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The Way to Capture a Marquess's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 13

by Bridget Barton

  “Lord Shore, perhaps we should venture back. We seem to have lost the rest of our party.”

  “We are not far from the house, Miss Campbell. Should anyone require our presence, they can stretch their necks and see us. Rather, let us sit here and continue our conversation.”

  He pointed at a spot beneath a tree of vast expanse where the soft ground rose up to greet the tree bark. Sit on the ground with Luke? She looked at him. He was a respectable man, and they were not far from the house... Perhaps it would be all right to sit there, but just for a moment.

  “Very well, My Lord. The shade does look inviting.”

  He startled her when he took her hand and led her to the spot, helping her down before sitting himself. Alice was tempted to draw her knees to her chest, as she often did when seated upon the ground. But she could almost hear her mother scolding her. So she placed her legs to the side, spreading her dress about her. Alice was so engrossed in what she was doing that she paid Luke no mind. It was when she looked up and straight into his eyes that she saw the mirth that lay there.

  “What has tickled you so, My Lord?”

  "I have never seen a woman more at war within herself as to how she will sit. I do not mind your position, Miss Campbell. It is a trivial thing. I only ask that you provide me with your attention."

  What he said only served to distress her. Why must everything that she do be made so abundantly apparent to all who would look on?

  “Do not fret about it either,” he continued. “It is neither here nor there with me. While you still look lovely with that frown upon your face, I would prefer you smiling.”

  Did he jest with her? She tilted her head to the side, considering his words. What a peculiar thing to say, but he was rather an extraordinary man. He was not attempting to woo her, and yet he seemed sincere. She would be lying if she said that she was displeased with his words, but perhaps she should take them with a pinch of salt.

  “Lord Shore, do you say whatever you please with much frequency?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well, you commented on my sitting, and then you proceeded to tell me that I have a lovely face. Are you not a tad free with your words?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I say what I mean whenever I prefer it, Miss Campbell. I see no reason to beat about the bush. You may say that I am forward and given into words of flattery, but the truth remains the same.”

  “Oh no, I would not say that you are forward. Only blunt, Lord Shore.”

  “I shall take that as a compliment. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, your talent and skill as an artist.”

  "Again," she countered. "I would hardly call myself an accomplished artist, but for the love of it I continue with my craft."

  “You are missing the point, Miss Campbell. I too would not readily call myself an accomplished archer, but I am confident that my skill can rival that of many seasoned archers due to the time and passion I put into it. I know that you are the same.”

  “I cannot tell if you are boasting or merely factual.” Her stomach turned over when he presented her with a lopsided grin. She felt an odd tingling sensation. Perhaps she was unwell?

  “Do you take me as a boastful man?”

  She swallowed hard. “Well, uh, perhaps not boastful but –”

  “Blunt,” they finished together.

  They looked at each other for a moment before they burst out laughing. The tingling feeling disappeared with the lightness of the moment, giving her relief.

  “Miss Campbell, can we agree that we both have a passion that requires much focus and practice. I am sure that you lose space of time whenever you paint, just as I forget about the world when I pull my bow back before releasing the arrow to hit my target.”

  “When you put it in that way, My Lord, then I readily agree with you.”

  He lay back, linking his hands beneath his head. “Good.”

  Alice did not know whether she should continue to look at him or look up at the sky. She found herself wanting to look at him, but he may read something into that. She decided to lean against the tree. It would give her access to both the sky and Luke without him realising it. Several minutes passed when Alice decided to peek down, noting that his eyes were closed. He has chosen this time to rest? Odd man.

  “I am not sleeping, Alice, if that is what you were thinking.”

  “I neither thought it nor looked at you, Lord Shore.”

  “It is Luke, and I never said that you were looking at me.”

  She turned her body to stare down at him. “Then why say what you said?”

  “I only assumed that you were thinking it as I was quiet, but I must thank you for admiring me.”

  “Admiring you?” she spluttered.

  “Would you call it anything else?”

  “Lord Shore, I would have you know –”

  “Why not call me Luke, Alice? We are friends, are we not?”

  Insufferable man! Why did he confuse her so? He had her mind in tatters and her belly in knots. Why did she allow him to affect her so? “Yes, we are friends, but –”

  “Alice!” she heard her sister calling.

  She immediately scrambled to her feet. “They are calling for us, Lord Shore, we must go.”

  He sighed. “If we must.”

  Alice was impressed by how slowly but gracefully he got to his feet. She would have fallen on her bottom had she taken that much time. He undoubtedly had much strength in his body. Goodness! She should not look at his body so! What must he think? It was bad enough that he could read expressions and behaviour. Who was to say that he could not read minds? Alice decided there and then to never think of anything remotely improper whenever she was around him. There was no telling what he would say next.

  “Shall we go?” she asked.

  “Sadly, yes.”

  Sadly? What did he mean by that? Did he truly enjoy her company? She was near to preening her feathers with all those thoughts! Best they return to the house before she had any further notions in her foolish mind.

  Alice started to march towards the house with purpose, neither looking to the left or right. Luke knew where the house was, he did not need her to direct him. All she wanted was a moment of peace from her unsettling thoughts about the dashing Luke.

  Chapter 8

  Rose was growing tired of waiting for Frederick. He had promised her that he had something significant to tell her, and it had to do with Luke. If he did not make his way to her residence soon, she may have to rethink any sort of friendship between them.

  It was a strange relationship, to say the least. One that she was still adjusting to. Frederick Banks was a man who made no sense to her, and yet at the same time she understood him. There was an intensity in his eyes that seemed to search her thoughts, and at times she was wary of looking too long into those eyes for fear he might discover what lay deep within her soul.

  “Miss Charpentier?”

  Rose's eyes travelled to the maid who stood at the door. The woman had to be in her mid-thirties from the look of her, or a haggard woman in her twenties. Working women did not have the luxury of spending time and money on their skin. They lived challenging lives that she would never have to experience in her lifetime. But what if the roles had been reversed? What if she was the one standing at that door, waiting for her mistress to answer her? She did not even know her name.


  “Mr Banks is here to see you. Should I show him in?”

  “Yes, show him in.” The maid turned away but stopped when Rose called out to her. “Wait a moment.”

  “Yes, Miss?”

  “What is your name?”

  Rose could see that the woman struggled to hide her surprise. She had been working for her for nearly two months, and she had never asked her name. Of course she would be surprised.

  “Edith, Miss Charpentier.”

  She nodded. “Edith, please show Mr Banks in.”

  Edith curtseyed and hurried away, her apron flapping ar
ound her legs. She returned with Frederick moments later, showing him into the room with more liveliness than Rose had ever seen in her. Perhaps taking notice of her had given her a spring in her step. Edith hovered by the door in expectation, and usually Rose would have scolded her, but she took the time to understand her servant.

  “Do you wish to ask something, Edith?”

  “Yes, Miss. Would you like for me to ask the cook to prepare some refreshments for you?”

  Rose was glad that she had decided against reprimanding Edith. After all, the woman had done nothing wrong. “Yes, thank you, Edith. Please ask the cook to prepare some light refreshments for Mr Banks and I.”

  Edith curtseyed once again and disappeared from view.

  “You certainly treat your servants well, Rose. I have never seen a maid greet me with a smile on her face. Well, except for the Campbells. Their servants seem as cheery as the sun outside.”

  Now, why did that name ring a bell in her head? Realisation dawned on her relatively quickly.

  “When did you go to Alice Campbell's home,” she demanded. “And why?”

  Why on earth would he choose to go to her competition? Was he as taken with her as Luke was?

  “If you are thinking that I have a tendre for the woman, then you are mistaken. While she is beautiful, I much prefer women with fair hair and lovely blue eyes.”

  Rose would have rolled her eyes if not for the satisfaction that his words brought her. Frederick was generous with his compliments, far too liberal for her liking, but today was different. Anyone who thought her better than Alice Campbell was worthy of her attention. It was not that she necessarily despised the woman. She was merely standing in Rose's way of securing her match to Luke. When someone was foolish enough to get in her way, they needed to be taught a lesson.

  “Will you tell me what you were doing at that woman's residence?”

  Frederick sat back in his chair, bringing one leg to rest on the other. She had only known him for a short time, three days to be exact, but she had already started to pick up aspects of his behaviour and personality. Why must he prolong what he would say?

  “Frederick, you are here to tell me something of great import, and I see that it has to do with Alice Campbell. So do stop drawing out the inevitable and tell me what it is that you wish to tell me!”

  He smiled, clearly unfazed by her outburst. "My dear Rose, having patience is the only way to win this battle."

  "I have patience, Frederick. But you are purposely building up the drama before dealing me a blow."

  “A blow? I would never do that to you, Rose. But since you think so little of me, let me tell you the development in the lives of the Campbell sisters.”

  Rose sighed. He played the injured party well. She should be more mindful of her words if he was to continue to help her. However, the man had yet to present her with any information to help her in her cause to win Luke for herself.

  “I apologise for my short temper, Frederick. Do continue.”

  “Apology accepted. Well, it seems that the youngest sister, Violet Campbell, is officially being courted by Gregory Norton.”

  "Why should this information concern me? What do I have to do with either of them?"

  “Do you truly not know of the connection? I am surprised.”

  “I know that Violet is Alice's sister, and Gregory Norton is the physician who treated her after her staged fainting spell. What connection do you speak of?”

  Rose still held by the conviction that Violet's fainting was all staged, that it was merely a ploy to attract Lord Shore's attention to her for Alice's benefit.

  "Gregory Norton is not only a physician but Lord Shore's closest friend."

  “His friend?”

  This drastically changed things. Rose's mind started to turn with the possibilities of what may happen due to Violet and Gregory's courtship.

  “What will stop Alice and Luke growing closer? Of course, he will be there for his friend, supporting him, spending time with the courting couple. And Alice is Violet's sister, she too will be right there.”

  “My thoughts exactly, Rose.”

  There had to be a way to prevent any strong feelings from developing between Alice and Luke. She could not let the woman take the marquess from beneath her very nose.

  “Frederick, how did you come to be in the Campbells’ home?”

  “I befriended their father, 'twas an amazingly simple thing to do. I find that most men in his position love to receive flattery and I believed him to be no better. Of course, I was right. I received an invitation to join him and his family for lunch within minutes of speaking to him.”

  “I presume that Luke was there?”

  “Yes, he was. He spent a considerable amount of time with Miss Campbell, even disappearing from the rest of the guests for some moments.”

  Rose could feel a twitch start in her left eye. She placed her hand over it, willing it to stop. This would not do, it simply would not do. She could not allow them to grow any closer than they already had. Luke was taken by her. But it would not be permanent. Edith returned with their refreshments, carefully placing the laden tray on the table before them.

  “Thank you, Edith. I shall see to Mr Banks myself.”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  Once Edith left, Rose turned to Frederick, her expression one of determination. “We must stop whatever it is that is happening between them. I do not care how we do it, but it is imperative that we do so soon.”

  "Rest assured, Rose, I am at your service. I shall use my new connection with Lord Campbell to gain further access into the family."

  “Yes, then you may find something for me to use against that bothersome woman. She has truly become a thorn in my side, and I am not impressed.”

  There had to be something she could use. No one was ever what they appeared to be.


  Luke welcomed his friend into the drawing room, sending a servant with a request for a drink and something small to eat. He had yet to eat lunch, but neither did he want to eat a big meal just yet. Luke wanted to discuss what was weighing down on his heart before it became too much for his mind to process.

  “How are you, Norton? I last saw you the day of the lunch, and that was nearly a week ago. What have you been doing with yourself lately?”

  “I am better than well, old friend. Violet's parents allowed her to accompany me to Hyde Park with Mrs Jersey, but the woman was not a bother. In fact, she seemed to encourage us to spend some time together alone, as long as we were within view.”

  “I think it is your trustworthy nature that has caused the woman to be relaxed around you. Most chaperones would have halted any attempt by two lovers to spend some alone time together.”

  “Perhaps, but I am grateful to her. I did so enjoy our time at the park – Violet even packed a meal for us. It was a scene straight out of a love story.”

  Luke smiled. “My goodness, have you become a romantic, Norton?”

  “I have always been a romantic, but Violet has certainly ignited the poet within me.”


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