12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 Page 5

by Megan McCoy

  “I don’t know. Is it a serious thing between you and Joni?”

  “Personal,” he said.

  “Ditto,” she said.

  “Someone has to take care of you,” he replied.

  “No. I’m a grown ass woman now and can take care of myself.” However, in her head, she heard Mike telling her that he was the boss of her now.

  “You just keep telling yourself that,” Hank said in that irritating man sort of way that ruffled her feathers when he said it, but for some reason made her melt when Mike did. Weird. At least her brother didn’t spank her.

  “So, are you helping with the road closures for the parade?” she asked him. One of Hank’s best friends was Bert Summers, one of the sheriffs in town. Hank had said he would talk to him about the roads. Who knew there was so much paper work, insurance, people to talk to, porta potties? Porta potties, of all things.

  “I’ve already talked to Bert, he says he will have it handled,” Hank said.

  “Good. One more thing off my list.”

  “Are you in over your head?” he asked in the annoyingly direct way he had.

  She shook her head and sipped the coffee he’d made for her when she dropped by. “I would be if Lydia wasn’t still here helping me. I’m so grateful for her. I have to think of something lovely to do for her when this is over, before she moves to Arizona.”

  “Help her pack her house,” he said. “That has to be so overwhelming to pack up after forty years in one house, and she’ll be doing it alone.”

  “That’s a wonderful thought,” she said. “I’ll get the girls to come help and we will pack her up. You are brilliant!”

  “I know,” he smirked. “Call me if you need me, and you are bringing this new guy to supper soon, right?”

  “Homemade bread and lasagna?” she asked. Her brother made the best bread and lasagna.

  “Whatever your pretty little self wants, baby sister,” he said. “Okay, but make it soon. I want to meet this guy, make sure he’s good enough for you. But right now, I need to get back to work.” He gestured to a stack of paperwork on the kitchen table.

  Besides teaching middle school, and coaching football and basketball, he also was an aspiring novelist and wrote every chance he got, she knew. Plus, he was a Master Gardener and cooked like Gordan Ramsey. Additionally, he worked part time for her when she needed help on some rental properties. There was nothing he couldn’t do, apparently. He was a royal pain in her so not perfect ass.

  He’d only recently started telling people he wrote. Until Joni, he was a closed book about his personal life. She was opening him up. Ellie liked that.

  Joni and her two sisters had moved to town from New York very quickly and unexpectedly. She’d helped them get their deceased grandmother’s house set up and ready before they moved and had gotten to know Joni pretty well. She had included her into their friend group and Joni fit right in. Ellie suspected she’d be joining their little family circle soon, too, not that Hank told her anything. However, he expected her to tell him everything. Very annoying. But that was a man for you.

  She glanced up at the clock as she kissed her brother’s cheek and headed out the door. There was a showing in an hour, and she hoped they would buy. She’d taken this couple through fifteen houses now. They had a nice healthy budget and were preapproved for a mortgage, but for some reason weren’t pulling the trigger on anything they’d seen. She hoped this house would be the one for them, but had her doubts.

  Then she was meeting Lydia to go over everything that she’d done for the parade, which was happening in just two weeks. That seemed like no time at all! She had so much to do. But the first Saturday in December was the tradition. Plus, there was Thanksgiving in the mix. She didn’t really have plans, neither she nor Hank celebrated many holidays. She suspected he’d be going to Joni’s and she would get a pity invite. She’d decide if she was going later. Right now, though, she had so much on her never ending list. And she hadn’t seen Mike for three long days now. Not that she wanted to, of course, but still.

  He’d come over, helped her set her tree up, and just disappeared. Well, not really. He’d called every day and texted a few times, but it wasn’t the same as seeing him. She was busy, she reminded herself. She didn’t need to see him. She was fine before him and she’d be fine... Her brain shut down. Nope, she wasn’t going there. Hopefully, she would see him tomorrow. But if not, she was fine. Really.

  A few hours later, a little annoyed at the couple who, once again, didn’t like the house she showed them, even though it ticked most of their boxes, she walked into Angel’s Pizza to wait for Lydia to go over parade plans. She was so grateful to her for helping out. Hopefully, she was on track and on schedule. She had the insurance lined up, the porta potties scheduled to be brought in, the food trucks set up in the town’s Central Park where the parade would march by. All the bands and floats were scheduled. She’d lined up fifty volunteers to space people and help out as needed. The roads were ready to be blocked off. She thought she had most of it covered. But she needed Lydia to go over the plan and let her know. It had actually been so interesting and fun. Ellie was glad she offered to do it, and she had met so many people.

  Including Mike.

  “Judges,” Lydia said. “You have everything done and settled and worked out very well, but you need judges for the floats.”

  “Judges, yes, I have asked around for a few. They should be getting back to me in the next few days.” Ellie scribbled reminders to follow up in her notebook.

  “Yes, and you have to hit up businesses to provide prizes. I’ll give you a list of the ones who have provided in the past. But, you are all about new blood! So, make sure you find a few new people too.” She slid a paper across the table between their pizza. “Here are some criteria and ideas for you. Other than that, you have done great!”

  “Do the judges all sit together or just are spread out in the audience?” Ellie looked at the paper. That didn’t look too bad. She could find a few people to judge, surely some of them would say yes. And maybe donate or know someone who would.

  “I like to have them together. Gives them a sense of camaraderie and makes them want to come back. A little judges’ stand.” Lydia said, sipping her hot chocolate. “Oh, I’m going to miss this.”

  “You can stay,” Ellie suggested. “Or come back to visit and help next year.”

  Lydia smiled and patted her hand. “I am giving it into good hands. I won’t need to come back, and when you are done, you will find someone to pass it along to. It isn’t hard once you get the rhythm.”

  “You are the reason it isn’t hard.” Ellie fought back tears. “I will miss you. When are you leaving?”

  “The 29th, if I can get some help packing. I’m way behind and I have to confess, a little overwhelmed.”

  Ellie smiled, knowing she and her friends would be there soon to help her pack. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I bet it gets done.”

  “I hope so,” Lydia sighed.

  If Ellie told her the plans, Lydia would not want them to contribute their time. They planned to make it a surprise and just come in, and do what needed to be done. There would be no taking no for an answer. She had the best friends. They always stepped up, as she did for them.

  Ellie looked up as her office door opened. “Well, hello, handsome.” She smiled at Mike. He didn’t look happy for some reason. Why? She hadn’t done anything.

  “How’s work?” he asked. “Almost done for the day?”

  She nodded. “I am. Why?”

  “There’s a tree contest,” he said. “I need you to go with me.”

  “A tree contest?” She felt very confused.


  “Are you cranky?” she asked, sweetly. “Do you need a spanking?”

  “No, but I’m in the mood to give one, so watch your step.” He finally smiled at her. “I’m sorry. Max has been in a mood since Gypsy’s surgery, Lucy is making me crazy and now I’ve been roped into judging
this decorating contest at the library where my mom used to work.”

  She knew so little about him. “Is your mom still around?”

  He shook his head. “No, she passed a few years ago, but the ladies there still think I’m part of the family.”

  “I’m sorry about your mom, but that is nice to still be included,” she said. “So, this was just sprung on you?”

  He frowned. “No, I’ve known about it for a while. Just forgot. Come on, go with me and I’ll buy you dinner later.”

  He said it as if he expected her compliance and weirdly, that was just fine with her. She liked doing as he told her, for some reason. “Do I need to change?” she asked. She was wearing work clothes: black dress pants and a Christmas sweater.

  “Stand up,” he ordered.

  So she did, because she did what he said for some reason.

  “Turn around.”

  And once again, she did that, too, feeling silly.

  “Nah, you look great. Come on.” He held her coat out.

  She laughed at him. He was too adorable, most of the time. Even when he was stern with her. She put her arms in the coat and let him dress her. And open the office door for her, followed by the usual command to lock up. “I quit locking doors after last week,” she told him.

  He swiftly smacked her butt twice, making her squeal. “Don’t even joke about that,” he scolded.

  Ellie giggled. “Yes, sir!” she said, and locked the door. “Okay, boss, I’m all yours.”

  “Boss,” he said. “I like the sound of that.”

  Rolling her eyes, she laughed again. She almost felt giddy, just being with him after a few days apart. “I kind of missed you and your bossy ways,” she told him. Why hide it? It was true.

  “I missed you too, little one,” he said, pulling her into a quick hug before opening the car door for her.

  “You ignored me,” she pouted, as she slid into her seat.

  “Did I?” He shot her a look as he got in the car and fastened his seat belt.

  “Yes.” She waited for an explanation, but he gave none.

  In fact, he wasn’t sure why he hadn’t given her any of his time the last few days. No, he did know. He was falling, fast and hard for the little pixie. She was smart and strong and yet, yielded to him in a most delightful way. He needed a few days away from her to just... think. But men didn’t like to think, he’d found out. At least not this one, he shook his head. They liked to act. So, he acted.

  He was with her again and they both seemed happier for it. Unexpected, but true. There was something about her, unlike anyone else he had ever met, that made him just want more. He wanted her in his life, in his bed, over his knee and laughing in the kitchen. He wanted to fight about work hours and who took the last piece of pie - and this was all ridiculous because he barely knew her. He didn’t know her favorite color and for some reason that was important to women. Or her favorite flower, and that was even more important. He hadn’t even gotten her flowers yet.

  He looked around as they drove. The entire downtown was lit up, there were decorations on every street light, and almost all the businesses were sparkling with lights and decorations. Lucy would be devastated if they didn’t win whatever prize there was to be had. He and Max had talked, and decided if they won, they would donate the prize back to Carol’s Hope. Win or lose, they planned to give Lucy a nice Christmas bonus for her work. Despite the fact she irked him, and seemed like an absolute ditz, she managed to do decent work. And Max didn’t realize it yet, but Mike could see that he adored her. He had the feeling Lucy would be in their lives a long time. He would have to get used to her.

  Did he adore Ellie? He felt something, for sure. He’d tried to stay away from her for a few days, and it was... well, not good. He’d missed her. He missed her smile, her giggle and especially the part where she simply submitted to him without question. Well, maybe a few questions. But they were adorable. He loved her wit, her... Wait. Loved? Getting ahead of yourself, Mike, he thought and shook his head.

  Pulling into the library, he looked over at her. Ellie stared at him in a way that made him feel... well, once again, he didn’t how. What was with her? “You ready?” He smiled at her.

  “Sure, Santa,” she said. “Let’s go judge some trees.”

  He looked around as they walked in. Some people had a lot of time on their hands. Well, it was for charity, he reminded himself. The trees were spectacular. There were a dozen of them, all themed differently and all just beautiful. He wished his mom was here to see them. She would have loved this. Ellie seemed enthralled. She was perfection, he thought, in her tight black pants and oversized Christmas sweater. She sparkled as brightly as the trees. What was wrong with him?

  They walked over to the first tree, decked out in motorcycles. Who would have thought motorcycles were Christmas decor? But it worked. They wandered from tree to tree, chatting and laughing. He just liked being with her. Was it a Christmas Miracle?

  They made a decision, choosing the tree that was decorated in a Grinch theme. It was different after all, and after about an hour, they headed out. “That was fun,” Ellie said, resting her head on his shoulder in the car.

  “It was. And soon there will be the Christmas parade. Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?” he asked.

  “I’m invited to Hank’s girlfriend’s house,” she said. “But?”

  “Let’s go to Chicago and watch the parade there,” he said. “Might give you some ideas for ours.”


  “You won’t be working; I won’t be either. We can drive up Wednesday, watch the parade Thursday morning, drive home Friday. I have a buddy who helps with the parade up there and it might be fun for you to talk to him.”

  She looked at him as if he were insane and then just as crazy, she said, “I love it.”

  “Great,” he said. “I’ll get hold of Josh and will make reservations.”

  “This will be so much fun! Our first trip away!”

  “And a work trip,” he said. “So you can learn.”

  “Yes, boss,” she sighed heavily. “Always learning.”

  He just laughed, patted her leg, and adored the way she leaned in closer to him.

  Chapter 5

  Ellie took a step backwards. “I don’t want a spanking,” she said.

  “Yet you are going to get one,” he told her. “What were you thinking?”

  “That I needed to get away for a little while and clear my head. I’ve been overwhelmed lately, and just needed a little hike in the woods.” She’d gone hiking in the woods since she was little. It was her happy place, a quiet place where she could think or not think. Just be alone in the peace. It had been cold and clear, a perfect day to hike and take in the gorgeous southern Illinois scenery and the beautiful lake their town was named after. She was gone longer than she’d planned, however. It had been just what she needed after a few crazy busy weeks and the parade coming up soon.

  “Who did you tell that you were going?”

  “No one. That’s the point. I wanted to be alone.” She had desperately needed some alone time, especially with planning to be gone with him for a few days this week for Thanksgiving which was an added layer of stress. Lydia had come down with the flu or something, she said, and wasn’t up to being much help, so the last-minute details, well, the details that seemed last minute even though the parade was ten days away - were piling on her. The house listings were drying up, as they did every year at this time. No one wanted to move during the holidays unless they had to, and if they had to, they were in a panic trying to do it as fast as possible. Clearing her head seemed like a smart thing to do. It was only a few hours and she did it several times a month, year round. He would have to accept that.

  “No one. So, what if you fell out in the woods and hurt your leg? You didn’t even have your phone on you.”

  She’d left it in the car and had come back to find four messages from her brother and two from Mike. Hank had called Mike apparentl
y when he couldn’t get hold of her. Hank had chewed her out and then Mike had come over, steam coming out of his ears. Calm steam. He seemed very determined and very stubborn. “I’m a grown-up and can do what I want!” she wailed.

  “A responsible grown-up would let someone know where they were and not upset or worry people.”

  “I’m allowed to take a walk in the woods,” she said, covering her bottom with her hands. Somehow, she knew she was going to get it warmed.

  “Yes, you are, and we are allowed to be upset and worried when we can’t get hold of you for hours and hours on a work day.”

  “I show houses, I’m often gone for hours,” she said.

  “Hank says you always manage to return his texts within an hour. If you had just sent one of us a text and told us what you were doing, and taken your phone, your butt and my hand wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  She almost told him her butt couldn’t talk, but decided that would not be the wisest thing to do right now.

  “We are going to have this discussion once, and you will remember to never scare us like that again, and to be safe.”

  Us? So he and Hank were now a team of big bad men who were plotting against her and treating her like a child? No. Just no. That was not acceptable.

  She watched as he pulled a chair into the middle of the room, then took two strides to her and took her by the elbow. “Let’s get this done,” he said, and she felt her mind go almost blank. She really needed to pee, though.

  “I’m sorry!” she told him.

  “You are going to be a lot sorrier in a minute,” he said. “I can guarantee it.”

  “No!” she said. Yet somehow, he was in the chair and she was belly down over his lap. Was this really happening? Sure, sometimes he’d smacked her bottom a few times, but she didn’t really mind that. She suspected she was going to mind this, though.

  “Mike! No!” She wiggled, trying to fall off his lap. He had her held firmly. She threw one hand back to cover her bottom.

  “Move your hand,” he told her. “You don’t want it smacked.”


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