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Wild Child (A Soul Sister Novel Book 1)

Page 8

by Audrey Carlan

  “Hey! I was paying for you. It’s the least I could do! I still owe you. And I heard that grunt Mr. I-Bruised-My-Ribs-Bad-Just-A-Day-Ago.” I huffed and pushed my wild hair out of my face.

  “Two, please.” Jonah ignored me and handed the teller his bank card.

  I glared and tapped my foot as he turned around holding our wrist bands. “Now come on, don’t be salty. If you’re out with me, you are not paying. Ever.”

  “Because this is a date,” I hedged.

  “Well yeah, I mean no.” He frowned and looked away. “Just give me your wrist.”

  I smiled wide and held out my good arm where he wrapped a hot pink paper bracelet on me and handed me his to do the same.

  Instead of grabbing my hand he hooked his arm around my shoulder, careful not to jostle the bandaged one. “Over there. I see the churro booth.”

  “Are you going to let me buy you a churro?”

  He shook his head. “You just can’t help yourself, can you?”

  “Nope!” I skipped out of his hold and over to the churro man and passed him a twenty-dollar bill from what would have been part of my rent money. Shockingly, the perpetrator hadn’t gone through my kitchen last night which was where I kept a big yellow envelope that I put all my weekly tips into that I then deposited into the bank at the beginning of each new week.

  As the churro man handed me two warm cinnamon-tastic, ropelike pastries, I felt Jonah come up behind me. He placed both of his large hands to my hips and pressed his nose into the back of my neck. “You’re going to try my patience at every turn, aren’t you, sweet girl?”

  His warm breath at my neck sent a shiver down my spine and heat to settle low in my belly.

  I glanced over my shoulder and gave my most sultry smile. “You better believe it.”

  He chuckled and took the churro I handed him, taking a giant bite before closing his eyes and humming while he chewed. “Holy hell, this is amazing. I haven’t had one of these in ages.” I watched fascinated by his tanned throat working as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the effort. He hadn’t shaved this morning, so his face held a good day or two’s worth of scruff that I wanted to touch…with my tongue.

  Instead, I bit off a good chunk of the warm pastry, closed my eyes, and moaned around the perfect texture, the crystalized sugar mixing with the heated dough and cinnamon.

  When I opened my eyes, he had pushed his sunglasses up and into his hair, his dark orbs blazing with desire.

  I licked my lips.

  “Fuck it!” He growled, pulling me against his form with one arm wrapped around my waist, locking his hand at my other side, while the opposite hand still had a hold on the churro, but that didn’t stop him.

  His head tipped down, mine went up, and our lips molded to one another’s.

  He tasted of sugar and spice and wet, hot, man. I dropped my churro, lifted both of my hands, and drove my fingers into his thick, soft hair. I opened my mouth farther, got up on my toes, and kissed him deep, gliding my tongue along his until we were glued together, both fighting for dominance of the kiss. For a few seconds I’d win, then he’d turn his head, growl, and take the kiss where he wanted it to go.

  It was the best kiss of my life.

  And it went on.

  And on.

  Until neither one of us could breathe and he pulled away while biting down on my bottom lip, letting it go at the last possible second with a little snap.

  I gasped at the pinch of erotic sensation and sucked it back into my mouth, tasting his rich flavor on the swollen flesh. I was dizzy. Filled to bursting with excitement and the desire to do it all over again.

  “You are a fantastic kisser.” He pressed his forehead to mine, and I smiled and closed my eyes, allowing the fresh air to enter my lungs and bring me back down to Earth.

  “You are not so bad yourself.”

  “Not so bad?” He leaned back and smiled.

  I cheesed out. I couldn’t help it. The man made me positively giddy. I jumped a little in my shoes and planted my hands to his hips. “Okay, maybe a little better than not so bad…”

  “Mmm hmm?”

  “Maybe even possibly the best kiss of my life,” I admitted honestly.

  “Now that I believe since it was sure as fuck the best kiss of my life too. Now let me get you another churro.”

  As we turned around the churro man had two new steaming hot churros wrapped and ready to go. The ones we’d dropped were gone and likely tossed in the trash by the same fella.

  “What can I say? I’m in love with love,” the man said handing us the treats. “On the house.”

  “Thanks, man.” Jonah clapped the guy on the shoulder, hooked his free arm around my waist, and brought me close to his side as he dipped his head toward my ear. “I believe we have a date with a ferris wheel?”

  “Heck, yes!” I held my churro out and up toward the giant circle against the sunny horizon. “Lead on!”

  Jonah chuckled but snuggled near my side and kissed my temple. “You’re a nut.”

  “Oh, honey, you have no idea what I’m capable of. Hope you’re the kind of guy who likes a good adventure.”

  “Babe, I’m an FBI agent. Every day of my life is an adventure.”

  I stopped in my tracks, churro almost touching my lips. “That. Is. True!” And it was. Law enforcement officers had no idea what they were going to encounter in the field day in and day out. Anything could have happened. “Huh, I never thought about it that way. This is great.”

  He chuckled again. “Do tell?”

  “Well, I’m not into boring men. And it just dawned on me with your answer that FBI agents are probably the farthest thing from boring there is! Every day is a new possible challenge and risk. You’re lucky.”

  “I enjoy my job, definitely. Not sure I’d say I’m lucky seeing as I was shot the other night and the woman I was trying to protect was grazed and is still in mortal danger. There’s also the little fact that there’s a serial killer out on the loose.”

  Properly chastised, I answered, “Well, besides all of that.”

  Jonah smiled. “You really do take everything with a grain of salt. Nothing bothers you.”

  “Well I did spend a couple of days crying my eyes out like a little girl so I wouldn’t exactly say nothing bothers me, but I’m not going to hole up in your house and hide, not living my life to the fullest because of some wack-a-doo. Every day is a gift. We can’t sit around and let it pass us by.”


  “It’s an expression.”

  “Not anymore it isn’t.” He laughed.

  “Yes, it is!”

  “Maybe fifty or sixty years ago, babe. Trust me.”

  I rolled my eyes and ignored him by eating my churro. The second one was almost as good as the first, but I wouldn’t compare them because the first one led to our first kiss and I couldn’t wait to lay my lips on his again.

  Jonah led me to the line for the ferris wheel.

  “Would you kiss me again at the top of the ferris wheel?” I asked as we showed the operator our wrist bands for access.

  Jonah’s lips pursed together. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe?” I harrumphed.

  We settled into our seat and the ride started its stop and go procedure letting people on and off for the next few minutes before it really started to move.

  “Are you always this forward with men you’re attracted to?” He cupped my cheek and held my chin with his thumb and forefinger.

  I licked my lips and watched his eyes dilate at the sight.

  “Yeah, if I want something, I ask for it. You don’t get anything in life without asking for it, working hard, and sacrifice. The worst that could happen is you say no.” I shrugged one shoulder.

  He leaned close enough that I could feel his breath on my face. “And what would you do if I said no?”

  “I’d be sad, but I’d try to respect your answer.”

  “And if I said yes?” He grinned.

nbsp; “Then I’d kiss the heck out of you right now.” My voice was breathy and needy.

  “Ah, but you asked me to kiss you, did you not?”

  “Are you going to kiss me?” I whispered.

  He smiled. “Yeah, Simone. I’m going to kiss you. I’m going to kiss you until you forget where you are. I’m going to kiss you until you forget all that has happened these last couple days. And I’m going to kiss you so that the only thing you can remember going forward is the taste of me on your tongue and in your mouth. Then I’m going to do it all over again.”

  A river of arousal rushed through my system making my sex throb to the tempo of my heartbeat. I’d never been this turned on or desperate for a man’s kiss.

  He had me obsessed with need.

  And then his lips touched mine and I was lost. Gone to the rich texture of his tongue sliding across mine. His lips pressing, easing his way until our teeth touched and the slick heat of his tongue danced and twirled. In and out we chased one another, smooth silky lips learning, taking, connecting. Teasing, tasting, nipping, and sighing as the world around us spun in an endless loop we had no part of.

  When we broke away, the operator had the door open and was urging us out.

  I blinked and looked at him and then Jonah. “But we haven’t gone yet?”

  Jonah laughed so hard I could feel it against my belly which was also when I realized that I was on his lap, facing him, a knee to each side of the seat, his hair twined in my fingers.

  “Nice, bro, but you gotta get.” The operator hooked a thumb over his shoulder.

  “But I didn’t get to see anything!!!” I grouched.

  “Look, man, there’s a twenty in it for you if you let us go around again, yeah?”

  “Done.” The guy shut the door on the little glass cage thingy.

  Jonah’s hands squeezed my hips. “You didn’t even know we had ridden the entire ride,” he teased. “I’d have to say that was the best kiss of your life.”

  I swiveled off his lap and to the side, pressing my fingers over my lips trying to calm my raging heart, mind, and libido. “You’d be correct.”

  “I like that about you.” He put his hand into mine and then set them both on the top of his thigh.

  “Like what?”

  “Your honesty. You say exactly what you’re thinking. Which often is funny as hell, but most of the time is cute, sweet, and truthful. I like knowing where I’m at with the people I share time with.”

  “Have women in your past not done that with you?” I finally got the opening to bring up the weird vibe I’d felt this morning.

  “Let’s just say I’ve had my share of seriously dishonest people that went on to break more than one heart. I’m not into games. Lies. Or half-truths. I don’t share. I won’t ever covet another man’s woman and I’m not the easiest man to get to know. It’s not easy for me to let people in.”

  I brought his hand up to my cheek and nuzzled it. “Challenge accepted.”

  “Simone…” he warned on a sigh.

  “No, really. I’m no different. Well, I’m totally the opposite.” I grinned. “I lay it all on the table. Wear my heart on my sleeve. Have been screwed over by every man I’ve loaned my heart to but, I still see the good in people. Still believe that one day I’m going to find my perfect match, my other half. The man that suits only me.”

  “It’s a pretty dream,” he sighed.

  “Dreams come true every day. All you have to do is work hard and put the good out into the Universe. Eventually karma will come through.”

  “I want to believe the way you do. Life would be so much easier.”

  I leaned forward, pressed my lips to his with my eyes still open, and watched him while I kissed him softly. “Stick with me and I’ll make you a believer.”

  The ride came back around to a stop. Jonah got up, pulled his wallet out of his pants, passed the guy a twenty, and then helped me out of the box.

  “If anyone could make me a believer, Simone, you just may be the one to do it.”

  I smiled wild and dragged him away from the ride. “Up next, the carousel.”

  “Whatever you want, sweet girl. Whatever you want.”

  “I’ll have to remember that.”

  I skip-jumped, swinging his hand while heading to his car. “That was a blast!” I raved as he opened my door and waited until I folded myself in and shut the door safely behind me. I watched as he scanned the surroundings, ever watchful. That trait could have been engrained in him as a gentleman or a product of his training in the FBI. Either way, I found it sexy as hell.

  Technically I found everything about Jonah Fontaine sexy as hell. From his muscular lean frame, to his long-tapered fingers, to the dark olive hue of his skin tone. And he kissed like he was made for it. I wanted more. So much more and I hoped even with his bruised ribs I could encourage a bit longer make out session. Heck, I’d take it all the way to experience this man fully.

  Usually I had a rule about sleeping with a man I was interested in. Typically I’d wait at least a few dates, to make sure they were worthy of a roll in the hay. With Jonah, I’d toss the dice and go for it. Even though Trey was good in bed, we hadn’t actually hooked up in a few weeks and I was a sexual person by nature. Sex felt amazing. Relieved stress. And it was the best, purest way to connect with a man. At least in my opinion. I could tell by the way a man kissed if he was going to be good in bed, and after Jonah’s kisses, I knew he’d be stellar. I couldn’t wait.

  “Why the smile?” He smirked as he started the car.

  “I had a really good time. Thank you for taking me,” I answered.

  He smiled. “Honestly, it’s the most fun I’ve had in a while. This case has put a lot on our team and if I hadn’t happened to be close when the call came through, I shudder to think about what might have happened.”

  I let my shoulders drop and ran my hands down my jean-clad thighs. The last thing I wanted to think about in the world was what could have happened if he hadn’t been there. “I’m not the type of person who thinks about what could have happened, Jonah. You were there. You saved my life. The alternative is horrifying so it’s best not to think about it.” I reached for his hand which was resting on his thigh and covered it with my own. “Let’s just move on. Instead, how about we decide what to eat. My treat!”

  He brought my hand up to his mouth and did something no man had ever done before. He kissed the back of my hand and smiled. I felt his lips shift against my hand, and I shivered in response.

  “Sweetheart, it’s never going to be your treat. We’ve already had this discussion. But I do actually have plans for dinner. You can come with or…” His lips tightened and he brought my hand back down to his thigh. “I can drop you with Agent Russell.”

  I laughed out loud. I laughed so hard and for so long my eyes watered.

  “What’s so funny?” His pretty, dark eyebrows were furrowed, his facial expression set at concerned.

  “You. You’re what’s funny. You don’t trust me with your partner.”

  “He’s the only one I trust you with, actually. He’d die to keep you safe,” he affirmed.

  I shook my head. “That’s not what I meant. You’re worried he’ll hit on me.”

  “Not worried, no. It’s a guarantee he’ll hit on you. Repeatedly, the bastard.” His words were stiff, and he adjusted in his seat as if he were suddenly uncomfortable.

  I covered my mouth trying not to chuckle. “Do you think I’d be interested in him? After an incredible day with you? Complete with churro-and-ferris-wheel-kisses aplenty.”

  His jaw tightened and I focused on the little muscle in his cheek that seemed to tick there. “We don’t know one another that well,” he admitted. “I can’t be sure exactly how you’d respond.”

  “Still. That would be a super bitchy move to fall over myself for one guy and then turn around and do the same with his partner?” I scrunched up my nose. “What kind of woman would do that? My sisters and I have a super fat unbreakab
le pact that we all made. We’d never, ever go for the same guy. Second, the biggest deal breaker of all, you are never, ever allowed to date one of your sisters’ exes. Think of how awkward that would be. To have to see your ex at a family function.” I made a gagging sound. “No way, Jose. Not happening. And it never has. You just don’t go there.”

  “Yeah, right. You just don’t go there,” he murmured sadly. “Unfortunately, Simone, not all people think like you.”

  “And you don’t trust your partner not to screw you over like that?”

  He shook his head. “No, I do. Mostly. Let’s just say, I’ve been fucked over royally by people who meant everything to me.”

  I figured it was time to lighten the heavy in the car. “Well, that sucks. I’m sorry you’ve been hurt. So, in answer to your original question, if I’m not going to be in the way, I’d be happy to tag along with you.” My belly took that moment to growl. “As long as we’re going to eat.” I smiled wide and covered my belly with my hand.

  He chuckled and hit the blinker taking us off the freeway and closer to Oak Park where I grew up in Kerrighan House.

  I watched the landscape as he drove into a pretty, older neighborhood, very much like my mother’s. Though Kerrighan house was huge, these were moderate sized with nicely kept yards and long driveways. Each house had a deep span of grass from the curb to the house. The house we stopped in front of was one story with half of it covered in white horizontal paneling and the bottom half faced with old brick. There were two big pots out front bursting with foliage and purple flowers poking out the center.

  Through the big rectangular picture window at the front of the house, I could see a soft yellow glow inside. The front door was painted a deep navy and had a brass knocker in the center. I waited until Jonah folded out of the driver’s side and came around to open the door and help me out of the car.


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