Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 11

by Karen Clow

  It was twenty minutes later when he went up to bed. Isabella was lying on her side facing away from him as he got in beside her. Running his hand up her leg; he said, “Make love to me Belle.” Rolling over she kissed him, whatever she thought about his womanising and lack of interest in her, she still loved and desired him. She could remember when their love making was fiery and passionate, now it was very seldom and on many occasions she felt he was only doing it out of duty. Belle knew that his age was catching up with him, gone were the days when he could have sex with another woman and then show her the same degree of stamina a few hours later. This night was different. For the first time in ages he showed her true passion, kissing her slowly as he made his way down her body. Her desire for him was unfailing; her body pulsed with every touch of his tongue. Tenderly and lovingly he took his time bringing her to orgasm. As he made his way back up her body she tried to remember the last time their love making had been so good. Kissing her passionately as he entered her, she reciprocated his affections, holding his buttocks and pushing him deeper into her as she wrapped her legs around his back. Even when he came and withdrew from her, he remained lying between her legs, kissing her.

  Lying there she wondered what had brought about his need for her love, she didn’t have to wait long to find out, when he said, “I want us to have a baby.” She had hoped that when he mentioned it earlier downstairs that would have been an end to it, but now he’d asked again. “Belle did you hear me, I said I’d like us to have another baby.” “Why are you saying this Tony? I’ve already told you I don’t another child.” Rolling over her he sat up and said, “Why not, you did and don’t tell me you’re too old!” “It’s not just my age Tony, we’ve had our family.” “Yes and now I’d like to extend that family Belle, is that so terrible!” “What’s brought this on Tony, can we discuss it another time?” “No I want to discuss it now, I’m your husband and I’m asking you to have a baby for me!” “I’m sorry I can’t, there would be too many things against us having a baby now.” “Like what, I can’t think of one.”

  Despite her devotion to him, her patience was wearing thin. She knew that something had made him want another child, she also knew that he wouldn’t tell her what, especially if it was in reference to his age. Adamant that she wasn’t about to give into him the way she always had in the past, she said, “You’re right Tony it’s not just my age, it’s yours as well. In a few years time you’ll be sixty!” Ready with a reply he said, “Lots of men my age have babies!” “Yes and in my opinion they’re mad! It’s not just that, Sophia is a teenager now; she’s growing more independent by the day. Finally I have some time for myself. For twenty years my life has revolved around you and the children and that’s long enough.” Tony didn’t reply straight away. It was almost as though he had to think of an answer and several seconds passed before he said, “What could be more important than you spending time raising our child?” “Don’t twist what I said Tony, you know very well what I meant, my children mean everything to me!” Arrogantly he snapped, “So why won’t you have another one?” “Ok Tony, if you really want to know I’ll tell you, it’s me who’s had to raise our children, because you’re never home. You cannot even phone your eldest son, who loves you so much, and yes I’m selfish I want time for myself, I do have a life of my own, despite what you may think!” Even though he could see that she was becoming upset he pursued the issue by saying, “Haven’t I always given you what you want, the life you have here should be enough.” With tears trickling down her cheek she said, “I’m tired Tony, lets get some sleep, I’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

  At that moment he suddenly felt a pang of insecurity, what was she talking about, a busy day. Wanting to know what she was doing, but being too proud to ask he said, “I’ve got some time tomorrow, I thought I could take you out somewhere for lunch.” His offer made her nervous, he hadn’t taken her out for lunch in years, so why now. Looking at him she said, “I’m sorry I already have a lunch date. If you’d have told me sooner I could have rearranged it, but it’s too late now.” “What do you mean you have a lunch date, you don’t go out to lunch!” “I’ve been going out for lunch for over a year, but how would you know Tony you’re never here!” Angrily he raised his voice and said, “If I find out you’ve been seeing another man Belle, I’ll fucking kill you!” “Is that what this is all about Tony, you think I might have someone else?” “Well have you?” Totally out of character she stood up to him and snapped back saying, “How dare you even ask me that you pig! I have never been unfaithful; I only wish it was the same for you! If you were in the slightest bit interested in me or what I do when you’re not here, you would know that I meet the other mothers from the PTA for lunch once every month!” Crying she lay back down and rolled over, too hurt and angry to speak to him. Lying next to her he put his arm over her and although he didn’t actually apologise he did say, “I should never have asked if you had someone else.” “Go to sleep Tony, I can’t talk to you now!” “Please Belle; don’t be like this you know I love you.” “Leave me alone Tony, I don’t want to talk to you anymore tonight.” Gently kissing her neck he said, “I need you Belle, roll over please, I can’t go to sleep till you do.” Turning she faced him and said, “I know I’m not enough for you Tony and I know I never will be, but I’m not having another child just because you want me to!” Shocked by her honesty he held her face and kissed her before replying, “No man could ask for more than you give, I don’t deserve you I know that, but it hurts me to think you believe I want other women, I love you.” Tears welling in her eyes she replied, “I’ll always love you Tony, but please don’t try and tell me that you’re faithful, it insults my intelligence. Now get some sleep you look tired.”

  Feeling his arm holding her firmly as she rolled back over, she laid awake asking herself why he had acted the way he had. Her worst fear was that he had been stupid enough to get someone else pregnant, but she quickly told herself that he would not be that careless and he would deal with it if he had.


  Billy and Jess had stayed up together to watch a late film after everyone else had gone to bed. When the film finished Jess suggested turning in for the night, but Billy obviously had other ideas. Turning to face her he said, “Do I get a kiss goodnight then?” Before she had time to answer he was kissing her, when the kiss finished he started again. Her body was responding to him. She liked the way he kissed her, it was when he pushed her down onto the sofa that she felt panicky. He could feel her tensing up when he ran his hand over her breast; he wasn’t surprised when she tried to hold his hand so he couldn’t feel her. Nervously she said, “Billy it’s late we should go to bed.” Making a joke of it he replied, “Is that an offer?” Realising what he was implying, she tried to sit up as she replied, “No, I’m not ready for this Billy please let me up!” Hearing panic in her voice he sat up then pulled her up next to him before replying, “I was only joking babe, it’s just that you’re driving me crazy, but I know it’s difficult here, it’ll be different when you’ve got your own place.” Not wanting to scare him off she just smiled and nodded, because despite her fear of sex she liked the closeness they shared and the fact that he had stopped when she asked him to put her at ease. Although she hid her feelings, inside she was terrified of having sex with him or anyone for that matter. Then what Maria had said echoed through her mind, that if it was meant to be it would happen when the time was right.

  Upstairs Mickey was having trouble sleeping, rolling over he cuddled up to Maria. Although he hadn’t intended waking her, he was happy to hear her say, “What’s up, can’t you sleep?” Kissing the back of her neck he replied, “No, all I keep thinking about is the trouble at the pub with Shaun.” Turning to face him she gently stroked his face and said, “We’ve all been worried, but it’ll be ok won’t it? Shaun’s home now, is it because you didn’t go up there tonight? You know I wouldn’t have minded, you could have stayed at mum and dads.” Lovingly he looked at her and rep
lied, “Tell you the truth babe, I didn’t want to go. If I’m honest I wish we didn’t have a share in the Jolly.” Shocked by his words she sat up on her elbow then looking down on him said, “Why?” “It’s hard to explain babe.” “Come on darling what’s wrong; is there something you’re not telling me?” “Truth is babe, Tony has had Lenny poking around about the attack and it doesn’t look like it will be a one off.” “God Mickey, nothing’s going to happen to Shaun and Ann is it?” “No babe, nothings going to happen to them, Tony is sorting everything out, but.” He stopped talking and kissed her, then continued, “Do you feel like making love to me?” “Don’t change the subject Mickey, tell me what you were going to say, then I’ll consider making hot passionate love to you!” Without replying he pulled her closer and kissed her again. Pushing him away she jokingly said, “Not so fast hot rod, tell me what you were going to say!” Wishing he’d never started the conversation, because all he wanted was to make love, he smiled and said, “Can we talk about it afterwards sexy?” Knowing that he would fall asleep, she lovingly replied, “No, you can tell me now, I’ll be worth the wait!” “Oh I know that, ok, I was going to say that because I have a share in the Jolly, Tony and the others will expect me to do my bit when we know for definite who’s behind the attack. Don’t get me wrong babe, of course I want this trouble to stop before it starts. It’s just that I don’t have that life anymore, since the kidnapping things have been good between us again and I don’t want that to change.” Despite her love for Shaun she looked at him and said, “Sell it Mickey! You know how I feel about you getting involved with dangerous people. I want you to grow old with me, I couldn’t live without you.” “I want to grow old with you to babe, but this thing with the pub is difficult. Before we make any rash decisions I’ll wait and see how things turn out. Now are you going to keep your promise and ravage my body?” “Of course darling,” she said as she slipped her hand under the duvet. A few minutes later she was straddled over him, the more intense the passion grew the louder their love making became. “Keep it down Mickey; you’ll wake the trio and Jess and Billy have only just gone to bed, they’ll hear us!” Unable to control his feelings he said loudly, “God babe don’t stop I’m coming!” Seconds later they were lying next to each other, still breathless from the sex they’d just had. Rolling onto his side he said, “Fuck me babe that was great, I’m so glad I couldn’t sleep! Just think in a few weeks we’ll have the house to ourselves again, the triplets can go into their own room, the annex will be finished and Jess will be living at the cottage.” “That still leaves Billy; hopefully he’ll find a place soon.” “If I’m not mistaken, I reckon he’ll move in with Jess.” Maria hadn’t even considered that happening for a very long time, if at all. Not wanting to mention the rape she looked at Mickey and said, “I don’t think Jess would want that, certainly not for a long time anyway.” “We’ll just have to wait and see babe, as long as you’re here with me I don’t really care.” They kissed before snuggling down together, Mickey was asleep within minutes.


  It was Friday morning, Reggie was moving into the Jolly so that Terry could return to the docks. Arriving around lunch time, the pub was busy; Terry was the first one to see him as he was helping out behind the bar. “Hello Reggie,” said Ann as she noticed the two friends talking. “Alright Ann,” he said, “Where can I put me stuff?” “Terry will show you love, it’s the room he’s been using, where are your dogs?” “In the van, I’ll fetch them in after I’ve sorted out me gear, where’s Murphy?” “Upstairs with Shaun, I’m sure they’re joined at the hip,” she joked. “Come on Reg lets go and see the big fella,” said Terry.

  The two friends made their way up the stairs and into the lounge. Shaun was dozing on the sofa, with Murphy lying across him. Looking at Shaun, Terry said, “Fuck me England’s last hope!” Murphy began wagging his tail, “Cheeky bastard, I’m not asleep,” said Shaun. “Well you were doing a fucking good impersonation of it, even your fucking dog was snoring!” Playfully holding the dog round the neck and patting him, Shaun replied, “He was guarding me, wasn’t you boy!” Murphy wagged his tail and licked Shaun’s face. “Fucking guarding you, we could have killed the pair of you and been back downstairs having a pint by now! Murphy couldn’t guard your fucking cat if you had one, he might look big and brave but let’s face it Shaun he’s a fucking pussy,” said Terry. They all laughed, especially when Shaun tried to justify the dog’s behaviour by saying, “It’s because he’s up here, in the pub he’s an excellent guard dog.” “Maybe Reggie’s dogs can give him a few lessons, now they’re real guard dogs,” Looking at Murphy he added, “A bit of competition for you mate, watch and learn, Reggie will soon sort you out!” No sooner had Reggie sat in an armchair when Murphy went over to him and tried to sit on his lap. The others laughed as Terry said, “I bet you wish you had the same effect on women Reggie!” “Fuck off, I’d rather have me dogs, they’re less fucking trouble!” After bantering about the dogs, Terry looked serious as he said, “Have you heard anymore from Tony about the attack?” Shaun replied, “Not since he spoke to Lenny. If what he said is right I reckon we’ll have more bother, only this time I’ll be ready for the fuckers!” “Hopefully it won’t come to that and Tony can sort it out without anyone getting hurt, whichever way it goes one thing for sure it will get sorted!”

  The three men had talked for about an hour, when Ann called up the stairs, “Is there any chance of one of you men giving me a hand, it’s heaving down here!” “I’ll go,” said Shaun. “No need mate stay and talk to Reggie, I’ll go” Terry stood up to leave. Reggie called to him and said, “I’ll be down in a minute, can’t leave me dogs in the van too long.”

  Ten minutes later he asked Shaun if he could take Murphy out to meet his dogs, because he wanted to make sure they got along ok. Shaun laughingly replied, “I’ll come with you, I don’t think silly bollocks will give you any grief over a couple of bitches, may be just what he needs to make him a bit more macho!” They both laughed as they headed downstairs, followed by Murphy.

  Just as they were going to pass the bar to go outside, Terry called them over. Ann was busy at the other end serving customers as Terry quietly said to Shaun, “The two blokes over in the corner are they regulars?” Glancing over at them Shaun shook his head and replied, “Never seen them before, why?” “Nothing mate, could be my imagination but they came in earlier. I’ve just asked Ann how much they’ve drunk; she said they haven’t been back to the bar since I served then two hours ago. Now that can mean one of three things, they’re either fucking slow drinkers, undercover coppers or they’re casing the place. If my hunch is right, then they’re seeing what sort of trade you get in, no good trying to sell drugs in an empty pub. I’m just wondering if we should have a little chat with them.” Shaun grinned and replied, “I think I’ll just stroll over there and introduce myself.”

  Reggie sat at the bar as Shaun made his way to their table. Ann hadn’t noticed until she spotted Shaun talking to them, “Who are those blokes he’s talking to Terry,” she asked. “Just a couple of lads, Shaun thought he’d just go over and introduce himself that’s all.” She knew there was more to it, but there were customers waiting to be served and she was well aware that Terry and Reggie were keeping an eye on him.

  “Alright lads,” said Shaun, “haven’t seen you two in here before, are you local boys?” The two lads were both in there early twenties, had the look of bad boys about them, tattoos, earring, short cropped hair. They looked very similar. Shaun assumed they were brothers or at the very least related. The look one of them gave Shaun told him that they didn’t appreciate the fact that he’d singled them out. His assumption was right, before they answered him they both drank the remainder of their pints and one said, “No we’re just passing through, nice pub.” With that they stood up to leave, virtually blocking their exit from the table Shaun said, “You off then lads hope to see you again. I’m usually working the bar but as you can see I’ve had a bi
t of an accident, I’ve been in hospital.” Looking at the dressing on his neck the same one said, “Yeah looks painful.” The moment he said it Shaun knew they were well aware what had happened. Not letting the opportunity pass Shaun replied “Had a couple of boys in, thought they’d try their luck, caught me off guard. Next time I’ll be waiting for them. Let’s just hope they can go the distance, because if they come back they’ll be leaving in an ambulance.” “Yeah I expect you get a lot of that being a landlord.” “I never said I was the landlord, was that a lucky guess?” “Yeah, just thought you were, anyway we’ve got to push off, hope you don’t have anymore trouble.” “Oh I don’t know I’m looking forward to meeting the fucker that set it up.” The expression on the lads’ faces told him that they were surprised by his reply. Moving aside to let them pass he said, “Come back sometime lads, I’ll remember you, I never forget a face.” Without replying they simply nodded. Shaun watched them as they walked to the door; he was in no doubt that they had been sent to check the pub out, especially when they both clocked Reggie as they left.

  “Who were they love?” asked Ann, when Shaun came back over to the bar. “Just a couple of lads, thought I recognised one of them, turned out he was someone else.” “Can you watch the bar for a minute, only I need to pop upstairs to do some more rolls, we’ve nearly sold out!” Welcoming the opportunity to speak to the others Shaun replied, “Aye lass, you go and do your rolls, make us one while you’re up there.” After asking them what filling they wanted and telling Shaun he wasn’t to do any lifting, she headed upstairs.


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