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Power Desired (D.C. Power Games Book 1)

Page 23

by Ivy Nelson

  She shook her head. “No, Sir. It’s not a limit, but it’s not my favorite implement.” Tugging her closer to him, he gripped a fistful of her hair.

  “Are you supposed to enjoy this, pet?” She shook her head. “How wet is that cunt though?” he growled in her ear. Unsure of how to answer, she just whimpered. That wasn’t good enough.

  “Don’t make me ask again, or I’ll find out myself.”

  She swallowed hard. “I’m soaked, Sir.”

  He thrust two fingers harshly inside her and closed his eyes. “Christ baby you’re fucking drenched. Does punishment make you horny?” She whimpered again and nodded. He pulled his fingers from her and ordered her to suck them clean. Then he unbuckled his belt and ordered her to turn and bend over the bed. She gripped the covers expecting the blows from the belt to come immediately. Instead, he paced behind her for a moment. Finally, he folded the belt and stepped closer to her. “You’ll take twenty.”

  With no more waiting he pulled his arm back and delivered the first one.

  The pain was searing, but her pussy throbbed as a new wave of moisture flooded her. He paused a moment and then gave three sharp smacks with the folded piece of leather. The combined sting of the swats had her jumping up grabbing her ass. Fuck that hurt.

  “Back in place. Now,” he bit out. When she complied, the spanking continued. The rest of the twenty were delivered in random groupings with long and short pauses between. He was making sure she didn’t wind up in that head space where the pain turned to pure pleasure. Instead, he kept her right on the brink just between intense pain and bliss. When he dropped the belt, she thought it was over. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

  He let her catch her breath and even gently rubbed her stinging ass. But then, he ordered her onto her back on the bed with her legs spread wide. She didn’t think her ass could handle any more, so she was quick to comply. Seconds later, his fingers were buried deep inside her, and he had attached clamps to her sensitive nipples. Repeatedly he had brought her to the brink of an orgasm, but he never let her go over the edge.

  “It’s about self-control,” he kept telling her as she continued to beg him for permission to come. He denied her every time. His clothes stayed on the entire time he was torturing her. When he noticed that it was after three in the morning his brutal assault on her clit and g-spot had halted.

  He kissed her on the cheek and told her to go to sleep before turning out the light and climbing into bed. She had whimpered, practically begging him to fuck her, but he had told her to stop talking, or he was going to bend her over his knee again.

  Honestly though the way she was aching between her legs, a spanking might have been welcome despite the soreness. Instead of pushing the issue, she closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep.

  Bradley had drifted off with one final warning. “Don’t touch yourself. I’ll be the one to decide the next time you come.”

  Crap. Hopefully he didn’t make her wait too long. Now it was morning and she was aching to have him inside her. But he was still sleeping peacefully. It was almost time for their alarms to go off, so she snuggled up to him and kissed the back of his neck.

  When she felt him stir at her kiss, she smiled. Maybe it would work. He rolled over to face her and then rolled again so he was on top of her. She raised her hips to grind into his obvious erection. “I know what you’re doing, baby girl. It’s not going to work.” Her hips gyrated back and forth as she ground into him harder. His eyes closed, and she thought her plan was working. It wasn’t.

  “Self-control,” he whispered, kissing her softly before rolling off her. “Time to get up. We both have to work.”

  She groaned in frustration as he got out of bed. “You’re not nice.”

  “Of course I’m nice,” he said with a grin. “Look at it this way. You’ll be thinking of me all day long.” He leaned down and kissed her again, deeper this time, before heading into the shower.

  It was a struggle, but she resisted the urge to slip her fingers between her legs and relieve the ache. She had to at least try to be more obedient, so she climbed out of bed to get ready for work.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Darci would never know just how difficult it had been for Bradley to leave her this morning without fucking her. He was going to have blue balls by the time the day was over. Hopefully the never-ending stream of meetings and phone calls would keep his mind off of it. He knew Darci was suffering, but that was the point. Thinking of the face she made with her pouty little mouth when he made her get up and get ready for work made him chuckle. Now he was arriving at the office, and Adara didn’t look thrilled.

  “Sir, the senator wants to see you right away, and I have to warn you he’s not in the best of moods.” He knew it was bad if she was calling him sir. Adara usually stuck to boss. His thoughts flew to Peggy. Had the news finally come out?

  “Thank you, Adara. Is he in his office?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Bradley cringed. Definitely bad.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can then,” he said trying to keep the worry from his voice.

  “Yes, Sir.” She paused. “And Sir? Good luck.”

  Oh geeze. This would not be good. Bradley made his way to the senator’s office.

  On his way, he thought about his years working for the senator. It had been a good run. He hoped he wouldn’t get fired, but he honestly wasn’t sure what other options the man would have. Bradley’s involvement with Peggy and with the BDSM community would be a stain on the campaign, and if he wanted to be president that had to be addressed. A feeling of dread had settled on his shoulders as he approached the senator’s door. His hand felt like lead as he raised it to knock.

  “Come in,” the older man said. Bradley stepped into the room. “Sit down son.”

  Bradley took a seat in the plush visitor's chair across from the senator’s desk.

  “Care to tell me why we don’t have a research team together for my bill yet?” Bradley groaned. He had been holding off on that hoping the senator would back away from the idea. Apparently, that wasn’t going to happen.

  “I apologize, Sir. The team has been busy getting ready for you to hit the campaign trail next week. If it’s still on your priority list, I’ll get Cassie to put something together today. But Sir, as your chief of staff and soon to be campaign manager, I have to say I don’t think this type of legislation is something you want your name attached to right now.”

  “I want it done Bradley, and I want it done yesterday. The police aren’t doing anything to catch this killer, and I want people to know I give two damns and want to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.”

  Bradley sighed. “Yes, Sir.” He wondered if he should tell him that he was dating Darci. It would probably be better coming from him.

  “Sir, in the interest of full disclosure, I need to tell you my girlfriend is head of media operations for the ACSL.”

  “Is that the redhead I spoke to at the benefit last night? She’s a spitfire.”

  Bradley grinned. “Yes, Sir. That she is.”

  “I don’t care who you see outside the office. Just remember that everything you do here is confidential.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Bradley said.

  He planned to ask Darci for some advice later.

  “Is everything else OK, Senator? Some of the staff said you seemed upset when you came in this morning.”

  Atleigh frowned. “I’ll have to apologize to your assistant. I might have taken her head off. It’s personal business. Nothing to be concerned about.”

  “I’m here to help with anything you need, Senator. We can’t have you taking heads off on the campaign trail.”

  “It will be OK, son, just keep doing the excellent work you always do. Now let’s get this day started. I need to be in the Senate chamber in a little while for some debate.” Bradley rose and shook the senator’s hand. He was grateful that his worst fears hadn’t come true yet. There was still a chance something c
ould get out, especially if the killer struck again but for now, Bradley could breathe easy. He headed back to his office to clear the way for the senator to smooth things over with Adara.

  “Adara, the senator says he didn’t mean to take your head off this morning. He’s dealing with some personal things that were clouding his mind. He’ll probably apologize himself later I just wanted to give you a heads up.”

  “That’s a relief, boss. I sure am glad he wasn’t calling you in to fire you. But the way he was stomping around I had to wonder.”

  “Adara, I didn’t know you cared so much,” he said with a wink.

  “Oh, I don’t. I just don’t feel like having to train a new boss right before the campaign gets going,” she tossed back with a smirk.

  “I see how it is.” They shared a laugh, and then Bradley explained what the senator wanted.

  “It would be insubordinate of me to tell you to use the lousiest researchers we have, but I’m not going to tell you to use the best either.” Adara grinned in understanding.

  “I’m bringing my girlfriend in later today to see if she has any advice.” His assistant scowled at the mention of Darci. “Give her a break please Adara, I promise she isn’t the enemy. I think the two of you would really get along if you wanted to.” The frown remained in place, but she nodded, and they moved on.

  “I’ll need to talk to Charlie and Sandra too. Find a time all three of them can meet me here today.”

  After she had written everything down, Bradley headed to his own office to get started on his day. Bradley looked over his schedule and winced when he realized he was going to need to work very late tonight. So much for finishing what he had started with Darci last night.

  • • •

  Darci was frustrated and in a foul mood by the time she got to her office. It was going to be a long day given the state that Bradley had left her in. She had to force herself to put it out of her mind as she sat at her desk going over the agenda. Sorting through stacks of paperwork, she organized them according to time slot on her calendar. At least her schedule was full enough to keep her mind busy.

  With any luck, time would fly by, and she could get home and convince Bradley to take her to bed. She shook her head. It was crazy how far she had come with him in just a few short weeks. She picked up her phone to send him a text, to let him know she was thinking about him.

  Hope you’re having a good day

  His response was almost immediate.

  Thank you baby. It could be better but I’ll get through it.

  I’m sorry. How do I help?

  Darci pulled a file off the top of the stack while she waited for his response. It came just a few minutes later.

  Actually, Adara will be calling you soon.

  I might have something you can help with.

  What could he possibly want her help with? Had word of his involvement in BDSM come out? There hadn’t been anything in the headlines she had browsed this morning. Whatever it was, Darci knew she wouldn’t say no, so she fired off a quick response.

  Of course!

  Gotta run baby. I miss you.

  His last message made her smile. Even after last night and this morning, she missed him too and was enjoying the game they were playing.

  Memories of the previous evening flooded her again, and with them, a fresh wave of need washed over her. So much for putting it out of her mind. Hopefully he would give her some relief when they got home tonight.

  Most of the morning was spent on the phone, but Bradley was always in the back of her mind. By the time Adara called to see if she could be in Bradley’s office at three o’clock, she was cranky with need.

  The security team drove her to the Hart building, and she got there right on time. Bradley was running behind schedule, so Adara let her into his office to wait. The mere thought of seeing him made her ache all over again. She hoped he didn’t keep this denial game going too much longer. Could she talk him into locking the office door for a few minutes? The thought brought on a strong blush.

  At three-fifteen, the door to his office opened, and Bradley walked in followed by two more people. She cursed him for bringing other people to this meeting. Bradley gave her a seductive smile before he turned to his companions. Their game was still in full swing.

  “Darci, this is Charlie Cooper, the senator's head speech writer, and this is Sandra Brown, his press secretary.” He explained to them that she worked for the ACSL.

  Turning back to her he said, “What we’re about to talk about doesn’t leave this room. You know nothing. This meeting never happened.” Darci’s eyes grew wide, but she nodded. He then launched into an explanation of the bill Atleigh wanted to propose, and Darci played along as if she was hearing it for the first time.

  “None of us are on board with this idea, but we can’t talk the senator out of it. What we would like from you, is a direction to point the researchers in. Something they can stumble upon themselves that will lead them to the conclusion that this is not a good idea. If they present that to the senator, he might listen to them.”

  “Clever. I’ll be honest, I’m not keen on helping the man, but I do want to help you, Bradley. I’ll gladly do what I can to keep this bill from ever happening, so let’s see what we can come up with.” They spent the next half hour brainstorming, but Darci was having a challenging time paying attention. To her relief, it wasn’t long before Sandra and Charlie said their goodbyes and headed to their own offices.

  “You seem distracted today, baby,” Bradley said with a grin, as he crossed the room to her.

  “Can’t imagine why that is,” Darci grumbled. When he laughed, she had to fight the urge to stick her tongue out at him lest he decide the office was a private enough place to spank her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her long and deep. She groaned as his kiss sent sparks straight to the ache that had been growing stronger all day.

  “I bet your panties are wet for me, aren’t they?” he asked when he pulled his mouth from hers.

  Heat flooded her face and moisture gathered between her thighs, but she didn’t say anything.

  “I asked you a question, pet.” His tone was serious and his eyes dark. Words wouldn’t come, so she just nodded. He pulled her closer to him and slipped his hand beneath her dress. His fingers fluttered over the lace of her panties, and she gasped.

  “I like making you wet for me,” he whispered in her ear as he slipped a finger inside her panties and found her clit.

  She groaned and whimpered, “please,” as he ran his finger through the slick folds.

  Ignoring her pleas, he offered a wicked grin and pulled his hand out from under her dress.

  “I’ll see you at home, baby.” Winking, he pecked her cheek with a quick kiss before walking back to his desk. Everything in her wanted to beg him for an orgasm, but she had a feeling he wasn’t ready to say yes yet, so she left before she risked an office spanking.

  The last few hours of the day dragged on. Finally, it was time to leave. Disappointment filled her when Bradley sent word that he would be working late. All she could do was go home and sulk.

  It was almost midnight when Bradley got home. When he found her in the living room, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deep, hoping it would entice him to take her to bed. Instead, he peeled away from her, saying he had to shower and get to sleep because he had an early breakfast meeting.

  The growl of frustration that left her when he walked away was involuntary. Later, when they climbed in bed, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair.

  “Sweet dreams, baby girl.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Goodnight,” she said with a pout.

  Darci swore she could hear him laughing at her before he fell asleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The next day, Bradley was already gone when Darci woke up, much to her disappointment. It was Friday though; she hoped they could have some fun when he got home tonight. The day seemed to drag, and she wasn't sure she could make i
t until she got off work. Twice, she snapped at her assistant, so she bought lunch as an apology.

  At five, she had had enough and asked the goon squad to take her home. It surprised her when they let her go inside without checking for intruders first. It had become part of their routine. She saw why as soon as she walked in.

  Bradley was home already, and he had shed his typical suit and tie and instead was wearing a tight white t-shirt and a pair of jeans that hugged his hips in a way that left her mouthwatering. “You’re home early,” she observed, hoping she didn’t sound as needy as she felt. He crossed the room to where she stood and took her purse and keys from her trembling hands.

  “Hi,” he whispered, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. “I thought we could have some fun.”

  “I like fun.” She had forgotten about the aching that had been present for two days, but now it was back and more intense than ever, and he had only kissed her. “Are you going to let me come this time?” she asked, a little breathless.

  “I haven’t decided yet.” The grin he flashed her as he spoke was pure evil, and his eyes were full of wicked promise. That had to mean good things for her. He took her hand and led her into the living room.

  He had wine and dinner sitting on the coffee table. It was Chinese takeout from one of her favorite places. Darci smiled at his thoughtfulness as she lowered herself to the floor in front of the coffee table. Bradley surprised her by dropping down next to her instead of sitting on the couch like he’d done so many times in recent weeks. For a brief moment, she rested her head on his shoulder while he dished himself food and passed her the takeout boxes.

  “I’m surprised you’re home before me after everything that’s happened this week,” she said as she dished orange chicken onto her plate.


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