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Build a Nerd

Page 11

by Wendy Smith

  My nipple hardens at his touch. His eyes widen.

  “I want to be with you, Tom.”

  “I want that too,” he whispers.

  “We can go as slow as you want. We don’t have to have sex today. I just want you to touch me.”

  Relief crosses his face. I don’t want him to feel under pressure, but I’d like it if he felt comfortable enough to share with me why he feels that way.

  His breathing quickens as he cups my breast, and he runs his thumb across my nipple just the way I showed him.

  “Why don’t you lift up my shirt? I want to feel your hands on my skin,” I keep eye contact, not wanting to freak him out and letting him take the next step by himself.

  He nods, shifting his hand to the hem of my shirt. His moves are tentative and slow, but he eases the fabric up. I reach behind and unclip my bra, exposing my breasts.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs. “Perfect.”

  He caresses my breast with his hand, giving the hardened peak a gentle pinch. Impatience wears at me as I want him to be rougher, to take the job in hand so to speak.

  “Tom?” I ask.

  “Is this okay?”

  I nod. “I want more.”

  He drops his head, giving my nipple a gentle lick before sucking it into his mouth. His tongue plays across the top, and my eyes roll back in my head at the sensation.

  “Oh my God, Tom, that’s so good.” He laves at me, over and over, until I’m ready to combust. I’m not sure anyone’s paid so much attention to a single point of my body.

  And he’s singularly focused on that one nipple.

  Maybe that’s a clue?

  I need to guide him through this.

  What he’s doing feels so good that when he transfers to the other breast, all thoughts of anything else fall out of my head.

  I close my eyes and enjoy it. If this is all we do tonight, then I’m happy. It’s another step forward for us. Being with him is everything I’d hoped it’d be. He’s gentle, and maybe he’s inexperienced, but the way he touches me sets me on fire.

  When he finally raises his head, he rests his palm on my stomach. His expression is hard to read.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  He nods. “I was about to ask you the same thing.”

  I stroke his cheek. “I’m more than okay. This is amazing.”


  “Do you always doubt your ability?”

  Tom shrugs, his lips twitching into a smile. “That’s basically the story of my life.”

  I laugh. “Well, don’t ever doubt your skill in this area.”

  Placing my hand on his, I guide it down toward my panties. His eyelashes flicker, and he seems to draw a deep breath.

  He takes over, sliding his hand down and into my underwear. Parting my folds with his fingers, he strokes me gently.

  “Is this what you want?” he asks.

  I nod, watching his face as his long fingers continue their rhythmic stroking. His lips twitch into a small smile, his index finger curling over my clit.

  “Oh, Tom.” I’m not sure what’s better—the buildup or the point where he’s touching me.

  His mouth closes over mine. His kiss is gentle, loving, everything I could ever ask for.

  I want his mouth on my core, his tongue tracing the line his finger does.

  When he drops his head to my throat, I throw my head back. His kisses set me alight, and I sink into the mattress, arching my back to meet his strokes.

  My breathing falls apart as the tension in my body grows. Heat rises from my toes all the way up to my cheeks.

  He slides one of his long fingers into me.

  “Oh my God.”

  He raises his head, searching my eyes, which are desperately trying to close. I’m falling apart at his fingertips, and his expression is the most intense I’ve ever seen. It’s like he’s trying to analyze my emotions. I’ve never felt so open to anyone.

  “Tom,” I whisper.

  “I love watching you,” he says. “Knowing that it’s me doing this.”

  I reach up to touch his face just as my orgasm hits me. Waves of pleasure take over and I arch up, closing my eyes and losing myself in it. Breathing heavily, I ride the wave until it crests and open my eyes to see Tom still gazing at me with a curious expression.

  “That’s what you do to me,” I whisper.

  He slides his hand up my stomach to rest on my side. “That was amazing. I wanted to give you what you give me, and maybe I just did.”

  “You did good.” I laugh, pulling him to me for a kiss. “That’s just the start.”

  He kisses me before pressing his forehead to mine. “You make me so happy.”

  “You make me happy too.” I waggle my eyebrows. “I know something we can do to make us both even happier.””

  A flash of fear crosses his expression. At least, I think that’s what it is. He retreats, pulling away.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He shakes his head. “Nothing. I’m just looking forward to cuddling up with you and getting some sleep.”

  I lick my lips. “Can I ask you something?”

  His gaze is so intense, and I’m sure he knows what’s coming. “Anything.”

  “Do you not want to have sex with me?”

  He drops eye contact, and runs his fingers through his hair. “I do, but …”

  “But what? I want to have sex with you.”

  “It’s complicated.” His expression is already shut down. It’s going to take more than this to get to the bottom of whatever’s holding him back.

  He showed today how much he wants me. I’ll just have to be patient.

  Even if it kills me.

  “I’ll wait as long as it takes. You take all the time you need. I’m sorry I pushed you.”

  Tom shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry. I loved every minute of it.”

  I cup his cheek, pulling him toward me to give him a soft kiss. “So did I.”

  “This wasn’t how I expected tonight to go, but I’ll take it.” A smile plays on his lips.

  “Thanks,” I deadpan.

  His eyes widen again. “I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant …”

  I stroke his cheek with the back of my hand. “It’s okay. I was just teasing. You get anxious about a lot of things. But you keep them to your chest. Am I right?”

  Tom hesitates for a moment before nodding again.

  “I’d never guess it from the way you are at work.” I smile.

  “Work’s different. With the exception of our project, I know my job like the back of my hand.”

  I search his eyes. He has this confidence at times that’s so insanely hot, but it’s usually when he’s talking about technical stuff that’s way over my head. But the way he’s also so shy and awkward is hot too.

  I want it all. “You’re a mystery. And I want to unravel that mystery. Whatever it takes.”

  His cheeks redden. There is something he’s holding back, but I’m not sure what it is. Did someone hurt him so badly he doesn’t think he can love again?

  I try to not let my imagination run away with me, but it’s hard. I’m not sure if he’ll tell me if I ask.

  He needs time.

  But today was a huge leap forward.



  “I need you to go to San Jose.”

  I stare at Molly. “What?”

  Now is not the right time for this. Bridget and I came close to having sex two days ago, and I want so much to open up to her. I’m not being fair to her, and I know it.

  “Just for a few days at this stage. Miranda’s got an issue with someone breaching confidentiality, but she’s not sure yet who it is. I know this isn’t part of your usual workload, but I want you to Miranda to work on this. I trust the two of you more than anyone else.”

  I huff. I’ve just got into this new routine, and Molly knows how important that is to me. But equally, I know how much she trusts me. “Do I really have to
go? Can’t I just look into it remotely?”

  Molly nods. “You didn’t get much time with the new expanded team before you came here. You’re so good at sniffing out when something’s up.”

  I frown. “What’s going on?”

  She licks her lips. “We’ve had someone approach us with info about Angel’s Triumph.”

  “What? That’s impossible. The game’s in the early planning stages. Who has any info on it?”

  Molly sighs. “Well, we do have some of the workers who came over from Psycom in on this project. Not all of them have been entirely happy about what happened.”

  I chuckle. “Why? Because they have to actually do some work instead of riding our coattails?”

  She laughs. “That’s one way of putting it. Either way, they all have NDAs and someone’s breached theirs.” Her expression softens. “I know you and Bridget are getting serious, and I’m sorry if this gets in the way for a few days, but I need you to take care of this.”

  “I know. I still have a job to do.”

  “You know I trust you more than anyone. I’m sorry, Tom, but we need to nail this leak down.”

  I nod. I know we have to. Before we merged, each Psycom game was growing more and more like the Mollab games, but theirs were never as good as ours. The one thing unsaid between Molly and I is something neither of us want to admit.

  If there’s a leak, it started before the buyout.

  The thought that it could be someone who’s been at Mollab all this time is a punch to the gut, but it’s a thing we all have to face.

  Either way, I have to go to San Jose and help Miranda untangle it.

  Bridget’s not going to like this. I can’t blame her one little bit. I don’t like it much either.

  It’s not until midday that I see her.

  She’s out on-site most days, and a smaller temporary office arrived a few days ago that’s become hers. She couldn’t work out of our building forever. We both knew it had to happen, but I miss her being so close.

  I duck into her office and close the door. Bridget looks up from the desk and smiles.

  “Hey, you.” She stands and walks toward me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I hug her tight. “I thought tonight we might go back to my place and I’ll cook dinner. I’ll be ready to go around four.”

  I blow out a breath. “About that …”

  “What?” Her expression tightens.

  “I have to go away for a few days.”

  Her face falls. “Why?”

  “Molly needs me to take care of something at the San Jose office. Hopefully, it doesn’t take too long.”

  Bridget frowns. “When do you have to go?”

  “This afternoon. We haven’t leased that plane yet, so I’m at the mercy of the commercial flights.”

  She groans. “Do you need a ride to the airport at least?”

  I nuzzle her cheek. “Are you offering?”

  Sighing, she cocks her head. “I wish you weren’t going, but I’m not about to let anyone else drive you there.”

  I grin. “That’s my girl.”

  “I am your girl, Tom Jarvis. Don’t you forget it.”

  She runs her tongue over her lips, and God, how I want to kiss her.

  “Let’s leave a bit early too. I want to make sure you’ve got a reminder of me.”

  My cock twitches. It’s like muscle memory. It remembers the joy of her hand wrapped around it, and wants to go there again. And again. I want to be buried inside Bridget so badly, but my fear is holding me back. It shouldn’t, but it is.

  What if I’m not good enough?

  I push the thought back. She thinks I am, and that’s all that matters.

  But the tendrils of doubt press back and wrap themselves around my brain until I can’t breathe for thinking it.

  I’ll let her down.

  “Tom?” Bridget’s voice snaps me out of my nightmare and back to reality.

  “Sorry. I love that idea. Molly won’t care what time I leave. And I could do with being alone with you for a while before I fly out.”

  Her smile’s so gentle. It wipes away my anxiety for the moment. She’s feisty, but her presence calms me in a way that very few people’s do.

  “How about we pick up your things, go down to the lake for a little while and then I’ll take you to the airport?”

  ”That sounds really good. When do you want to leave?”

  “We can go now if you want. Then I can come back after I drop you off.”

  “I’ll grab my laptop and meet you at the car?”

  She nods, planting a soft kiss on my lips. “Meet you there.”

  I head back into the office and pack up my laptop. Molly watches me from across the room and smiles. “Are you getting out of here now?”

  “I am. Bridget’s taking me to the airport. We thought we might spend a bit of time together before I go.”

  She stands and crosses the room. “Enjoy yourself before you fly out. What we’re dealing with isn’t pleasant, and if you can find a little joy before you go to help put you in a positive mind frame, then do it.”

  “You’re the best. Do you know that?” I give her a quick hug.

  “I try. Just take care of yourself and bring me the head of our leaker.”

  I laugh. “I’ll do that.”

  Her expression grows serious. “All jokes aside, you’re the best person I have for this. I trust you, Tom. Completely.”

  Bridget’s waiting for me by the car when I walk outside. It’s a warm afternoon and the thought of spending some time in the sunshine with her before I leave town gives my heart a boost.

  I need it, because I’m not looking forward to what I might uncover within Mollab.

  After a trip to the motel, where I pack a bag, Bridget drives us to the spot by the lake where we went skinny dipping.

  “I thought we could just sit here for a while. It’s secluded, and you can kiss me all you like.” She smiles.

  “I wish I could take you with me. I’ll probably stay with Mark, but I’ve got access to Molly’s house if I need it. It’s got a pool.”

  Her eyebrows rise. “Molly’s still got a house in San Jose?”

  “It’s prime real estate. She’d be crazy to get rid of it. I think she’s planning on using it as a holiday home, or a place for when her friends need somewhere to stay. It’d blow your mind.”

  Bridget leans over, laughing as the shifter jabs her in the stomach. “Want to sit in the back seat? We can cuddle and you can tell me all about it.”

  “I like that idea.”

  In the back seat, I slide my arms around her and press a kiss to her temple as she leans in against me. “I’m sorry I have to go away. But this work stuff is really important, and Molly can’t trust anyone else to do it.”

  Bridget sighs. “It’s that big?”

  “Really big. Hopefully Miranda and I can work it out quickly so I can come back.”

  Bridget runs her hand up my arm until it rests on my bicep. “I hope it’s quick. I’ve kinda got used to you being around.”

  For a moment, we just sit, wrapped up in each other. It’s not helping when I already want to stay. “I love it here. I’m so glad I moved.”

  Bridget snuggles in tighter. “I am too. You’re not at all what I expected.”

  I smile into her hair. “What did you expect?”

  “Well, I imagined you as being some stuck-in-the-mud, no-nonsense kind of guy. When Molly said her project manager would be working with me, I was sure we’d be looking at charts and spreadsheets all day.”

  Chuckling, I run my index finger down her cheek and along her jawline before raising her face so I can look into her eyes. “I work on charts and spreadsheets all day. What’s wrong with that?”

  She grins, giving me a gentle slap on the chest. “Nothing. It’s just not me.”

  “Oh yeah, you’re the freak who likes fresh air. Eww.” I screw up my nose.

  “I’ll show you freak.” Her hand brushes across my groin an
d my body springs to life.

  “Bridget …”

  “We have time.”

  I lean back to give her more access as she unbuttons my jeans and slides the zip down. I struggle to keep my breathing under control when she pulls my pants and boxers down to my knees. I’m already hard at the thought of her, and I close my eyes as she wraps her hand around my length.

  “Look at me.” Her tone is so soft.

  I open my eyes to meet her gaze. There’s so much affection in her expression, but there’s a hint of something else. Hunger?

  “If you’re not going to be here, I think it’s only fair I give you a going away present.” She strokes my cock, up and down. It takes everything to focus on her face and not give in to the sensation.

  “We’re in the car and all the windows are open?”

  She shrugs. “No one’s around.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to.” Her face screws up like she’s confused. “Do you want me to do this? You liked it last time, right?”

  I nod. “I loved it. I just want you to know I don’t expect anything.”

  She cups my balls, rolling them gently in her hand.

  Holy shit.

  When she licks the tip of my cock, my hips rise from the seat involuntarily. Bridget smiles up at me. “You like?”

  “I fucking love.”

  She chuckles, giving my balls a slight squeeze as she licks me again.

  I need to get this under control.

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever heard you swear,” she says.

  “It seemed appropriate.”

  She laughs again as she continues to stroke me. “It seems appropriate. You’re so uptight sometimes, and at other times, you’re so relaxed with me.”

  “I like you.”

  “I should hope so, seeing as I’m about to suck your cock.” Her words make me clench, and she grins.

  “You shouldn’t say things like that, Bridget. It makes it hard to keep control.”

  “Then let go.”

  My eyes roll back when she takes me in her mouth. It’s so warm and wet, and her lips wrap around me. I’ve never felt so good.

  There’s still a part of my head screaming that I can’t make her happy, that I’ll get overwhelmed and blow my load so fast that she’ll be disappointed.


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