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The Du Lac Legacy (Sons of Camelot Book 2)

Page 20

by Sarah Luddington

  I stroked his cheek and his shoulder. He closed his eyes and sighed in contentment. “You speak Common well, that must make you valuable.”

  “Do you think I’m worth more?” he asked.

  “I think you’ve been worth a king’s ransom to me tonight,” I said.

  “If I had a king, I would ransom him,” Severus said, finally moving to clean himself.

  I don’t think either of us slept much that night, we laughed and talked and enjoyed each other’s bodies a great deal until dawn pressed hard against the window. I held him as we watched the sun come up over the city skyline, his back to my chest, lying quietly in the big bed, and I kissed his shoulder repeatedly, drawing his scent into my body because I didn’t want to forget him. We’d just finished one of the most gentle and tender experiences of my life and for a moment I felt as if he were making love to me, not having sex. It was so beautiful.

  “I must leave,” I said quietly. “Will you see to paying for the room?”

  He drew my arm more tightly over his chest. “Just a little longer,” he whispered, so I remained in the bed and we dozed.


  By the time I made it back to the place the others were staying the sun sat firmly overhead. It was hot and muggy but I felt like the golden god Severus had named me. I ambled up the steps with some flowers in my hands for the girls that I’d bought with the last of my coin. I’d given everything to Severus, much to his dismay; I think he wanted me to just pay for the room but he needed it far more than me.

  “Holt!” Lance called out from the far side of the large room. He sat with Kerwin and the other wolves at a table near the grand staircase.

  “For the ladies,” I said, giving each a bright blue flower. Valla and Nest laughed. “Where are the others?” I asked.

  “Where the hell have you been?” boomed Galahad’s voice from the top of the stairs. If I was a golden god, he looked like a dark one.

  Lance rose instantly. “Galahad, don’t. He’s back, that’s all that matters.” Clearly there had been problems overnight.

  The other patrons in the bar became silent. I stared up at the furious scion of the du Lac family and my fine mood evaporated like a puddle. I looked at Valla, who’d grown very still and her eyes were wide, almost scared. “Can you make sure Morgan, Nim and Aleah each have a flower?” I asked her, handing them over.

  “I’ve been out, having fun,” I called up to Galahad. “Do you want the gory details or should I just keep my foul mouth shut?” I asked him sweetly.

  His dark eyes narrowed. “A word,” he said.

  I sighed and unbuckled my sword before sitting down at the table. “No, I want some lunch, then I’m going to take a nap. I didn’t have much sleep last night.”

  Galahad’s glower continued as he stormed down the stairs toward the table. The other patrons began to speak again, but in hushed tones, and I noticed Nest vanish up a long hallway.

  “Where have you been?” Galahad asked in more measured tones.

  “Why?” I asked. I watched his hand flex on his sword hilt.

  “Because we are in a state of war and you vanished for the entire night. You could have died and we wouldn’t have known where to find your damned body,” he said, clearly trying to control his temper.

  “I told you I was going to get laid,” I said.

  “Don’t be disgusting,” he snapped. Something bright and painful flashed in those dark eyes but it was gone too fast.

  “It wasn’t disgusting, it was perfect and it made me feel like a god. He was perfect,” I emphasised just for cruelty’s sake. “And he was worth every fucking coin in my purse.” My temper began to slip my control the more I stared into Galahad’s furious eyes.

  “You spent the night with a... with a...”

  “Whore,” I supplied helpfully. “A gigolo. A male prostitute. They are quite common in The City though I’ve never used one before, but I think I shall now. It’s amazing how it feels to be with a man who knows what he’s doing. When an experienced mouth sucks your –” The slap from Galahad’s open hand rocked me back off the stool I’d been using. I hadn’t even registered he’d moved, I’d been so busy goading him.

  He moved to come after me, even though I lay sprawled on the floor and stayed there, looking up at him and licking the blood off my lip. Lance intervened and when that wasn’t enough, Kerwin grabbed the young Prince’s shoulder.

  “You bastard,” Galahad hissed.

  “At least I’m honest about who and what I am. At least I am not afraid or ashamed. I am man enough to be proud of the love I can share with someone even if it’s just for a night,” I said from the ground.

  Galahad became very pale, then turned and pulled out of the arms holding him, before climbing the stairs like an old man. I watched every painful step and did not regret one word.

  Lance helped me off the ground and Kerwin poured me some wine.

  “I guess he had a bad night,” I said.

  Lance sighed heavily. “It’s Aleah I feel really sorry for. I know my mother, never mind yours, paid a heavy price for loving Lancelot because of your father but she isn’t as strong as she looks and she has no one to turn to. And that, frankly, was cruel of you.”

  Valla reached out for my hand. “I disagree. He needed to hear it, Holt. He’s made your life miserable. He has to learn.”

  “Did you really have that much fun last night?” Kerwin asked.

  I grinned and winced. “I had that much fun and more. He was wonderful. Kind, gentle, handsome, clever – perfect. A good cure for all my troubles.”

  “I’m glad, you deserved it.”

  “I don’t think Galahad slept at all last night and he certainly wouldn’t speak to anyone,” Lance said. “Holt, I think you’re missing the point with Galahad. I also think he needs you far more than he really understands.”

  “Galahad needs to grow up. He doesn’t approve of me, fine, but he isn’t going to control me,” I said.

  “And what of Camelot?” Lance asked.

  “If I’m not king, he can’t be cross with Camelot, can he?” I rose from the table knowing full well I didn’t want that conversation with Lance but my thoughts, when they weren’t filled with a lovely young man, were all about giving up my titles and living a different life. “I’m going to lie down. Which room is mine?”

  “You have your own,” Kerwin said and he held Nest’s hand. I smiled at him and nodded. “Your things are in the third from the end of the hall on the right.”

  “Thank you and someone wake me before it gets dark,” I said.

  I left them at the table and found my room. A simple, plain, small space with white walls and mostly clean wooden floor. I stripped off my clothing and fell onto the soft bed. I closed my eyes, remembering all the wonders of the night before, and fell deeply asleep.

  At some point during the evening Nim came in to try to wake me and I lay there thinking I should go to find Severus again but after many nights of guard duty and days of pain watching Galahad with Aleah, I surrendered to the soft mattress once more and slept through the night.

  When I woke with morning light spilling into my room I needed to see to several bodily functions. The air smelt clean and fresher than any I’d known since arriving in Larz and I guessed the wind had changed direction. After dressing and seeing to other matters, I wandered down the grand staircase to see if my companions were around.

  I found Kerwin, a new relaxed version I’d never met before, and he actually smiled when he saw me. “I’m going to be married,” he said happily. “She’s taken me back.”

  I clasped his forearm and we shook, then hugged, it was good to hear. Kerwin sat with me while we drank a thick strong black liquid that was bitter and made my mind race and my heart pound but damn I felt awake, and he described every moment of his new love with Nest.

  During the morning people drifted into the large inn and drank different types of the brew, the whole place smelling richly of the new liquid. Ne
st appeared and looked ten years younger, her laugh filling the room in the same way her sister’s used to. I ate a hearty meal of strange fruits and cheeses, soft and creamy with mild flavours. Aleah came downstairs with shadows under her eyes and misery stamped all over her face. I watched her move carefully and wondered if Galahad might be taking his anger out on the girl. He wasn’t that kind of man – was he?

  She avoided looking at any of us and sat quietly next to Nim. I watched the stairs for Galahad but he didn’t appear for some time and when he did Aleah’s delicacy was shared. He looked haunted.

  He sat a long away from me and didn’t look in my direction. The others drifted off and I sat with my boots up on the table, leaning back into my chair and just watching the world around me. Midday arrived and those around me stopped drinking the thick brew and started to drink their light ale. I joined them and thought about trying to find Severus.

  “Holt,” Galahad’s voice cut through my musings, almost knocking me over again.

  I pulled my legs off the table and located him coming in from outside. When had he left the building?

  “I need your help,” he said.


  “Aleah has a meeting arranged with her people; I need you to act as security. I’ll take Lance and Kerwin as well,” he said.

  “It might be wise to leave one of the men here and take one of the women with us,” I pointed out. He didn’t really look at me and he didn’t answer me. “Galahad?”

  “Fine, Nest can come,” he said. He turned away.

  “Galahad?” I called out without realising I intended to, “Are you alright?” He stopped, came back to me and grasped the back of one of the chairs, his knuckles going white.

  Those dark eyes finally focused on me and I saw his hurt. Emotional barriers shot up around me and I became wary of him once more. I wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation.

  “I felt it, you know,” he said.

  Confused, I didn’t say anything.

  “You, with the whore. I felt it – some of it. I felt your joy.”

  My stomach twisted. I didn’t know the bonding ties were open between us. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know I’d done anything to promote our connections.”

  “It wasn’t you, it was me, I reached out – I was worried. You were so happy. The feel of him...” he whispered the last and the tragic look in his eyes hurt me.

  I couldn’t bear the misery in his heart; it spilled out all over the floor like a man’s guts when you cut open his stomach. My anger with him dissolved. Only those who truly love can truly hate.

  “Sit, Galahad. Let me explain.”

  “I knew you were with a lover. I didn’t know he was a whore.”

  “Please stop saying that, Severus is a lovely young man,” I said.

  “You were so happy,” he said again.

  “Yes, I was allowed to be myself. He liked me for who and what I am, he did not condemn me for my love and it felt wonderful,” I said.

  Galahad’s hands flexed on the back of the chair. “I couldn’t pull back. I couldn’t stop seeking you out, feeling you with him, your care of him –”

  “Stop, you should not have done it, Galahad, those feelings are private,” I said, his words and expression scaring me. The depth of his turmoil worried me. What had I done by rejecting him? Was this my fault? I’d wanted us to be friends, close friends because I didn’t think he would ever become my lover, I’d never meant to hurt him, to reject him.

  “I know,” he said in misery. “I... I am sorry,” he whispered, his shoulders hunching.

  “Why did you do it? Are you not happy with Aleah?” I asked, trying to remain cold and detached from him. I would not be sucked into his confusion – not again. He didn’t want me. I’d done the right thing by drawing a line under our possible physical relationship; he was the one to break our friendship.

  “I am not as happy as you were last night,” he said.

  “There is nothing I can do to help you with that. If you want help you need to speak to one of the others,” I said.

  He moved with a series of short sharp movements that set me on edge and sat at my table. “You are haunting me,” he said, reaching out for my hands and grasping them, as though drowning.

  “No, you are haunting yourself,” I said. “I cannot help you, Galahad. I am not going to let you hurt me. Severus reminded me of how wonderful love shared between men can feel and I don’t want to be reminded of how people can hate me for it.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “Please, I need you.” His eyes were large and pleading, utterly devastating. “I miss you. The feel of you. Your laughter... Your love.” What the hell was it costing him to say this?

  I slowly withdrew my hands from his. “No, Galahad. We will speak of leadership, we will speak of taxes that Camelot owes The City, we will speak of family but we will not speak of love. Never again. I am not letting you in again.”

  “Holt, please...”

  A commotion began at the bar between a young girl and the barman. I couldn’t hear her words, they spilled out too quickly, but I saw blood on her clothes. Galahad kept talking. I couldn’t focus on his insanity, the girl looked familiar. The long curling hair reminded me of Severus.

  “Holt! Is someone here called Holt?” her voice rang out in Common, her accent thick.

  I rose instantly. “I am Holt, my lady.”

  She rushed toward me, the blood everywhere on her simple pale robe. “Please, please help me. My brother, he is dying.”

  “I don’t –”

  “Severus, he is dying. He has been beaten, please.” She clutched my own robe and her cheeks were stained with tears. “Please.”


  “Lance!” I bellowed instantly. “Kerwin!” I pushed past Galahad without a word and pounded up the stairs. The men appeared from their rooms, along with some of the women.

  “What’s wrong?” Lance asked.

  “Severus, he’s been beaten. I have to go, his sister is downstairs, it might be a trap,” I said. My mind raced. Severus could be in trouble with anyone in the vast city but his sister came to me. He wouldn’t have sent her to find me if it weren’t important. I might have known him for just one night but he was proud and clever, he wouldn’t take advantage of our situation.

  “Holt...” Lance stared at me.

  “Now, Fitzwilliam, now,” I snapped at his hesitation.

  “Sire,” he said.

  I flung open my door and rushed inside to find my sword. I heard heavy breathing coming toward me. “Not now, Galahad. He’s important to me, I’m going to help.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t expect anything else, what can I do?” he said, his voice calm.

  I glanced at him. The pain in his eyes and the stillness of his beautiful body warned of the hurt I’d inflicted by ignoring his self pity.

  “Another sword would be handy,” I said. “But the girls shouldn’t be left alone and you have a meeting with Aleah’s people. I’ll leave the decision up to you.”

  He stared at the ground while I dressed in my heavy northern clothes for protection. “My duty is to my wife,” he said quietly.

  “Decision made then,” I said, striding toward him. “Stay safe, Galahad, and we’ll meet later.”

  He moved out of my way but pulled me to stop. I glanced at him, annoyed. “I am sorry, Holt.”

  I couldn’t forgive him, not just like that, I needed time and it could wait. “Later,” I said, pulling out of his grip and striding down the hall with Lance and Kerwin falling in behind me. “Nim, Nest, I need you with me. I need healers.” Both women appeared with their own weapons, guessing my demand for them to accompany me. “Morgan, Valla, help Galahad protect Aleah.”

  “Sire,” they both snapped.

  We raced downstairs and I approached Severus’ sister. “Take us to him,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  We followed the girl, eliciting stares from the local people, and wound our
way through many twists and turns, leading us to a part of the city I’d never have frequented willingly.

  Filthy streets and miserable people made Lance and Kerwin close ranks over the women. When we finally made it to a small shack the girl pushed open a broken door, showing a single room for sleeping, eating and living.

  “Guard the area,” I said.

  Both men took up positions of protection either side of the meagre dwelling. Nim and Nest came in with me. I dropped to my knees beside a slim figure on a thin mattress at the back of the room.

  “Severus?” I asked softly. His eyes were closed but one so swollen I doubted it would open. His gentle smiling mouth was broken and bruised, the lips bloody. His hands fluttered on the thin bedclothes, fingers twisted and knuckles damaged. He’d clearly fought back.

  “Holt?” he tried to say.

  “I’m here,” I said, touching the bloodied hair. It now lay in bloodied waves, not rings. “I’m here and I have friends with me, people who can help. Healers.”

  “They wanted you,” he said.

  “Shh, it can wait. We must help you first,” I said.

  “No, listen. They wanted you. They came... They came because I was seen with the Golden Warrior,” he said, blinking his green eye clear of tears. “I didn’t tell them but Lil, she... She couldn’t watch. She came to get you, they might have followed her. You... Galahad... Danger,” he whispered.

  “Oh, no,” Nim groaned behind me. “The Lady.”

  I glanced at her and we shared a long silent stare. Galahad or the boy in the filthy bed.

  “Go,” she said. “Go back to him, we’ll deal with this. Just protect Galahad.”

  I nodded and bent to Severus’ brow to kiss him. “I’ll be back, my friend.” I don’t think he heard me but I didn’t have any choice, I had to leave Severus to protect Galahad. I had no choice – Galahad must always come first. I left the hut.

  “Lance with me, Kerwin, protect the women, bring Severus and his sister back to our lodgings when Nim and Nest have fixed him,” I said.


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