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Page 19

by Mark Goodwin


  The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

  2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 NKJV

  “That place was no good. We’ll keep looking until we find a better pastor.” Josh turned on the radio during the ride home from church.

  The male reporter said, “WNN breaking news is coming to you with the latest on UN Secretary-General Armand Doran. The secretary-general has died after suffering a massive heart attack this morning. Secretary Doran was rushed from his penthouse apartment at the Waterside Plaza to Belleview Hospital, which is just across the street. The secretary-general was pronounced dead upon arrival. Secretary Doran has had a history of high blood pressure and the Manhattan Medical Examiner’s office has determined that his death was due to natural causes.”

  Stephanie looked at the time on her phone. “It’s not even noon on a Sunday. I’ve never seen government move so efficiently.”

  “Nothing to see here. Move along,” said Josh.

  “Dad!” exclaimed Micah. “You knew this was going to happen. They told you about it at work. They’re going to elect Lucius Alexander as the new secretary-general.”

  “I promise you, I had no foreknowledge of any events pertaining to this situation other than the Bible and some washed-up preacher who’s involved in the investigation I’m working on.” Josh turned up the radio. “Let’s listen to the rest of the report.”

  The reporter continued, “The Global Union Governing Council has called for an emergency meeting of UN delegates this afternoon to elect a new secretary-general. Speaking on behalf of the GU Governing Council, President Winter expressed his sympathy for Secretary Doran’s passing but said that the ship of the global state is going through some very stormy waters at present and cannot afford to drift through the tumult without a capable leader at the helm.”

  Josh felt a phone buzz in his pocket. He’d turned off the ringer for all three before church, so he had to visually inspect each one to determine which device had the incoming call. “This is for work. Everybody be quiet.”

  Josh answered the phone. “Rev, I was just thinking about you.”

  “I don’t know how that makes me feel.”

  “The news just announced that the UN secretary-general died. Sounds like they’re making room for Alexander. Your predictions are frighteningly accurate.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t heard about that yet. I’ll turn on the news in a minute. Listen, Ethan asked me to give you a call. We’re having a little pow-wow down in Midway, Kentucky this afternoon around two. He’d like you to be there.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Good. I’ll text you the address.”

  “See you there.” Josh ended the call. “Looks like I’m working today.”


  Josh arrived at the address just before the appointed time. A black wooden fence ran along each side of the private paved road. Horses grazed on the right while the left looked as though it had just been cut for hay. The house with the dormer windows and the timber frame porch was big but unassuming. The barn where Josh had been instructed to meet everyone was fancier than either of the houses he now owned. It was apparent that Ethan Combs was a man of means.

  Josh parked his truck at the end of a long row of cars. He recognized other members of Patriot Pride streaming toward the barn.

  He heard a female voice from behind. “Josh, hey!”

  He turned. “Oh, hey, Christina. Do you know what this is about?”

  “I have an idea, but I don’t want to spoil the fun. Let’s get inside.”

  Upon entering the barn, Josh spotted Rev and Poochy on the other side. He made his way past the rows of folding chairs, which all faced a simple podium. He and Christina took seats next to Rev and Poochy.

  Solomon soon joined the group sitting next to Christina. He looked past her to address Rev. “So, what do you think about the UN secretary-general dying so suddenly?”

  Poochy added, “And conveniently?”

  Rev lifted his shoulders. “Whether it was by the powers of this world or the next, you can bet your bottom dollar that Lucius Alexander took him out.”

  “You think he has that kind of power?” asked Christina with her lip curled. “To actually be able to murder someone through like the spirit world or something?”

  Rev replied, “The Bible says he’ll have the power to perform counterfeit miracles. If Christ had the power to raise the dead, it stands to reason that the anti-Christ would have the power to kill the living. But, the former CIA director William Colby admitted in the Church Hearings that the spooks have a heart-attack gun, and that was back in 1975. We can only imagine what they’ve come up with since then. Or, it could have just been really good timing.”

  Josh wrinkled his brow. “It was swept under the rug too quickly to be written off as good timing.”

  “I agree.” Rev nodded, then pointed to the front. “Here comes Ethan.”

  Combs walked to the podium. “Thank you all for showing up on such short notice, especially on a Sunday. And beyond that, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support over the years. We’ve arrived at an inflection point. It’s probable that some of us will be parting ways. Patriot Pride has strived to effect change through being outspoken and through seeking to utilize the political process.

  “Unfortunately, that era has passed. This is not to say we are giving up on our mission to defend America from enemies foreign and domestic nor to fight for freedom and American values. However, the political process has failed. The time for talk is over. Now is the time for action.

  “At the end of each day, box trucks take guns from two firearms collection points in Louisville and one in Lexington to Fort Knox where the guns are destroyed. The trucks roll with only one escort each. We’ve been watching them and know the routes and times. We can hit all three trucks in one day and take the haul. This coming Saturday is expected to be the biggest payload as people don’t want to take time off work to turn in their guns. After the hit, the government will beef up security, so that’s why all three have to get hit on the same day. We can use the guns in the coming war, or we can sell some to help finance our operations going forward. But this is our chance to hit back at this corrupt takeover. The longer we wait, the harder it’s going to get. We need to act now.

  “Those of you who are ready to commit, come on up. We’ll start assigning you to teams. If you need some time to think it over, do so. But training starts tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 PM. You have until then to decide if you are in or out. We have a small window to prepare. We don’t have a minute to waste. Those of you who decide this isn’t what you signed up for, I bid you farewell. I’ll harbor no ill will toward you but keep in mind when you’re being herded into a cattle car that your life could have meant something. All of us are scared. The measure of bravery is not in your emotion but rather in your actions. You can choose to back down because of fear, or you can take a stand and do what you know is right.”

  Josh glanced over at Rev who had a look of intense pensiveness on his face. The lines around his eyes, mouth, and forehead were deep. He watched as Solomon stood up and walked toward the front to shake Ethan’s hand. Christina soon followed. Poochy, Pam Allen, Ruth Shelton, Steve Murry, and Ted Bollinger joined many others who Josh had yet to meet.

  Josh looked at Rev one last time before standing up and proceeding to the front.

  After the handshakes and affirmations, the group slowly began to break up. Josh hurried out the door to catch up to Rev. “So is this it? Are you finished with Patriot Pride?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m going to have to pray about this one. But it’s too b
ig of a commitment for me to hop into without careful consideration. I’m not judging you for jumping in headfirst. Ethan made some very valid points. But I need to wait to hear from the Lord on this, and giving Him a deadline of tomorrow by lunch is pushy. But, He’s God. If He wants me involved, I’m sure He’ll let me know in time.”

  Josh hoped the man would steer clear of the group. He respected Rev and did not want to see him embroiled in trouble. But neither did he want to see Solomon, Poochy, nor Christina going to jail. “Okay. Let’s keep in touch, regardless.”

  Rev gave a thin smile. “Ethan is pretty black and white about things. Either you’re in, or you’re out. I’m sure he won’t want members talking to people who aren’t involved. That’s probably for the best. Information is going to be guarded from here on out.”

  Josh nodded. “I understand. If I don’t see you, it was good meeting you.”

  “You, too, Josh.” Rev shook his hand and continued to his vehicle.

  Josh hurried to his own truck and raced home. The short commute barely gave him enough time to process everything, much less make a decision about how to handle the situation going forward.

  He arrived home shortly after 5:00 PM. Micah and Stephanie were relaxing on the couch watching the news.

  “They elected Lucius Alexander as UN secretary-general,” Micah announced. “Just like you said they would.”

  Stephanie looked concerned. “Did everything go okay? You look perplexed.”

  Josh shook his head and walked around to sit between them on the couch. “Not really.”

  She put her hand on his back. “I’m sorry. I wish you could talk about it, but I understand why you can’t.”

  Josh turned to her. Then to Micah. “I think I’m going to have to explain some things. But I cannot impress upon you enough how critical it is that what I’m about to say never leaves this room. Can you do that? Can you keep this between us?”

  Micah nodded. “Yeah.”

  Josh turned to Stephanie. “And you?”

  Her eyes were wide with anticipation. “Yes, of course.”

  Josh looked at his son once more. “I mean it. Leaking this could get us all killed. Not a word to anyone.”

  “Okay, I won’t tell a soul,” Micah reiterated.

  Josh briefly described what he’d been tasked with by the FBI and then explained all his dealings with Patriot Pride right up through Ethan Combs’ call to action only hours prior. “So, I’m at a crossroads here. The more I learn about the end times and what kind of government I’m working for, the more convinced I’m becoming that I’m on the wrong side of this thing.”

  Stephanie tilted her head. “I don’t understand. Are you saying that you’re going to join this band of rabble-rousers and quit your job?”

  “I’m not sure about joining up with them. I don’t necessarily agree with their tactics. I doubt it will even be a concern once I tell them that the FBI is monitoring them. I’m pretty sure I’ll be persona non grata after I let them know that I’m a federal agent. That’s about the best outcome I can hope for. Which brings me to the next item on my agenda. I’m going to need you two to head down to Park City. Lay low for a little while until I can be sure Patriot Pride doesn’t decide to take any action against me.”

  “Josh! No!” Stephanie protested. “What if they kill you?”

  “For giving them a heads up? I don’t see it, but I do want to act out of an abundance of caution.”

  “No, no, no.” She buried her head in her hands. “We just got here. And I have to leave this house already?”

  “It’s only temporary. Besides, it will give you a chance to work on that house a little bit. I’ve got another license that we can use to rent a moving truck. You and Micah can take some things down there. Since it doesn’t look like Nicole is going to be using the guest room, we can take the extra bed down there. Then you two can get a few items from second-hand stores or something to make the place look cozy.”

  “I’m not even done unpacking all the boxes at this place!” She looked distressed.

  “I know.” He put his hand on her back. “This isn’t optimal, I’ll admit. But this is what I have to do, and I need to know you and Micah will be safe.”

  “Then, what? How are you going to explain this to the FBI?”

  “I’ll just tell them that the group seemed suspicious of me, and they eventually gave me the cold shoulder.”

  “What happens after that?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I’ll be reassigned. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, we have our plan of action. Split up your clothes and take half of them to Park City with you. Guns, ammo, food stocks, we’ll take half of everything down there. I want to be ready to walk away from this place with a moment’s notice. Even if everything goes as planned with Patriot Pride, we’re in for a hard road ahead.”


  What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system.... a first step toward a new world order.

  Henry Kissinger—Writing on NAFTA

  Monday morning was a blur of activity. Josh rushed around frantically to open a bank account under his latest alias, Peter Gray. Next, he rented a truck and bought another pre-paid cell phone to stay in contact with his wife until he knew the coast was clear. He also stopped by the office long enough to create new IDs for Stephanie and Micah, then rushed out to Midway to begin training.

  Ethan Combs met him in front of the barn when he arrived. “Glad you could join us, Josh.”

  “Me, too. Sorry, I’m running a little late. I had a hard time getting away from work.”

  Ethan put his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “You’re going to have to decide what your priorities are. If it’s work, I understand. But if it’s going to be Patriot Pride, you should consider resigning. We have resources. We can take care of our own. Plus, our operations will soon be generating revenue.”

  Josh nodded. “I understand.”

  “But before you put in your two weeks’ notice, I’ve got a list of people who need new birth certificates. Let's not burn any bridges before we’ve crossed over them, right?” Ethan laughed.

  “Sure.” Josh’s mouth turned up on one side.

  “Are you any good with a gun?”

  Josh lifted his shirt to reveal the handle of his Glock. “I know which end not to point at my face.”

  “That’s a start,” said Ethan. “I’m going to put you on Solomon’s team. I think you know Christina and Poochy. They’ll be on the team with you. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Rev will be joining us. I thought this operation might be a little too rich for his blood.

  “Anyways, Solomon will work with you, see where your skill level is and then figure out what role you’ll be best suited for. Today is mostly an assessment. Pistol and rifle skills, a small obstacle course; we’ll find a job for everyone, but we don’t want people who can’t change a magazine on the primary hit teams. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. See me before you leave. I’ll give you that list.”

  Josh nodded and proceeded through the barn to the pasture where several targets were set up. Some people were working with AR-15s or AK-47s. Others aimed at targets with pistols. Josh performed well, but he sandbagged his aim on multiple occasions, not wanting to look like a law enforcement agent that practiced twice a week. He gave the agility course his best shot, hoping not to draw attention to his weak knee.

  When the day was over, he lingered around, waiting until most of the others had left. He didn’t want anyone walking in on his conversation with Ethan when he told him the group was being watched. He checked his pistol before approaching Ethan’s office. Josh was very well aware of the fact that the confession could end in a shootout. If that happened, he’d kill Ethan Combs and get out of dodge on the double. He knocked on the door.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey.” Josh closed the door behind him.
“Can I sit down?”

  “Absolutely.” Ethan motioned toward the chair opposite his desk.

  Josh sat down and made a quick adjustment to his holster so it would be ready for a quick draw.

  “Solomon says you’re a natural. He thinks with a little practice you could be a top-notch shooter.” Ethan handed him the sheet of names. “Here are the people we’ll be needing those birth certificates for. You can have them all mailed to the PO Box at the bottom of the page.”

  Josh placed the sheet on Ethan’s desk and let his hand slide back down near his holster. “I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Is there a problem?” Ethan’s eyes became cautious.

  “Yes, actually, there is. The FBI is watching your group.”

  “You mean right now?” Ethan looked around as if an agent might be hiding behind the metal filing cabinet against the wall.

  “They’ve had you under surveillance for months. Tapped phones, monitoring Facebook posts, emails, everything.”

  “And you know this how?” asked Ethan.

  Josh took a deep breath. “I’m a federal agent. I was assigned to monitor Patriot Pride. But, as I’ve watched events unfold over the past few weeks, I’ve become convinced that I’m playing for the wrong side.”

  Ethan’s eyes were wide and his mouth sealed shut. He took the list of names from the top of the desk and placed them in a drawer. Finally, he spoke. “I appreciate your candor.”

  Josh nodded. “Okay then. Are we good?”

  “What do you mean, good?”

  “I mean, am I going to have any trouble leaving?”

  “No. As I said, I appreciate your candor. You may see yourself out.” Ethan did not look angry, but neither did he look grateful for the information.

  “Thank you.” Josh got up slowly and backed toward the door. Once he was out of the office, he made eye contact with no one and walked briskly to his truck. He looked from side to side, glancing behind now and again, until he was inside the vehicle. He started the engine and sped away from the farm. He drove straight to the alias apartment in Versailles, where he texted Stephanie on the burner phone to let her know that he was unharmed—so far. Then, he spent the rest of the night listening for the sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs and watching out the windows for anyone who might be from Patriot Pride. Every car looked suspicious, and every noise sounded like approaching danger. All night, paranoia ate at his mind like a rat in a fast-food-restaurant dumpster.


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