Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 10

by Karen Clow

  Jess spent the rest of the evening playing with the babies until they went to bed. It was just after ten when she turned in for the night, but despite feeling tired she couldn’t sleep, all she kept thinking about was moving into the cottage and Billy.


  The following morning after a restless night Ann was concerned about Shaun returning to the pub that day. Even though Terry had arranged to stay on for a few days until Reggie replaced him, she knew that if there was any trouble Shaun would find it hard to remain calm and with his neck still healing the last thing she wanted was him getting into a fight. The doctors had been very specific about him doing nothing strenuous for at least a month, so he could fully heal.

  She was downstairs before Terry, by the time he joined her the tea was made and his breakfast was cooking. “Morning Ann, big day today with the governor coming home, is your boy still taking you to pick him up?” “Yes, he’s picking me up at half ten, the hospital said it’ll be about eleven when they discharge him. Terry tell me the truth, do you think there be any more trouble?” Trying to sound convincing he replied, “Naugh, now that Tony is dealing with it, it’ll all be fine. Stop worrying about it; you just concentrate on getting the big man well. I’ll be here and Reggie’s coming at the end of the week.” Placing his breakfast on the table in front of him she rubbed his arm and said, “I appreciate you being here Terry, I just don’t want Shaun getting into any fights. This thing with his neck is serious; he could have bled to death.” Making light of it in an effort to try and reassure her he jokingly replied, “It’ll take more than that to put him down, he’s a tough old bastard!” Looking less than convinced she looked sad as she replied, “He wouldn’t appreciate me saying this Terry, but when the pub offer came up I was relieved. I always waited for that knock on the door in the middle of the night, especially when he worked for Nick I hated it. I thought the pub would be safer and we’d get to see more of each other, obviously I know that in this trade you’ll always have trouble, but this last thing has left me scared. I know he’s a tough cookie but he’s not twenty five anymore and I know this has worried him, God forbid he’d ever admit it, but I know!” “Anyone would have been scared, but honestly babe, I’m sure it’ll sort out ok. Anyway shouldn’t we think about getting downstairs and putting the balloons and stuff up?” Ann smiled and nodded as she replied, “My Bernadette will be here in a minute, she’s going to sort out some grub while I pick her dad up. Most of the regulars are coming in tonight to see him, so I thought we have a small party, just a few sandwiches and nibbles. I did mention it to Tony and the lads but most of them are working. With the exception of my Liam my lot will be here but he couldn’t get the night off. They’ve all been worried to death about their dad, especially Bernadette she’s a real daddy’s girl.” “That’s because Shaun’s a good man, everyone knows how he feels about his family.”

  After Ann cleared the breakfast dishes they went down into the pub to hang some welcome home banners and balloons up. They couldn’t help laughing when Murphy had run and hidden behind her when a balloon that he’d been chasing round popped suddenly. Terry asked how she felt about Reggie bringing his new dogs with him when he stayed over at the pub. Laughing she replied, “Well I don’t think my Murphy would have let the other two in, you know the two he had before, but Reggie has assured me that the two bitches he has now will be fine and let’s face it Reggie knows about his dogs. As long as they behave themselves I’m sure they’ll be fine, Murphy will probably enjoy having two girls fighting over him!” “Yeah the only time I’ve ever seen Reggie cry was when he lost his dogs, especially the old boy Thor, even though he was twelve, it broke his fucking heart. He’d only lost the other one five months earlier with cancer; it hit him hard that’s why we got him the other two.” “Oh I didn’t realise, I thought Reggie bought them?” “No, me and the lads all chipped in, couldn’t fucking stand him keep moping about! We got them from a local breeder; did you know Reggie named them after his ex wives?” Laughing she replied, “No, but I’m not surprised!” “Yeah, he always refers to his wives as a pair of Rottweiler’s or old dogs, so he called one Suzy and one Maggie. Actually they suit the names!” Ann was just about to reply when the pub door opened and in walked Bernadette. “Hi mum,” she chirped as she walked over and kissed her on the cheek. Mums not working you too hard is she Terry?” “Tell you the truth Bernadette, I’ll be glad when your dad’s back I’m nothing but a drudge!” They all laughed as Ann swiped him playfully with her hand across his ear.

  Liam arrived at the Jolly just before ten, he finished helping the others put up the banners before leaving with Ann to collect Shaun.


  Tony was at his gym conducting a business meeting with a dealer called Tate; they’d done business together for the past nine years. Tony liked him, usually taking him for lunch whenever they met. When Tony’s phone bleeped to indicate a text message, Tate said, “Do you need to reply to that?” Taking out his phone and looking at the ID he shook his head and replied, “No, it’s not important I’ll get back to her later.” Laughing Tate said, “Not your wife then, big mistake if you keep them waiting!” Nodding his head and grinning Tony said, “Too right, now are we going for lunch?” “As long as I leave by three that’ll be great, I’ve just bought a new restaurant in Brighton. When you’re down that way I’ll take you to dinner, you can bring your girlfriend or your wife.” “I might just take you up on that one of these days!” Despite his coolness Tony was still thinking about what had happened with Isabella, he would tell Lydia not to wear that perfume again.

  After dropping Tate back to the gym to pick up his Mercedes, Tony sat in his car and read Lydia’s text. It said, ‘Hi sexy, wish you were here making love to me, speak to you later love L xxx.’ Without giving it a second thought and acting on impulse, Tony headed straight for Kent.

  Just over an hour later he was parking just round the corner from Lydia’s. Calling her phone, as she answered he said, “Hi babe sorry I couldn’t answer your text earlier, but I was in a meeting.” “No problem, I was on a break at the time. I was bored that’s why I sent it.” “Where are you now?” “At home” “Good get your clothes off, I’ll be there in two minutes!” Before she could reply he closed his phone and walked towards her door. Just as he put his finger on her bell she opened the door, but stood behind it giggling. It wasn’t until he was standing inside the hallway he realised she was stark naked. “Fuck me,” he said as she started undoing his tie. Kissing her passionately as she struggled to undress him, finally between their throes of passion she managed to undo his trousers. Almost instantly he had her up against the hall wall fucking her. When they finally stopped she continued to undress him so they could take a shower. Ironically since he arrived they had barely said ten words, it was in the shower that they talked.

  Back in her lounge she poured him a drink and sat next to him on the sofa. “I didn’t expect to see you today Tony, especially at four in the afternoon. I’d only been home from work five minutes when you called.” Kissing her before answering, “Well when you said you wished I was here, I thought why not, my meeting finished early so here I am!” “How long can you stay, I could cook dinner if you like?” She looked disappointed when he said, “Sorry babe I’ve got to be back before eight, I’m seeing a friend tonight who’s just come out of hospital.” “So what time are you going?” “I’ll wait till the traffic dies down a bit, I’ll leave about half six.” “I could still cook, we’ve got an hour. I was only going to have spaghetti bolognese, please stay and eat with me.” Thinking about it for a moment and seeing how much she wanted him to stay he replied, “Ok, but I must leave at half six.” Excitedly she jumped up and headed for the kitchen saying, “I’d best get it started then, pour us another drink while I cook the mince.”

  Sitting there waiting for her to return he asked himself why he was there, what was it about her that made him act on impulse. Reliving over in his mind the incredible sex they had e
arlier he convinced himself that was why, yet despite what he thought about Lydia his mind kept wandering back to Isabella and the sadness she had shown when she’d smelt Lydia’s perfume on him. When their children were young she was always content to stay at home and care for them, he had never thought about the time coming when she would have time on her hands. It wasn’t until he thought about it then that he realised that time was now. Their eldest son Carlo was almost twenty and at university studying engineering and finance, Vito was seventeen and at college, Anthony was in his last year at school and Sophia their only daughter was thirteen. Isabella was still a beautiful woman who looked younger than her forty years, what if she did want someone else. Thinking about his marriage he realised that most days he barely saw her, with him leaving the house every morning to go to his gym. Then between the clubs and business meetings it was usually the early hours of the next morning before he returned home. Wondering what she did in her spare time he felt a sense of panic. Trying to think rationally he told himself that she still had the kids to look after even if they were more independent and at least three times a week she went to church. Then there were the general things like washing, cooking, shopping that would keep her busy. Also the regular visits she made to his mother, who despite being in her eighties insisted on living in her own home regardless of their constant pleas for her to move in with them.

  He was still thinking about Isabella when Lydia returned. “Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes, the sauce is simmering and the spaghetti is on,” she said as she leaned over and kissed the side of his face. Noticing that he seemed a bit quiet she said, “Everything alright Tony, you look a bit preoccupied.” Quickly snapping out of his thoughts of Isabella he replied, “I was just thinking dinner smells good. Talking of smells babe, when I come down don’t wear that perfume you had on the other night.” Taken by surprise by what he’d just said she looked at him and said, “Why, don’t you like it?” “Yes it’s very nice but my wife could smell it on me when I went home, I had to think of something quick to say to her.” Annoyed that he was dictating what she could or couldn’t wear she sarcastically replied, “Well that’s hardly my problem, you should have washed it off. I don’t see why I should have to stop wearing it just because your wife could smell it!” “Don’t give me a hard time over this babe, it’s only fucking perfume. Just wear something else ok; I don’t want her smelling it again. Let’s not spoil what we have over fucking perfume!” Reluctantly she agreed not to wear it when she saw him. Although she wasn’t happy about it, she could understand why he said it.

  When they ate dinner Tony was very complimentary about her cooking, although in truth it wasn’t anywhere near as good as the bolognese Isabella made. Before leaving he freshened up again using her bathroom.

  Once outside in his car he called Isabella, the first words she said on answering the call was, “Is everything alright?” “Yes everything’s fine; I’m just on my way to the Jolly. Shaun came out of hospital today they’re having a bit of a bash for him thought you might like to come over for a couple of hours?” It seemed a long time to him before she replied, “No, that’s ok I’m just about to pick Sophia up then I’m going to take a long hot bath.” “I’d like you to come Belle, Ann would be chuffed to see you.” “If you don’t mind Tony I’ll leave it for tonight, but give Ann and Shaun my love. I’ll see you in the morning.” Listening to what she’d just said he replied, “You’ll see me tonight, won’t you?” “I doubt you’ll be home till late, so like I said I’ll see you in the morning, I’m going to have an early night, I’ve had a busy day.” “Doing what, have you been out somewhere then?” Feeling like she was being interrogated she snapped at him and said, “What’s going on Tony, why are you asking me these things, I’m just tired that’s all! Now I’ve got to go, I’m picking Sophia up from her friends and I’m running late!” Before he could say anything else she’d put the phone down.

  The Jolly was already busy when he arrived there just before quarter to eight. Inside the pub he sat with Shaun and his family. He watched as Shaun talked and played with his grand children, it was obvious they adored him as did their parents. As Tony watched he tried to remember the last time he had a proper conversation with any of his kids. Over the last three months he had barely seen or spoken to Carlo, despite Isabella calling him regularly and always telling Tony he should make the effort to call.

  It was after the grandchildren had left the pub around nine that Tony got a chance to speak to Shaun about the attack. After bringing him up to speed with what Lenny had found out Shaun said, “I appreciate what you’re doing Tony, I didn’t like the idea of Ann being here on her own.” “No problem Shaun, from what I’ve been hearing she’s been spoiling Terry.” “Aye she’s a diamond that’s for sure; I thank the good Lord everyday for sending her to me. Only he knows what I’d do without her, like your Isabella she’s a good woman. They don’t make them like that anymore!” Although Tony laughed and agreed with him what Shaun said played on his mind.

  By ten o’clock most of the people that had come to see Shaun had left, just a few die hard drinkers were left. No one was surprised when Shaun said that he was tired and going to turn in. Ann asked Terry to watch the bar while she settled him down upstairs. Like an old mother hen she fussed over him, making sure he took his tablets and tucking him in bed before returning downstairs. Tony left ten minutes later, only instead of going on to one of his clubs he went home.

  Entering the house quietly he was surprised to hear Isabella talking to someone on the phone; she looked surprised as he walked into the lounge. Before speaking to him she continued with her phone conversation and said, “Ok Maria, I’ll see you next week, thanks for the chat, do you realise how long we’ve been on the phone, its quarter to eleven! Anyway I’ve got to go because Tony’s just walked in, I expect he’ll be going out again in a minute, speak to you soon love to the family.”

  Tony was standing in the doorway staring at her when she said, “Did you forget something?” With a strange look on his face he replied, “No, why would you think I had?” Standing up and walking towards him she replied, “No reason, I just thought you’d be at the club now, I’m just about to make myself a drink do you want one?” Without answering her he playfully grabbed her arm as she went to pass him. Shocked she looked at him and said, “What’s up Tony?” He surprised her by saying, “Don’t you think it’s a bit late to be talking to Maria?” Smiling she replied, “I know it was only half nine when she called, we’re terrible once we start talking!” “What were you talking about for so long?” Feeling a little intimidated by his question and the fact that he was still holding her arm, she jokingly replied, “Just the usual boring things you know, kids, husbands, shopping that sort of thing.” “So you think I’m boring then?” At that point she was beginning to feel more uncomfortable, especially when she tried to walk away but he held on to her. Trying to make light of his question she jokingly replied, “You boring, never!” She waited for him to reply but he just stared at her, finally she couldn’t stand the suspense a moment longer, looking at him she said, “What’s going on Tony, why are you holding my arm, is something wrong?” Without answering her he leaned forward and kissed her, fondling her breasts as he pushed her against the door. Not understanding what had brought about his sudden rush of passion she pulled away and said, “Stop it Tony, what’s got into you!” Feeling aroused he replied, “Is it so strange that I want you, I can remember when we used to make out all over the house!” Still unsure of his motives she replied, “That was years ago Tony, now please let me go, Sophia is probably still awake and I want to make a drink and go to bed!”

  Isabella made herself a tea while Tony poured himself a scotch. While they sat there drinking she noticed that he kept staring at her and she had been married to him long enough to know that something was wrong. Finishing her drink she stood up to take her cup into the kitchen, as she walked past him he asked her if she was going to bed. Nodding her head she rep
lied, “Yes, goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning.” “I’m coming to bed; I want to talk to you about something.” Curiously she said, “Talk about what Tony, tell me now.” “How would you feel about having another baby?” “Why on earth did you say that, was it a joke?” Angrily he snapped, “No, it wasn’t a fucking joke, I’m serious!” Surprised by his quick temper she calmly replied, “I wanted a baby five years ago remember, but you didn’t. Now I’m nearly forty one and I don’t want another baby, I’ll see you in bed.” Angry that she hadn’t even considered his request, he poured himself another drink.


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