Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 39

by Karen Clow

  At the front door Isabella said, “Thanks for speaking to Sophia.” “She’s just a kid babe; I’ll call her later, ok,” said Tony. “Thanks, I appreciated you being honest with her; I just hope she doesn’t hate me.” “Who could hate you babe, everyone in this house loves you, but none as much as me.” He leaned forward to kiss her. Belle kissed him on the cheek and said, “Bye Tony, take care.” Frowning he said, “Fuck me babe that sounds like you don’t want me coming back.” It wasn’t the reply he’d hoped for when she said, “Let’s just see how things go Tony.”


  Mickey and Billy were parking at Neville’s office. “Remember Billy let me do the talking ok?” said Mickey. “Ok Rumpole,” he replied jokingly.

  Neville greeted them as they entered his office, “Thanks for coming, sorry about the short notice, but my client is eager to settle this matter as quickly as possible.” Smiling a half smile Mickey replied, “Mine too, so what was so urgent then?” “I would imagine you’ve already guessed my client has agreed to your terms?” “Obviously Neville that was my first thought.” “Well shall we get down to business then? If you would just be good enough to sign these documents, we can settle it.” Neville pushed several papers in front of Billy and said, “If you just sign the places I’ve marked that will be that.” Before Billy could reply or pick up a pen, Mickey picked up the papers and said, “I’ll just take a few minutes to read these before you sign anything Billy.” Neville was quick to say, “I’m sure you’ll find everything in order Michael, your terms have been met fully by my client.” “Oh I’m sure they have Neville, but as a solicitor yourself you understand that I need to be sure?” “Of course Michael, can I offer you gentlemen some refreshments while we’re waiting?” Both men said “No thanks.” They sat patiently waiting for Mickey to finish. Finally he placed the papers back in front of Billy and said, “Everything appears to be correct, go ahead and sign them.”

  After Mickey countersigned them, he passed them back to Neville, who in exchange handed him the cheque. “Thank you Neville, it’s been a pleasure,” said Mickey. “Absolutely Michael, we should get together for a drink sometime.” “I’d like that, in fact why don’t you come down to my club one night. If you wait a couple of weeks we’re having a bit of a do for my parents wedding anniversary. It’ll be a great night, my wife’s restaurant chefs are handling the catering, so I can personally vouch for the food. You could meet my family, I know my wife would really like that, bring yours along.” Chuckling he replied, “Oh I’m not married Michael, confirmed bachelor that’s me. You know, love em and leave em, although I do have several lady friends, so I’m sure I can find someone to bring along. I’d very much like to accept your kind invitation, thank you very much.” “If memory serves me right Neville, the party is a week from Sunday, I’ll get my wife to add you to the guest list and send you an invitation.” Standing up they all shook hands as Neville said, “Again Michael, it’s been a pleasure. I look forward to seeing you at the party, if not before?”

  Back in the car Billy joked and said, “Oh Michael it’s been a pleasure, the slimy fat prick! When he said about loving them and leaving them, I wanted to rip his fucking head off and shit down his neck!” Laughing Mickey said, “Now William, I really must advise you not to say such slanderous things about my good friend Mr Howard.” Both men were still laughing as he dropped Billy off at the cottage.

  Jess was thrilled to be told Hilary’s husband had paid up, but she was terrified when Billy said about Neville going to the club. In an effort to cheer her up Billy said, “Why don’t you call Maria and ask if they fancy having a take-away later, we can pick one up on our way over there. It won’t hurt Becky to have a bit of a late night, as long as I’m at the club by ten it’ll be fine.” Readily she said, “Ok, I’ll call her now before she starts their dinner.” “Tell them to invite Den and Mary over as well then we can tell them all we’re getting married.”

  Jess called Maria and made the offer of a take away. She wasn’t surprised when Maria replied, “”Oh we’d love to, I was just wondering what to do for dinner.” “Ok, so we’ll pick the food order up en route to yours, just text me your order. We’ll be at the house by half six.” “Sounds great we’ll see you then.”

  Later that afternoon Jess fed, bathed and put Becky in her pyjamas before they left. By the time they reached the take-away she was fast asleep in her car seat.

  They arrived at Maria’s just after quarter past six and despite having the code for the main gates Billy pressed the intercom. Mickey answered it and laughed, when in a Chinese accent Billy said, “Delivery for the Mann house, you want cookie boy bring it up?” Punching in the number Mickey jokingly replied, “Yeah cookie boy bring it up please.” Standing at the front door he waited till Billy got out the car before saying, “Fuck me Billy that was the worst chinky accent I’ve ever heard.” Billy replied, “Next time we’ll bring ice cream and I’ll sing ‘just one fucking cornetto!” Looking at Jess and raising his eyebrows Mickey said, “Come on babe, you bring the baby and leave Pavarotti to bring the grub!”

  Entering the house Maria spotted Jess carrying Becky. “Take her up stairs, her cot is still in the triplets room, they’re having an early night too. The twins are playing in their room, they’re ready for bed, but I promised them you and Billy would go up and say goodnight after we’ve eaten. ”

  By the time Jess returned to the kitchen, Maria had put all the food dishes onto plates and was taking them through to the dining room. “It was nice of you Billy to invite me and Den,” said Mary. “You’re welcome babe, actually me and Jess have got a bit of an announcement to make and you lot are family, so we wanted to tell you first.” Looking over at Jess, Mary smiled and said, “Are you pregnant love?” With a giggle Jess replied, “Not that I know of.” Before anyone else could say anything Mickey said, “Well come on you two, put mum out of her misery. Look at mum; she’s chomping at the bit to know what it is.” Unable to keep it to himself a moment longer Billy said, “We’re getting married, now I know that will be a terrible blow for you two ladies, but it had to happen one day, didn’t it?” Mary looked at Maria and jokingly said, “Oh God love, how will we ever cope knowing that God’s gift to women is tying the knot?” “I’m not sure mum; I suppose we’ll just have to accept it?” Everyone laughed. Then Mickey shook Billy’s hand and said, “Well I think everyone would agree that be it all sooner than we’d expected, you’ve made a great choice.” “Here, here,” said Den. Excitedly Maria said, “What sort of wedding are you planning Jess?” Shaking her head she replied, “We haven’t talked about it yet, but I really don’t want anything flash, I’d be quite happy to get married in your chapel.” Maria grinned and said to Billy, “What about you have you thought about it?” “I couldn’t give a toss, I’m just glad she said yes.” They all laughed.Mickey could tell that Maria was scheming about something, his suspicions were confirmed a few moments later when she said, “Why don’t you get married here, I’m sure we could get a vicar or registrar to marry you in the chapel. We could put a marquee in the garden and I’d be honoured to make the cake.” Mickey started laughing as he said, “I knew it babe, I could tell you were thinking something. Fuck me Billy, when is this wedding going to happen, because now she’s got her mind on it there’ll be no living with her!” Jess was at a loss for words. As always Billy was the one to reply. Reaching over and taking her hand he said, “How long do you want to wait babe?” “I don’t mind, whenever you think will be ok with me.” “Great, in that case perhaps you and Maria can sort it out; I’ve got no idea what to do.” Jess giggled and said, “Me neither!”

  The other two ladies instantly started saying things like, “We can call the registry office tomorrow and find out about how to go about it, or we can ask about a vicar.” Mickey laughed and said, “What did I tell you, with any luck we can do it next week!” Den cut in and said, “Now it’ll be I’ve got nothing to wear and all the kids need new clothes, you just wait and see s
on.” Everyone started laughing.

  Jess asked if the twins would be their bridesmaids and Monica’s son Harry their page boy. Maria replied, “Well I know the girls will jump at the offer and I’m sure Harry would be thrilled.” “How many people would be invited,” asked Mary. Jess smiled and said, “Well I only know you.” “What about your mum and that love?” Shaking her head she replied, “I don’t want her there, she’s never bothered with me or Becky, this family is special to me, not them.” “And you’re special to us love,” said Mary proudly, “So it looks like the guest list is down to you then Billy?” “Well, obviously you lot, my sister and her family a couple of cousins, Monica’s brood, Tony’s family a few of the lads and their partners, Shaun and his lot.” “Who will your best man be?” Frowning he replied, “Can you have two?” Raising her eyebrows Mary replied, “I can’t see why not, so who’s the lucky pair?” “Mickey and Kev, I just couldn’t choose one.” Then he grinned at Mickey and added, “You’d be up for that wouldn’t you Mick?” “I’d be only too happy to do it Billy.”

  They talked till after nine and then Billy said, “We’ll have to leave soon; I’ve got to get to the club.” Maria piped in and said, “Why don’t you and the baby stay Jess, Becky’s fast asleep upstairs, it a shame to wake her. It would also mean we could talk more about the wedding.” Jess waited for Billy to say something, she was pleased when he said, “Sounds like a good idea babe. I’ll call indoors and put a light on so the place doesn’t look empty.” “If you’re sure it’s ok, I’d love to stay.”


  Thursday morning Tony left his hotel to go to his gym. Most of the night, he had laid awake thinking about Belle and wondering what she was doing. His ego was telling him that within a week they would be back together, but his logic was saying give her time. After his workout he called Shaun from his office, “Alright Shaun, just checking that you’re still on for tonight?” “Aye I’m looking forward to it, Ann’s out getting her hair done, I’ve told her I’m covering you at a poker game ok.” “No worries mate; I don’t want it getting out I’m meeting Barry King” “Aye that’s understandable, what time are you picking me up?” “About nine- ish, if you need to get hold of me ring my mobile, I won’t be home today.” “Ok, I’ll catch you later,” said Shaun as he put the phone down.

  That afternoon Tony went to his club, ironically he rarely went home during the day but now he couldn’t, he wanted to. Sitting with Shane they watched as the dancers practiced their routines. Both men repeatedly made lewd comments to the girls as they performed; but it was laughed off by the dancers. Just before six, Tony asked Shane if he wanted to join him for dinner at his restaurant. Nodding Shane said, “Yeah great, do I take it from that you’re not at home at the moment?” “Yeah, I’m taking your advice and giving her space, but I fucking hate it and staying in a hotel is a real pain in the arse!” “You can always crash at my place; Max is away on a course for two weeks, her mum’s got Harry.” “Thanks Shane I appreciate the offer, but I don’t intend being homeless for long. Belle’s missing me, I know her well enough to know that. With any luck I’ll be back in my own bed within a few days.” “I know it’s none of my business Tony but what brought all this about. I still can’t believe that Belle would divorce you.” Tony talked about what had been happening within his marriage including his insecurities about Belle meeting someone else. For over an hour Shane listened until Tony said, “I’m hungry, lets head for the restaurant.”

  In the car Shane said, “I think when all this calms down you should take a holiday with Belle, you know I can run things here.” “Maybe you’re right, I was meant to have taken Lydia away for a week in the Caribbean.” “Fucking good job you didn’t, if Belle had found out I’m pretty sure you would be getting divorced, or getting your bollocks cut off, one or the other?” Laughing Tony said, “Yeah you’re probably right on both counts!”

  After they’d eaten, Tony dropped Shane back at the club before returning to the hotel to get ready for his meeting with Barry King. After taking a small hand gun from his luggage and putting it in his inside pocket, he left his hotel to pick Shaun up.

  As the two men drove towards Soho, Shaun talked about Barry and the fact that he neither liked nor trusted him.” Grinning, Tony patted his jacket pocket and said, “Don’t worry Shaun if the prick pisses me off or tries anything, I’ll fucking let him know who he’s dealing with.” Laughing Shaun patted his own jacket pocket to imply he too was armed and said, “Fucking same as!” They were still laughing as they pulled up at Benny’s.

  “Good to see you boys,” said Benny as they walked in. “How you doing you fat bastard,” said Shaun jokingly. Benny shook hands with him as he replied, “I’m good and yourself you fat paddy?” Carrying on the harmless banter Shaun replied, “Fucking cheeky Turkish bastard!” Laughing Tony patted Shaun’s gut and said, “He has got a point Shaun!” “Its middle aged spread,” joked Shaun. Benny cut in and said, “I think you mean old age spread?” “Aye, I think you may be right Benny, none of us are getting any younger.” The three friends talked and laughed at the bar. “So what brings you to my part of town” said Benny “or is it because I have the best pussy in London?” Tony grinned and said, “Well that definitely had something to do with it. I’m meeting someone here tonight to discuss a bit of business. I take it there’s somewhere you can guarantee us some privacy,” Then he grinned and added, “Although topless pussy would be expected to bring the drinks.” “Not a problem Tony, I have a room upstairs. Can I ask who you’re meeting, anyone I know?” “Oh I’m pretty sure you’ll know him, its Barry King.” Benny curled his lip and replied, “Not my favourite customer, but he treats my girls ok. Take my advice, take your business elsewhere, his business partners have a habit of dying from unnatural causes.” “So I hear, but don’t worry Benny I’ve no intention of taking on any new business partners, but I couldn’t be rude, especially as he let me pick the meeting place.” “I’m glad of your business, especially now I know who’s paying for it; I’ll keep the price high.” “Of course, tonight my dear Benny we will be dining on the caviar of pussy!” Just as they finished talking, in walked Barry King, followed by Tank his minder. “Nice to see you boys are here early,” he said looking at them. “Bad business and disrespectful to be late, especially when you’ve been invited,” replied Tony. Shaking hands with him Barry said “See this is what’s missing from these new boys nowadays, they don’t have any respect. I wouldn’t piss on them!” Then he looked smugly at Shaun and said, “Didn’t expect to see you here, I would have thought Thursday was a busy night in the pub.” Sarcastically Shaun replied, “Every night is a busy night in my pub, but sometimes it’s nice to have a change of scenery.” “Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more, especially when it includes scantily clad girls.” Everyone laughed, although both Tony and Benny could sense that Shaun was just being accommodating and letting Barry think he was funny.

  After ordering the drinks Barry said, “Shall we get down to business, or shall we fuck some beauties first?” Tony was stony faced as he replied, “I always put business before pleasure Barry.” Clearly surprised by his answer Barry took a few seconds before replying, “Absolutely Tony, so let’s get down to it shall we?” “Not here, Benny has a room we can use, I like to keep things private.” “Very well, lead the way.”

  The four men followed Benny to the room. Inside there was a table, chairs and a sofa. “I’ll send a girl in every ten minutes to sort out your drinks, but if you need anything else just press the intercom and someone will come,” said Benny. Thanking him Tony handed him a wad of money. Barry cut in and said, “Perhaps I should pay, after all you’re here by my invitation.” Instantly Tony grinned and said, “Don’t worry Barry the pussy is on you and you’ve probably heard I like a lot?” “Yes your reputation as a womaniser is well known throughout, as is mine.” Tony just smirked and nodded. “I’ll send another round of drinks in, will you be having the same again?” asked Benny. They all nodded.
A few minutes after Benny left, a young black girl wearing just a skimpy pair of knickers came in with their drinks. As she leaned over to place the drinks on the table Barry groped her arse before sticking a twenty pound note in her knickers. Looking at Tony he said, “Do you like black pussy?” “Like I give a fuck what colour it is, as long as it fits my cock and pleases me I could care fucking less.” Laughing Barry replied, “Spoken like a true connoisseur of pussy.” After the girl left Tony said, “Shall we get down to business Barry, we’re wasting good fucking time.” Taking a swig of his drink Barry replied, “As you’re probably aware I do a lot of business in and around London, but I only use small outlets such as pubs, there are times when I have difficulty meeting the demand. I have three deliveries a week and my people have told me they cannot handle any more at present. Now I know you also have deliveries Tony, so let’s cut to the chase and let me say, can your suppliers help me out? Obviously you would do nicely from such an arrangement, let’s just say for the moment fifteen percent? I would pick it up from any destination of your choice. We would exchange the goods for cash and everyone is happy, what do you say?” “I’m flattered that you’ve come to me Barry, but just like you I think everyone is experiencing difficulties with supply. I’m not sure if my people could help you, I’d have to speak with them. I could let you know within a week. Regarding the percentages, twenty percent would be my figure and it’s not negotiable.” Grinning Barry replied, “I thought you’d say that, but I had to give it a shot, twenty percent sounds ok providing its good quality merchandise?” “Of course, I won’t accept anything but top quality.” There was a tap on the door as another near naked girl came in with the drinks. Just like the first one Barry groped her and stuck money in her knickers.


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