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Baby Bear

Page 6

by Brina Brady

  Mr. Benson leaned across his desk. “Betrayed you? How?”

  “No one in this club was ever fired for refusing to work the back room. As a matter of fact, you never allowed just anyone back there without their written consent. But for some reason, you wanted old men to fuck me back there.”

  “Everyone has to work back there. I was easy on you because I felt sorry for you, plus I didn’t want anyone else touching you for other reasons.” Mr. Benson closed his eyes for a moment.

  “I don’t believe that for one minute.”

  “Do you know why the dancers shunned you?” Mr. Benson asked.

  “Because I hurt one of them when things didn’t work out.”

  “No, that’s not why. They wanted you to do your part in the back room. They said I favored you, and they were right. I did for one year.”

  “This conversation isn’t about you favoring me. Darius Eriksen ordered you to fire me, and you did. What does he have on you?” Abel cut the tears off from surfacing by holding his breath. His sorrow has turned to anger.

  “Who told you that?” Mr. Benson raised his eyebrows.

  “It really doesn’t matter, does it? Why did you let him do this to me? I thought you cared about me. I tried so hard to make us work, but I got the boot from you after one weekend and then the ultimate betrayal.”

  Mr. Benson poured two glasses of scotch and passed one to Abel.

  “I do care about you, more than you’ll ever know, but I’m sixty-three, and you’re twenty-two. That makes me forty-one years older than you. This is beyond robbing the cradle. It’s best I stay away from you. I’m too old for you.”

  “Tell me why Darius wanted you to fire me,” Abel demanded.

  “Darius likes you and wants to take care of you. For a month, he watched you dance every single night, but he didn’t like other men ogling you. So he told me to fire you, then gave me money to give to you so you wouldn’t be out of cash. This helped all three of us. Can’t you see this?”

  “See what?” Abel took a big swig of his drink, which burned his throat. It was too strong without ice or water added. He coughed, trying to cool his throat.

  “You don’t drink down scotch like cheap wine.” Mr. Benson passed a bottle of water across his desk. “I’m trying to make you see that Darius is a good man for you. He’s older and can take care of you, plus he adores you. Stop being so thick-headed.”

  Abel stared at the water bottle. “I don’t see it that way at all.”

  “Drink the damn water. You’re a stubborn mule sometimes.” Mr. Benson shook his head in disbelief.

  Abel chugged the water down while he eyed Mr. Benson.

  “Add some water to your drink. It’ll go down easier.” Mr. Benson’s voice softened as he moved into teaching mode, a familiar tone he’d taken with Abel.

  Abel followed his directions. “Take me back.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Why? Because Darius will blackball you?” Abel was sure Daddy Darius had something on Mr. Benson. He certainly didn’t operate a legal strip club. Mr. Benson sold drugs and sex here, plus Abel knew some type of gambling was also going on. All the dancers knew this when they accepted the job. He warned them that if they had a problem with turning a blind eye to what went on in his club, they’d regret it. He didn’t take kindly to a rat. In his own way, he got his message across to shut up about the way he conducted his business.

  “No, nothing like that. We’ve been friends for a long time. What happened with Darius? Did he hurt you? I can’t imagine he’d do anything to hurt you, though. I wouldn’t have allowed him to go near you if I thought he would.”

  “You’re not listening to me. I really need my dancing job back. Please.” Abel stood and made his way to Mr. Benson and knelt beside him. “Please, I’m begging you for my job back. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

  “Will you work the back room?” Mr. Benson placed his hand on top of Abel’s head and kissed him.

  “Why do I have to work back there? You said I’m the best dancer, or were you lying to me? Isn’t that good enough?”

  “I’ll tell you that I’ve always had a soft spot for you. You can have your job back if you agree to give me a blow job when I ask you. Do we have a deal?”



  Darius’s phone rang while he was helping Emma with some paperwork for college. She’d asked him for money to pay for her tuition, and he’d agreed, since his brother refused. They weren’t even talking. She lived with a few friends in an apartment. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and read Sammy’s name displayed across the screen. Why would Sammy call him at work?

  “Hey, what’s up?” Darius asked.

  “Can you come to the cabin?” Sammy was sobbing.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  “I can’t talk about it over the phone. It’s about Abel. He left with his suitcases.”

  “Are you okay?” Darius worried that Abel might have done something to Sammy, but Sammy looked much stronger than Abel did.

  “No, but don’t call Daddy Noah. He’s going to kill me when he finds out what I did.”

  “I’ll be right over. Stay put.” Darius ended the call. The two boys were painting a porch. What the hell could’ve happened to make Abel leave? He told Emma he had to go and drove his truck to the cabin as fast as the speed limit allowed. When he arrived, Sammy was sitting on the steps, crying. He got out of the truck and made his way to the upset boy.

  He sat beside Sammy. “Where is Abel?”

  “I don’t know. Everything was going great. Then he stopped talking and acted distressed. Really sad. I tried to make him feel better, but what I said didn’t help. He said he couldn’t stay because he wasn’t safe here anymore.”

  “Wasn’t safe here? What the hell did you say to him?”

  “I told him a secret, which I thought would make him feel good again, but I don’t understand. He was so upset. He left in tears.” Sammy wiped his own tears away.

  “You’re not making a damn bit of sense. What the hell did you say to him? What secret?”

  Darius looked over to the empty space where Abel’s car had been parked. His heart dropped to his feet in disappointment.

  “You’re going to be angry with me, and Daddy Noah won’t want me anymore.”

  Darius put his hands on Sammy’s shoulders. “I’m going to whip your ass myself if you don’t tell me what you said. I want to hear all of it, boy.”

  “Sometimes I read Daddy Noah’s phone messages when he’s sleeping. I saw a slew of them from you about this dancer from Boka Boys. I read that you made Mr. Benson fire the dancer. I told Abel, so he’d know how much you wanted him.”

  “You had no right to tell him a damn thing. You know it’s wrong to read Noah’s messages. But to compound your wrong, you told Abel something confidential. Clearly, it was none of your damn business. Not only that but you also may have ruined something between Abel and me.” Darius released his grip on Sammy’s shoulders and fisted his hands to his sides.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy Darius. I only wanted to make him happy.”

  “What made you think he wasn’t happy with me?”

  “He said you didn’t kiss him and that you were distant when you showed up for lunch. He didn’t think you liked him anymore. And he was destroyed that you gave me the job and not him. I thought if I told him this, he wouldn’t be sad anymore.” Sammy cried between each word until he’d gotten it all out.

  “I’m calling Noah, and I’ll let him deal with you. I don’t think he’d take it kindly if I beat your ass right now. That’s what you deserve for butting into my business.”

  “Please, don’t call him. I’ll do anything for you, but please don’t call him. He’s working, and he gets really pissed if you call him at work. I’d rather you punish me.”

  “I know he’s working. Keep your ass on this step and don’t move.” Darius got up and walked away from Sammy so he couldn’t hea
r his conversation. He called Noah as he paced back and forth. He’d love to punish Sammy, but that would end his friendship with Noah.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Noah said.

  “Can you talk?”

  “Sure. Nothing is happening here. I was going to leave in fifteen minutes.”

  “Abel left me.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Sammy is what happened.”

  “I thought the boys were getting along?”

  “Oh, they were and probably still are for all I know. Sammy has been snooping and reading your phone messages from me. I told you to put a lock on your phone. You’re a damn security guard, for fuck’s sake, and you don’t have the simplest security on your own phone.”

  “What did he read?”

  “He told Abel I got him fired from his dancing job.”

  “Oh shit! He won’t sit down for a year when I’m done with him.”

  “See that you do something before I do,” Darius threatened.

  “I’m leaving now. Make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. Tie him to a damn chair if you have to. He knows he’s going to be in big trouble.”

  “He won’t move an inch. He knows I’ll go after him if he thinks about running.”

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve put a lock on my phone, and I will now for sure. You were right. I had no idea he was reading my messages, that sneaky little fucker.”

  “I’ll make sure he stays put. I don’t know where Abel went. I have to straighten out this mess, and I hope it’s not too late. I should’ve listened to you when you said to ask him out first.”

  “We’ll find him. Don’t worry. Things will work out for you guys. Just make him understand you did it to protect him.”

  Darius ended the call. Sammy hadn’t moved from the steps. The boy was still crying as if he’d lost his best friend.

  “Where do you think Abel went?” Darius asked.

  “He said he had to take care of some business, and he’d call me when he figures out things.”

  “So, he told you that I didn’t like him anymore?” Darius shook his head in disbelief. None of this shit made sense.

  “Yes. I couldn’t take him being heartbroken over you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Heartbroken over me? We don’t have a relationship. The problem with Abel is he thinks everything has to happen in a snap. That’s not how it works when it’s real. No wonder Noah said you were a drama queen. For fuck’s sake.”

  “I’m not a drama queen, and Daddy Noah knows that. I’m a sensitive artist.”

  “Sensitive, my ass. More like you’re a royal pain in the ass. I’m so angry with you right now I could beat the skin off your backside.”

  Sammy shuddered and closed his eyes. “I guess you don’t want me working at the diner anymore.”

  “Oh, you’ll work for me at the diner, and I’ll make sure you work your ass off. No sitting around bullshitting. You’ll learn the meaning of hard work.”

  “Abel asked me how long it took for Daddy Noah to make me his Baby Bear. I told him four hours, which is the truth. Then he said you would’ve made a move on him if you were interested. But he was really bummed out that you didn’t acknowledge him physically during the lunch. He saw that as a permanent rejection.”

  “Are you telling me he thought I rejected him because I didn’t kiss him?” The more Sammy told him, the less he understood both him and Abel. Benson hadn’t been kidding when he’d said Abel was emotionally stunted.

  “Yes, that’s what he said. I’m really sorry.”

  “Oh, you’ll be sorry, all right, after Daddy Noah gets done with you, boy. You’d better not ever touch Daddy Noah’s phone again.”

  “I won’t, sir.” Sammy covered his face in shame and fear.

  Five minutes later, Noah pulled up in his SUV. He marched over to them.

  “Get in the car, boy,” Noah ordered.

  Sammy ran to the vehicle while Noah inched closer to Darius. “I was thinking about where Abel might go. I bet he tries to get his old job back.”

  “You think?”

  “Well, you heard him at lunch.”

  “You might be right. I’ll drive over to Boka Boys and have a little talk with Benson.”

  “Why don’t you give Abel Sammy’s job? The kid needs to work more than Sammy. The poor boy will do anything. You know he must be out of his mind without a job, no family or friends to help him get through. He thinks you stabbed him in the back when you had him fired. He’s desperate.”

  “I promised Sammy the job first, but I could fit Abel in too if that’s what he wants. I also want to work Sammy hard for this. My revenge for this shit he pulled.”

  “Not too hard, though. He won’t be any use to me, then. I’ll discipline him.”

  “If you’d disciplined him properly, he would’ve respected your privacy and wouldn’t be snooping for more information by reading your private messages. Sammy has a gossip problem, and you need to correct that. He needs a closer eye too. Instead of fucking him a million times a day, you’d better spank him when he’s bad.”

  “I know you’re pissed at him, and you have every right to be, but how I deal with him is my business, not yours.”

  “He overstepped on my shit and yours. I don’t know how the hell you can defend his bullshit.”

  “Yes, he did overstep, but Papa Bears defend their Baby Bears. That’s part of it, right or wrong. But don’t worry. When we go home, I’ll deal with him. Would you like to witness his punishment?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Don’t you get that I’m fucking pissed off by this mess. I want Abel, and I did a lot of shit to get this far with him, and in one conversation with Sammy, it’s all gone.”

  “It’s not over. You should’ve given him a real job. Then none of this would’ve happened. If he has a new job, he won’t need to dance naked. I know you can’t deal with that.”

  “Did I tell you that Benson fucked Abel?” Rage surged through Darius. He wasn’t sure who he was angrier with. Noah, Sammy, Abel, or himself. Maybe he should’ve asked Abel out. It would’ve been a more normal way to approach the boy, but at the time, his plan seemed solid.

  “No, you didn’t. Who told you that?” Noah asked.

  “Abel told me in a roundabout way. Benson wanted me to take him. He didn’t fight me on firing him either. Yet he claimed he was one of his best dancers. Why would he want to get rid of his best dancer?”

  “How old is Benson?”

  “He’s sixty something, way too old for Abel.”

  “That makes me want to puke. Bring Abel back home before it’s too late.”

  “I’ll go over there now.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t lock my phone like you’ve been hounding me to do. None of this would’ve happened.”

  “Make sure Sammy is punished properly for this.”

  “I’m going to use my wide black belt for this one. He won’t be snooping anymore.”

  They walked to their vehicles. He glanced over at Sammy, who sat in the front seat of Noah’s SUV, head bent, shoulders slumped. He was in big trouble with Noah. That little pain in the ass might have ruined everything he’d worked so hard for over the last thirty days. He wanted Abel, but he hadn’t wanted to rush the relationship. Now it might be too late.



  Maybe he should’ve been more affectionate during the lunch, but memories of his last boy had played in his head. Never again did he want to experience public humiliation like he had with Lucas. He didn’t like to display affection unless he was certain they were going to pair up. Why did these boys think he needed to fuck them on day one? They had a lot to learn. Then again, Noah hadn’t waited, and Sammy telling Abel hadn’t helped Darius’s case either. He parked his truck behind Boka Boys and walked around to the front of the club. It would be slow in there, since it was still the afternoon. Benson was sitting at the bar alone, drinking his scotch. Darius took the seat beside him.

p; “I need to talk to you, but I’d rather do it in your office,” Darius said.

  “Are you here about Abel?”

  Darius nodded.

  “Hey, Ron, get Darius a scotch on the rocks.”

  Darius could use a drink right about now. With everything going to hell, he needed to slow down. His anger and disappointment were drowning him.

  As soon as the bartender set Darius’s scotch down, he picked it up and followed Benson to his office, where he took the chair in front of his desk. He swore he could smell Abel on a slight paint scent wafting in his nose. Of course, this might be all in his head. He wanted to find Abel.

  “What went wrong with Abel?” Benson asked.

  “Everything. Things didn’t even begin. Do you know where he is?”

  “He rented a room at the Economy Motel. He was here begging for his job.”

  “Did you rehire him?” Darius glared at the older man.

  “Well, I had to. He came to me, crying. I felt sorry for him, so I gave him a two-hundred-dollar advance to help him out. He didn’t have much money.”

  “Benson, you’re too old for Abel. I better not hear you’re fucking him again.”

  “What are you accusing me of? I never fucked that boy,” Benson said, indignant.

  “Yes, you did. I know you did, and you hurt him. Don’t do it again, or I’ll ruin you and your club,” Darius threatened.

  “Don’t come in my club and threaten me.” Benson was almost shouting now.

  “Keep your dick in your pants around him. When does he work?”

  “Tonight at nine,” Benson replied and emptied his glass.

  “I’ll be back for him, and don’t you stand in my way.” Darius stood. “Remember what I said. Don’t fuck him, or you’ll pay a high price. I can and will ruin you. I’ll shut this place down. Back off. He’s mine.”

  “For your information, I never forced Abel to do anything he didn’t want to do.”

  “You held all the power. He had no choice. Did you think of that?”


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