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Billy's Move

Page 35

by Karen Clow

  After the kids had all gone to bed that evening she got the photos out again and showed George and Monica. The two women were still talking about them long after George had left for the club and Mickey had gone into his study to work.


  At the cottage Jess and Billy had opted for an early night. Although it had been his idea, she knew it was because they hadn’t had sex since he was stabbed, but now he’d had the stitches taken out he was feeling horny. Unbeknown to him she had secretly been waiting for this night, having bought a new negligee which was black, trimmed with pink lace. Earlier when she had gone to check on Becky she had taken a bottle of wine and two glasses up to the bedroom. Telling Billy to wait for her in bed, she made her way to the bathroom.

  Billy spotted the wine as he entered the bedroom. Patiently he waited for her; he was just about to call out when she appeared in the doorway wearing her negligee. “Fuck me babe, get over here you look good enough to eat!” Despite the effort she had gone to, she still wasn’t really comfortable dressing sexily, she felt herself blushing as she walked towards the bed. Lifting the duvet he reached out his hand as she sat down. “God I’ve missed this babe, if I ever get stabbed again I’m going to ask if it can be my arm or leg.” “Billy that’s a terrible thing to say, I hope it never happens again!” “Only joking babe, it’s just seeing you all the time and not being able to have you, has driven me crazy!” Grinning she said, “Don’t you think we should take it easy tonight, after all we don’t want you hurting yourself? Maybe you should just lay there and let me do something to you.” With his heart beating faster at the thought of what it might be she was referring to, grinning he replied, “Do whatever you like babe, just be gentle with me.” They both laughed. Then Jess said, “I think I’ll pour us a drink before I try,” stopping in mid sentence he knew she was feeling shy, so he said, “Try what babe?” Without giving him eye contact she replied, “You know, what we talked about before.” Knowing she was referring to a blow job he said, “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it, but it’s up to you babe, if you’re not ready we can wait.” Leaning over and kissing him she said, “I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be, I just hope I can do it.” Holding her close he said, “You’ll be fine babe, just remember not to bite me.” “Bite you, why would I do that?” “Apparently that can happen the first time; I wouldn’t really know because the birds I’ve dated it certainly wasn’t their first time.” Sensing that she was nervous he suggested them kissing and cuddling first. Readily she agreed. Within seconds his hands were all over her and he was saying “Christ babe, I want you so fucking bad!” Feeling less nervous she sat up and took another swig of her wine, before she started kissing his chest and then his stomach. Stroking her hair as she moved down his body, she could feel how much he wanted her to take him in her mouth as she slowly made her way down to his cock. He could feel her apprehension. Reassuring her he said, “Just take your time babe.” Taking him in her hand she heard him let out a sigh of pleasure. Placing her lips just over the tip, she flicked her tongue over him. “God babe, don’t stop!” Feeling more confident with every flick of her tongue, she gradually rolled her lips further down him. Had he not have been so large she would have tried to get all of him in her mouth, but she could feel herself gagging as it touched the back of her throat. Finally comfortable with what she was doing, almost naturally she began sucking him, feeling his body pulsing with every movement of her mouth. “Babe I’m coming don’t stop and don’t bite me,” said Billy breathlessly.

  Suddenly she felt him push her head down and say, “Oh babe, that’s it!” Then without warning she felt a warm salty liquid inside her mouth. Trying to remain focused she quickly swallowed it without consciously thinking about the taste. Lifting her head up she could see him lying there looking totally satisfied, so she reached over and took a swig of her wine before lying next to him. “Was that ok Billy?” she asked nervously. “Fucking ok babe, it was better than ok, are you sure you’ve never done that before?” Worried as to what he meant, she instantly replied, “No I haven’t, I told you that!” “I was only joking babe keep your knickers on, actually on second thoughts get them off and sit on my face.” Totally shocked by his request, along with embarrassed she was bright red as she said, “Billy that’s disgusting!” “No its not, its fucking lovely, now get your arse up here.” Totally embarrassed she straddled over his chest, lifting her arms as he raised her negligee and removed it.

  Grabbing her buttocks he pulled her forward to his neck. “Lift up babe and lean forward my tongue can’t reach you from there.” Despite her embarrassment she did as he asked. To her surprise she found the whole experience of him giving her oral sex in that position amazing, within seconds she was coming.

  Finally she found herself lying next to him her head still dizzy from her orgasm. “Pass us me wine babe, all that pussy has given me a thirst,” he joked. Passing him his drink, she couldn’t believe what she had just let him do, and, more importantly how much she’d enjoyed it. Giving her his empty glass back, she asked him if he wanted some more. Grinning he replied, “Oh yeah I want more, but not the wine.” “Shouldn’t you rest now Billy?” “Fucking rest, that’s all I’ve done, we’ve got a load of shagging to catch up on babe.” Happy that he felt up to making love, she replied, “Ok”

  Throwing the duvet off of him he said, “I’m just going down to the bathroom babe, keep it warm for me, I won’t be a minute.” As he got out of the bed she rolled onto her tummy sprawling across both sides of the bed. Almost dozing off she didn’t hear him come back up the stairs, until he touched her bum with his hands. Just as she was about to roll over he said, “Stay on your front babe,” then he pulled her legs over the edge of the bed and entered her from behind. Firmly gripping her hips as he thrust himself into her, stopping momentarily and leaning over her back he said, “Babe can we do something different?” “Unable to look at him because she was still face down she replied, “If you want to, what is it?” Without answering her, she felt him pull her buttocks apart, feeling slightly panicky she said, “I’m not sure about this Billy.” “Come on babe, you won’t know whether you like it or not if you don’t try it. I won’t hurt you babe.” In a quiet and nervous voice she said, “Ok, but if I don’t like it, promise me you’ll stop.” “Promise babe,” he said as he slid his cock out of her and entered her anus. He felt her tighten her muscles as he gently pushed himself into her. “You ok babe?” he said. Without moving she replied, “I’m not sure, it’s uncomfortable.” “Babe I really want to fuck you, is that alright?” “I suppose so, but promise me you’ll stop if I ask you to.” The moment she consented, he thrust himself into her several times before he cried out, “God babe, I’m coming,” then he thrust himself so hard into her that she winced. Although it had felt strange and she really hadn’t enjoyed it as much as regular sex, to some degree she’d actually found some pleasure in it once she’d relaxed.

  Lying next to him with his arm round her neck, he said, “Tonight was great babe, but I don’t want you doing things just to please me ok? Like I said before, sex is a two way street.” Feeling a little shy she replied, “I like everything we do, it’s just that I never thought I’d even want straight sex let alone the things you do to me. I don’t know why, but it just feels different now, I really want to try things.” “That’s good babe, because as you’ve probably gathered I like variety.” “Yes, I did notice, I just suppose I’m worried because I’m not very good at it and you’ll think I’m pathetic.” Rolling over and kissing her before answering, “I’d never think that, and I’ll let you into a secret, you’re the only girl I’ve ever given oral sex to like that.” “Billy you don’t have to say that just to make me feel better.” “It’s the truth babe, in fact there are loads of things I’ve never done but I want us to try them.” “Billy I know you lived with a couple of women and knowing you I expect you did everything/” “You’re wrong babe, I was young in those days and there were loads of things that
just didn’t come up, but you’re different.” “I’m not sure what you mean.” “Like I told you before, the girls I dated were old dogs and like you are with me that’s how I was with them. I was always worried I wasn’t doing it right, or making a complete arse of myself, especially as I knew they have others to compare me to. With you I can be myself, because I don’t have to prove anything.” “I think what you do with me is lovely, you’re a wonderful lover.” “This is just the beginning babe because I think you’re a wonderful lover too.”

  Over the next few days Billy seemed to want sex at every opportunity, by Monday night Jess was exhausted. She went up to bed an hour before him, in the hope that by the time he came up, she would be asleep. She knew her ploy had failed when he wrapped his arm over her and fondled her breast. “Billy it’s really late and I’m so tired, you’ve got that meeting tomorrow with Mickey and you know who, so you should get some sleep.” “What’s up babe, are you worried about tomorrow?” “No I’m just tired, in seventeen years I had sex once, now it’s every night!” She could tell by his voice, she’d upset him when he replied, “I thought you liked me making love to you?” Rolling over to face him, she smiled as she touched his face and said, “You know I do, but I’m so tired.” Jokingly he replied, “I did tell you I was always horny before you agreed to me moving in.” “Actually Billy, you told me you’re always horny in the mornings, not the other twenty three hours in the day,” giggled Jess. “Ok babe, point taken, but if its any consolation I think it’s because I’m not working and I can’t do my keep fit regime, so all my energy is building up.” By then she was wide awake so she grinned and said, “Well in that case we had better do something about that,” she was referring to his erection. Without hesitation, he was all over her.

  Tuesday morning Jess went with Billy to Maria’s after they had all been invited for lunch. Arriving at the house around eleven, the two ladies were pleased to see each other. The two men went off into the lounge to discuss what Billy should say at the meeting with Neville Howard. The one thing Mickey wanted to keep from him was the fact that Billy lived with Jess. Obviously if the subject came up, they would have to tell him, but Mickey suggested he didn’t lie, he simply referred to her as his girlfriend. If her name did come up, Mickey told Billy he would handle it and for Billy to let him do the talking.

  Maria asked Jess how things were going now Billy was living with her. She could tell by her friend’s face that there was something bothering her. Tactfully Maria asked “Is something wrong Jess?”She had to giggle when she replied, “There’s nothing wrong it’s just that Billy wants sex all the flipping time!” Laughing Maria replied, “Just go with it sweetheart, believe me, the novelty soon wears off and once he’s back at work he’ll be too knackered!” Giggling she replied, “I hope you’re right, I’m exhausted; although I must confess I never thought I would enjoy sex but I do.” Both ladies were giggling as the two men appeared. Fortunately neither of them asked why because Maria knew Jess would blush and get tongue tied if they did. “Lunch will be ready in two minutes,” said Maria.

  After lunch the two men left just before half one, the meeting with Neville was at two o’clock. Arriving at the right building they made their way to the second floor and Neville’s office. His secretary asked them to wait as she phoned through to Neville’s office to tell him they were waiting. A few minutes later she showed them through to his office. Standing up Neville shook hands with them as he said, “Good to see you Michael and you must be Mr Saxby?” “Call me Billy.” “Very well, now what can I do for you both,” said Neville. “Lets not beat around the bush here Neville, as you know I’m going to be representing Mr Saxby, ‘Billy’ in the incident concerning your client Hilary Wilkins.” Before he could continue Neville interrupted, “Firstly Michael, I’m not sure this will ever go to court, but assuming it might, I am not at this time at liberty to discuss my client with you.” “Obviously I’m aware of that fact Neville, the reason we’re here today is to inform you that we do intend to take it to court, regardless of when Mrs Wilkins will be able to attend. I understand she’s had some type of breakdown, I hope she recovers quickly.” “Yes we all do, but that brings me to say you could have phoned to say you intend to pursue this, which makes me wonder if there’s something else.” “Actually Neville you’re right and under normal circumstances this isn’t the advice I would be giving my client, but as we’re all aware these are not normal circumstances.” “I’d have to agree, so what are you suggesting Michael?” “Well as you know, Mrs Wilkins entered into a sexual relationship with my client which I’ve no doubt has been distressing for her family. Although my client always made it clear, the relationship would never be more than that, I don’t think I need go on, do you.” “No we both know what the outcome was, carry on.” “My client moved on long before the incident; he now lives with a woman who as you know received a written threat from Mrs Wilkins.” Before he could continue Neville cut in and said, “Supposedly sent by my client, that would have to be proved Michael.” “Come now Neville, you know as well as I do that wouldn’t be hard. In fact the very day the threat was received my client was fortunate enough to enlist the help of ex-detective George Davage, who was in no doubt whatsoever your client sent the letter after finding evidence at Billy’s residence and also at Mrs Wilkins. Obviously ex-detective Davage would be prepared to go to court with everything he documented from that day. Now, we all know Mrs Wilkins is ill, but that doesn’t change what she did. However because of the circumstances, I think it would be in everyone’s best interests if my client dropped the charges and the matter was settled out of court. I’m sure Mr Wilkins and his family doesn’t want the details of his wife’s torrid sexual exploits with my client dragged through the courts? Regarding my client, he just wants to put the past behind him and move on with the relationship he has now.”

  Neville sat quietly for a moment then said, “I cannot assume my client will be interested in making any deals, but assuming she might, what sort of figure might we be looking at Michael?” “Well considering the outcome could have been very different; my client could have been killed along with the threat to his girlfriend and her child, I think one hundred and fifty thousand would be fair. Of course we would also want your assurance that your client will stay away from my client and his family.” “I’ll put your offer to my client Michael and I’ll get back to you.”

  Mickey and Billy stood up to leave, but as Mickey shook Neville’s hand he said, “Oh one more thing Neville, the amount is not negotiable.” Nodding his head Neville thanked them for coming.

  Outside in the car Billy grinned at Mickey and said, “Fuck me Mick, I’m glad you’re on my side! What a lump of shit that fucking Neville is, I hardly fucking looked at him because I wanted to flatten the fat prick! I couldn’t stop thinking about what he did to Jess!” “I know just how you feel Billy, I can’t stand the fat bastard either, I’m actually looking forward to setting him up.”


  Tony was just driving home from a business meeting when his mobile rang. Glancing briefly at the caller ID he was surprised when it said withheld. Answering it, a male voice said, “Tony Ramon?” “Yeah this is Tony.” “Barry King here, haven’t caught you at a bad time have I?” “No, what do you want?” “I know we didn’t get off to the best of starts, but considering the circumstances that’s understandable. I’d like to discuss some business with you.” Tony really didn’t like him when they’d met, so without hesitation he replied, “What business would that be then?” “The type of business we’re in, the type that makes people like us very rich Tony.” “I’ve already got several business interests and I’m not looking to take on any more, but thanks for the offer.” “Now Tony, don’t be too hasty, at least let me tell you what I have in mind. How about we meet sometime, you choose the time and the place, anywhere you like, but preferably somewhere there’s pussy. I like talking business surrounded by naked girls.” Tony thought about the offer before replying, �
�Ok I’ll meet you at fat Benny’s Thursday ten o’clock.” “I look forward to it, see you at ten.” As Tony closed his phoned he thought about the conversation he’d just had.

  Isabella was surprised but pleased that he came home to eat dinner with the family. Since her health scare, he had really been making an effort. Despite keeping his word regarding Lydia, he was still sleeping with some of his dancers and that would never change. In her heart Isabella knew it was impossible for him to be faithful but all the time he showed her love and respect, along with keeping his tarts secret from her, she could cope with it. “What time are you going out tonight” she asked. “Not till about half seven, I want to go over and see Shaun, why don’t you come with me, you can chat to Ann. Delighted that he asked, she replied, “That would be lovely, but how late will we be because I don’t want to leave the kids to long.” Grinning he replied, “Vito is nearly eighteen, I’m sure he’ll keep them in check, we’ll be home around midnight.” “In that case I’d love to come with you.”

  After dinner she went up for a shower and to get ready. Just before seven she came downstairs. Tony looked at her as Anthony said, “You look really nice mum.” Tony interrupted and said, “He’s right Belle, you do.” Laughing she said, “I’m only wearing trousers and a top but thank you both for saying it.”


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