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The Way to Capture a Marquess's Heart: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 27

by Bridget Barton

  “I could not have said it better myself, Alice,” said Luke. “Perhaps this calls for wine?”


  Later, as they sat beneath a tree, Luke asked her what the final reason was behind her forgiving him and her father.

  “Well, someone came to see me and made me look at the situation through a different pair of eyes. We all make mistakes, some greater than others, but there are always reasons behind our actions. It is up to me to decide on how I shall react.”

  “This person sounds wise.”

  “Perhaps, or simply experienced. But, for now, I wish to speak of our future together.”

  Now that she was to marry Luke, that was all she could think about. She had almost backed out, not wishing to go to her art room to see him. Fortunately, her heart had overcome her fears enough to walk into the room, and now here she was.

  Alice reached out to link her fingers through his, loving the lazy smile he gave her. She could not have picked a better ending to this drama or a better start to the rest of her life.


  Alice dabbed a wet cloth on her sister's brow, her voice soothing but firm. “Violet, nothing will come of your fear. Gregory loves you, and you shall be the perfect wife and mother to your children.”

  Her sister had woken up with such fear of failure that she had fainted away during breakfast. Their mother had organised a special breakfast to send her off, but poor Violet had not been able to eat a thing. She had not taken two steps out of the dining room before she crumpled to the floor in a dead faint. An hour had passed since then, and the wedding was due to take place soon, but Alice could not get her sister to leave her bed.

  “You do not know that, Alice. Gregory is so good and kind, and I am not. He spends his life helping others, and I spend my life surrounded by friends and fashion. He enjoys staying in his library to read a book, I prefer going to the park, paying a visit to friends, or attending a party. He does not put much stock by material things, and yet I love dresses, jewellery, pretty furniture, and, and... Oh, this is all hopeless! I shall fail him miserably.” Violet grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “Please, Alice, tell him that I cannot marry him for I cannot do it myself.”

  What a melodramatic sister she had! However, patience was needed here, not her scolding. “Violet, do you not think that Gregory knows you well enough by now? You did not pretend to be anyone else but yourself, and yet he still fell in love with you. Should that not tell you something?”

  Violet bit her lip, her brow furrowed. “He has never complained about me, and he does love me...”

  “Precisely my point. Why do you torture yourself with thoughts that are simply not true? The man that you love, who is perfect for you, awaits you downstairs. You have kept him waiting long enough, Vi. It is time to get married.”

  Gregory had arrived more than half an hour ago, her father keeping him busy while she tended to Violet. Her mother was rushing about the house, making sure that all the preparations had gone to plan and that the lunch that was to take place after the wedding was on its way to being ready. As it was still summer, the lunch would be held in the garden of their family home. Everyone, including a small handful of Gregory's relatives, had travelled to the countryside, as Violet had insisted that her wedding be held at home as opposed to London. Alice could not have agreed more as their family estate looked quite pretty during the summer months and had ample space to comfortably seat a few people. It was not to be a lavish affair, but something simple and intimate. The ceremony itself would only have the closest of people to the happy couple, the rest would be included in the celebration afterwards.

  Violet sprung away from her, her hands going to her cheeks in what Alice assumed was horror.

  "Whatever am I thinking? Of course dear Gregory loves me! He has never complained about me, not once, and he loves that I am flamboyant and cheerful. He said himself that it takes him out of his comfort and forces him to see the world beyond his nose. I am good for him, Alice, I know that I am good for him as he is for me. He will keep me grounded, and I daresay that I shall become far more intelligent with such a wise husband."

  Her sister leapt off the bed, running to the water basin to splash her face. Alice watched her in amusement, shaking her head.

  "You are rather silly, Violet. Dry your face, and I shall do your hair. What do you say to weaving a few flowers into your hair? I picked a few pretty flowers early this morning and placed them in a vase in my room."

  “I think that they will enhance my appearance and match the lace of my dress. Do fetch them, Alice, I wish to look perfect for Gregory.”

  “I shall take only the white ones that they may contrast beautifully with your hair.”

  Alice left her sister's room, taking a peek downstairs. Gregory was no longer in her father's study, but pacing the floor. Best she reassured him that Violet would indeed marry him today. He looked as though he might faint himself. She stepped down to him, tapping his shoulder when he did not immediately turn around to see her. He jumped, spinning on his heel.

  “Gregory, perhaps another drink of brandy might do you well.”

  His worried gaze searched her eyes. “Will your sister marry me, Alice? Has she changed her mind?”

  “There is no danger of that happening, Gregory. Violet loves you completely. She is only slightly delayed, but rest assured that you will be married today.”

  He let out one long swoosh of air, his entire body visibly relaxing. Would Luke be as nervous on their wedding day? They had chosen a day during autumn when she knew that the trees would be at their most glorious. Alice loved the changing of leaf colours, going from a bountiful green to oranges, reds and golds. Unlike Violet, her wedding celebration would be held on the Connolly estate rather than their family home. The estate was also in the countryside but would take a day's ride from her own home to his. She had yet to see it, but Luke had described it to her in great detail, going so far as to speak about the sheep that was farmed.

  As his stepmother far preferred London to the countryside, Luke's father had gifted the family home to his son, making it lawfully his. In a month or so, Alice would make the journey to her marital home to start a family with Luke, a fact that he loved to remind her of whenever they were together.

  "Thank goodness! I was anxious that she had changed her mind and decided that she did not want a boring man such as myself."

  “It is rather amusing that you say that, as she mentioned a similar thing not so long ago.”

  “She said that she finds me boring?”

  Alice laughed. “Heavens, no! What I meant was that she was worried that you might not want a lively and flamboyant woman such as herself.”

  “That would never be the case, Alice. You simply must tell her so.”

  "Do calm down, Gregory, do not fret so. Violet knows this. I believe that her nerves simply took over her common sense. She is now preparing herself. It will only be a little while longer before she becomes your wife."

  “My wife,” he repeated.

  “Yes, now, I should be going as I have to help her.”

  “Of course. But do tell her that I love her.”

  She smiled. “I shall pass that message on.”

  Alice climbed the stairs, her thoughts on her own wedding day. But a few more weeks, and she would be with him.


  Her sister truly made a beautiful bride. Alice watched the newly married couple as they interacted with their guests, how their eyes always travelled back to each other.

  “I believe that we shall outdo them.”

  She looked at Luke. “Has this become a competition?”

  "No, but we have been through far more than they have, and we are not yet married. Yes, they will have a wonderful marriage, but ours will be spectacular. Also, I already have a taste of your anger, I know what signs to look for in the future."

  Alice lightly slapped his arm. “Lord Shore, you are insufferable. I suppose that I can say that I have a taste of your
deceitful nature.”

  His smile died. “I would never lie to you again, Alice.”

  She chuckled. "Goodness! How your face changes. Do not fret, oh husband to be. I have no desire to visit the past. But I am glad that we went through what we did. It has made us stronger, and our relationship sturdy. I do not believe that anything could separate us. We are bound for life."

  His smile returned, but he still looked hesitant. Perhaps she should not have spoken of the past. He seemed upset with her.

  “Have we truly moved past it, Alice? I do not wish for you to have any doubts about marrying me.”

  “I have no doubts, Luke, you must not think so. We should learn from our past, but look to our future, and enjoy our present. This is a lovely day and a splendid occasion where we see love bringing two people together to create a happy life as one. Violet and Gregory are perfect for each other, as are we, or we would not have fallen so deeply in love. It all came so naturally to us, a testament to the fact that we are meant to be.”

  “Hearing you say those words brings indescribable joy and peace to me, Alice. I do not think that I shall grow tired of being with you every day from the moment I wake up to when I lay my head to rest."

  “And if you should be away on business?”

  "Then you must come with me. I shall not stand to be away from you for more than a few hours."

  “While I appreciate your devotion, I highly doubt it will be possible once I am with child.”

  His eyes lit up. "I can hardly imagine myself as a father, but I look forward to it. It cannot be much different from looking after my brother and sisters, can it? Suzanna had a habit of leaving them in my care, along with the nurse who looked after them. I suppose it was due to my siblings being attached to me from a young age and their dislike of strangers. Their wet-nurse and governess had quite a time controlling them, but they were almost docile when I was with them. I only agreed to have them in my daily life as I was rather besotted with them."

  “Thankfully, your siblings have accepted me, but I assure you that having your own child is quite a different experience from sibling-minding. I do find it strange that a man of your status would have done such a thing – men are not known for spending time with their children or siblings, let alone some mothers. Fortunately, my mother took an interest in every aspect of our lives, but I do know of some who were largely raised by servants while their parents kept their social lives busy.”

  He shrugged. “I am a strange man at the best of times, and I do not always follow social rules. Family is important to me. I need you to know that. I shall never abandon you or our children, not even if society were to frown upon my devotion to you. Nor shall I take a mistress.”

  Alice gave a little cough. She had not thought about that aspect of marriage, but she knew that it was a fairly acceptable pastime among married men. Alice found herself jealous just thinking about another woman in Luke's life.

  “Let this be the first and last time that we discuss anything of a mistress, I am not a woman who shall take lightly to such a thing.”

  “I do enjoy your jealousy, Alice. I have never experienced it before.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Do you mean to say that you will give me something to be jealous about in our marriage?”

  “I value my life. I would never do such a thing.”

  “That is a good answer, Lord Shore. I am glad that you are such a wise man.” She said it with tongue in cheek, earning her a cheeky grin.

  “I have to be, Miss Campbell. I have an intelligent wife-to-be who will keep me on my toes for the rest of my life. Speaking of which, my father wishes to give us a wedding present of our choosing.”

  “Another one? Surely the Connolly estate is enough? Your father is far too generous – tell him that it is not necessary.”

  He shook his head. “I would be talking until the cows come home, Alice.”

  The duke was sparing no expense in both their wedding and life to come as a married couple. From what Luke had disclosed to her of his life growing up, Alice felt that this was his father's way of making up for it. It was sweet of him, really. But Luke was more than financially capable of looking after her and their family to come.

  “A perfect gift would be his time and attention for his grandchildren – tell him that.”

  He looked at her in adoration. “Is there any wonder I love you so?”

  “I assume that you were quite taken by my beauty,” she teased.

  “That as well, but it is merely the garnish on a beautifully presented and bountiful meal. I fell in love with your soul, Alice, and the mirror I found in you. We are alike and yet different enough to keep things interesting.”

  “I do not know if I appreciate being described as a meal.”

  He laughed out loud, attracting the gazes of curious guests. She managed to lightly kick him beneath the table, silencing him with a look. Luke sobered up, but his eyes held mischief.

  "I compliment you, and you choose to look at that? Very well, shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art –"

  “Shore, did you not say that you hate sonnets and poems?” Gregory slapped him on the shoulder, grinning from ear-to-ear. Violet kissed her cheek, taking an empty seat beside her.

  “I did not understand the advantage of them until my wife-to-be insulted my honest declaration of love.”

  “He compared me to a bountiful and beautifully presented meal. I do not know of any woman who would appreciate that description.”

  Gregory grimaced. “Not even I am as callous as that, old friend.”

  “You are my friend. You should be supporting me!”

  “And I am his sister-in-law,” Alice countered.

  "Oh dear. We have only just become a family and we are already arguing. My love, let us leave them to their little love spat, we have guests to greet."

  Violet and Gregory chuckled as they walked away, their body language showing the strong bond between them.

  “I still think that we shall outdo them.”

  Alice only looked at Luke, her head slowly shaking. Goodness, but she loved this man.


  Some weeks later

  “Luke! Once they realise that we have left the wedding celebration, they –”

  Luke placed his finger against her lips, effectively silencing her. “Can they begrudge us time together? We are now husband and wife, we may do as we please.”

  She moved his finger away. “We have only just married, Luke, and there are guests waiting for us.”

  Alice was amazed at the number of people who had come to their celebratory lunch, among them being Rose Charpentier and Mr Banks. They too were getting married soon, and they appeared happy together.

  Luke brought her into the circle of his arms. “Dear wife, I have waited for the longest while for this moment, and I shall not be denied time with you. I have prepared our own wedding celebration in a special place. You need only follow me.”

  “Oh, so you think that now I am your wife, you may take liberties with me?”

  “Do not see it as liberties, but a show of love. Come.”

  “But it is rather cold outside, Luke. Why not stay inside where it is warmer? Besides, my mother and the duchess have organised a lovely lunch, and our families are together waiting for us.”


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