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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

Page 20

by Megan McCoy

Now, handing him the small vial, she explained what it was. “Red Cedar, the reason I really left Bear Claw.”

  Iver narrowed his brow, accepting the gift and allowing her to put a touch on him as his sign of appreciation. “I love it, my sweet.” He brought the vial to his nose and breathed it in. It was his favorite scent. It brought back memories of his father so vividly, if he closed his eyes he could feel him near.

  Red Cedar was used to flavor the tobacco of the peace pipe his father used. The smoke left the distinctive scent on King Tybrin, burning it into his sons’ memory.

  “I know the holidays are hard for you, Iver. I just wanted to make sure this was one where you can remember both the past and present.”

  Iver nodded. “It will always remind me of my father, my love. Thank you. It means so much you thought of it.”

  “I’m glad,” she said somberly. “I paid dearly for it.”

  Iver chuckled, remembering the caning he gave her yesterday. She had indeed paid a heavy price for acquiring it, and he wasn’t sorry he gave her a lasting memory of her own about Red Cedar.

  “Now, it will remind me of both him and you.” Leaning in for a gentle kiss, Iver closed his eyes and gave thanks to the gods that they listened occasionally.

  “I’d like to make a toast, if you all will raise your cups of Draco Wine!” Iver exclaimed holding his wife close. “To family. Although we might sometimes disagree, I wish you all continued success. Enjoy these days of happiness and let peace flood our souls so Bear Claw and Unity can continue to flourish long after our footprints leave these once cursed beaches. Cheers!”

  The End.

  Mira Brooks

  I started writing when I was incredibly young. In fact, I can’t even remember.

  I published my first poem at 9, the same year my parents split. As an only child, of only children, writing became a passion for me, really for the company. I have always been very head strong about doing things my way because I had no rivalries vying for attention. It often made me a target for bullies who knew rather than follow their ideas, I'd do my own thing. It made life extra difficult for a kid with no little siblings or cousins. I usually stayed in my room alone, with RL Stein or Christopher Pike novels and paper.

  As a teacher, in my professional comfort, I still don't do crowds for social bonding. Instead, I gravitate toward the kind, quiet souls, and paint, write novels, poetry rather than mingle. Popularity will never be my concern, and I'm normally more of a hermit than the social butterfly my husband is.

  I live on the most spectacular island on Earth, Cape Breton, with the love of my life, who is younger lol, our four amazing children, 2 Pugs, an English Mastiff, Guinea pig, and my 85-year-old Nan. I doubt we can fit anything else in our house at this point, but who knows!

  I hope you enjoy your reading experience… Now, enough about me, let me tell you a story!

  Visit her blog

  or her website

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Mira Brooks and Blushing Books!


  Iset’s Pharaoh, Book 1

  Iset’s Pharaoh, Book 2

  Nico’s Princess

  The Diary of Dixie Pearl

  The Kellers of Beaumont Falls

  Jordan, Book 1

  Jake, Book 2

  Ty, Book 3

  Eclipse Press

  Princes of Insula Series




  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

  Once Upon a Christmas Wish

  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 - Book 4

  Skylar West

  Published by Blushing Books

  An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

  A Virginia Corporation

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901


  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The trademark Blushing Books is pending in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Skylar West

  Once Upon a Christmas Wish

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-64563-785-1


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.

  Chapter 1


  “Cora, when we get home, are you going to stop mooching off your mother and me and get a job?”

  I rolled my eyes. My first semester at college had just ended, and we were having a European family vacation. We decided instead of doing a tree and gifts this year to take a holiday.

  “Yeah, Dad,” I yelled from the bathroom of the hotel room, “Don’t worry, I have interviews lined up for after the New Year.” I quickly tossed some lip gloss in my purse and took a last look in the mirror. My bestie, Heather, and her family were vacationing as well, and our trips crossed paths for a few days. She and I were going out, leaving the parents behind to a boring dinner, an early night, and probably too much wine.

  “Bye,” I said as I ran out the door, letting it slam behind me. I raced down to the lobby as fast as I could. When I arrived, Heather was already there, dressed to the nines in a tight-fitting red dress and matching heels; she wore a shawl around her shoulders.

  What is she, crazy? We were in northern England in December; it was bloody freezing outside. I had dressed in a nice pair of slacks and a silk blouse with the top three buttons undone. You could just see the edge of my lacy bra peeking out. I topped off my outfit with and a cashmere scarf and knee-length coat. On my feet, a pair of fur-lined wellies.

  I looked her up and down. “Seriously, Heather, if you don’t break an ankle, you will most certainly get hypothermia.”

  She laughed, a soft tinkling that sounded like bells. “I will be fine, we will be in a cab, or a bar. Don’t be such a worrywart. You know that is why you always miss out on all the fun, Cora, because you are a worrywart.”

  Despite my cocky attitude, I didn’t have Heather’s follow-through or commitment to the bad side. She was right; I did always miss the fun. Well, not tonight; I had prepared, putting a condom in my coat pocket before leaving my room.

  The summer after grad, I’d hoped to give up my V-card. I didn’t want to attend college as a virgin. I had a fear that guys would know, and I would end up being talked into drunken sex at a frat party and regret it. But the summer hadn’t presented the right opportunity. At least, that is what I told myself. I wanted my first time to be with Mr. Right, not just some random hot guy.

  Being from a small town in western Wisconsin, we were in short supply of hot and random. I worked hard all through school, earning a scholarship for journalism at Boston University. My parents were blue-collar workers, and although they were thrifty and saved, they never expected their only daughter to want to go to university, so there were no savings for something so expensive.

  They’d made it clear early on that if I wanted to attend university, I would have to create it myself. My first term was challenging. I was no longer the smartest person in the room like I had been in high school.

  Heather and I were rooming together and she was my one saving grace. Her folks were loaded and paid for her campus apartment; I resided with her for free. After the holiday, I hoped to get employment with one of the multitude of coffee shops on campus.

  “Cora,” she said, drawing me back from my thoughts. “Are you listening? I said, I heard Josh is bringing his cousin, who has a layover on his way back to Washington, and he’s supposed to be super cute.”

  “Right,” I smirked. “So, who’s getting lucky then, Josh or his cousin?”

  She paused, an evil little grin lig
hting up her face. “Maybe both.” We broke into peals of laughter. Heather knew my sexual experiences were minimal, but she didn’t know that was hopefully about to change.

  I patted the condom in my pocket, feeling like a badass.

  “Seriously, Cora, you need to get rid of your V-card once and for all. Rid yourself of those romantic notions.”

  She was right; I had been telling myself for years that I was a good girl, that I should wait for a nice romantic man. No more. I could feel it in the air. Tonight I would meet someone who would change my V-card. I couldn’t wait to see if he was anything like the characters written about by my favorite authors, Henry James, Jane Austen – a strong, dominant man.

  James and Austen had formed my young mind. I was the oldest young person I knew. Meeting guys that spoke to my romantic side, that I could hold a conversation with, had never happened. I hadn’t dated, really, and that directly related to my limited sexual experience.

  I didn’t want some bleeding-heart liberal; but instead, someone who knew what they wanted, who wanted me and took me. I get that is the opposite of women’s rights, but the heart wants what it wants. A man, someone with strength in body and character, traits that I didn’t see in any boys I knew. Maybe they didn’t make men like that anymore; the thought was both sobering and depressing.

  Despite the vehement defense of my declared tastes, I had to admit, Heather’s comment about a threesome intrigued me, but how could that be if I was the good girl I was always telling myself I was? Jane Austen would be rolling over in her grave right now if she was privy to my thoughts.

  Whatever, if my whimsical knight didn’t appear, so be it. I would go home with a close second because tonight was the night. We pulled up to the first bar we saw at the end of the row. With a pub practically every four doors, Heather was right; our pub crawling would keep us primarily inside. I could have dressed a little more becomingly.

  As we entered, I saw Josh right away; his head was thrown back in merriment at something the guy across from him had said. I couldn’t see the face of his companion, but he stood half a head taller than everyone else in the room. With his back towards us, I could appreciate the width of his shoulders. His bulky, taut muscles were evident through his tight shirt.

  Josh noticed us and waved us over.

  Heather strutted, putting on a show for every man in the bar.

  Not me, Josh’s friend turned to watch us, and my steps faltered. He was a god, light golden brown hair, and eyes so dark they almost looked black, eyes that regarded me with interest.

  I stood stunned, rooted to my spot, unable to draw my eyes away from him. He exuded power and strength. Everyone else around him just disappeared as he homed in on me. I wanted to flee; he was here, the one.

  I stood, biting my lower lip.

  Heather reached the little group; the cousin spared her a glance before returning to me. Our eyes locked, and I had to reach out my hand to stabilize myself as my legs seemed incapable of holding me up.

  Even with the twenty feet or so between us, he took my breath away. I watched him observing me, barely able to breathe under his scrutiny.

  His eyes narrowed after what felt like forever, and he stalked towards me.

  I panicked and started retreating towards the door. I bumped into a drunk who reached out a hand, pulling me to his chest. I was in the range of his sour breath and tried pulling away.

  “Let her go.”

  I looked towards the voice to see Josh’s cousin glaring at the man who held me.

  The man was big and drunk and pushed me behind him like I was his.

  I stumbled and fell into a stool, catching myself before landing on my ass on the wet floor. I glanced up in time to see Josh’s cousin punch the big guy in the face. He dropped like a stone at my feet, and Josh’s cousin held out his hand to me. I gingerly took it and stepped over the body on the floor.

  He pulled me tight to his side and waved goodbye to Josh, who lifted his chin in acknowledgment.

  Then we were outside, and a wave of cold hit me. “Thanks,” I muttered through my chattering teeth.

  “Come, Cora, let’s go to the next pub where we can become better acquainted.” Before I had time to say anything, he had gently but firmly taken my arm and was leading me down the icy street to bar number two.

  His voice was a deep sensual massage to my senses, the impact of which rendered me speechless. I glanced back at the first bar for a moment as he led me down the street.

  Once we were seated with a hot toddy, he finally introduced himself. “I’m Cam,” he said, as he took one of my hands in his much larger, warm one.

  I gazed at him doing my best guppy impersonation, my mouth opening and closing several times in quick succession.

  Cam smirked but didn’t release my hand. “Enchanted,” he finally murmured. His dark eyes burrowed into mine.

  I felt naked, like he could see all of me. I gulped, trying to dislodge the lump in my throat. Our faces only inches apart, I could smell his aftershave or cologne, and undertones of his unique smell, a combination of bergamot, oranges, and cedarwood. I almost moaned outright at the intoxicating scents that were assailing my overactive mind.

  His hand released mine and turned it palm side up. He began to gently massage my palm, sending all kinds of zings down to my core. Closing the distance between us, he kissed me. It was deep, demanding, dominant; much like I imagined his character to be.

  I felt heat pool in my nether regions, and my thighs become slick as they pressed together in an attempt to hide my reaction. I wondered if anyone could see moisture seeping through my pants.

  He stopped, but didn’t pull away, and my eyes flew open to see his were wide and watching me. “Cora, you have wonderful lips, the way they quiver under my assault, I like that.”

  I hadn’t spoken since we arrived, so overwhelmed by our abrupt meeting and this insane instant attraction. I wanted to respond; instead, I blushed and suddenly felt so out of my league that I want to run.

  I stood abruptly, trying to hide my panic.

  “Don’t you dare move, Cora.”

  I stood still, watching as he rose and paid our tab. Then once again, he lead me outside and into a rental car, heading who knew where. I knew I should ask; I knew I should text Heather with a location for safety purposes.

  I was about to speak when he filled in the silence. “Don’t worry, I have texted Josh and let him know that we are together and at my hotel. He will make sure Heather makes it back to your hotel and tells your parents you are spending the night with her.”

  I finally found my voice. “A little presumptuous, aren’t you?”

  He looked at me and started laughing. His laughter was so contagious that I couldn’t help but smile at his amusement. He pulled over in front of a small inn.

  “Wait, I thought you said hotel?”

  He smirked. “I am renting this; so, you could say it is my hotel. Come on, Cora, we are going to get better acquainted.”

  I dutifully follow him inside and take a look around. It’s not so much an inn as a cottage. It appeared quite old; yet, on the inside, it was completely updated and modern.

  “Yours?” I asked.

  He shook his head while pouring me a glass of red wine. “No, but friends of the family. I’m just staying the one night; Josh is here too, for the week.”

  “Oh, is it a two-bedroom?”

  He smirks again. “Yes, but he won’t be here tonight; we will have complete privacy.”

  We talked for a bit as I attempted to calm down my raging hormones with my glass of wine, savoring the fruity notes.

  We hadn’t been chit-chatting long when he said, “You are perfect, Miss Cora.”

  I smiled. “Really? I don’t feel perfect; I feel like I’m in way over my head. But this is the type of thing I was hoping would happen tonight, so, I guess this is perfect.” I waved my hand around the room.

  Cam stood and took my cold hand in his warm one. “Come, Cora, let’s go a
nd see what else can be perfect.”

  I allowed him to lead me to his bedroom. I was about to get my dream with the perfect guy.

  Christmas – Five days later

  I’d fallen behind the tour as it moved from the lower entry of Tintagel Castle to the upper level. I couldn’t resist stepping out onto the crumbling causeway. How many times had I fantasized about being Igraine from the Arthur stories, watching her lord and master return home from war with his loyal entourage?

  It’s Christmas, five days since my deflowering by Cam; the day we’re supposed to meet at the castle. I’d told him about my Igraine fantasy, and he’d said to me that he would make it come true. It would be my Christmas present.

  My folks, who had already seen the castle, opted to stay at the hotel. I didn’t blame them; it was nasty weather for a tour. I almost wanted to cancel and meet elsewhere, but Cam had changed his plans and was flying in to make my fantasy come true. Caving over bad weather didn’t seem right.

  He’d left the next morning after safely ensconcing me in a cab back to the hotel and planting a swift kiss on my lips with a promise to see me in five days. I’d been on cloud nine ever since. Heather and I spent the next day together tucked into the cozy coffee shop in the hotel as I told her about my night.

  She and her parents moved on the day after, and I had spent the last two days sightseeing all over England, with Tintagel being the last stop. My parents were flying home the next day, and I would board a different flight to Boston. I needed to get back and prepare for interviews, and I had plans to meet up with Heather for a bit of pre-new year partying.

  I’d carefully made my way to the center of the causeway that separated the east and west tower turrets. The raging sea hundreds of feet below me was mesmerizing. The dark grey mass heaved and battered against the castle’s shore that stood as a sentinel in the grey mist.


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