12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 Page 6

by Megan McCoy

  “I don’t want my bottom smacked either!”

  “Then you shouldn’t have been so irresponsible,” he said.

  Reluctantly, she moved her hand away. Was she really going to let him do this to her? Seemed so. “Mike!”


  “Don’t spank hard.”

  He just chuckled and smacked her sweat pants-covered bottom. She wished she still had her hiking jeans on, but she’d showered and changed into comfortable sweats after she got home, before he bounded in guns blazing. Jeans would have been a lot more protection!

  “Ow!” she said as he smacked her.

  “You are going to think ow,” he told her and started peppering her bottom, right cheek, then left.

  She tried to hold still for a minute, but dang! It hurt! “Ow! Ow! No more! I learned!” she cried. “I won’t do it again!”

  “Darn right you won’t.” But he didn’t stop; and soon, she couldn’t help it, her hand tried to cover her bottom again. She kept trying to wiggle off his lap, just crawl over, get away, but it wasn’t working. Her legs began to kick, to try and stop his hand.

  “No more! Please!” she begged. “I’ll be good!” Suddenly she felt very small and helpless. He was in control and there was nothing she could do about it. Her bottom hurt horribly; he was going to break it. “Ow!” she screamed. She’d never be able to sit again! It hurt, it hurt!

  She felt her pants being yanked down and freaked out. “No! No! Please, no!” The smack that happened next felt even worse than the ones before. “No more!” She let out a huge sob as about five more very hard smacks landed on her almost bare bottom.

  Then it was over, and she was on her knees next to him, head on his leg, crying and mortified.

  “Do you understand the lesson I was trying to teach you?” he asked, stroking her hair and holding her hands in his.

  “Yes, you spank hard!” she sniffled out trying to get her hands free to rub her burning bottom.

  “Well, yes, I do, though that was just a mild one. You don’t want to deserve a stern one,” he said, with almost a jovial tone in his voice. “But the other lesson.”

  “Be safe,” she choked on the words. She was a grown-up! But she didn’t feel very grown up right now, with her probably very red bottom and sniveling on his pants.

  “That’s my good girl,” he said. “And you took your first spanking fairly well, considering.”

  “First?” she wailed.

  “You don’t think you are perfect, do you? If you are going to be mine, you will be getting them fairly often.” He said it as if it were a thing.

  “But I don’t like them! They hurt!” And were utterly embarrassing! She wasn’t going to tell him that, though. Her little white cotton panties barely covered her bottom and were probably see through. It was horrible. “My bottom burns.” She tried to pull her hands out of his.

  “It is supposed to. Next time, your little bottom will burn so badly, you’ll be dancing for me.”

  She did not want to know about dancing. Nope, not at all. So she didn’t ask, but sniffled again and put her head back down on his knee. For some reason, she liked it there. Over his knees, not as much.

  “I learned,” she said. “I won’t do that again.”

  “Good girl.” He petted her head and she liked that very much. She just wished he’d pet or rub her poor burning butt. “I’m glad you understand.”

  “I could have understood words like: Don’t do that again,” she said. “I didn’t need to be spanked.”

  “Sure you did,” he said. “If you didn’t, I wouldn’t have done it.”

  What kind of logic was that? Male logic, of course.

  “Often?” she asked.

  “Often, what?”

  “You said if I was yours, you’d be doing that often.”

  “Depends on how well you behave, doesn’t it?”

  “Not a real answer,” she grumbled.

  “All you are going to get,” he said, and finally released the wrists he’d been holding in one hand and stood up. “I like you down there on your knees,” he teased.

  At least she hoped he was teasing, as she scrambled up, pulling up her pants and rubbing her bottom. She needed to blow her nose. What had just happened and why wasn’t she mad at him? Instead, she felt weirdly close to him. Like she wanted to cuddle up to him and hug and kiss him and... Well, weird.

  He handed her a tissue. “Blow your nose. Then let’s go get some hot chocolate and drive around and look at lights. You need a break, I can tell.”

  She didn’t want to tell him that the hike in the woods had been her break, and she planned to work through the night. Her bottom was still sore, and well, work would be there tomorrow and his hand was right there and she had no doubt he’d use it again.

  “Sounds wonderful,” she said. “I’ll put some decent pants on.”

  “No, you won’t,” he said.

  Ellie shrugged. Apparently, she was going out in sweats. Well, they were just riding around, looking at lights. She loved the holidays. Even with a sore butt.

  Chapter 6

  “Who are you again?” she asked as if she had no idea.

  “Santa, ma’am. Want to sit on my lap and tell me everything you’d like for Christmas?”

  “I do!” she laughed at him. He looked nothing like her Mike, but just like Santa. Amazing what a costume would do. Where was Mrs. Claus? The dozen elves milled around holding their big bags of candy to throw to the children. The weather was perfect for the parade: 50 degrees and sunny, and all her volunteers had shown up. So far everything was going according to plan. Lydia was checking in by phone from her house, because she wasn’t feeling up to coming down to the site. She was still not recovered from having contracted a flu virus a few days before, and Ellie felt very grateful for her support.

  Could she do this alone next year? She decided she’d find a partner, one to train and teach. One person shouldn’t have all the weight either on her shoulders or all the knowledge of what to do in her brain. Share the wealth, she’d decided. It would be good for her and the town.

  “We are ready, Ellie,” Shana called from up toward the front of the parade.

  Ellie turned and kissed Mike and said, “Head to your sled, big boy and find your wife!”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said. “Time to be jolly.”

  He waved at Ellie, who laughed and waved back. Santa was the last float in the parade, so they would have time to get comfortable. Mrs. Claus was probably off somewhere, putting her makeup on and had at least a half an hour before she had to be in the sleigh. The first floats would be done with the route before Santa even started.

  She smiled, thinking of the parade they saw last weekend in Chicago. It had been a great weekend. She loved spending time with Mike, and his friend, Josh had been a treasure trove of parade knowledge for her to pick-up. She’d written so many notes to remember for next year. Next year was bound to be great!

  All her volunteers were doing their jobs, and the parade was about to start. Ellie was riding in one of the first old classic cars, so she could wave at everyone. Then, she’d be back here in time to supervise the dismantling, making sure all the kids in the floats and bands made it to the right person. Lydia was supposed to be riding with her, but sadly, wasn’t going to be here for her last hurrah as parade manager. However, Ellie smiled, she’d be able to watch Santa do his thing, and she felt excited about that.

  Even if Santa paddled her butt. What was with that? Why did she allow it and why did she think... Well, it was a weird concept. She hated it while it was happening. Santa spanked hard! But, the idea of it was... Well, she didn’t know. And now was not the time to think of it. She had a parade to run! Her mind couldn’t help drifting back to the hotel room where he’d taken full advantage of their time away, and she’d come home with decidedly sore nether regions in more ways than one. Sitting still wasn’t easy, but oddly, she seemed to like that fact.

  Checking off the last-minute detail
s on her list, she felt thankful once again for Lydia and sad she couldn’t be here today. It was her last parade before she moved away. Plus, Ellie felt a little silly waving in a car all by herself as if she were a homecoming queen or something. However, the car had placards on the side with her name, title Parade Manager, and her realtor logo. Exposure was everything, she reminded herself. She had dressed warmly in a Christmas sweater and black leggings and boots, and was even a little warm in it. However, not as warm as Mike would be in his Santa suit, she reminded herself. She could handle it.

  The weather could not be nicer, she thought, remembering her mom bringing her down to past parades in a blizzard a few times. Sunny and low 50s didn’t really feel like Christmas, but it was much better than the sleety rain they’d had a few weeks ago. A little snow wouldn’t have been bad, but well, she’d take sunny.

  Looking around, Ellie felt filled with happiness, in the midst of chaos. Her life was going well. The parade was going off without any hitches the public would notice, her realty company was doing well, and getting more exposure today. She and Mike had a dinner date planned for after the parade and she liked the way things were going with him.

  As she climbed into the car, she smiled at the lady driving it.

  “This was my husband’s car,” the woman told her. “He passed away last year and this is a hard thing for me to do, but something I think he’d want me to try. I’m Karen, by the way.”

  Ellie couldn’t imagine losing a husband of many years and had no idea how hard this would be for her. “I’m so sorry, but I’m very grateful to you for doing it. This car has been in the parade over ten years now, I read.” Lydia had notes on the floats, bands, cars, and clubs that were in the parade every year. They had been a fascinating read. The parade had a rich town history that she couldn’t get enough of.

  “It has,” Karen said proudly. “I haven’t been doing well since Stephan passed, but I’m glad I was able to get up and do this.”

  “I’m glad you did, too,” Ellie said. Was that the right thing to say or had she put her foot in her mouth? But it must have been okay, because Karen smiled and started the car.

  Izzy was at the head of the parade, spacing out the line and waved them forward. “See you on the other end, Ellie!” she said. “Have fun!”

  “You too! Hope it goes smoothly!” Ellie said, trying not to feel guilty for riding in the parade and not working, but she’d been working for weeks now and would be working once she reached the other end.

  “Get up on the back,” Karen said. “I hear the sirens and we are right behind the police and firetruck. It won’t be long now! I put a towel on the seat for your feet, so don’t worry about that.”

  Ellie climbed on the convertible’s back seat and felt like a prom queen. Or ridiculous, but whatever. Part of the job, she reminded herself. She half wished she was in the float with Mike playing Mrs. Claus. Now, that would have been fun. Holding his hand and waving, watching the kids’ faces and the elves throwing candy.

  “What was it like being married for so long?” she asked Karen.

  “Oh, it is wonderful most of the time, but awful when it’s not. Life is like the seasons. Things come, and then they go. You can be happy and get along great most of the time, then comes a ten day ice storm and you think you won’t survive it. But then you do, and things go back to your normal happy lives. I miss having a best friend to tell everything to, someone to chat with at the end of the day, sit on the porch and watch the sunset with, go for a ride in one of his old cars and turning the radio up and singing. Having someone bring me coffee in the morning and tell me my butt looks big in those jeans.” She smiled at the memories, as she pulled into the line. “I hope you find that one day.”

  “I hope I do too,” Ellie said. “I could do without the ice storms though.”

  “They come with the territory. People who say they never fight or never get irritated lie. Just so you know. But just keep remembering, it comes to pass.”

  “I’ll remember that,” Ellie said.

  “Okay, our turn, start waving Madam President.”

  Ellie climbed out of the car at the end of the parade. That had been fun! And she’d made a new friend in Karen who had chatted at her throughout the parade. Now, back to work, she thought.

  “Ellie! Ellie!” Joni was waving her down. “We need you.”

  “What’s going on?” Ellie asked, hoping it wasn’t too serious.

  “Mrs. Claus is ill and can’t do the ride today. Stomach issues. Her son just took her home. All of us are too big to fit in her costume. Can you try to put it on?”

  “Seriously?” Ellie asked. “I have other things to do here.”

  “Ellie, you have done your job. We are able to handle things now. Go back there and dress up!” Joni had her teacher voice on and Ellie smiled at her.

  “Well, a girl has to do what a girl has to do,” she said.

  “I didn’t figure you would be too upset. Come on, I’ll show you where the costume is, and let’s see if you can fit into it.”

  Ellie didn’t believe no one else could fit into it. Sure, she was the shortest of all her friends, but it wasn’t like hem length mattered sitting in a sleigh. Well, she wasn’t going to question it. If they could handle the parade and she could ride with Santa, Mike. She would be glad to do so!

  “So how are you and Hank?” she asked Joni as they walked back toward the float.

  “Getting along,” she said. Then tossed her a look. “You are right, he is bossy.”

  “I know, but it is kind of cute, isn’t it?” Ellie laughed. Mike was bossy too. And spanked! Surely her brother didn’t spank Joni? She didn’t even want to think about that! “I would love a sister,” she hinted.

  “We’ve only been dating a few months!” Joni protested. “And you know, there is Beth’s issue.”

  Ellie nodded. She knew about Beth’s issues, but no one else did, that she knew of yet.

  “Hank can handle anything thrown at him,” Ellie assured her.

  “Yeah, so he tells me,” Joni teased. “Here we go.”

  Ellie fit into the costume, feeling badly for the woman who had worn it for a few years now, and yet, felt excited that it fit. Joni took a picture of her, and she could barely recognize herself. She looked like a little old grandma lady and suddenly she was full of desire to make cookies and see her Santa man.

  “Okay, Ellie, let’s get you loaded on the float. It will be your turn in about ten or fifteen minutes. The band in front of you will be playing Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and then it will be your turn and, other than the pooper scoopers, you will be the last one.”

  Santa’s sleigh was drawn by two gorgeous horses she had seen pictures of, but had never seen in person. She wished she had a carrot, but that was for the reindeer, right? Did horses like carrots? She didn’t know - and she didn’t know if Mike knew she was now Mrs. Claus. She barely recognized herself, would he know her? Why did she feel shy suddenly?

  “Here you go,” Joni said, “Have fun.”

  “Here, have a hand,” Santa said, and grabbed hers, pulling her up into the sleigh.

  “Hello, Mr. Claus,” she said, as she primly arranged her skirt.

  “Hello, Ellie. Fancy seeing you here,” he said, and she thought he smiled under his beard.

  “The costume fit,” she told him.

  “I like it,” he said. “You are going to be one hot grandma one of these years.”

  “Just what every woman wants to hear,” she laughed at him. That was cute. “I feel like I should be in the kitchen making cookies.”

  “You should be anywhere you want to be, doing anything you want,” he said as he settled back in the sleigh seat. “Hey, Mac,” he said, as the driver swung up into his seat ahead of them.

  “If you need anything, tap me,” Mac said, and as he turned around, Ellie saw he was very young, early twenties maybe. Did he know how to drive horses? “I’ll have my ear buds in, gotta listen to a lecture for class.”

  “I think we will be fine, but will do. You ace that class, okay?”

  “Sure, Mike,” he said easily and turned back around, and Ellie watched him put his ear buds in.

  “Is he old enough to drive these horses with all the people around?” she asked worriedly. “I thought he’d be older.”

  “Mac is good. He was on a horse before he could walk,” Mike told her. “You are safe with me in any case.”

  “What do you know about horses?” She frowned at him through her lens-free glasses.

  “More than you apparently,” he said.

  “True fact,” she admitted. “I’m not a country girl.”

  “No, but you are my girl,” he said, and leaned over to kiss her nose.

  Ellie giggled. “Your beard tickles. And, just so you know, I’m not wearing any panties.”

  He looked at her with that Mike look, not looking like Santa at all for a second. “Once the parade is over, Mrs. Claus, you will be going over my knee for being so bold and I’ll be making sure that bare bottom is nice and red.”

  “Thank you,” she said as sweetly as she could.

  “You are welcome,” he said. “You ready to head out as Mr. and Mrs.?”

  “Sounds pretty good to me,” she said.

  “Yeah, we will have to make some plans to make it real at some point. Santa has a reputation, after all.”

  “He is highly regarded,” she agreed.

  He held her hand as the horses started to move forward. “Let’s do this.”

  “Yes, let’s.” This would be the man she celebrated Christmas and life with from here on out. She just knew it.

  The End.

  Megan McCoy

  Megan McCoy lives in the heartland of America, surrounded by corn, soybean fields and hot guys on tractors. At home, she's raising kids, Chinese Cresteds and poodles, training them all with a tender hand and heart, while saving her sternness for the alpha males in her books. Getting up at three in the morning to write leaves her time for a few hobbies - gardening, canning, bike riding, bread baking and taking in strays.


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