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Power Desired (D.C. Power Games Book 1)

Page 18

by Ivy Nelson

  “Come on,” she said, pulling a shirt over her head. “Let’s go get breakfast before we need to go to the airport.”

  Darci repacked her small suitcase so they could leave it at the front desk while they ate. It would be good to get back to D.C. even if there was a lunatic out there trying to hunt her down. Maybe these few days away would help bring new perspective. She took a moment to text Michael Silas about getting together when she got back.

  A text message from Tessa was waiting for her as well, asking if they could get together again. She sent her a message telling her she would land in D.C. later that evening and would try to get together with her as soon as possible.

  Three hours later, they had collected their bags from the hotel and were on their way to the airport. As the cab drove them through the city, Darci scrolled through headlines on her phone. One article caught her eye.

  “Look, your dad announced his campaign. How cool is that?” she asked, showing him the story.

  “Can we talk about something more pleasant, please? I love my dad, but we disagree on some things.”

  Darci put the phone down and patted his leg. “Sure. I’m sorry.”

  He grabbed her hand and lifted it to his lips. “No need to be sorry. Thank you for this weekend. I enjoy being in bed with you. I can’t wait to talk more on the flight home.”

  Her face went red, and he chuckled. “Nothing to be embarrassed about baby girl.”

  She laid her head on his shoulder. “I enjoyed it too. I’m sorry I’m nervous about everything.”

  “It’s OK baby. I promise. I’m nervous too. You’re the first woman I’ve wanted the whole package with, and I’m terrified something will happen to you. I want everything you’re willing to give me, and I want to keep you safe.”

  His words washed over her, and she relaxed further on his shoulder. “I’m scared too but being around you makes me feel better.”

  “Well, you can guarantee that until this guy is caught, I’m not leaving your side.”

  “You can’t seriously be with me twenty-four seven Bradley.”

  “No, but I can make sure security is, and I can tie you to my bed on weekends.” He gazed down at her with a devilish grin on his face, and she shoved away from him giving him a fake scowl. Truth to tell, she couldn’t wait until he tied her to his bed for the first time. She could tell he recognized that, and it only widened his grin. She settled back into the seat.

  “I'm serious when I say I can’t take being smothered by security, or you, or Michael, or anyone else who gets it in their head that it’s their job to keep me safe. I’ll accept some smothering because I know I’m in real danger, but I need to have room to breathe.” She kept her eyes fixed on him, silently pleading for him to understand.

  He pulled her back to him and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll do my best to give you breathing room. Breath play has never been my thing, anyway.”

  “So, what is your thing, Mr. Givens?” she asked, changing the subject. There was no point ruining the last leg of their trip.

  “Let’s talk on the plane and the drive to my apartment.” She nodded against him and closed her eyes for the rest of the journey to the airport.

  Once they were settled on the plane, Bradley turned to her, his eyes serious as he picked up her hand. For a moment Darci thought he was going to bring up her stalker or security. Instead, he surprised her by saying, “I believe we have some things to negotiate, Miss Sanders.”

  A slow smile spread across her face. “Is that so? What did you have in mind?”

  “Many things, chief among them, how I make you mine, and how I get to tie you to my bed.” Darci smiled shyly. This could be a fun conversation.

  “I’ve never actually been tied up,” she admitted.

  His look of surprise was not unwarranted. Bondage was a pretty common practice in her world. It just wasn’t one any of her former Dominants had been into.

  “We’ll have to fix that if you’re interested. Rope is one of my favorite things to play with.”

  He switched gears on her and surprised her with his next question. “Knowing you were with Damion, I need to ask if that’s the kind of Dom you’re looking for.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He seemed to be searching for the right words. “The High Lord Domly Dom type,” he finally said.

  She giggled. “High Lord Domly Dom? That’s a new one.”

  He chuckled. “You know, the guy that makes his sub walk two steps behind him at all times and is always in high protocol mode?”

  “Ah. Yes, that is Damion’s style. I’ll have to steal your term for my blog sometime.” A grin erupted at the thought. Damion didn’t read her blog that she knew of.

  “To answer your question, no, not exactly. I’ve never been a fan of constant high protocol and it was—in large part—why Damion and I didn’t work. I don’t like rules for the sake of rules.”

  Bradley nodded thoughtfully. “The thing to understand about me is that I never put a rule in place for the hell of it. Yes, I’m bossy but every rule is for a purpose whether it be for safety, or to enhance our pleasure together. I think certain bits of protocol are important for keeping each of us in the right head-space.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “We’re in a relationship and we are equals. However, we each have different roles to play and I think protocol helps remind us of our roles thus enhancing the relationship.”

  She smiled. “Sometimes it scares me how compatible we sound.”

  “Why would that scare you? And what about that makes us sound compatible?”

  “It scares me for reasons that you have threatened to spank me for if I bring up again.” She winked before continuing. “I view a lot of what we do as a game. All games require rules and structure or they aren’t any fun so I like your take on rules and roles. That’s actually the genesis of my safe word.”

  “Which is?”

  “Game over.”

  He grinned. “It’s brilliant. I love it. You’re right. It is very much a game we are playing. A game I am very much looking forward to playing with you.

  Most of her nerves about discussing BDSM with Bradley had dissipated. She looked forward to what he might ask next.

  “I think I understand what you're looking for in a Dominant. We have some details to iron out, but I really want to get to know this side of you. I've threatened to spank you a couple of times now, and I could tell it flipped your switch.” A blush colored her cheeks as he spoke, and she glanced around the plane hoping no one could hear them.

  “I think what I'm asking is, how would you feel if I wanted to flip that switch regularly?” She buried her face in his shoulder, embarrassment heating her neck. So much for her nerves being gone. He kissed her hair.

  “Eyes up here please.”

  When she complied, the smile he rewarded her with was tender. “I think it's cute how shy you are about these things.”

  “I don't know why I get this way. I know what I like, but I'm always uncomfortable talking about it like this. Yes, I think I would like that. Maybe we can try something more formal one night after work.”

  “I would love that, Darci. Do you want to negotiate exactly what we try?”

  She shook her head. “I trust you, Bradley. I'll tell you if something you come up with doesn't work for me. I like being surprised anyway.”

  His tender smile turned to one of pure wickedness and sensuality. “I can work with that.”

  “I worry about you and your job.” She held up her hands when he scowled. “I know, I know. You’re going to spank me. I’m not finished. I worry, but I’m willing to set aside that worry to play this game with you.”

  “Thank you. I'm certain my association with the lifestyle is about to come out, so my career may not be an issue for much longer, anyway.” She closed her eyes. It hurt to hear him talk like that. Bradley had worked so hard to get where he was.

  “I know your Dad offered you a job. W
ould that offer still stand if the news comes out?” His jaw tensed, and he looked angry.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t pry. Forgive me.”

  His hand came to rest under her chin, and he turned her head until they were staring into each other’s eyes. “Don’t do that please.”

  “I said I’m sorry,” she replied, her eyes growing wide as his gazed bored a hole in her.

  “No, that’s not what I mean. I mean don’t apologize just because you think I’m upset with you. I dislike that. I’m not upset at all, but even if I were, that’s not a reason to apologize. You did nothing wrong, and it’s a valid question. I love my father, I just wish He wouldn’t pry. He means well, but I don’t want to be the guy riding his old man’s coat tails.” His lips brushed a gentle kiss across her temple before he continued.

  “I know dad won’t care when this comes out. He may not be able to give me a high-profile job at first, but he wouldn’t disown me or anything. I can only work for his campaign anyway. If he wins, I don’t want to work for his administration and have people scrutinizing every little thing.”

  “I’m great with the media, and I can find the right people to make this story less of a problem for you,” Darci offered.

  “I know, but I’m stubborn, or so my mom says. I promise if it comes to it, I’ll think about it.”

  “I just want to help you.”

  “I appreciate it baby.” He planted a quick kiss on her forehead. “Now, can we go back to what we were talking about?” When she nodded, they moved on to a discussion about bondage.

  Their plane landed safely in D.C. a little while later and soon they were walking toward the airport exit with their bags. Bradley was thoughtful and had arranged for the security team to bring them his car.

  “I thought I would ease you back into having the security team escort us everywhere. I'm going to drive us home, and they'll follow.” She threw her arms around him and kissed him right there in front of the airport. He held her tight and murmured in her ear. “I do like making you happy.” They settled into the car, and he drove one handed so he could hold her hand.

  It was rush hour when they got into D.C., so traffic was heavy but moving. The drive home would take some time. Bradley picked up their conversation from the plane. “You said you might want to try something after work. If it’s not too soon, how would you feel about tonight when we get home if you’re…” His phone rang and interrupted him, and he pressed the button on the earpiece he wore to answer the call.

  “Shit. Are you sure? Where should we pull off?”

  Darci’s eyes grew bigger. “What’s wrong?”

  “Security thinks a car is following us. Wants us to take the next exit and see if they keep following.” Darci started to turn, but he grabbed her shoulder. “Don’t. Just try to act normal baby.” His eyes were flicking back and forth from the road in front of him to the rear-view mirror.

  “How am I supposed to act normal at a time like this?” He didn’t respond, focused only on his driving. The next exit appeared in front of them, and he signaled to get into the far-right lane. Darci glanced in the side mirror and noticed the security team’s car a few cars back. None of the other cars took the exit with them. “Why isn’t security exiting with us?” Her voice was strained.

  “They are going to keep following the car for a minute. They’ll circle back to us.” Darci closed her eyes. This is not how she wanted to end their nice trip. “Hey, don’t stress baby, we’re safe.”

  “I don’t feel very safe right now.”

  “Aren’t you glad I insisted on security starting at the airport though?”

  Making a face, she stuck her tongue out at him. As he pulled into a gas station, he laughed. After parking in a well-lit area, he turned to her. “You’re cute, but if you stick your tongue out at me again, I will get bossy, and there will be consequences.”

  Her blush was instant, but she said, “I might be OK with that.”

  “Don’t toy with me, pet.” His tone was dark, his eyes intense.

  “I promise I wouldn’t do that Bradley. I was serious earlier about trying something sometime.”

  “Good girl. I’ll try to keep it interesting, but first, we need to get home safely.”

  She nodded but went tense as a car pulled into the gas station behind them. He stroked her hair. “Just security baby.” One of the men climbed out of the car and came to Bradley’s window. He rolled it down.

  “Sir, if you don’t mind, we’d like you and Miss Sanders to ride in the back, and I’ll drive the rest of the way home.”

  “You’re the boss,” Bradley said. “Come on baby, we’ll make out in the backseat.”

  Darci blushed and rolled her eyes. “You’re the boss,” she said giggling. They settled into the backseat, and Bradley slipped an arm around her and pulled her close.

  Pressing his lips to her ear, he spoke darkly. “For the record, eye rolling makes me get bossy too.” She shivered, as he nipped at her ear with his teeth.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When Bradley’s apartment had been cleared by security, Darci’s stomach filled with butterflies as she thought about going inside. Not because of the crazy killer out to get her, but because of the tall man holding her hand. He must have sensed her nerves as they approached his front door because he stopped and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Hey, I’m not going to chain you in my basement or anything.”

  The tension left her, and she giggled. “Considering you don’t have a basement I wasn’t exactly worried about that.”

  “What is it then? Be honest. No hiding anything from me, baby girl.” His eyes were searching her face as he waited for her to answer.

  “I’m enjoying what we have right now and as excited as I am to explore our mutual kinks, we both know that can change things, and I’m nervous.”

  “You’ve not gone down this path with me yet, so I am aware telling you it won't change things negatively isn’t exactly the reassurance you're looking for.” He lifted a hand to her cheek in a gentle caress. “I’m going to ask you to trust me, and I’m going to trust you. Our dynamic isn’t going to morph into some total power exchange relationship overnight. We’re going to ease into this and figure out what works for us.”

  When she glanced at the bodyguard, she was relieved to see that he was too far away to overhear them. He pulled her into a quick hug and kissed her forehead. She inhaled his masculine scent before he released her. With a shy smile she said, “I trust you.”

  “Good. I should also warn you that while I’m going to go slow, I’m not going to treat you like someone who’s never done this before. Only as someone who’s never done it with me. We’ll make mistakes, but as long as we can talk about them, we’ll be OK.”

  Darci didn’t say anything. Couldn’t say anything. Instead she nodded while he opened the door and pulled her inside. As he closed the door again, electricity crackled between them, as it had the first night he had brought her here. He raised an eyebrow at her as he helped her out of her coat, and she knew the electricity was there for him as well.

  Excitement stirred in her and she couldn’t wait to see where the night took them. To her surprise he kissed her cheek and said, “I’ve got to do a couple of things in my office, so I’m going to excuse myself for a bit. I won’t be long, I promise.” Unable to muster anything but a nod, she headed into the living room.

  Half an hour later, engrossed in reading for work, she didn’t hear Bradley emerge from his office. Darci looked up from her spot on the couch and smiled when she saw him across the room. He had rolled up the sleeves of his casual blue button up, and bare feet were sticking out from his dark jeans. “Everything OK?” she asked.

  He strode over to where she sat and plucked her reading from her hands. Leaning down he planted a gentle kiss on her upturned lips. “Much better now,” he whispered. He looked down at her with a steady gaze.

  “Can you get us each a glass of wine?”

��Of course.” When she smiled and stood to go into the kitchen, he gripped her waist and pulled her close. The kiss he gave her was long and deep, leaving her breathless. For a moment after he released her, she stared, dumbfounded.

  “Wine, pet,” he said evenly.

  “Right, yes, wine, coming right up,” she stammered and turned for the kitchen. When she returned with two glasses, he had settled on the couch. She handed him a glass and sat next to him.

  “Wrong spot,” he said, sipping the wine she offered. She looked at him in surprise. Where did he want her? “Wrong spot,” he repeated. This time he glanced at the floor and back at her with a raised eyebrow. Realization dawned, and she formed an ‘O’ with her mouth. He looked at the floor again, expectation in his eyes as he took another sip of wine.

  Feeling shy, and more than a little awkward, she stood, set her wine glass on the coffee table and lowered herself to the floor, kneeling to face him. He stroked her hair and smiled. “You can get comfortable. I thought we would watch a movie.” She turned, unfolding herself from the kneeling position and leaned against his leg. He stroked her hair and picked up the remote from the table beside him. “What would you like to watch baby?”

  “Um. Uh,” she stammered, thrown off by his question. He laughed and grasped her hair at the base of her neck, using it to direct her head so she was looking up at him.

  “You’re still nervous.” She nodded. “Nothing to worry about baby. We’re easing our way into this, getting into a different frame of mind. So, what would you like to watch?” She leaned into the hand still fisted in her hair and closed her eyes, willing the butterflies in her stomach to calm. This was not anything extreme compared to what she had done with others in the past. She could, and would, get into the right frame of mind kneeling at his feet.

  He did not release her hair as he waited for her to answer his question. Taking a deep breath, she spoke with confidence. “Something with lots of explosions.”

  Laughter shook him, and amusement lit his eyes as he let her hair fall from his fingers. “I didn’t take you for the Michael Bay type.”


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