Playing His Game: An Opposites Attract MM Romance

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Playing His Game: An Opposites Attract MM Romance Page 9

by Alice Layne

  Hunter let out a deep, satisfied grunt and put his hands on my lower back, “Next time we’re going to have to spend more time prepping you, baby.”

  “P-Please do, Sir. It’s n-not your fault that you’re f-fucking huge,” I said. Even my voice felt weak after that intense moment. I had to hope that next time we did this, it wouldn’t be as challenging.

  A low, rumbling chuckle rolled out of Hunter as he pulled out of me. “I’m not going to pretend I don’t like hearing you say that. It’s also not my fault that you’re tight as fuck, babe.”

  Before I could ask him if that was a good thing or not, he eased his cock back inside me until I felt the weight of his hips against my ass again. This time, it didn’t hurt. I grabbed handfuls of the covers and pushed myself against him to try and take every last bit of him.

  “Are you ready for more, baby?” he asked quietly.

  I nodded my head and mumbled, “M-Maybe don’t get rough yet, Sir.”

  His cock slid out of me until I thought he was about to fall out before he slowly thrust back into my ass. As much as I thought I enjoyed it when he was slowly grinding against my prostate, I nearly lost my mind when he actually started fucking me. The second his hips slapped against mine, he pulled out and sank back into me. Each stroke came harder than the last and before I could even register that there was a change, Hunter was slamming into me hard enough to rock the bed.

  Loud moans ripped from my throat as I did my very best to try and push back against his every thrust, but I couldn’t keep up with him. Every time that I thought I figured out some kind of pattern, he either slowed down and slammed harder into me, or he would pick up the pace but only fuck me with half of his length.

  There was one wonderful thing about being at my lover’s mercy. I didn’t have to question if he was enjoying himself or not. The soft grunts that slipped out of him as he hammered into me were beautiful to listen to. Well, the ones that I could hear over my own blissful cries.

  Hunter’s hands trailed up my back until they found my shoulders. He held onto me and pulled me closer to him, forcing me to arch my back as he kept pumping into me. “God damn, I love you,” he growled.

  I wanted to tell him that I loved him back, but I couldn’t get any words out. All I could do was try to hold onto my sanity as he kept rocking my world. I imagined that having sex would feel good, but if I knew how fucking clueless I was, I’d have probably been just as bad as Ashley about finding people to sleep with. But they wouldn’t be Hunter.

  Hot streaks of ecstasy coursed through me with every stroke of Hunter’s cock. Each thrust was more fuel to the blazing inferno within me until the fire grew too massive to contain. There was no holding back the bliss that consumed me, no way that I could try and last long enough for Hunter to finish first. I buried my face in the cover and squeezed them as tight as I could as warm jets of cum shot onto my leg and the side of my bed.

  Hunter’s thrusts grew faster and harder until even his stifled grunts gave way to pleasured moans. His hands slipped from my shoulders and he leaned over me as he rutted against me. Any sense of rhythm was thrown out the window as Hunter drilled into me like he’d never get to fuck me again. With one final, vicious thrust into me, Hunter pinned me against the bed with the full weight of his body as his cock throbbed powerfully within me. Each pulse sent a hot strand of my lover’s cum deep inside me.

  Neither of us spoke a word for what seemed like a lifetime. In that time, I thought about all of the ways my life could have gone if Hunter hadn’t pulled me into his world. Even in my wildest fantasies, I couldn’t imagine feeling happier than I did right now. A billion dollars wouldn’t mean a damn thing if I didn’t have someone to enjoy that wealth with. Running a business wouldn’t be nearly as fun if I didn’t have a partner that I loved. Nothing would mean a damn thing if I couldn’t be in love.

  Long after Hunter’s cock had softened within me, he finally pulled out of me and rolled onto his back. “You feeling okay, baby?” he asked quietly.

  I rolled onto my side and scooted my way closer to him until I could finally rest my head on his chest, “I feel more than okay. Thank you so much for that, Sir.”

  He let out a low chuckle and ran his fingers through my hair, “You don’t have to call me Sir when we’re done, baby.”

  “I didn’t think you’d make me, but you love hearing it and I love you, so I’ll say it as much as I want, Sir,” I said as I let my fingers drift back and forth over his abs.

  “Fair enough. So, would you consider it a dick move if I asked if we could go eat now?”

  My mind wandered back to when we sat in the bleachers together and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Of course not, I wouldn’t dream of asking you to stay in bed with me when there is food on the table.”

  His hand moved to my shoulder and he gave it a gentle squeeze, “Thank you for everything, baby.”

  “Shouldn’t I be the one thanking you?” I asked.

  “Just say you’re welcome and get your sexy ass in the kitchen before I pin you down again,” he said in a low, rumbling tone.

  “Fuck you,” I chirped. He sat up and looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. “What? I didn’t say what you wanted and I’m not moving, doesn’t that mean I get pinned down now?”

  Hunter rolled his eyes and pointed to my thigh, “Baby, take a quick shower and meet me in the kitchen. Otherwise, no more cock until you’ve earned it.”

  “Ugh, you’re the sweetest asshole I’ve ever met,” I grumbled as I got out of bed. The mess I made on the cover was almost as bad as what was on my leg, but it was completely worth it. Hunter fucking George… I wouldn’t have dreamed that he’d be the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.


  Seven months later, I still struggled to believe that Hunter was my partner. We finished college. Hunter got a job at a sporting goods store and seemed happy enough there. I hadn’t found my dream job yet either, but data entry was good enough for the time being. We paid our bills just fine and I didn’t have to have to rely on my parent’s support anymore which was a blessing.

  But today was the day I’d been dreading since I met Hunter’s family. Not just because it was my birthday, but because Hunter was finally going to meet my parents and that was fucking horrifying. They were always supportive of my decisions, but I hadn’t even come out to them. I kept telling Hunter that I’d eventually do it, but it never came up on the rare phone calls I made to them.

  Hunter put his hand on my knee and tried to reassure me, “Baby, it’s going to be fine. If anything you’ve told me about them is true, they’re going to love me.”

  “Easy for you to say. They’re probably going to like you, but I really don’t want to hear them ask all the reasons why I wouldn’t come out to them,” I muttered.

  “Well, my parents just pulled up, so why don’t we start getting lunch unpacked and see where all of this leads?” Hunter asked.

  I nodded and took a deep breath before I got out of the car. As I opened the trunk, Raven ran over to me and hugged me tightly, “Levi! I drew you a picture for your birthday, but it’s at home because Dad said that it would probably get messed up if I brought it here. Please come get it after we leave?”

  She was direct as always and I loved her for it, “You bet I will, Raven, I wouldn’t dream of turning down a masterpiece of yours!”

  “Oh,” she looked up at me, “you’re welcome!”

  I let out a soft groan and ducked my head in shame, “Yeah, I meant to say thank you.”

  “I wasn’t talking about that, bye!” Raven squeaked and then charged at Hunter to greet him in a similar manner.

  She was absolutely precious and if there was anyone that could help lighten the mood, it was that little ray of sunshine. Mr. and Mrs. George headed over and said their hellos before helping Hunter and I get the food I packed from my trunk to the picnic table. While I didn’t want to spend my entire birthday at a park, it was the only place I could think of t
hat wouldn’t make Hunter’s folks feel uncomfortable. Then again, Hunter already promised me a steak dinner tonight, so I wasn’t really going to complain.

  Not too long after we got everything set up, my dad’s car pulled in beside mine and they got out. Instead of letting them walk all the way over, I took Hunter’s hand and made him walk with me to meet them halfway.

  I smiled weakly at my parents as I gestured to Hunter, “Mom, Dad, this is Hunter.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?” Mom asked.

  My stomach dropped as I realized I hadn’t even let go of Hunter’s hand. “Y-Yeah, my boyfriend.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, sweetie. How long have you two been dating?” Mom asked casually.

  Hunter let go of my hand and offered it to my mom as he spoke, “Almost eight months. I’m sorry that this is how you’re finding out about us, but he refused to say anything about it.”

  “Is there any reason for that, son?” Dad asked.

  I looked down at my feet and mumbled, “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t want to disappoint you two. You two used to talk about me getting married and having kids and all that. I just didn’t want to cause problems, I guess.”

  “Son, you know that you can adopt, don’t you?” Dad asked. He didn’t give me time to answer before he continued, “And if you two don’t want kids, there’s nothing wrong with that either. Anyway, I’m going to assume those people are his family, I’d like to meet them.”

  Dad walked towards them and I sighed heavily and looked at my mom, “You two aren’t going to get mad about this later, are you?”

  “Levi, there’s literally nothing to be mad about. Your dad is right, though, let’s go spend some time with his family before they start feeling left out. It’s not like they don’t want to spend time with you two on your birthday,” Mom said.

  Hunter smirked at me but didn’t say anything as we went back over and mingled. Everyone got along pretty well and for the next hour, our cumulative parents talked about stories about their childhoods, their lives, and how things were different now. They didn’t have to say that Hunter and I were the reason they had to talk about those differences, but we knew and it didn’t really bother us.

  After everyone was finished eating, Hunter helped me clean up the mess. Once that was taken care of, Hunter’s mom clapped her hands together and called out, “Who’s ready for some cake?” Raven’s hand shot up immediately. “Awesome, Hunter, can you help me get it out of the truck? I’d hate to drop it. At least if you did it, Levi would only make you sleep on the couch.”

  Hunter chuckled and shook his head, “I’d hate to be put on the couch, but I think dropping his cake would probably be worse. I believe in you, Mom.”

  “Boy, take the hint before I beat your tail in front of Levi!” Mrs. George said.

  They left and as they came back, Raven, my dad, and Hunter’s dad started singing happy birthday. I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment as Hunter’s smile grew wider and wider. Maybe I would put him on the couch tonight. Steak dinner or not, there would be no birthday sex if he was going to make me feel like I was twelve again.

  Hunter slid the cake onto the picnic table and slid his hands into his pockets, “Well, it’s your cake. Aren’t you going to cut it?”

  I rolled my eyes and walked around to the foot of the table. The entire time I was cutting the cake, I was bitching about it, “Way to make a good impression, Hunter. Make your boyfriend cut his own cake on his birthday? You bet that I’m not going to let them get you anything for Christmas.”

  When I glanced over to my mom, there were tears in her eyes and before I could apologize for somehow offending her, Hunter cleared his throat. I turned around to see Hunter down on one knee with a ring held between his fingers. Sunlight glinted off the diamond and my throat seized up as tears filled my eyes. The apple didn’t fall far…

  “Levi, I know that I’m not the studly football player I was when I met you, but I also know that I’m not the same guy that I was back then either. Being with you has made me feel like I can take on the world, but being with you has also made me see that the world is full of problems that I don’t need to take on. Your problems are all I want, baby. I love you more than I love your cooking, even if you don’t believe that. I’d be the happiest man in the world if you’d stop leaving the TV on when I’m trying to sleep,” he said and lifted the ring towards me. “Sorry, I meant if you’d marry me. I haven’t been studying as much since we graduated.”

  I wanted to say something snarky right back at him, but the only word I could get out was, “Y-Yes.”




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