Book Read Free

Billy's Move

Page 12

by Karen Clow

  “Well what did you reckon of the two likely lads then Shaun,” asked Terry. “You were right; I think they’d been sent. At first I thought maybe they were just passing through, but then when I asked a couple of things I noticed them look at each other. One thing that struck me as strange was when I told them I’d had an accident; neither of them asked what I’d done. How many people would do that unless they already knew, still I sent them the message that next time I’ll be waiting. If we’re right about them no doubt they’ll be relaying that back, right about now!” “Alright if I get my dogs out the van Shaun,” said Reggie. “Aye, let’s take silly bollocks with us then.” Shaun looked round the pub for Murphy; he wasn’t surprised to see him sitting next to a regular customer who was feeding him crisps. Walking to the door with Reg he whistled and said, “Murphy, come here.” Reluctantly the dog followed him, but only after being given another crisp.

  They left Terry serving the bar as they went outside with Murphy. Shaun was impressed as Reggie’s dogs jumped out the van and sat motionless next to him, despite Murphy’s playful attempts to get their attention. Walking them round the car park to get acquainted before going back into the pub, Reggie’s dog behaved impeccably, even Ann was surprised how obedient the dogs were; and even Murphy appeared to do as Reggie told him. “Perhaps while you’re here Reggie, you can train him, the bugger loves being off the lead on the common but he won’t come back,” said Ann. Reggie unexpectedly cracked a joke and replied, “You keep making cheese and onion rolls like this one Ann and I’ll have him doing your shopping by next week!” “You’re on Reggie, good luck you’ll need it, he’s as stubborn as Shaun!” “No trouble he’ll be a pussy cat then!” They all laughed as Shaun said, “Aye, but I’m a tiger!”


  Maria, Jess and Billy had spent the entire morning at the cottage, just checking the last minute things like the gas and electricity supply had been turned on. It was just after midday when the doorbell rang and Maria surprised them by saying, “That’ll be the shopping” Asking Billy to bring it in, she grinned at Jess and said, “Well you can’t have a house warming party without food and drink! Its Mickey’s treat, we ordered it on line days ago.” Jess looked shocked at the amount of bags Billy kept bringing through to the kitchen. “God Maria what has he bought, there’s only a few people coming tomorrow!” “Ah well, we just thought that once you’re living here Billy is bound to keep popping in and as you know it’s usually at meal times! So we bought you a few extra bits and pieces, just some things for the freezer and the stock cupboard.” “Thank you, I was going to get some things tomorrow. I really appreciate everything you’ve done; but I’ll never be able to repay you!” “Good because you don’t owe us anything, now come on lets get this lot put away!”

  It was almost time to pick the twins up from school by the time they returned to the house. They had left the four babies under the watchful eyes of Mickey and George who was staying with them because of working the club at night. Den and Mary had driven into Ashford to pick out some carpets for the annex which was almost at completion. Jess had made all the soft furnishings that Mary had wanted, Den had just gone along with her choice of colours and styles. Maria kissed Mickey and thanked them for having the kids. Jess hugged him and thanked him for the food supplies he bought for her. Winking at her he replied, “You’re welcome Jess; we will expect a dinner invitation from time to time though!” “Of course, you’ll be my first official guests.” “Now we’ve got to collect the girls from school.” George interrupted and suggested that he and Billy could collect them. Mickey didn’t argue, he was glad for five minutes peace now Maria was home. “Shall I make a pot of tea and then I can sit and drink mine while you girls watch the kids,” said Mickey jokingly.” “As you’ve been so good today I think we’ll allow that, won’t we Jess?” Smiling she replied, “Oh I think we can let him have a cup of tea!”

  During her time living there everyone had noticed how Jess had come out of her shell; apart from when she met strangers she was bubbly, confident and obviously happy. She was even wearing make up and styling her hair on a near daily basis, although Maria did think it was probably for Billy’s benefit. Looking over at Maria, Mickey said, “Oh by the way babe a letter came for you while you were at the cottage, it’s on the hall table.”

  Walking into the hall she spotted the letter, it looked official. The most surprising thing was that it was addressed in her maiden name of Davis. Taking it back into the kitchen she sat down to open it. Mickey could tell instantly that something was wrong by the look on her face as she read it. “Everything alright babe,” he asked. Without answering him she passed him the letter. Spending a few minutes reading it before he looked at her and said, “Well that’s a bolt from the blue babe, what do you want to do about it?” “I’m not sure, what do you think, show it to Jess.” Passing it across to her, as she took it she said, “Are you sure you want me to read it Maria?” Still in a state of shock Maria replied, “Of course, it’s probably the wrong Maria Davis anyway!” After hearing that, Jess was curious to read it. Handing it back to Maria after reading it she said, “Well it couldn’t do any harm to check it out, could it?” Mickey piped in, “She’s right babe, call that number, there’s probably someone there now, those places normally open till four.” “You’re right it’ll only eat at me if I don’t and it’s probably for another Maria Davis, pour me a tea please Jess, I’ll do it now!” Carefully she dialled the number on the top of the letter, it rang a couple of times then a voice said, “Good afternoon Annette speaking, do you know the extension you require?” “Oh hello, I’m not sure, I’ve received a letter today saying that someone who thinks I might be his sister is trying to trace me.” “I’ll put you through, the person you need to speak to is Glenda Weeks, just connecting you now” Maria heard the phone ringing as Annette cut in and said, “Sorry still trying to connect you.” Before Maria could reply another voice said, “Glenda Weeks how can I help you?” Maria told her what she had already told Annette. Then she was asked to give the reference number at the top of the page. “Won’t keep you a moment,” said Glenda.

  Nervously Maria waited; she could hear a computer keyboard being used. “Yes I’ve got the gentleman’s details in front of me,” said Glenda. “He’s been trying to find you for some time; we are an independent agency, although we work very closely with other agencies, but before I can give you any information I’m afraid I will need to verify some details. She went on to ask Maria her date of birth, the town or city where she was born, all those type of things. Finally she said, “Well it looks like we’ve got the right Maria Davies. The young man has given us the same information regarding your date of birth, along with other delicate material. Do you mind me asking you Maria where you were raised and how you came to be there.” Without hesitation she replied, “I was raised at St Augustus orphanage because I was left on the steps of the church.” “I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m now convinced that we have the correct Maria Davis. Now there are ways you can act on this Maria, firstly you do not have to correspond with this gentleman if you don’t wish to. We will simply say we have been unable to find you, or that you do not wish to correspond. Another option is that you agree to us contacting him on your behalf, which means he won’t have a contact address for you. Finally we can give you an address for him, but then we are at liberty to tell him that we’ve found you. I know it’s a lot to take in Maria, if you would like to come in to our offices and talk to one of our councillors I can arrange that for you, or if you prefer you can talk it over with family or friends and get back to us, but I would advise you take your time before making any decision.” When Maria didn’t answer Glenda said, “Are you alright Maria?” Tearfully she replied, “Yes I’m fine, a bit shocked though.” Mickey moved over to sit next to her and put his arm around her. “Maybe you should give yourself some time,” said Glenda, “I’ll give you another reference number so that if you call back you won’t have to answer all those question
s again.” “Thank you, but can I ask you something?” “I’m not really supposed to give any personal information out, but what did you want to ask?” “Would you be able to tell me how old he is and I don’t expect you to tell me where, but have I ever lived near him?” Sympathetically Glenda replied, “That’s something a lot of people ask, you’d be amazed how many siblings have lived unknown to each other for years, just a few streets away, but I will tell you he lives in America and he’s twenty two. I shouldn’t really have said anything but your information is a perfect match. Let me give you some advice Maria, think about it over the weekend, you can call back on Monday.” With tears rolling down her cheeks she thanked Glenda and said she would call Monday.” She was visibly shaking as she told the others what had been said. Mickey as always was her rock, always the husband first and then the solicitor. Hugging her as she cried he said, “Drink your tea babe, it’ll calm you down.”

  Billy and George returned from school, Melanie ran straight over to Maria with a concerned look and asked why she was crying. Billy and George felt awkward; they both looked relieved when Mickey said, “Mummy’s fine girls, why don’t you and the others take the babies into the play room, while I cheer mummy up.” Then he smiled at Jess and said, “You can tell Billy and George.” “Tell them what, why mummy’s crying,” asked Madeline. Grinning at her he replied, “Nosey I was talking about the party Jess is having tomorrow at the cottage, now go on, help Jess look after the babies.” He winked at Jess as the twins ran ahead into the playroom; she knew he was giving her the nod to tell the others Maria’s news discreetly.

  Alone with Maria he said, “Are you ok babe?” “Oh Mickey do you think it’s a mistake?” “I don’t know babe what did the woman say?” Maria explained that the information matched perfectly. “Well then I doubt it’s a mistake babe, how do you feel about it?” Squeezing his hand she replied, “Terrified, excited, shocked, I don’t really know! Do you think my mother is still alive, maybe he moved to the States as an adult?” Mickey could see that she was becoming agitated. Calmly he held her and said, “Calm down babe, if you want to pursue this we will, we can talk about it over the weekend. Up until half an hour ago you didn’t know you had a brother so another couple of days aren’t going to make to much difference.” Nodding her head and smiling, she knew he was right but her head was full of questions. “Do you think he looks like me; I wonder if he’s tall or short, what if he’s not very nice?” Reassuringly he kissed her cheek and said, “There’ll be no living with you till we find out will there, ring that woman back, tell her you want them to mediate between you.” Throwing her arms around him she kissed him. Mickey dialled the number and asked for Glenda Weeks. When she answered he passed the phone to Maria. Excitedly she told Glenda what they’d decided. “I had a feeling I’d hear from you before Monday, I’ll send it out this afternoon I have an e-mail address, so we should hear back from him quite quickly. Can I contact you by e- mail, it speeds the process up.” “Of course,” said Maria then she gave her their e-mail address. “Hopefully I’ll be in touch soon, have a nice weekend,” said Glenda as she ended the call. Shaking and crying she looked at Mickey and said, “What if he’s changed his mind about contacting me?” “Babe, she said he’s been trying for some time, you’ll hear from him. Now come on wipe your face before Madeline comes back out, or we’ll never hear the last of it if she thinks I’ve upset you!”

  Later that night when all the kids had gone to bed, all Maria talked about was having a brother. She even asked George to tell Monica when he called her, despite her coming down the next day. Even when they went to bed that night she was still talking about him. Mickey joked and said, “If the agency doesn’t get back to you within a week, I’ll send Lenny to the States to track him down!” Giggling she cuddled up to him and said, “I know I’m driving you mad, but I still can’t believe it!”Lovingly he looked at her and said, “Whoever he is, this brother of yours is one lucky bloke.” Leaning across him she kissed him lovingly. When they stopped, he raised his eyebrow, grinned and said, “Now unless I’m mistaken that kiss was your way of trying to entice me into having sex with you!” Tickling him she replied, “It was no such thing, it’s just that you’ve got a dirty mind!” “I know and a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!” Within a second their hands were all over each other, the desire they had for one another was as strong as when they first married. It wasn’t long before they were in the full throes of passionate sex. Mickey fell asleep within ten minutes of cuddling up to her, but Maria was awake most of the night; she couldn’t stop thinking about her brother.

  Saturday morning started early with the arrival of Monica. Embracing Maria as she entered the house she said, “George told me about your brother, are you excited?” “Terrified is probably a more accurate description,” said Maria. Neither of them had noticed George standing behind them in the hallway. When Monica eventually spotted him she walked towards him and said, “Hi darling, I’ve missed you.” Then she planted a smacker on his lips. Grinning he replied, “I was beginning to wish I had a brother who was trying to find me!” Slapping him playfully she said, “Oh Georgie are you jealous because I didn’t kiss you first!” Pulling a face he jokingly replied, “Actually I was, and darling what have I said about calling me Georgie!” With a humorous sarcasm she replied, “But it suits you so well, sweetie!” Grabbing her playfully he tickled her, only stopping when he realised the boys weren’t with her. “Where are the kids? Did you leave them at home for the weekend,” he joked. “Yes darling, I left them at home, thought it would be nice for us to spend some quality time together,” replied Monica sarcastically. “Ok sarky, so where are they then?” “They spotted the twins with Jess and Billy on their way to the stables, so I would hazard a guess that’s where they are!” “I’ll take a walk over to meet them, do you fancy coming with me?” Making him blush she replied, “Of course George, don’t I always come with you!” Everyone knew that it was a reference to sex, that’s why George had coloured up especially when she continued by saying, “Do you think we can have an early night, because I really have missed you!” Then she burst out laughing and said, “I’ll tell you what Maria, for an ex-copper he certainly gets embarrassed!” “So I see.” George could see that they were doing it on purpose, so he said, “On that note I think I’ll find my boys!” Both ladies laughed as Mickey appeared and said, “Did I miss something funny!” George grinned and said, “It’s my Mrs, she likes embarrassing me!” “Take no notice George; I don’t when they gang up on me!” Maria suggested both men going to meet the twins and the boys. Mickey was quite happy to leave the triplets with the ladies.

  As soon as they left, Monica asked where Mary and Den were. Laughing Maria replied, “In the annex, poor Den, she’s got him in there organising the furniture.” “Have they moved in then?” “Almost, just a last few odds and ends to finish off, the decorators seem confident that it will be ready by Tuesday. What with Jess going this weekend and mum and dad on Tuesday, the house will seem empty.” Not being one to stand on ceremony Monica smiled and said, “Well if you fancy some more house guests, just let me know!” “Are you serious, I thought you were staying in your house until you exchange contracts on the new place?” “Ah, I take it George hasn’t told you?” “Told me what?” “The detective who’s buying our place has offered us five grand if we can move out within the next ten days! Which wouldn’t be a problem; if we could find somewhere suitable to rent but everything that’s been sent via the estate agents want us to sign a contract for six months. In theory we only need somewhere for about three weeks, the schools are all sorted and we could put the furniture in storage. Truth is we could really use that extra money, what with the club and the move, but it looks like we’ll have to use it for rent!” Maria smiled and said, “I’m sure Mickey won’t mind you staying here; let me ask him when they come back.” “Oh Maria I won’t say I wouldn’t be grateful, but it doesn’t seem fair.” Grinning she replied, “I have ways of talking him rou
nd, leave it with me!” “Thanks, we’d appreciate it, but we’ll understand if he doesn’t want us too.” With a sexy grin she replied, “He’ll be putty in my hands if we have an early night!” They both laughed as Monica said, “What happened to the quiet sweet, innocent Catholic girl that we all knew and loved!” “Oh she’s still here, but at night she changes!” Before they could say any more the others returned from the stables. They could hear the women laughing as they walked in. Mickey looked curious and said, “What did we miss then?” Maria grinned and replied, “Nothing I was just saying to Monica that we might have an early night!” Walking over to her and putting his arms around her waist he replied, “Now that sounds like an offer I can’t refuse, but its Jess’s party tonight!” “I know, which means the kids will be up later than normal, so they’ll be so tired when we bring them home about ten!” “Looks like she’s thought of everything Mickey, you’ll just have to suffer and go to bed early,” joked Billy. “And there was me thinking I’d be out drinking till the early hours, the things I have to sacrifice to keep my wife happy!” Everyone laughed. Maria winked at Monica as she said, “Shall I put the kettle on!”


  Tony didn’t get up that Saturday until after half ten; reason being he had stayed at Sweet Cheeks till three the previous night. Looking the worse for wear he walked into the kitchen. “Do you want me to cook you breakfast Tony, only Sophia is at her dance class and I’ve got to pick her up at midday,” said Belle. To her surprise he replied, “I’ll come with you, maybe we can all go out for lunch.” “The boys are out and I think Sophia has invited a friend round this afternoon, so I’ll have to pass on lunch, sorry.” Suffering from a hangover, angrily he snapped at her and said, “I can’t fucking win can I! You tell me that I don’t show enough interest in our family, yet when I want to take them out you tell me they’re fucking busy!” Intimidated and shocked by his sudden change of attitude she said, “If you had said something before, I could have arranged for them to be here but.” She stopped and changed the subject by asking him if he wanted coffee or orange juice, she could tell he was picking an argument when he said, “But what!” Trying to calm the growing tension between them she light heartedly replied, “Nothing, I can’t even remember what I was going to say.” Angrily he said, “Try, because I want to know!” “I can’t remember Tony, now what do you want to drink?” “I don’t want a fucking drink! I want you to tell me what you were going to say!” Although Tony wasn’t like a lot of his friends in respect of hitting women, there had been the odd occasion when he had lost control of his temper and slapped her about. Most of those times had been fuelled by drink and he had always deeply regretted it afterwards. She could feel that this was one of those times because he was fast losing his temper. Again she tried to pacify him by changing the subject and asking him about Shaun. Suddenly he stood up and grabbed her arm. Fearing him she said, “Please don’t Tony, I’m sorry about lunch!” Slapping her face he shouted, “Fuck the lunch tell me what you were going to say Belle!” Crying she asked him again to leave her alone. Slapping her again he said, “Fucking tell me then I’ll let you go!” Knowing that she would have to tell him she said, “Promise me you won’t hurt me Tony, promise!” “Just tell me Belle and we’ll forget all about it.” “I wasn’t going to say anything bad it’s just that.” She could feel his grip tightening on her arm as she continued, “The kids don’t normally see you at the weekends so they do their own thing you know what youngsters are like.” “So what you’re telling me that you and the kids have a better life without me!” Feeling angry that he had twisted her words she had a rush of courage and replied, “No! That is not what I said, but if you want the truth Tony I’ll tell you! They think you don’t love them. When was the last time you picked them up from school or watched the boys’ soccer team play, or asked how they are? Could you tell me where one of their friends live and when was the last time you rang Carlo! What’s happened to you Tony, I can remember when you loved taking them out, is it me, don’t you want to be married anymore. I feel as though I’m stopping you having the life you want, maybe there is someone else you want to be with and you’re punishing me and the children because of it! If that’s so Tony then leave, but tell your children that you love them! Something’s changed, I don’t know you anymore!” Physically trembling she stood there waiting for him to hit her again. Noticeably shocked by her words he let her go and just stood staring at her. After a few moments he said, “Do you and the kids hate me Belle?” Without hesitation she replied, “Hate you Tony, I love you and so do the kids, but we don’t know you anymore!” “Have I really changed that much Belle that you think I’m punishing you?” With tears rolling down her face she looked at him and said, “Yes Tony, that’s what I think. I would rather you were honest with me, if there’s someone else I won’t fight you, it hurts me to think that I make you so unhappy.” She had always loved and desired him, for her that would never change, he was the only man she’d ever slept with; it had been love at first sight. Yet as she looked at him she felt a sense of sadness. Standing there in his boxers and T shirt he looked his age, with his hair not combed and stubble from needing a shave. Hugging her he said, “Belle there isn’t anyone else and you could never make me unhappy, look at you; you would make any man happy.” “Tony please tell me what’s going on? I know something’s wrong. Just lately you keep snapping at me and the kids, whatever it is we can work it out.” Totally out of character he replied, “Look at me Belle, I’m a joke thinking I can still turn heads. I’m nearing sixty, losing my looks, my hair is turning grey and yet you’re still beautiful.” Kissing his cheek she replied, “You’re still handsome and to me you always will be. Women will always find you attractive, it’s just the way you are but no one will ever love you as much as I do.” Kissing her passionately he stunned her by saying, “Come back to bed with me Belle!” Smiling she said, “I can’t, I told you I’ve got to pick Sophia up in fifteen minutes.” Without answering her he picked up his phone from the table and called a number, when it connected he said, “Alright Shane I need you to do something for me. Sophia needs picking up at twelve from her dance class; Belle and me are in the middle of something can you get her for me?” Shane replied, “No problem is it the dance school down Chapel Road?” “Yeah that’s the one, do us a favour take her for a burger or something afterwards, we’ll be about an hour.” “Ok Tony, does she know I’m coming?” “No, but I’ll call her to let her know, cheers for this Shane catch you later.” After calling Sophia’s mobile he led Isabella up the stairs.


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