Playing His Game: An Opposites Attract MM Romance

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Playing His Game: An Opposites Attract MM Romance Page 8

by Alice Layne

  There was no holding back the fury consuming me any longer. I snatched away from Wendall and swung at Tommy’s jaw as hard as I could. Tommy tried to take a step back, but the punch still connected. The meaty smack of my fist against his face was music to my ears and I didn’t wait to see if he was going to fight back before I was already swinging at him again.

  Tommy raised his arm to block the next hit and slammed his heavy hand into my stomach, blasting the wind out of my lungs. He was huge, but he didn’t hit nearly as hard as my dad did. I reared back to hit him again, but Wendall grabbed my forearm and then stepped in to try and restrain me.

  “Fucking quit before you two assholes get in trouble,” Wendall scolded.

  Tommy rubbed across his jaw and then spat out a small stream of blood, “Let him go, if the little bitch wants to fight, let him get his ass handed to him.”

  “Fuck you,” I snarled and tried to pull away from Wendall to get at Tommy.

  “Tommy, you’d get suspended from the team for fighting. I get that you’re pissed, Hunter, but what’s done is done,” Wendall said.

  I heard someone running towards us and assumed it was one of the professors and immediately tried to relax my posture. It was definitely clear that I hit Tommy and knowing how life worked, I’d probably be the one that got in trouble while Tommy was treated like a saint. Wendall finally let me go and it took everything I had to not try to break Tommy’s fucking nose.

  “Hunter?” came a familiar soft voice. “Is everything okay?”

  I looked back at Levi and mumbled, “Right now isn’t a good time, Levi.”

  Tommy laughed quietly and called to the other guys that were watching everything unfold, “Well look at this shit, Hunter has a cheerleader.”

  Levi slowly made his way over to my side and spoke softly, “Can we go somewhere else?”

  “Is your little boyfriend going to cry, Hunter?” Tommy goaded.

  “You know, maybe he is. That’s my problem to deal with. If you weren’t such a piece of shit, maybe you’d have someone that worried about you, Tommy,” I shot back and put my arm around Levi’s waist.

  Wendall moved in front of us and crossed his arms, “Let them go, Tommy.”

  “Oh, so you’re going to defend the fag instead of having my back, bro?” Tommy asked and stepped closer to Wendall. “How’s the team feel about that?”

  When the guys behind Tommy said nothing, he seemed to lose a little of his bluster, but Wendall didn’t back down at all. “I’m making sure that you don’t do something dumb, dude. Hunter was on our team and he got kicked off. Is that any reason to act like he never did anything for us? He was a dick on the field, but he was on our team and he made sure we won. I don’t think I can count on you to have my back or at least be able to carry me on yours in our games.”

  I glanced down at Levi to gauge his reaction to finding out I was off the team, but he didn’t seem surprised. If he was, he definitely didn’t seem to make it seem like he was concerned. He put his left hand over mine and spoke quietly, “Can I talk to you, please?”

  I nodded and said nothing as I walked right by the guys. “Appreciate it, Wendall,” I called back after I made it around the team.

  “Hey man, you’re still welcome to come to my place any time you need to. If someone has a problem with that, fuck ‘em,” Wendall said.

  Tommy muttered something under his breath that got a couple chuckles from the team, but I didn’t care. Once we were far enough away, I pulled my arm away from Levi and leaned against the cafeteria wall, “I guess I won’t be going to practice this afternoon.”

  “I guess not, but it doesn’t matter if you’re on the team or not to me,” he said quietly.

  “It matters to me. That was my ticket out, dude. What am I even supposed to do now? I don’t even know if I’ll be able to pay for the rest of my degree,” I grumbled.

  “As far as I know, they can’t pull your funding for the year just because the coach pulled you from the team. Even if they do, I’ll ask my parents to loan me the money to cover it,” he offered.

  I shook my head, “I couldn’t do that to you. Levi, you’re an amazing guy, but we’ve already had some problems and I don’t know if I’d be able to stomach the thought of having to pay you back for something like this if we broke up.”

  “Hunter, the problems we’ve had so far were my fault. We didn’t handle them well, but I was still the one causing the issue. You were right about me looking for the negative aspects of our relationship because I’m terrified that I’ll get what I want from you. That probably sounds stupid, but I don’t know how else to say it. I’m scared that you might be the one. It can’t be this easy to find someone. It doesn’t make any sense, and I can’t make it feel like I earned it… but I want it. I want to be with you. I let you walk away from me twice. That’s not happening a third time,” he said and put a hand to my chest. “We’re taking this one day at a time and we’re going to work through our problems like the adults we are. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.”

  His soft blue eyes never looked more determined. I put my hands on his waist and pulled him towards me, “You’re not wrong about this being easy.” I leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips and pulled away to whisper, “You’re an easy guy to love, but you’re not good at being loved. It just takes some time to get used to something new, that’s all.”

  Levi’s cheeks flushed and he mumbled, “Do you really mean that?”

  “I’m pretty sure I do. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I know how I feel,” I said. A few people walked by us on their way to class and I knew I should have let him go, but I didn’t want to. We had to get to class, though, and I ran my hands down his arms and took his hands in mine, “We’ve got to go, baby. Want to come back to my house for dinner again?”

  “Have I earned that privilege?” he asked.

  I chuckled and kissed him again. “Only if you promise to not get upset with me if I don’t do well on these upcoming tests.”

  “Hey, I never said I would be upset with you, but you know what the reward is going to be when you do well,” he teased.

  I ducked my head and sighed, “Well, I wasn’t hard.”

  “It’s fine, I’ll walk you to class. Just stay behind me, Sir,” Levi purred.

  The little fucker knew he was making the problem worse, but it was a problem I didn’t mind having. Levi was a complicated kind of guy, but he was also simple when I needed him to be. I couldn’t say that we’d never fight or argue, but at least I knew he was willing to come to me to fix those problems. So long as I could do the same for him, I knew in my heart that we’d make it. Even if I had to give up football, hearing him call me Sir was well worth it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Life seemed to normalize after that morning. Hunter wasn’t having the best time in the world now that he was off the team, but we used the hour that practice used to take up to study instead. His grades weren’t nearly as perfect as I wanted to make them, but he was getting better. People at school didn’t really give us much grief about dating. A few guys made childish comments about us, but more often than not, people just seemed happy that we were happy. Tommy was still a complete douche, but he left us alone now that he wasn’t getting much of a rise out of Hunter.

  About a week later, we finally made it to a weekend that he didn’t have some kind of family obligation. I knew we’d probably end up going over to their house at some point, but it was long overdue that I got to have some alone time with Hunter. We hadn’t had the time to satisfy each other in what felt like an eternity, but that was going to change. He might not have known it when he agreed to stay the night on Friday, but I couldn’t take any more of just looking at his chiseled body. If he wasn’t against the idea of it, I wanted to explore much more of what we started almost two weeks ago.

  “Smells delicious, babe,” Hunter said as he put his hands on my bare waist. “What are you going to blow my mind with tonight?”

“Blow is a very specific word. Are you expecting something?” I asked teasingly as I reached behind my back to cup his crotch with my hand. As strange as it was to only wear boxers around the house, I really enjoyed that little change. Hunter was a stud, but he kept telling me that he’d rather see me naked than in skinny jeans. Boxers were an easy compromise, answering the door naked just wasn’t something I was going to do.

  He let out a low hum and pressed his hips against me, “Expecting? Not really. I wouldn’t say no, but I’ve got to take care of you first. I still owe you from last time.”

  I put my hands on the stove and leaned over it a little, “I’m sure that my meatloaf could bake for a little while longer if you wanted to get started on that. The side dishes might not be ready in time, though.”

  Hunter’s hands drifted from my waist down to my hips and his steadily hardening cock made its presence felt against my ass. “Are you sure you want to burn your food, babe?”

  “I wouldn’t burn it, it’s not like we’d take all night,” I said.

  “I’d make it last all night. Whatever you want, baby. Anything at all, just say it. I’ve been thinking about what I’d—”

  “Fuck me, Sir,” I said bluntly.

  He gasped and his hips pulled away from mine. “Levi, are you sure that’s something you want? I mean, I’m cool with that, but if you’d rather wait, I’d be much happier with that. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, baby.”

  I reached forward and turned the heat of the oven down and then turned around to face him. “I ordered some lube a few days ago. It’s in my room. You’re not the only one that’s been thinking about this. I don’t really want you to do what I did to you the first time we did stuff. It’s… I really don’t think I want to see you down there between my legs.”

  “Baby, if you did want me to blow you, I wouldn’t complain. We had that conversation forever ago. It might be easier to call you a bottom and me a top, but those aren’t boxes we have to fit in. Whatever you want, you can be honest with me,” he said.

  I was thankful that he was being considerate and all, but I told him what I wanted. Hunter had his reasons for being gun shy, I’d already made him regret his decisions more than a few times. But that was when we were still figuring things out. If he just wanted to string me along, he wouldn’t have waited two weeks to try anything. Fuck, he barely even made a move unless I told him it was okay. As commanding as he could be sometimes, that didn’t extend to the bedroom and that was a problem for me.

  “Hunter, baby, I love you,” I said softly and put my hands on his shoulders. “But if you like it when I call you Sir, start acting like I’ve got a reason to call you that. I told you what I want. Are you going to make me tell you where I want your cock in detail and make me write out a contract saying that if I don’t cum that it’s okay?”

  He looked down at me with a furrowed brow. “I just want to be sure that you don’t feel like I’m disrespecting you. I care about your feelings and I want you to feel loved. Baby, it’s your first time. I don’t want to ruin that. So please, tell me what you want with that in mind.”

  “And I do feel loved. But right now, I don’t want to feel loved. I want to feel your hands on my body while you’re inside me. I want to feel like you’re the man I crave when I think about sex. I really, really, really want you to fuck me like you don’t care about me and then cuddle me until you don’t feel guilty for it anymore. I get that I’m a virgin, but why do we have to treat that like it’s some kind of handicap? I’ve used dildos before, I know what I’m getting myself into,” I said without breaking eye contact. “Please, Sir?”

  I specifically left out that the toys I had were tiny. Small enough that even I felt that it was fine to use spit instead of lube. Having had his cock in my mouth before, I knew for a fact that he’d make me feel like I was being split in half. That probably shouldn’t have been a reason to be excited, but I’d eventually get used to his long, thick cock.

  Hunter took a deep breath and slid his hands around my hips to grab my ass tightly, “Finish making dinner, get to plates on the table and plastic wrap them to make sure they stay fresh, and then you can meet me in your room.”

  A soft moan slipped out of me and I nodded. That was all I wanted from him. Granted, I would have preferred if he had sex with me first, but he still took control and that was perfect.

  It didn’t take me long to finish dinner. As I stepped into the bedroom I nearly lost my breath. Hunter was on the bed with his boxers nowhere to be found. He had one of my controllers in his hand and he was playing a game as casual as could be, but I couldn’t tear my eyes off his cock long enough to check which one he was even playing.

  “If you want to use lube, you better find it,” he said as he kept playing the game.

  “R-Right,” I stammered and walked over to my nightstand and pulled the drawer out. The small bottle probably wouldn’t last long if I had much to say about it. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I hoped that the real thing felt better than when I did use toys. As much as I loved riding them while I touched myself, it wasn’t nearly as pleasant as porn made it look.

  I bent over the bed and tossed the lube next to Hunter before I stood back up and pushed my boxers down my thighs. It was a little embarrassing to compare myself to him, but at least I wasn’t the one that was going to be on top.

  I climbed onto the bed and awkwardly got on all fours just to hear Hunter say, “You think I’m going to lube up my own cock, baby?”

  “N-No Sir,” I said and sat back on my feet. I picked up the bottle and mumbled, “How much should I use, Sir?”

  Hunter smiled warmly at me and paused his game and put the controller on what I considered to be his nightstand. He gently took the lube from me and uncapped it. After peeling off the silver tab, he spoke softly, “Cup your hand under my cock, baby.”

  I let out a quivering sigh and did as he asked. Even without being hard, his cock was already larger than mine when I was turned on. I should have been terrified, but my heart raced in my chest from the excitement of finally getting to take this step with Hunter.

  He squirted a healthy amount of lube onto his cock and most of it ended up in my hand. “Get on your knees and work that in,” Hunter said as he squirted a smaller amount of lube onto his left hand.

  I wasn’t quite sure why he wanted me to do that, but I did as he asked anyway. The warmth of his cock in my hand felt so damn natural to me. Of all the things I felt comfortable with, handling another man’s cock wasn’t supposed to be one of them. I knew that being gay meant I’d probably eventually get comfortable with guys, but Hunter made it all seem so damn easy. Maybe all those sweet words he offered truly did make the difference. Even if I didn’t perform perfectly, he wouldn’t make me feel like I wasn’t good enough for him.

  Hunter leaned back as I started stroking his cock. He groaned quietly and pressed two cold fingers against my pucker. I should have realized that he wanted me on my knees for a reason, but I thought that I’d be the one handling the lube after what he said. That didn’t mean I was going to ask him to stop or offer to do it for him, not when his fingers were slowly pushing into me.

  It didn’t take Hunter long to get hard, but getting his two fingers fully inside me took some time. As each knuckle slipped into my tightness, I had to fight back the urge to tense up. Once they were in, I didn’t want them to ever pull out of me, but that wasn’t up to me either. Hunter carefully pumped his fingers into my ass while he spoke in a low rumble, “Are you sure you want it rough, baby?”

  “As hard as you’re h-happy with, Sir,” I moaned.

  He chuckled and teased my ring with a third finger, “It’s going to take a little bit for you to relax, so don’t get carried away as soon as I’m in you.”

  “I-I know, Sir.”

  “You think you know, baby,” he said.

  I didn’t think I needed to be corrected on the matter, but that wasn’t worth arguing about. Hunter was just trying to m
ake sure that I was sure of what I was getting myself into. Still, he pulled his fingers out of me and then rolled off the side of the bed and stood up.

  “Bring your cute ass here, babe,” Hunter’s tone left no room for questions and I fucking loved it.

  I walked on my knees to the side of the bed and then turned to face him. My goal was to tease him a little, but the second I turned around, Hunter’s hands grabbed my hips and he pulled me off the side of the bed, leaving my stomach still resting on it.

  Hunter broke his facade for just a second to whisper, “I love you,” before he pressed his cock’s thick crown against my pucker. He pushed gently against me and for a moment, I thought that he wouldn’t be able to even get himself inside me. Then it happened. The head of my lover’s cock stretched my hole until I thought I would scream. My pucker instinctively clenched around his thickness and I whimpered from the stinging pain. Hunter didn’t push deeper inside me, nor did he pull out of me. I wanted to pull away from him at first, but I knew that this was just part of what I asked him to do.

  “Take deep breaths, baby,” Hunter said softly and ran his hands up my back.

  Those strong hands started gently massaging my upper back as I tried to take more full breaths, but they didn’t come easy. No amount of reading about people’s experiences could have prepared me for the reality of losing my virginity. Instead of focusing on the pain, I focused on Hunter. Everything about Hunter. His warm hands kneaded my back and they felt so damn good as they worked their way lower and lower. Each breath brought with it the scent of Hunter’s natural scent, that earthy musk that reminded me just what kind of man I was lucky enough to have found.

  Hunter pushed deeper into me, slowly filling me with his thick cock. The pain wasn’t nearly as intense as it first was, and after a few more deep breaths, I could finally start feeling something different. Every inch that slid deeper into me ground against my prostate and my whimpers were replaced by a soft moan. And then his hips came to rest against my ass.


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