.

  “Accepted, Lieutenant Ashid. Submit your forms and I will approve them. You had nothing to do here, anyway. With Preceptor Igaklay handling the observation of Ballison, your job has become redundant.”

  “Thank you, sir. I will submit my resignation papers immediately.”

  “You do realize that, at this time, there is no severance pay. Or retirement benefits.”

  “I do not believe that there ever will be, Commander. Captain Long, when do you need me?”

  “Tomorrow morning would be fine, Lieutenant. Bring your paperwork.”

  Another marine spun in his chair and faced his Commander.

  “Sir, I also formally submit my resignation from the Federacy Marine Corps.”

  “You have the same problem as Lieutenant Ashid, Lieutenant. With Preceptor Igaklay’s quant-coms, the position of communications officer has become obsolete. Captain, Lieutenant Kassis is my communications officer, a true and loyal subordinate for many years. I would appreciate if you also gave him a position on your ship.”

  “Roger that, Commander. Lieutenant Kassis, welcome aboard. Be ready at oh-eight-hundred tomorrow morning.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain. I will bring my paperwork. I am also not married, sir.”

  “Captain Long, since you are raiding my marines, you stated that you also need a navigator.”

  “That is correct, Commander.”

  “We don’t have a navigator, but we do have a topographer. Corporal Pillani. He is very skilled in handling the technology. And he is not married. If you don’t already have a navigator up to speed, I highly recommend him.”

  ”Eton, are you capable of educating beings in the operation of your ship?”

  “Yes, Captain Long. Under my mandate to keep the ship fully functional, crew person education is one of the requirements.”

  “Good. Commander Toma, If Corporal Pillani shows up at oh-eight-hundred, I’ll take him.”

  “He will be there.”


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