Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 40

by Karen Clow

  They talked for another forty minutes about the business in general, although Tony was careful not to give anything away. Finally Barry said, “Right, now we’ve discussed everything shall we see to the other business of fucking?” The others all nodded.

  Making they’re way downstairs Tony said, “Are we having a booth before we get laid?” “Of course, I quite fancy the lesbians, what about you?” “Sounds good to us,” said Tony. At the bar, Barry told Benny they wanted the lesbian show. “Two girls or four,” asked Benny. “Four of course, different colours preferably, with bondage and sex aids.” “No problem, I think I can sort that for you, one of my girls will escort you to the booth.”

  Five minutes later the four men were sitting waiting for the show to start. The first girl came out. She was of Asian decent; she was leading an oriental looking girl attached to a lead which was clipped to a collar around her neck. Two more girls followed her, one was white and one was black. They simulated a sex orgy using the tethered girl as the one they all used to carry out sex acts on after tying her to the bed. At one time all three of then were giving her oral sex, before fucking her with vibrators. Shaun and Tony sat quietly, while Barry shouted out lewd instructions, the more excited he became the louder he got.

  When the show finished and the lights came on Barry said, “Fuck me I’ve got to get some of that! So what can I order for you boys?” Tony was the first to reply, “I’ll take two, but I’ll pick them.” Grinning he looked at Shaun and asked, “What’s your choice?” Without hesitation he replied, “Small petite, big tits and white.” Tony noticed that Tank threw Shaun a look when he emphasized the colour white. After looking through the brochure with the girls in, Benny took their order. A few moments later all four men were being taken to the girls’ rooms.

  Tony had picked two oriental girls. Lying on the bed they touched him sensually and asked him what he liked. Arrogantly he replied, “I want you two to get each other off, then I’ll fuck both of you. The two girls began touching and kissing one another. Tony fondled them as they gave each other oral sex.

  Next door Shaun was sitting in a chair with a very young looking petite blonde blowing him. The Viagra he had taken when they’d arrived was taking effect; he felt he could enjoy her for the full hour, one way or another.

  Tank had chosen a black girl. When she had first seen him he noticed that she looked intimidated by his size, but once they started she soon realised that sexually he was a good lover and not violent as his demeanour would have her believe, the two orgasms she had were actually real and not simulated.

  Barry had chosen an Asian girl; typically of a dirty old man he had mauled her before arse fucking her.

  It was turned three o’clock by the time they left. Barry paid the bill and thanked Benny, as did the others.

  Outside the three men shook hands, while Tank just stood there watching them. “So I’ll wait to hear from you Tony, I hope it will be good news,” said Barry. “I hope so Barry, but like I said everyone is having difficulties, so I can’t promise anything. Thanks for a good night, next time the bill’s on me ok?” “I look forward to it Tony; before we go I’d like to say I’m glad my small indiscretion at the pub didn’t spoil things for us. I’ll speak to you soon, stay lucky.” Tony and Shaun just nodded.

  Driving back in Tony’s car, Shaun said, “Fucking small indiscretion the fat prick, he’s lucky I didn’t break both his fucking legs!” Tony laughed and said, “You should really watch that temper of yours it could get you into trouble. I think we’ve just evened the score with Barry the prick King, that must have cost him a few grand tonight and if the fat prick thinks for one minute I’d do business with him then he’s in for a fucking big shock!” “Aye, I’ll do fucking business with him, although I must say the pussy was very good.” “Yeah Benny certainly knows how to please his punters.”

  Dropping Shaun back at the Jolly, Tony automatically drove towards his home; it was only as he pulled up at his gates he remembered he was at the hotel. Stopping the car, he sat there for a few moments and asked himself what he should do. It was only as he remembered the promise he’d made to Belle about not turning up after the club shut that he drove away.


  Over breakfast that morning, Maria and Jess talked about the wedding, with Maria saying she would call the registry office and find out details of using the chapel for a civil wedding.

  They were joined at half nine by Mary. The four toddlers played on the floor. The house phone rang; it was Monica asking if she could call over to see them as the boys were at school. Maria excitedly said, “Of course, Jess is here, we’re discussing the wedding.” “I know its lovely for them; Billy told George and asked if Harry could be the page boy. I’ll be there in about forty minutes, so make sure the kettles on.”

  Mickey sat talking with the ladies until Monica arrived, but just the thought of hearing all the wedding details again was enough to make him say he had work to do in the study.

  Finally finding privacy he called Lenny. The old P I answered the phone, “Alright Mickey what can I do for you?” “We’ve had a result Len; remember that equipment you put in for me at the club.” “Course I do, I’m not fucking senile!” “You know what I meant, sarky bollocks! Well it just so happens that the solicitor we want to frame has accepted an invitation to my folks anniversary bash!” “Yeah, I got my invite yesterday, I’ll be there.” “That’s what I needed to confirm, I’ll need you there to check the camera and everything is working, this will be the only shot we get at this so we can’t afford mistakes.” “Fucking mistakes, I’m a professional, have I ever let you down?” Laughing Mickey replied, “No Len you haven’t, just make sure you’re there an hour early. I’ll speak to you before then, keep out of trouble, I’ll catch you later.” “See you Mickey.” Monica tapped on his study door and told him that lunch was ready. Looking at his watch he didn’t realise how long he’d been in there. Smiling at her he said, “Ok babe, I’ll be out in one minute”

  Walking into the kitchen he grinned and said, “So is the wedding all sorted then?” Maria raised her eyebrows and said, “Well it is if Billy can do it in eight weeks time.” “Fuck me babe that’s a bit quick isn’t it?” “Yes, but the earliest date after that is December. All the summer dates have gone and I think a marquee might be a bit cold then, don’t you?” “So what’s the alternative, they wait till next year?” “That’s about it, but Jess doesn’t think Billy will want to wait that long. She’s going to speak to him this afternoon; Monica’s dropping her off on her way home.” Joking he smiled at Jess and said, “Get him quick Jess while he’s got the money.” Maria smirked and said, “Trust you to think like that darling!”

  After Monica and Jess had left, Mickey sat down to talk to Maria about setting Neville Howard up. “Maybe we should have a barbeque tomorrow night, invite everyone over. I think it might be easier to convince Jess if she knows we’re all behind her.” Sitting on his lap she kissed his cheek and replied, “I think you’re right, I know she’s dreading it. I wish it didn’t have to happen but until she gets an admission from him she’ll always worry that he’ll find out about Becky.” Looking menacing he replied, “That will never fucking happen, especially if Billy has anything to do with it. Once we get him on film talking about the rape its over, even if he knew about Becky there’s no way he can do anything about it.” “I know it would mean the world to Jess to finally have some justice, although it still doesn’t seem fair, technically he’s getting away scot free!” “Not necessarily, I think the bastard should pay her some compensation, what do you reckon?” “Personally I think it’s the very least he should do, but wouldn’t that be blackmail?” “Technically yes, that’s why I like to deal in cash, there’s no money trail and Jess could put the money wherever she liked, it doesn’t have to go into her account. I’m sure my dad would sort that for her.” Moving her legs round she straddled him and kissed him before saying, “It’s such a shame I’m married to such a devious man,
because I just can’t stop loving him.” Reciprocating by kissing her he said, “Any chance of us going upstairs for an hour?” Before she could reply, Melissa toddled up to him and tried to climb up on his lap. Laughing Maria said, “The females just can’t leave you alone can they darling, I think that answers your question, don’t you?” Standing up she picked Melissa up and put her on his lap saying, “Poor daddy, it’s a good job he loves you so much sweetie.” Kissing the baby he sarcastically said to her, “You had better not be teething tonight sweetie, because me and mummy are having an early night, and I don’t want any interruptions ok?” The baby put her head on his shoulder and snuggled up to him. Maria smiled as he gently stroked the baby’s head and said, “Ok, if the teething’s really bad I’ll forgive you.”


  Carlo had been shocked when he’d arrived at the house earlier that afternoon and seen his mum’s face. Just as he would have expected she had made excuses as to why the beating she had taken was so severe. As always she’d said Tony was under a lot of pressure and that he hadn’t meant to really hurt her, but he’d just lost his temper. Although he wanted to say something Carlo decided to wait until a more opportune moment.

  It was as they ate dinner that evening Sophia brought up the subject of her dad and Carlo started asking the kids questions, despite his mum’s obvious objections. “So why did dad do that to you then mum,” he asked. Instantly Isabella replied, “It was just a misunderstanding Carlo that was all.” “Must have been a big misunderstanding for you to end up looking like that?” Before she could reply Sophia cut in and said, “Vito had to jump on dad to get him to stop, it was so scary!” “That’s enough Sophia,” snapped her mum. For a few minutes they ate in silence simply because they could see how upset their mum was, but Carlo couldn’t control his anger a moment longer. Trying to stay calm he said, “I can’t believe you’re going to have him back mum.” Tearfully she replied, “You don’t understand Carlo, I know him better than anyone and he’s having a hard time at the moment, anyway it’s not definite I’ll have him back. Unfortunately he takes his frustrations out on me, simply because I’m the closest one to him.” “That’s rubbish mum and you know it, something’s going on, dads never been like this before.” Wanting to try and get through dinner without having a row she said, “Please Carlo, can we just have a family meal together, we can talk about it later if you like?” Seeing she was hurting inside, he nodded his head and said, “Ok mum.”

  It was almost eleven that night when they finally got to sit down together and talk. Carlo had deliberately waited until his brothers and sister had gone up to their rooms before bringing up the topic of his dad. Sitting in the lounge with Isabella, he said, “So what is making dad do this then mum?” Acting blasé she replied, “Oh it could be anything, he’s under a lot of pressure.” Not about to let it go as easily as he had over dinner he replied, “Don’t treat me like a child mum, I know there’s things going on with dad, like that girl he was seeing.” Realising Carlo was right; she actually wanted to talk to someone about it. Looking sad she said, “I think dad is jealous of me, God only knows why, I don’t want anyone else.” “What do you mean by jealous mum, he thinks you’re having an affair or something?” With tears welling in her eyes she nodded and said, “He keeps accusing me of wanting other men, even your friend James. When he took me with him to Shaun’s the other night I was just sitting at the bar talking to Ann when a nice man came in and sat next to me. All we did was chat; he was really friendly but nothing other than polite. Your dad was talking to Shaun, but he was watching me. When we got home he said horrible things to me, none of which were true, but.” Carlo could see she was remembering what his dad had said and done, so he finished the sentence for her saying, “But dad was a pig and accused you, that’s how your face ended up like that, isn’t it mum?” Crying she nodded her head before bursting into tears and saying, “Why doesn’t he trust me Carlo? I’ve never looked at anyone else, I love him. I keep thinking he really wants to be with Lydia, so he’s looking for an excuse to divorce me, yet when I say anything about us separating, he tells me he loves me and doesn’t want us to break. Why is he being like this Carlo, I can’t stand it.” “I’ll tell you why, because dad couldn’t be faithful if his life depended on it. Only now he’s worried you’ll actually meet someone else and leave him. In other words mum, its fine for him to do it, but not for you.” “He wants us to have another baby; he thinks I’m being selfish because I don’t want to.” Sarcastically he said, “You selfish? That’s rich coming from him, he invented the word!” “Maybe I should have a baby for him; after all I am his wife.” “Oh please mum, the only reason dad wants you to have a baby is so you’re tied down for another sixteen years.”

  Wiping her eyes, she looked at him and said, “Can we not talk about it anymore Carlo. I’m so happy that you’re here, tell me about university.” Despite the anger he was feeling, along with the need to get things off his chest regarding his dad, he could see that it was all too much for her so he started talking about university. They talked into the early hours of the morning; it was almost three o’clock when they finally turned in.

  A few miles away, Tony was just leaving his club. Just as he got in his car he noticed Zoë on of the dancers standing outside crying. Sounding his car horn, he beckoned her over. Taking down his window, she poked her head inside. Looking tearful she said, “Hi Tony?” “You ok babe, why are you crying?” “Oh it’s just my boyfriend; he’s acting like a dick head! He was supposed to pick me up after work, but because we had a row earlier today he’s gone out with his mates. I haven’t got a key on me and the bastard won’t tell me where he is so I can go and get his. I’ve been trying to call my sister to see if I can stay there tonight, but I can’t get hold of her.” “Get in the car babe; you can stay with me tonight.” Shocked she replied, “Won’t your wife mind?” “Like your boyfriend she won’t know, she’s away at the moment visiting relatives so we’re having the house redecorated. I can’t stand all that crap, so I’ve booked into a hotel for a couple of nights.” Walking round to the passenger side she got in saying, “Thanks Tony I appreciate this.” Grinning he squeezed her leg and said, “Well like they say when the cats away the mice will play.”

  Unbeknown to Isabella when she and Carlo went up to bed that night her husband was taking Zoe to bed at the hotel. Most of the night Isabella laid awake thinking about Tony and feeling guilty that he was as she thought, alone at the hotel.

  She was surprised when Carlo joined her downstairs at half seven that Saturday morning. Normally at the weekend she was lucky if she saw any of them before ten. Smiling at him she placed a cup of tea in front of him and said, “This is a nice surprise, what do you fancy for breakfast?” “Not fussed mum, what are you having?” “Oh I’m not hungry; I’ll have something later when the others get up.” “I’ll wait till then if you like, there’s a couple of things I want to do in town this morning that’s why I’m up early, why don’t we all eat together when I get back?. Then we should go out somewhere, maybe this afternoon we could all go bowling?” He could see from her expression that she liked the idea, but then she said, “I would have liked that Carlo, but I’ve just remembered your dad said he was calling round for some more of his clothes later, but you can all go.” “Are his clothes ready mum?” “Yes, I pressed everything before I packed them, why?” “No problem I’ll drop them round to his hotel when I’m out this morning, which one’s he staying at?” Noticing she looked worried as to his offer, he quickly added, “Mum you can’t sit at home waiting for him, it might do him some good if you’re not here. If it makes you feel better, I’ll invite him bowling.” He could tell she’d thought about what he’d just said when she replied, “No you’re right Carlo; I doubt he’s even thought about me, he was meant to call Sophia yesterday but he didn’t. He’s staying at the Belmont, you could just leave his things at the reception, but I don’t want him to get the wrong impression and think I’m being funny.” “
I’ll take it up to him mum; I should go and see him anyway.” “Ok then, if you think it will be alright. I know it’s hard for you, but I love him Carlo and he really is sorry about what he did.” “Don’t worry mum, I’ll keep my mouth shut, it’ll be fine. I’ll be back about ten, get those lazy buggers up and tell them we’re going out at eleven.” He finished his tea while Isabella went to fetch Tony’s case. When she returned to the kitchen he stood up, kissed her on the cheek and left with his dad’s suitcase.

  After running his own errands he drove to the hotel. Walking into the reception he recognised the pretty young girl behind the reception desk. As he approached she smiled and said, “Hello Carlo, do you remember me?” Grinning he replied, “Of course I do, Kelsey isn’t it?” Looking pleased that he’d remembered her, she started talking to him and it was obvious that she had a thing for him. Unbeknown to her, Carlo had fancied her when they were at college together, but he knew she had a boyfriend so he had never let on. “So Kelsey, are you still with,” Try as he might he couldn’t recollect the boys name, thankfully she cut in and said, “Daryl?” “Yeah, that’s him Daryl, I expect you’re married by now,” he joked. Pulling a face she replied, “I would have been, if he hadn’t been seeing my so called best friend behind my back.” Trying to flatter her he said, “God he must want his head read to let you get away.” Blushing she replied, “Thanks, are you with anyone?” Shaking his head he grinned and said, “No, its difficult being at university. I can only get home a couple of times a week.” “Same here, most nights I’m working, although I have started having some weekend evenings off, I only work till lunch time Saturdays.” Without wasting the chance he said, “Would you fancy going for a drink one night?” Eagerly she smiled and replied, “Yes that would be great. I expect you’ve already got plans for tonight?” “No actually I haven’t, why did you fancy going out tonight?” “It’s my sister’s engagement party; I would love it if you came with me.” “Ok, where and what time shall I pick you up?” After giving him her address details she joked and said, “I haven’t even asked you why you’re here. I did see the name Ramon in the register, but I never connected it to you.” “My dad’s staying here, I’ve just come to see him and bring him some gear, what room is he in?” She looked embarrassed as she replied, “I’m not supposed to let anyone go up to the rooms and really I should call your dad and tell him you’re here.” “If I know my old man, he didn’t get it till the early hours and he’ll still be asleep. I don’t think he’ll mind me waking him up, but if you have to call him that’s fine.” Smiling she shook her head and said, “I’m sure it’ll be ok, he’s in room number seventeen, on the first floor. I’m going on my break in fifteen minutes, so if I don’t see you when you leave, I’ll see you tonight, ok?” “Absolutely, I’ll be there quarter to eight.”


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