Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 26

by Karen Clow

  By eight all the kids were sound asleep. Mary and Den were just about to return to the annex, having stayed for dinner and then helping with the kids and the clearing up. Billy surprised them by saying, “Actually me and Jess have got something to tell you all, so if you don’t mind staying for a minute!” Intrigued Mary said, “Sounds ominous, of course we can stay.” As the six adults sat in the lounge having a drink, Billy said, “This may come as a bit of a surprise, but I’m moving in with Jess. Now I know you’re all probably thinking it’s a bit quick, but we both want it and we just feel it’s the right thing to do.” Jess sat quietly waiting for someone to say something, she felt relieved when Maria broke the silence and said, “I’m not surprised. I’ve thought you two were right for each other from day one, and if it’s what you both want I’m really happy for you. ”Mary piped in and jokingly said, “Oh how times have changed, in my day women were courted for months if not years and then we got married.” Den laughingly said, “If your dad had known I’d had my wicked way with you before we married, he’d have chopped my knob off!” Everyone laughed. Mickey asked Billy when he was moving. Before replying he glanced over at Jess and said, “If it’s ok with you two we’ll hang on here for a few more days, just until we know Hilary has got the message.” “I think that’s a good idea, tomorrow we’ll know whether or not your car was sabotaged. What are you going to do if the pipes were cut?” “We’ll go to the police, although personally I’d like to pay her a visit with a fucking shot gun!” Maria felt concerned at the degree of anger Billy displayed. Sounding serious she said, “If it was deliberate with your brakes Billy, just let the police handle it. I wouldn’t want you doing something you’ll live to regret.” Realising she was concerned, he calmly replied, “Don’t worry babe, I wouldn’t give her the fucking satisfaction, but we had Becky in the car; if we’d have been travelling at speed we could have been killed. Regardless of what she may think of me and Jess, she stepped over the line. What if I’d used my car to take the twins to school, it doesn’t bear thinking about.” Before Maria could answer Mickey said, “Rest assured Billy if that had happened and anything happened to my kids, Hilary would now be dead.” Maria was just about to tell him off for saying such a thing, when Den echoed, “Too fucking right, there’s only one cure for a psycho and that’s a fucking bullet!”

  When Den and Mary returned to the annex just after nine, Jess was happy to change the topic regarding Hilary by saying, “I know Becky will love it when Billy lives with us.” Like her, Maria was also happy to talk about something other than Hilary, so without hesitation she replied, “Well I don’t think there’s any doubt he’ll make an excellent dad.” Billy grinned and said, “I’d like to think so.” They talked about him living with Jess and Becky until just after ten. Then Mickey suggested him and Maria turning in.

  The others stayed down stairs talking. No sooner had they heard Mickey close his bedroom door when Billy grabbed Jess and kissed her. When they stopped he said, “Now we’re going to be living together can I sleep in your room tonight?” Giggling she replied, “No Billy, I’d be so embarrassed; it just wouldn’t seem right in Maria’s house.” Because he was feeling horny he wasn’t about to give up, pulling a sad face he said, “Oh please I’m frightened sleeping on my own.” Laughing she replied, “No that won’t work Billy.” Well aware she wouldn’t budge he grinned said, “Ok then, I’ll just have to settle for another kiss.” They kissed passionately. She could tell he was aroused, especially when he ran his hand up her top and groped her breast, but before he could go any further she sat up and said, “I think it’s time for bed.” “Sounds good to me babe.” Shaking her head and smiling she said, “You know I meant, in our own beds!” Finally he agreed to turn in for the night.

  Twenty minutes after going to bed, Mickey was still waiting for her to come out of the en-suite. As she opened the door and walked towards him, he just laid there staring at her. “Sorry I’ve been so long it’s these chest straps, they’re so fiddly I almost gave up,” said Maria as she got in next to him. “Fuck me babe you look so fucking sexy. I thought I was going to come when you came out of the bathroom!” Lovingly she replied, “I’m glad I still have that effect on you, maybe it was worth all the struggling to get into this?”Playing with her nipples as they protruded through the leather he said, “Oh believe me babe, it was definitely worth it.” Leaning over him she opened the bedside draw and took out a pair of stockings. Then grabbing his arms she pulled them above his head and said, “As you like this sort of thing so much, we should do it properly. Now spread your arms so I can tie you to the bedstead, then I’ll be having my wicked way with you.” Doing as she’d asked, he waited until she leaned over him then he playfully bit her nipple. Once he was secured she seductively ran her tongue over his body before gently biting him. His pulse was racing as her head approached his cock, especially when she flicked her tongue over it several times before teasingly biting it. “Babe, take me in your mouth, this is fucking torture, I want it so bad!” Ignoring him she continued flicking her tongue over him, making him wait several more minutes before finally taking him in her mouth. Neither of them was surprised when he came quite quickly. Expecting him to want to sleep, she untied him, but to her surprise he pulled her tight onto him and said, “Lie on your back babe and put your arms up!” Without hesitating she did as he’d asked.

  After tying her by the wrists to the bed, he slowly made his way down her body with his tongue, until he was kneeling between her legs pulling her hot pants off.

  Just like she had done with him he teased her for ages, when he knew she was at boiling pitch he flicked his tongue hard onto her clit. Unable to hold back her delight, she let out a high pitched sound and like him she didn’t last very long, within seconds she was coming. Moving his body over her as his tongue found her mouth they kissed passionately. It was when she said, “Untie me darling, he grinned and said, “Who said I’ve finished?” Getting off the bed he walked over to the wardrobe and took out a box from the shelf, it was the box they kept sex toys in, which was well out of reach from the twins. Selecting a vibrator he headed back towards her and grinning said, “Look what I’ve got for you.” To begin with he ran it tenderly over her body, before moving it seductively up to her mouth where he gently pushed it against her lips and then watched as she flicked her tongue across the top. Slowly he pushed it into her mouth and watched as she simulated oral sex with it.

  After a few moments he stopped and gently ran it down between her breasts and over her tummy. Then kneeling between her legs, he slowly guided it into her before turning the vibration on. Slowly and deliberately he moved it inside her, watching as her body writhed and arced the nearer she came to another orgasm.

  Across the landing Jess was drifting into a deep sleep when she thought she heard her door open. Snuggling back down under the duvet, she quickly put it down as her imagination. A few seconds later she jumped as she felt the duvet lift from her. Quickly rallying her senses she became aware that Billy was lying next to her. Keeping her voice down, so as not to wake Becky, she told him off. Pretending to wake up, he opened his eyes and said, “What are you doing in my room babe?” Throwing him a look of disbelief she replied, “Very funny, this is my room Billy and you’re in my bed!” Trying not to laugh he said, “Fuck me babe I must have been sleep walking.” Giggling she pinched him and said, “Back to your room Billy!” Pulling her down onto him, he kissed her then said, “Well now I’m here, couldn’t we have a cuddle?” Despite knowing that she should say no, she wanted to snuggle up to him, so she smiled and said, “Five minutes and I mean it.” Without wasting a moment his hands were all over her as they kissed. Lifting her night shirt he began touching her intimately and regardless of what she’d said, within seconds he was making love to her, thrusting into her he said, “Fuck me babe, I’ve never wanted anyone so much and knowing you were just across the hall I couldn’t help myself! I tried to get to sleep, but I wanted you so bad I could fucking taste you!” Ly
ing in his arms after sex she said, “Did you mean that Billy about never wanting anyone so much?” “Yeah I did, I can’t explain the effect you’re having on me babe, tell you the truth it’s fucking worrying!” “What do you mean worrying; if you’re not really sure about moving in we can wait.” “That’s just it babe, I’ve never been so sure about anything. My lovely mum always used to say, you’ll meet the right girl one day Billy boy and when you do you’ll know it, well she was right!” Stroking her hair as she pushed her head into his chest, he said, “You ok babe?” Nervously she replied, “I’m terrified Billy.” “Terrified of what?” “That you’ll get fed up with me because I don’t know how to do things when it comes to sex. I love it when we’re together and the things you do to me, which I never imagined I would, but it would be easy for you to meet someone else. Whereas me, I wouldn’t even look at another man, because I know I only want to be with you.” Lifting her head with his hand he looked at her and lovingly replied, “I’m terrified too babe, for the first time in my life I actually know what I want. I’m worried that things will change between us when you get more confident. Let’s face it babe, in theory I’m almost old enough to be your dad. You’re seventeen and I’m nearly thirty five, but I just know I want to be with you. Since we’ve been going serious I haven’t so much as looked at a bird down the club, which believe me is worrying!” Listening to what he’d said, she did something that really shocked him. Just after he’d kissed her she looked at him and said, “When we move back home, there are things I want to try, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do them.” Curiously he said, “Like what?” “I’d like to try and give you a blow job.” Grinning he jokingly replied, “Fuck me babe, I thought you was going to say something like smoke a fucking joint!” He noticed she didn’t laugh and went very quiet. Thinking he may have upset her he quickly added, “I’d really like you to do that with me. In fact there are lots of things we can try if you want to. I want you to get as much pleasure from sex as I do.” He wasn’t happy when she said, “As long as you’re happy it doesn’t matter about me.” “Yes it fucking does, sex is a two way street babe; I want us both to enjoy it.” “I do enjoy it; you’re very good at it.” “So are you babe, so just imagine how good it’s going to get. Maybe I’d better get my batman costume dry cleaned, just in case you get really horny and want me to swing from the lights!” Pinching him, he made a high pitched noise which made Becky stir. “Sshh, you’ll wake her, I think you should go back to your room now, its really late,” said Jess. Grinning he replied “That’s typical of a woman, now you’ve used my body you’re asking me to leave.” Giggling she tried to reason with him, asking him again to leave, but as he pleaded with her to let him stay, Becky stirred again. Cuddling up to her he whispered in her ear, “If I get up now she’s going to wake up, so let’s just snuggle up till she goes off again.”

  Across the hall Mickey and Maria were lying cuddled up together, totally exhausted from their love making. When she suggested getting some sleep Mickey replied, “Yeah I’m knackered, but I wanted to tell you, Billy thinks you know who raped Jess.” Sitting up instantly she replied, “Oh no Mickey, you didn’t tell him did you?” Pulling her back down he said, “Of course not, but I think it might be an idea for Jess to. Maybe you could have a word with her, she might just listen to you babe.” Smiling she nodded her head then kissed him as she said, “Goodnight stud, see you in the morning.”

  Maria was the first one up the following morning; she’d left Mickey in bed when she brought the triplets down just before seven. Half an hour later he joined her in the kitchen after Madeline had gone into his bedroom and jumped on the bed, which had ended with both girls having a pillow fight with him. The ruckus had woken Becky up across the hall. Jess stirred as Becky made a noise and quickly noticed that Billy was still in her bed. Waking him quietly she told him she was going downstairs and that he should return to his room before anyone saw him. In a state of half sleep he nodded and said, “Ok.”

  Maria was cooking breakfast when the intercom from the gate buzzed. “I’ll get it babe, “said Mickey. After speaking to the caller he said, “It was the postman with a letter that needs to be signed for, I’ll walk down to the gate because he sounded a bit nervous that the dogs are out.” Excitedly Maria replied, “Do you think it could be the letter from the agency about my brother?” “I have no idea babe, so the sooner I go and get it the sooner we’ll find out.” Trying not to think about the letter, Maria said to Jess, “So you and Billy are going to live together, are you excited?” Raising her eyebrows she nodded and replied, “I can’t wait, but do you think I’m doing the right thing Maria?” Concerned that her friend was even asking that question, she replied, “Why Jess, aren’t you?” Without hesitation she replied, “I love him, but I’m worried he won’t stay with me and it’s not just about me is it, Becky would be devastated.” “Why don’t you think he’ll stay with you?” Looking a bit embarrassed she replied, “He’s had so many women, I can’t understand why he wants me.” “I can, I really don’t think he would commit to living with you if he hadn’t thought about it. In fact I think he loves you because you’re the way you are, he knows you’re not like most girls and make no mistake Jess, when it comes to looks you could hold your own with anyone.” Feeling reassured by her friend’s words she smiled and said, “Thanks Maria.”

  The back door opened and Mickey walked in. Smiling he held the letter out and said, “It’s for you babe.” The name on the envelope read Mrs M Mann. Nervously she opened it. Inside were two more envelopes which were sealed, the name on one read ‘Maria Davis.’ The other read ‘Maria read this one first.’ Beginning to shake she said, “Oh Mickey.” “Open it babe.” Jess fed the kids while Mickey sat at the table with Maria as she opened the first letter. She passed it to him and said, “You read it, I’m too nervous.”

  Taking the letter out he began reading it aloud, “Hi Maria, at last we’ve found you. I’m so excited, there are so many things I wanted to write, but I thought it best to just say the things I thought you’d want to know, so here goes. Finding out about you was a shock, as mum never told any of us until she knew she was dying. I wish she had, so we could have met sooner. The other letter for you is from mum, I never opened it so I don’t know what she’s written. I want to tell you about us, I’m the oldest of three boys, I’m twenty our brothers are Samuel seventeen and Thom who’s sixteen. I have recently joined the Marine Corps, following in my dads footsteps; I think I’m going to love it. I would love to meet you one day if I come to England, but I’ll leave the decision of contact to you as I can only try to imagine how you might feel knowing you have three half brothers and a stepfather. Only my dad knows I’ve managed to find you, the boys will be told if you make contact. By the time you receive this I’ll be back at the training base so if you want to you can e-mail me. My only regret is that mum never got to see you and tell you that she loved you. I truly hope to hear from you. Kindest regards to you Maria love, Benjamin Washington (Buzz.)” By the time Mickey finished reading it the tears were streaming down her face. Gently touching her hand he said, “Are you ok babe?” unable to answer she nodded her head. Mickey asked Jess to pour her a cup of tea, as she drank it she became more composed. Picking the letter up from the table she glanced over it and said, “Buzz must be his nick name.” Just as Mickey was about to answer Billy appeared. Looking at Maria he noticed she was crying “Morning all is everything ok?” Jess replied and said, “Fine, Maria’s had a letter from her brother, will you run the twins to school?” “Of course babe.” Mickey interrupted and said, “That’s ok Billy, I can take them.” “No worries Mick, you stay with Maria.” “Cheers mate,” then he looked at Maria and said, “Shall I ask mum to come over and give Jess a hand, then we can go upstairs and read the letter from your mum.” She nodded.

  Thirty minutes later Billy was leaving with the twins and Mary had come round to help Jess with the babies. Mickey and Maria made their way upstairs.

utching the letter from her mum, she sat down on the bed next to him and passing it over asked him to read it. With the letter in one hand and the other holding her he began reading. “My darling Maria, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and believe me when I say I never wanted to give you up. There are things you should have been told years ago; I only hope it’s not too late. I have prayed every day for God to keep you safe and give you the wonderful life you deserve. There is no easy way for me to describe the circumstances of why I abandoned you, but I have lived with the guilt every day of my life since. I was just turned sixteen when I had you, I want you to understand that things were very different then. My father left us when I was three, my mother didn’t cope and took his leaving out on me, she was very cruel and controlling, especially when she drank too much, which was most of the time. When I left school I got a job as a nanny for a rich family. I looked after their two children. When the wife went into hospital due to complications with her third pregnancy because it was twins, her husband turned his attentions to me. I knew it was wrong, but never in my young life had I experienced any form of affection and stupidly I thought this man loved me. When I told him I was pregnant he threw me out. I had no one to turn to, so I returned to my mother’s. I knew she would make me have an abortion so I never told her I was pregnant until it was too late. I wanted you so much. I would have loved raising you, but of course my mother wasn’t going to let that happen. She arranged with your father that I would have the baby and then go to work as a nanny to people he knew in America. I know I should have run away, but I was terrified. I had you in my bedroom. My mother and her sister delivered you. I called you Maria, you were so beautiful. The next day my mother took you away and I never saw you again. She told me she had found a family for you and I was never to talk about you. Two weeks later I was on my way to America. I never spoke to my mother again. There wasn’t a day that went by I didn’t think about you. Then I met Benjamin, a young Marine. He’s a good kind man. When I was twenty five we were married and we’ve had twenty wonderful years together and three beautiful sons, but despite my happiness, there was always something missing for me and that was you. I couldn’t bring myself to tell Ben about you for fear that he wouldn’t understand; instead I used to imagine that you’d been adopted by a wonderful family that loved you so much. Then in 2002 I received a letter from my aunt telling me that my mother had died. To me she had been dead since the day I left England. I suppose to try and lift her own guilt, my aunt also told me that you had been left on the steps of the church, but that unbeknown to my mother she had placed a piece of paper under your crib with the name Maria Davis on it, that was your father’s name. If he is still alive, he would be about seventy five now. I hope he’s dead, but you have a right to know about him, he was handsome and very successful. When I left England he owned a string of restaurants, himself being a chef. I doubt he still lives where I worked, but I‘ve written down all his details on a separate page at the end of this letter. In 2003 I was diagnosed with cancer of the bowel, I knew I was dying. That’s when I knew I had to tell Benjamin about you, he was wonderful and immediately contacted several agencies in England to try and find you. I know I only have months to live and I pray we find you before I die. I need you to know there was not a single day I ever stopped loving you, my darling Maria. I truly hope you’ve had a wonderful life with loving parents. Your brothers are good boys, all raised with love and respect. We will understand if you never want to see me; that’s something I’ve had to come to terms with. I hope with all my heart one day soon I will see you, may God bless and watch over you my sweet Maria. You were always in my heart. Xxxx. Maria just sobbed as Mickey held her in his arms. Finally he managed to calm her down and say, “I really think your mum meant what she said. So shall we go and e-mail your brother?” Managing a smile she squeezed his hand and replied, “Yes, I’d like that.”


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