Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 25

by Karen Clow


  Maria and the ladies had decided to take all the kids out that afternoon to the village fete, which was held every year to raise funds for local charities. Harry was excited because he’d never been to one before. They were surprised when Mickey asked if he could join them. When Maria said, “I’d love you to; you can help with all the kids.” Billy said, “Maybe I’ll tag along as well, what about you George, are you coming?” Before he could reply Harry said excitedly, “Oh go on dad, Madeline said there’s games and everything!” Everyone burst into laughter as Maria joked and said, “George how can you possibly say no to that adorable little face, especially as it may be the only chance the kids get to throw wet sponges at you!” Looking serious he replied, “Wet sponges!” Mickey enlightened him by saying, “Yeah, I did it last year, you put your head through a hole and they pay to throw wet sponges at you!” “Sounds wonderful,” laughed George, “Well if I’ve got to do it, I think you and Billy should and Den, especially as he thinks it’s so funny!” “Now you know I would, but I’ve got the figures to sort out for the club,” said Den through his laughter.

  With the three men accompanying them they all left for the fete. In the car all Harry kept saying was “Mum will dad get soaked and how many goes can we have?” Trying to keep a straight face she replied, “As far as I know you can have as many goes as you like, luckily I’ve brought plenty of change with me.” George pinched her leg as he drove and said, “Thanks darling I’ll remember that!” Lovingly she ran her hand up his leg and replied, “I’ll make it up to you darling, because you’re such a great dad.” With a beaming grin he replied, “I’ll remember that as well!”

  No sooner had they parked their cars and made their way to the fete, when all the children asked where the water stocks were. Despite Maria suggesting that they waited until just before home time because the men may be soaked, the kids were adamant it was going to happen sooner rather than later. Her only consolation was that it was a warm sunny afternoon, which meant the dads would dry out quickly.

  Maria and the children were thrilled to see Father Benico; she invited him to walk round with them. Everyone noticed how Billy and Jess looked and acted like a family, with him carrying Becky, while she pushed the buggy, but still managing to hold hands. Even when the man selling the ice creams said jokingly to Becky, “There you go; I expect you’re going to have to share that with your dad.” Billy simply replied, “Yeah I think you may be right, it’s a bit big for her.” Maria felt happy for them and she had no doubt, if the relationship worked out, he would make a great dad.

  The highlight of the afternoon was when the three men were put in the stocks. Their kids thought it was great fun, throwing wet sponges at them, especially Harry and Madeline who kept asking for more money so they could have another go, even Father Benico paid for three goes, scoring a direct hit on Mickey.

  It was after five that afternoon when they headed back to their cars. It was as they approached theirs Billy nodded at George in the hope of letting him know that Hilary’s Range Rover was parked behind his car. George wasn’t the only one to see it; Mickey had clocked it as well. Without alarming the women all the men looked round to see if they could see her, fortunately she was no where in sight. Hoping that it was just a coincidence, they drove out onto the road, but it was as Billy followed Mickey’s car out, he suddenly became aware that he didn’t have any brakes. Had they have been travelling at speed someone could have been seriously injured as he ran into the back of Mickey’s people carrier.

  Once they assessed everyone was ok and the damage was minimal, George said, “Let’s push Billy’s car to one side so the other people leaving can pass. Then I think it would be a good idea if Jess and Becky travel back with Monica and the boys. We can call the break down service and get them to tow it to a garage. Then if we call, perhaps one of you could come back for us.” “No problem,” said Mickey, “just give us a bell when you’re ready.” When the others had left, Billy called the breakdown service while George looked round the car. Billy closed his phone and said, “They’ll be here within the hour, thanks for hanging about with me George.” Nodding his head he replied, “I’m no mechanic Billy, but it looks like your brake pipes were cut.” Instantly Billy looked angry as he replied, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” George nodded and said, “No one would have noticed her do it as she was parked behind you, they probably thought she’d dropped something and was looking for it, you should phone the police Billy. Today you were lucky, if she tries anything else, God only knows what might happen.” “I’ll do it when we get back; fuck knows what Jess will think.” “I wouldn’t worry too much about it she’ll understand.” “I fucking hope so George because I really like her.” “Well it’s bloody obvious she really likes you too! I must say today you looked like a regular family, it suited you Billy.” “Between me and you, I really like it. If I’m honest the times when I’m with them I feel as though Becky is mine, don’t ask me why.” Laughing George said “You’re saying that to the wrong man, I love my boys as though they were my own.” “Fuck me; I keep forgetting you’ve adopted them, they just seem to have always been around.” “Well they say you know when something is right, marrying Monica and adopting the boys is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” “Funnily enough George, I feel differently about Jess than anyone I’ve ever been out with. I can’t explain it mate, I think about her all the fucking time. I even imagine a future for us with a house and more kids.” Laughing out loud George said, “Oh dear Billy, that’s serious mate, when you feel that comfortable with someone you’re hooked!”

  Both men talked about their ladies and the kids. Then surprisingly Billy brought up the topic of Jess having been raped. George was quick to reply, “I think we all had a feeling that something wasn’t quite right, perhaps if you and Jess really make a go of it, she’ll tell you. If she does then we’ll decide what action, if any, to take although I must say it looks as though you’ve restored her faith in men.” Before Billy could reply the breakdown truck pulled in. Fifteen minutes later as the truck left, Mickey arrived to drive them back to the house.

  Jess greeted Billy and George as they pulled up at the house. Smiling at her as he approached Billy said, “Alright babe, they’ve taken the car to the garage, hopefully I’ll get it back in a couple of days. George thinks the break pipes had been cut and I will tell you, Hilary’s Range Rover was parked next to us when we came out.” The expression on her face changed from happy to concerned, as she replied, “Oh God, do you think she was hoping we’d have an accident?” George interrupted and said, “We don’t know what she was hoping to achieve, or that it was her, but it’s looking very suspicious, I think we should call the police.” Jess nodded and replied, “I could understand her trying to hurt me, but why would she want to hurt Billy if she wants him back?” “Because if she can’t have him, she doesn’t want anyone else to,” said George. Aware that she was concerned Billy said, “Let’s just wait and see what the garage says; they’re going to call me Monday morning. What do you think George can we wait till then to call the Old Bill?” Shrugging his shoulders he replied, “It’s up to you two, but I can’t imagine her trying anything while you’re both staying here.” Glancing at Jess, Billy continued, “Shall we leave it till Monday then babe?” She nodded. Despite Jess agreeing with him about waiting to call the police, she laid awake all night thinking about the threat Hilary posed to Becky.

  First thing Sunday morning Mickey and his dad drove over to check on the cottage, leaving George and Billy sleeping because they’d had a late night working at the club. Happy to find the cottage still locked up and no sign of any foul play, they headed back to the house, but both men noticed that Jess looked worried as they entered the house. Smiling Mickey said, “No need to look so worried babe, everything was fine.” It was almost midday when Jess suggested waking Billy up, especially as George had been downstairs for over an hour. Maria joked and said, “Take him up a cup of tea
and tell him that lunch will be ready in forty five minutes that usually gets him out of bed!” Everyone laughed.

  He was stirring as Jess tapped on the door and entered. Smiling she said, “Good morning, I thought I’d better call you as it’s nearly lunch time.” Waiting until she’d placed the tea down on the bedside cabinet he reached out to take her hand. Sitting down on the bed she said, “Mickey’s driven over to the cottage and everything was ok.” “I didn’t expect him to do that, you could have called me and I would have gone.” “I don’t think he minded he knew you didn’t get back till really late last night.” “Well I’m glad he did, because it meant you could come and wake me up, where’s Becky?” “She’s asleep, that fete yesterday wore her out.” Pulling her over to him he kissed her and said, “So you haven’t got to rush off back downstairs then?” Grinning she replied, “Won’t they wonder where I’ve got too?” Lifting the duvet he replied, “I’m sure they’ll know we’re taking a minute to ourselves, so get in here and give me a proper kiss!” Although she still wasn’t confident about sex, she felt relaxed with him and truth was she loved every minute of the affection he showed her. Pulling the duvet over her he said, “I should warn you I’m always horny when I wake up.” Trying to come to terms with the feelings she had for him and wanting to say the right things, she replied, “You’ve just got a dirty mind, and I’ve got my clothes on!” Pushing her over onto her back he tugged at her T shirt to lift it over her head, as he replied, “Well we can soon sort that out.” A few seconds after removing her top, he had his hand up her skirt pulling her panties down. “Billy are you sure no one will come in?” she asked nervously. Rolling over so that he was lying between her legs he smiled and replied, “I’m sure. Fuck me I want you so bad, are you ok with that?” Nodding; she lifted her head to kiss him. Slowly he entered her taking his time because he could tell that although she wanted him, she was still a little apprehensive. After a few moments she was gripping his buttocks and pushing him further into her, he knew she was coming, especially when she said, “Oh God Billy my head’s going funny again,” without answering her he thrust himself harder into her and came with her.

  Several minutes later lying there next to him feeling totally relaxed and satisfied, she said, “Billy why does my head go funny? Actually it’s not just my head; I get this strange, but fantastic sensation everywhere really!” Rolling over and propping himself up on his elbow, he looked down upon her and jokingly said, “Different women babe, some scream and shout, I have been known to drive some into a frenzy, but I think it’s because the blood rushes to your head, I’ve heard some women experience that. I’m just glad you seem to be enjoying it!” He could tell by the way she was looking at him that she was thinking about something. “Everything ok babe,” he asked lovingly. She looked embarrassed as she replied, “I can’t believe it happens to me, I never thought I’d want a man anywhere near me, I can’t understand why I feel like this.” Kissing her he replied, “Because its right babe, that’s why.” “Maybe you’re right, I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s because of you.” Lying back down next to her he said, “I’m sorry about all this hassle with Hilary.” “It’s not your fault Billy; I’m more worried about Becky than myself.” “I know babe, but I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you and it will be different once we go home. We’ll have our own space and you can wake me up every morning like this!” With a look of curiosity she stared at him. Smiling at her he said, “What?” Slightly embarrassed she replied, “You said, when we go home what did you mean?” “Sorry babe I’m getting a bit ahead of my self ain’t I?” “No I think us about us being together, but I never say anything because I know you have lots of girls!” Looking serious he replied, “Did have lots of girls before I met you babe, but that’s changed now, you bring out the best in me. I suppose what I’m trying to say is, I’ve thought about living with you and Becky, but I didn’t want to scare you off by moving to quick and believe me babe, this hasn’t happened to me before. The last woman I lived with I dated for over a year, even then I wasn’t sure about the commitment!” “I think the same, I worried you’d think I’m being too possessive, but I love being with you.” So shall I move in then?” With her heart beating faster she replied, “Yes, but what do you think people will say and?” She stopped before she finished the sentence. Billy waited a few moments then said, “And what babe?” Feeling her cheeks blushing she couldn’t give him eye contact as she said, “And I thought people had to be in love before they made that big a decision. I’m not really sure how you feel about me Billy?” “I love you babe, you’ve had an effect on me that no one has ever had before, and yesterday George said you know when something’s right. I thought about it and he was right. As for what other people might think, I couldn’t care less; it’s what you think that’s important. I know it’s quick, but it’s not as though we’ve only just met, is it? I just know I want to be with you babe.” He stopped to kiss her then with a huge grin on his face continued, “Although before you agree to taking me on permanently, I think I should warn you. I work very unsociable hours, I’m horny most of the time, prone to jealousy and I intend having loads of kids!” Overwhelmed with excitement, she replied, “I love you Billy and I’d like to have lots of babies with you.” Kissing her again before replying, “So looks like I’ll be moving in then, I’ll tell the others later if that’s ok with you?” Just as she was about to reply, Mickey’s voice called out, “Oye you pair of love birds, lunch is ready!”

  Scrambling out of the bed Jess said, “Oh God, I’ve been up here for ages, everyone is bound to know what we’ve been doing!” Laughing he replied, “Oh I think they’ll have a pretty good idea babe!”

  Five minutes later they walked hand in hand into the kitchen. Jess went as red as a beetroot as Mickey jokingly said, “We were beginning to wonder what he was doing to you Jess!” In the hope of covering her embarrassment but in fact increasing it, Billy said, “I tried to get her to come straight back down Mick, but you know what its like when you sleep naked, she just couldn’t keep her hands off me!” Monica interrupted and said, “If you expect us to believe that Billy you must really think we’re thick! Don’t let it worry you Jess, these men thrive on thinking they’re irresistible and us women can’t live without them, when in truth it’s them who can’t do without us!” Billy piped in and said, “Monica what are you saying, that I’m not God’s gift to women!” Before she could reply, Mickey cut in and said, “No, you can’t be Billy; because I am!” Everyone laughed as Maria sarcastically said, “Oh lucky us, surrounded by Gods gifts to women! Eat your lunch Mickey before I get the doctor to pop over and check you over!”

  The rest of the day was spent just watching the kids ride their ponies and playing with the dogs. After dinner Monica and George left for London, it would be the last time they would have to make the trip because from Wednesday they would be moving in at Mickey’s. Even more excited than his mum and dad was Harry, simply because he didn’t have to start his new school until the following week which meant he could ride his pony every day while he was there.

  Waving out to the twins he called, “See you on Wednesday.” Maria, grinned at Mickey and said, “I think he’s a bit excited, don’t you?” Nodding his head and smiling he said, “It’s hard to imagine the naughty little boy who had no confidence, when we first met him. George and Monica have been the making of him; he’s turning into a nice young lad and he’s certainly bright, even Georgie is so much more confident and independent the way he chatters on now, his speech is so much better” Placing his arm around her as they headed back to the front door he joked and said, “Well babe from midweek the house will be full again, so if you want to practice any weird sexual things that create a lot of noise, you’ve only got a couple of days!” Pinching him playfully she joked and replied, “What did you have in mind darling, I’m open to offers!” “Ooh let me think, how about something leather? Tight, raunchy, and kinky of course” She knew he was referring to the hot pants and strapping
she’d worn before. Grinning she said, “I suppose we could have an early night, once the kids are settled; especially now the triplets have their own room.” “Eight o’clock then, see you in bed.” Laughing she replied, “You’ll be lucky, ten at the earliest.” Glancing at his watch he joked, “Only three hours, I think I can hold out till then.”


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