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Leslie's Admission - A New Adult Romance (Book 1)

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by Benita Bing

  And finally, maybe her biggest blessing of all was being lucky enough to meet Holly. They had quickly become close friends and Holly had done lots of nice things for Leslie. Hooking up with Holly had to have been divine intervention because it’s just too hard to find good friends – at least it was for Leslie.

  In no time at all, Leslie had boiled her life down to three vital things, school, work, and Holly. Not necessarily in that order because each of them were important in their own way.

  Leslie felt much better now that she had more clarity in her life.

  * * * * * * *

  Bobby didn’t take matters lightly. He was still upset at what someone had done to him. And he was willing to bet any amount of his bank account that Mush was behind it somehow.

  What made no sense to him was why Musher was so dead against Leslie. That explanation he had given Bobby about wealthy people should not date those who have no wealth was total crap!

  Hell, as far as Bobby knew, Tina didn’t come from a wealthy family. And he told Mush that too.

  But Mush said that was different. He said that Tina had a purpose in his life, and was by no means a romantic interest. And that she would be gone soon.

  How could someone have an arrangement like that? Bobby wondered.

  But that still didn’t explain why Musher hated Leslie so much. He’d never felt that way with any other girls that Bobby had dated. There had to be something else – something that wasn’t obvious at the moment.

  Of course, his anger at Musher was not the worst part of the situation. The fact that Leslie had gotten upset and once again, refused to talk to Bobby, was by far the worst part of all.

  Bobby had not been dishonest with Leslie in any way. He really did enjoy her company. He really did think that they had hit it off really well. And now he desperately wanted to see her again.

  How was he ever going to convince her to give him another chance? Hell, it was a real challenge just to get her to meet him on that occasion. Bobby doubted that an entire florist of flowers wouldn’t change her mind this time.

  He knew his only chance was to give her some space. And then maybe he could think of something that would warm her heart. To do that, he needed to somehow learn some about her.


  Chapter 7

  Leslie was sitting in the campus library working on her latest Chemistry assignment. Since she was a good student, she had brilliant study habits.

  One of her study secrets was to always read ahead in the text book before the professor lectured about the material. That way, when the lecture came around, it would solidify the knowledge she’s already learned about the topic. It also helped her prepare for the inevitable exam that would be coming later.

  However, this approach hadn’t helped her very much with the recent Chemistry lessons she had received. As happens to every student eventually, regardless of their intelligence level, she was struggling with her homework.

  She went over the material again and again, but nothing was working for her.

  Finally, she remembered that the Chemistry department had a few grad assistants on hand to help students with their lessons. Perhaps one of them was available.

  When she got upstairs, the lady in the department’s office directed her down the hall.

  “Ask for Tommy. He’s on hand this afternoon.”


  She walked down the long hall and entered the door as she was instructed.

  No one was in the front room, but she heard some faint music blaring from one of the back rooms.

  “Hello. Anyone here?” called Leslie.

  She heard rustling and then a guy who was a few years older than her showed up.

  “Can I help you?” He said, somewhat softly.

  “Are you Tommy? I need a little help with my Chemistry lesson.”

  “Yes, I’m Tommy. Who are you?”

  “Oh sorry, I’m Leslie Ford - a student in Professor Logan’s class.”

  “First semester General Chem?”


  “Let’s go back to the conference room. We see if we can’t get you straightened out.”

  “I’m really struggling with balancing Chemical equations for some reason. I’m pretty good at Math, so I’m not sure why I’m having trouble.”

  “Are you a Chem Major?”

  “No,” answered Leslie. “Pre-Med.”

  “Oh, lucky you.” smiled Tommy. “You’ll get two semesters of the dreaded Organic Chemistry next year.”

  “Don’t remind me,” she chuckled.

  Tommy worked with Leslie for about an hour. She was amazed at how quickly she understood the Chemistry equations after he explained them to her.

  “You’re a really good tutor.” She told him.


  In was obvious that Tommy was a bit introverted, but seemed like a really nice guy. She adored his sense of humor. They talked for a few minutes longer.

  Leslie then she thanked him and excused herself.

  * * * * * * *

  Over the next few days, Holly could see that Leslie had a fresh renewed focus. She was all about getting her studies done, and maintaining her flawless grade point average.

  While it was great having a roommate that was an excellent academic resource, she was more than a little concerned about Leslie on a personal level. It seemed as if a light have gone out in her spirit – and she was avoiding some dark, scary room inside herself.

  We’ve all heard that when people lose one of their senses, they often compensate by strengthening the senses that are still available to them. Like a blind person who has the astonishing ability to hear things that no one else can hear. Supposedly, we humans have evolved in a way that allows us to best survive under current circumstances.

  Holly wondered if such a phenomenon was possible on a spiritual or mental level as well. As she watched Leslie, she wondered if Leslie had totally shut off all emotional energy from relationship activities, and simply redirected them to everything else. This would explain lots of things.

  Leslie worried her on a personal level. It was as if a part of Leslie was dying a little each day and Holly had no clue what to do about it.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of metal tapping of a key trying to find the lock’s slot in the front door. This was followed by a click, and then the door opened.

  Leslie was returning from the store with groceries. Just in time, thought Holly.

  “Got you some nice mangos Holly,” Leslie said with a smile. “They got in a fresh batch. Thought I’d better get you some before they go out of season.”

  Holly absolutely loved mangos. Leslie was so thoughtful about things like that.

  “Thank you so much,” said Holly. “I’ll cut some up to go with our dinner.”

  “Holly, I’m so sorry. I forgot to tell you that I’m going out this evening.”

  “Oh really? Going on a date?” Holly asked, trying not show how surprised she was by the news.

  “I’m not sure if it’s really a date. I met this guy, Tommy. He’s a grad assistant from the Chemistry Department. He’s the guy who helped me with those chemical equations.”

  “That sounds nice. What’s he like? Is he from here?”

  “No, he’s from the east coast. Really nice guy, kind of cute. He’s not outgoing at all, but really funny when you get to know him.”

  “What are you guys going to do?

  “Probably go see that new Brad Pitt movie.”

  “That’s great, Leslie. I’m happy for you.”

  “It’s not that big of a deal really, but it’s nice to go out for change. And with someone who’s fun to be around.”

  * * * * * * *

  Musher had spent the next few days feeling great about how things had gone for him and Bobby. He had masterfully planned and executed a flawless scheme that got Leslie out of their lives – hopefully for good. Now he just needed to figure out a way to destroy her

  While he was feeling great about himself these days, patting his own back and everything, there was only one problem. And that was Bobby.

  Since he had spoiled Bobby’s date with Leslie, Bobby just wasn’t himself. Bobby didn’t want to do anything. He wasn’t interested in going out and partying, he didn’t want to run around at all.

  Bobby wasn’t mean or resentful toward Musher; he was just disinterested and aloof. All Bobby wanted to do was stay at home – he even started going to his classes now! What the hell?

  Musher just assumed Bobby was a little depressed, because after all – he really did seem to have some feelings for Leslie. But Good Lord, shouldn’t he have gotten over that by now?

  Musher figured that Bobby would eventually become himself again. It was just going to take some time. At least that’s what Musher kept telling himself. The truth was that Musher needed to devote his energy now to leaning on Tina. He just knew Leslie had some dirt in her past – Tina needed to find it somehow.

  * * * * * * *

  “Leslie, there’s someone waiting up front for you.” Rachel told her.

  “Ok, Thanks Rach.” She glanced over at the two tables that she was looking after. Not too busy at the moment. Satisfied with that assessment, Leslie made her way toward the hostess station.

  She was surprised to see Tommy sitting there. He quickly stood as Leslie approached.

  “Hey Tommy.”

  “Leslie, I hope this is okay,” said Tommy in an almost hushed tone. “But I discovered that Moray Fashion is making a surprise appearance at the Cameo Theatre this evening. One of my students gave me a couple of tickets – I know how much you love their music.”

  Leslie couldn’t believe her ears. Tommy was right; Moray Fashion was her favorite band of all time. They featured a great acoustical sound with a mesmerizing beat and lots of soul.

  “Are you kidding?” she asked.

  “Think you’d be able to go with me?”

  “Absolutely.” Leslie said. “I really appreciate you inviting me.”

  “Great. The show starts at 7:00.”

  “Okay, meet me here then. I get off at 6:00.” Leslie confirmed.

  * * * * * * *

  Holly left work and headed home. Carl was supposed to come over, but he called and begged out of it because his buddies had put together a poker game at the last moment.

  Holly busted his chops just for the fun of it, even though she really liked the idea of relaxing at home by herself. Have to keep them honest, she thought, smiling.

  She was shocked when she got home to see none other than Bobby Black waiting there. He was sitting on the steps leading up to the floor on which their apartment was located.

  “Bobby?” Holly asked. “Where are you doing here? Leslie is out for the evening.”

  “Yeah, I know,” answered Bobby. “Actually, you are the one I was waiting for.”



  “Okay. Let me put my things away and get changed.” Holly said. “You’re welcome to come inside and wait.”

  “Oh no. I’ll wait out here.”

  “Alright, I’ll be just a few minutes,” replied Holly, a little shocked at how Bobby took the high road by choosing to wait outside.

  Holly returned as promised a few moments later. She brought with her a couple of cold beers – offering one to Bobby.

  “Thanks, Holly,” Bobby said, nodding with a pleasant, easy smile.

  “What can I help you with, Bobby?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about Leslie.”

  “What about?”

  “I have strong feelings for her and want her to see me again. I was hoping you could help.”

  A prime example of Bobby’s candor, as Leslie had told her about, Holly thought.

  “How in world do you think I could do that? She’s pretty pissed at you.”

  “I don’t blame her for being upset. If she thought I was going to see that prostitute. But that’s the thing – I WASN’T going to see that prostitute. I’d never even seen that woman before. You gotta believe that!”

  “Well, I’m not the one you have to convince.”

  “If I am going to get you to help me, then you’re wrong, I DO need to convince you. Not only that, I really want you to know the truth anyway.” Bobby added. “I just don’t want people around here thinking I do that kind of thing.”

  “Bobby, since when do you give a shit what others think about you?”

  “Is that what you really think?”

  “Yeah. In fact I would say most people around here think that about you.”


  “Yes, really.”

  Bobby shook his head, took a long draw from his beer and stared at the ground – as if to realize that he was powerless in what others thought about him. More surprisingly, he seemed to really care about what others thought.

  Well I’ll be damned, Holly thought to herself.

  The Bobby that she was talking with tonight was not the same one she’d heard about all these years. He was not the big jerk who cut up all the time, not caring about others.

  Chapter 8

  As Leslie went about her normal routine over the next week or so, Holly made it a point to take notice of her. She was very concerned about Leslie. She knew that Leslie had a tendency to internalize everything. Holly felt that there were certain emotions going on inside Leslie that were difficult to process.

  Leslie continued to go out with Tommy from time to time, but it just didn’t seem authentic. It seemed more like an emotional fire escape for Leslie. It was like Tommy was providing refuge from an emotional burning building where Leslie stored her feelings.

  Because she had grown to know Leslie fairly well, Holly could see the warning signs. Holly believed that Leslie was lying to herself about how she really felt. A desperate act of trying to sell everyone on the idea that life was great, that there was nothing at all to worry about.

  Depression had a way of doing that. It brought about the need to repaint the world into something that was more tolerable – even though the new world was not real and could actually be dangerously deceptive in the long run.

  Holly dared not tell Leslie that Bobby had come to see her. She feared that it would only upset Leslie and jeopardize their friendship.

  * * * * * * *

  “Dude, you need to snap out of it!” Musher urged.

  “Go screw yourself,” replied Bobby. “ I don’t need to do anything.”

  “What has gotten into you anyway? You’re just not yourself these days.”

  “Maybe I’m just getting wiser, Mush.”

  “You’re still going to Jason’s party, aren’t you? It’s little more than a week away now. I already got that white hash that you love.”

  “I’m not sure if I even want to go – to be honest. Just not really feeling it these days.”

  Musher was upset to hear how depressed his cousin had gotten. They hung up and Musher dialed another number.


  “Tina, give me something,” Musher pleaded. Surely, she’s found it by now.

  “Mush, you need to quit bugging me about this; I’m doing the best I can.” Tina answered. “And I can’t talk right now anyway.”

  Musher can’t believe Tina actually hung up on him!

  * * * * * * *

  Holly and Carl were relaxing in front of his TV – taking in some great sit-coms. They both loved comedies and could never grow tired of their favorites – even from the repeated viewings that syndication offered them. Because of all that repetition, they found themselves going about their normal lives using quotes from those shows. How twisted was that?

  Carl had done pretty well for himself even though he chose not to attend college. All through high school, he had wisely worked weekends and some evenings at his uncle’s insurance office. He got his license to sell insurance within weeks after graduation.

  Uncle Hank ha
d set him up on a salary – or a draw, as the insurance salesmen called it. Uncle Hank knew as much as Holly did that Carl would be a huge success. How could he not be? Carl loved people and people loved him. And he was funny and nice to everybody too. What’s more, he realized that academics weren’t his strength, so he went after something he was good at – how can you argue with that logic?

  “We still going to Jason’s party, right?” asked Carl, wanting reassurance.

  “Yes, I suppose,” sighed Holly. “And then the next weekend, we’re going to the opera on Friday and the ballet on Saturday.”

  “Shit, are you kidding?” responded a disgusted Carl.

  “Just kidding,” Holly giggled. “I just couldn’t resist.”

  “Seriously, we ARE going, aren’t we?”

  “Of course we are. I did promise you.”

  “Is Leslie going to go with us?”

  “I don’t know, she hasn’t told me anything yet.”

  “Do you think she’ll go with Tommy?”

  “Maybe, but I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I believe Leslie and Tommy are on different pages as far as where they see their relationship.”

  “You think?”

  “Yes, I think Tommy wants more out of it than she does. But I also think she’s trying to convince herself she feels stronger about him than she really does.”

  “She’ll figure that out eventually though, won’t she? Shouldn’t you just let it run its course?”

  “Oh, I have no choice but to do that, but what worries me is that Leslie doesn’t date people casually. She takes things pretty seriously. I’m just not sure she knows how to handle this casual arrangement – at least not in a way that best suits her.”

  “I understand what you’re saying. But don’t you think it might be a good thing for her to get that experience so she knows how to handle it in the future?”

  “Could be,” Holly said contemplating. “You don’t mind if she goes with us to the party, do you?”

  “Goodness no, she’s more than welcome.”

  * * * * * * *


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