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Riding the Line (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation)

Page 13

by Winter Travers

  Fayth patted my arm. “Yeah, babe. It’s eleventy twelve.”

  “I should have stopped drinking three drinks ago. Sight hind is twenty-twenty.” Oh, Lord. Even I knew I was babbling like an idiot, but I couldn’t stop it. It was like I was standing outside of my body, watching myself act like a fool.

  “Maybe you should hit the hay, and when you wake up, your friend will be here,” Fayth suggested.

  Sleep sounded amazing, but there was no way I was sleeping until Royal was here.

  I wagged my finger in her face. “Nope. Not until Royal gets here right now.”

  “Yo, they’re here,” Pie called. “Just pulled up.”

  “Hot damn,” Meg laughed. “You should have demanded they get here hours ago.”

  Fayth grabbed my hand and looked at it. “You got some special juju in these fingers, honey?”

  “It’s a possibility. I traveled through New Leans once.” I shook my head. “New Orleans.” See, I could totally talk right. It just took a couple of times to get it to come out right.

  “Well, come on, voodoo. Let’s get your friend, and I can yell at Marco for not calling me the past three days.” Fayth pulled me off the stool and hooked her arm through mine.

  “Even mob dudes get in trouble with their mamas, huh?” I hiccupped.

  Fayth laughed. “Yup, they sure do.”

  Frost moved to my other side. “Feeling okay?” he laughed.

  “Royal is here, and I’m significantly titty.” My eyes fluttered. “Tipsy.”

  “You’re both, darlin’,” Frost snickered.

  “I do have an impressive rack, huh? I should put a milkshake in the yard and see what happens.”

  Fayth’s step faltered. “Honey, I don’t think you are going to remember any of this when you wake up in the morning.”

  Hopefully not. God knows no one needed to remember the next fifteen seconds, where I slurred my way through singing to Frost about my milkshake bringing all the boys to the yard.

  We had only made it halfway through the door before it opened, and Royal stood there in all her beautiful glory.

  “It’s my friend,” I announced.

  Royal looked around and then up at Marco. “She got to drink. All I wanted was one glass of wine.”

  Marco shook his head. “Not when you’re pregnant, doll.”

  “Royal! You’re here and pregnant!” I shouted.

  Royal closed the gap between us and wrapped me up in a hug.

  “Oh, my sweet, Indiana. Who would have thought the next time we saw each other you would be drunk in a motorcycle club and I would be knocked up?” she sobbed.

  “Not me,” I cried. “Oh, my God. I’ve missed you so much.”

  I did. The past two years, I never took the time to actually stop and think about how much I loved having Royal around. I knew I needed to get out of Destin and away from Grit, but I never wanted to get away from Royal.

  “Marco told me you managed to fall in love with a biker.” Royal hugged me tightly. “I knew you would find what you were looking for here.”

  In love with a biker? I didn’t know if I could use the L word yet, but I did know Frost was shaping up to be just what I needed. There to always keep me safe, but trusting enough for me to make my own choices.

  I mean, I was sloshed, and not once did he glare at me or make me feel like I was doing something wrong.

  “I think this is where I belong,” I whispered loud enough only for Royal to hear me.

  “Good, doll. That makes me happy.”

  I pulled out of her hug and pointed at her stomach. “I’m gonna be an auntie, and you’re gonna be a momma.”

  She nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I am. I know we both swore up and down that mom life was not for us, but I’m hoping we were wrong, and I don’t mess this kid up too much.”

  I pressed my hand to her stomach. “I think you’re gonna do amazing.” I burped, and the room tipped a little too far to the left. “I think...” the floor rushed up to greet me, and the cold tile smacked my cheek.

  Yup. I was right. I was going to pass out.


  Chapter Eighteen


  “Oh, my God.”

  I brushed her hair from her face and tried not to laugh.

  “Stop smiling,” Indiana whined. “Why did you let me drink so much last night?”

  “Uh, you do what you want, darlin’,” I smirked. “I’m just there to make sure you do it safely.”

  She gently pressed her hand to her cheek. “My face kissed the floor,” she groaned. “How is that keeping me safe?”

  I grabbed the glass of water and Tylenol off the nightstand. “Because you went down like a sack of bricks. I didn’t have a chance to catch you.”

  “Ugh,” she moaned. “Who gets rip-roaring drunk the night their best friend who is pregnant and free from being kidnapped comes home? Who does that?” she shouted.

  Royal leaned against the doorframe and laughed. “My Indiana does that.”

  “Oh, my God,” Indiana moaned again. “You are glowing. I thought it was just my fuzzy memory from last night playing tricks on me.”

  Royal laughed. “Can I come in, or are you going to yell at Frost about you drinking too much?”

  Indiana gingerly sat up. “Come in. I can yell at him later for my bad decisions.”

  I handed her the water and pushed the pills into her other hand. “Drink all of this and take these.”

  “Yes, doctor.” She popped the pills into her mouth and downed half of the water.

  “King called church in five minutes. You good with Royal?” Church actually started in about thirty seconds, but I wanted to make sure Indiana was awake and okay before I left her.

  “Go, go,” she shooed. “I’ll wallow in my self-pity for two more minutes, and then, I gotta catch up with my Royal.”

  I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “All right, darlin’. Meg saved you a plate from breakfast if you get hungry.”

  She held a hand to her stomach. “I think I’ll pass on that right now. Water seems to be all I can handle.”

  “It’s in the fridge if you want it.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on her while you’re gone,” Royal laughed. “I told Meg to keep the tequila locked up at least until two.”

  “Church!” King bellowed down the hallway.

  Indiana pushed me off the bed. “You better go before King takes away your talking privileges,” she warned.

  I jogged out of the room and down the hallway to church.

  “Thank Christ,” Zag muttered. “King was about two seconds away from blowing his top.”

  “I didn’t mean…” My words stalled when my eyes connected with King’s.

  “What?” he growled.

  King sat at the head of the table, a gavel in his hand, and a bright pink shirt covering his chest. The sleeves barely covered his shoulders, and the words “Real men wear pink and eat it” were scrolled across the shirt.

  “Uh, did you lose a bet or something?” I asked.

  Rigid clapped King on the shoulder. “This is what happens when your wife forgets to do laundry, and you’re too stubborn to do it yourself.”

  “Sit your ass down,” King grunted. “We’re not having a meeting to discuss my damn laundry.”

  “King,” Meg called. “Don’t you get mad at those guys because you can’t seem to put your dirty clothes in the hamper. This is your own damn fault you have to wear one of Remy’s old shirts.”

  “Shut that door,” King grunted.

  Pie leaned back and swung the door shut.

  “Be nice!” Meg yelled before it clicked closed.

  King slammed the gavel on the table. “You guys think we can have a meeting without being dumbasses?”

  Demon scoffed, and Rigid sputtered.

  “You really gonna say that to us when you’re wearing that shirt?” Slider laughed.

  King tugged on the right sleeve. “Instead of taking away your talking pri
vileges, I’ll just make you assholes close your eyes the whole time. Problem solved.”

  Rigid held up his hands. “I’ve gone colorblind. I see nothing wrong with your fashion choices.”

  “I’ll make this shit quick.” King pointed at me. “I talked to Marco while you were scraping your girl off the floor last night. He’s not telling me what he promised the Meeks, but don’t think you’re going to get away with not paying for it. The Banachis are family, but Leo doesn’t let shit slide.”

  I held up my hands. “Whatever they want, I’ll do.” I had told Indiana I would do everything I could to keep her happy and that meant possibly owing to the Banachis for the rest of my life, then that was what I was going to do.

  “What’s the deal with her friend?” Pie asked. “She sticking around?”

  “No clue. I think Indiana wants her to move here, but I don’t know if that is going to happen. I think she has family in Florida.”

  “Her shitty brother?” Zag laughed. “Not sure I would stick around for that guy.”

  King shrugged. “Marco said Grit actually minded his fucking manners and didn’t cause him any problems. As long as the guy keeps his ass in Florida, I’m okay with him.”

  “Anyone talk to the friend?” Slider asked.

  Demon smiled wide. “You know the girls. They were flapping and squawking all around her this morning. If she does stay, I’m sure she’ll fit in just fine.”

  “And that is why I skipped breakfast today. I could hear the girls talking and cackling all the way in my bedroom.” Snapper leaned back and folded his arms behind his head. “An extra hour of sleep was pretty nice.”

  “Don’t get too used to that,” King drawled. “While you were sleeping, Meg was talking my ear off about converting the building next to the shop into a fucking dance studio.”

  “Uh, I’ve seen Meg dance. Are we trying to lose money or something?” Demon asked.

  “Unless we have people pay for her to not dance.” Slider tapped a finger to his temple. “We might be onto something with that.”

  “Meg isn’t dancing, you idiots. It’s gonna be pole dancing.” King pointed at me. “Indiana is going to be the instructor, and the rest of the ol’ ladies are going to help run it.”

  Slider threw up his hands in the air. “Even fucking better. You’re a genius, King. They’re gonna be over at the studio all the time, so that means they won’t be up to no good over here.”

  “That’s the damn truth,” Gambler grumbled. “I’m getting mighty sick of Gwen winning all the poker games. It’s like all my luck rubbed off on her.”

  “Does it really matter if you win all the time or her? You still get the money,” Easy laughed.

  “That was all good and true until we started playing with fucking tootsie rolls. Got a goddamn bucket full of them. Can’t buy shit with a fucking tootsie roll.” Gambler folded his arms over his chest. “Corral them over at the dance studio, and we can get back to business as usual.”

  Demon bumped fists with Gambler. “Monday night poker games and Friday night fight night.”

  King held out his hand. “If you want that, then we’re gonna have to help flip the building. With the club not open right now, we’re gonna have to be tight with the money. We’re able to stay afloat for about six months before we start running out of money.”

  “You really think the club is going to be closed for six months?” Pie asked.

  “If we don’t figure out who the hell is killing the girls, then we’re never going to be able to open back up.” King laid his hand on the table. “Bunny and Tanya happened before we had a grasp on what was going on. The fact this psycho came into the clubhouse without any of us knowing pisses me the hell off. The reason we brought all of the girls here was because we promised them they would be safe here.”

  That was why King was like a raging bull in a china shop two days ago. The clubhouse was our home, and someone had violated it.

  “This guy obviously has to be watching us, right? Pam was killed the night you guys came back from Arizona. He had to see everything was a clusterfuck and realized it was a good time to strike again,” Snapper guessed.

  “That’s what I was thinking, too.” King pointed at Zig and Zag. “You two are going to be in charge of surveillance. Someone is always awake, no matter the time. We make it obvious. We want this asshole to know we’re on to him, and he isn’t going to get us again.”

  Zig and Zag nodded. For once, they didn’t argue. Even they knew shit was getting serious.

  “We’ll all take watch, but Zig and Zag will make the schedule and make sure we’re always covered.” King turned to Rigid. “The girls are only allowed in the clubhouse and the building for the dance studio. You’ll take the dance studio. No one is allowed over there unless two members are also there.”

  “Jesus,” Rigid complained. “You gave those two the easy job. I’m supposed to keep track of eighteen women I don’t know plus all the ol’ ladies.” Rigid shook his head. “Treating me like a damn prospect.”

  “Might as well set a cot up other, brother,” Gambler laughed.

  King pointed at Gambler. “Since it is going to be a pretty shitty job, you can help him, too.”

  Easy sputtered and clapped his dad on the back. “Good luck, Dad. Mom is gonna give you a run for your money.”

  Gambler grabbed Easy’s arm and twisted it. “Yeah? Well, I just gave you the task of keeping an eye on Luna.”

  “What?!” Easy shouted. “You can’t do that. King gives the orders.”

  King shrugged. “I’m actually okay with that. Luna isn’t going to be interested in the dance studio. She’s got Ransom on her back after stomping on his foot, so I want you to stay one step ahead of her and make sure she doesn’t make shit harder for us than it already is.”

  Gambler let go of Easy’s arm. “And while you’re at it, make sure your sister doesn’t get roped into any of Luna’s hair-brained ideas. If the two of them get together, you won’t have a chance in hell against them.”

  “Just great,” Easy whined. “I’m never going to be able to sleep. Now I have the shittiest job.”

  King shrugged. “Open your mouth, and you get shit jobs.”

  “And these guys don’t have to do anything,” Easy complained.

  “They’re gonna be on rotation for surveillance. Stop your bitching, and just do what I tell you to. None of this is going to be permanent. We keep an eye on the clubhouse, and maybe we’ll catch this guy.” King nodded to Snapper. “He’s watching us. Now, we’re gonna watch him.” King slammed the gavel on the table. “Let’s start playing this asshole’s game.”



  “It’s him, isn’t it?” Royal flopped on the bed next to me and grabbed my hand. “The guy who watched you when you danced.”

  I closed my eyes. “I don’t think I’m feeling well enough to have this conversation right now.” Explaining my feelings for Frost while hungover was not something I wanted to do. “And the way you say it makes it sound a whole lot creepier than it actually was.”

  “Indiana,” she scolded. “You cannot hide from me. I know you better than anyone else on this earth.”

  “You know, I didn’t miss this.” I wagged my finger between us. “I didn’t miss you telling me what I felt and then me realizing you’re right. Not one bit, don’t miss it.”

  Royal laughed. “That’s because I see what’s right in front of your face. You’re too scared to open your eyes.”

  My eyes were open. I knew I wanted Frost, and Rockton was my home now.

  Did I want to discuss it out loud? Nah.

  “You’re right, okay? Can we leave it at that?”

  Royal grabbed my hand and laid it on her stomach. “Yeah, we can move on to the fact you can feel my baby move right…now.”

  “Holy shit!” I jumped up but kept my hand on her stomach. “Jesus, Royal. You actually have a baby in there.”

  “Yeah,” she giggled. “It’s still pretty c
razy for me to think about.”

  I sat up and looked down at her.

  “It’s my turn now, isn’t it?” she asked.

  I nodded. “What in the hell were you thinking hooking up with Rider Meeks?” I demanded.

  Royal shrugged. “Uh, I don’t think I was thinking at all. At least, not with my brain.”

  “Royal! I don’t care if he was Jason Mamoa’s twin brother. His last name was Meeks!” I didn’t know what Rider looked like, but I knew he wasn’t worthy enough to throw your whole life away on.

  “I messed up, Indy. It was good in the beginning, and then it all just went south really quick.” She rubbed her stomach. “Then, this little peanut complicated things even more.”

  “So, are we going to tell my niece or nephew their daddy was a dick who kidnapped mommy?”

  Royal laughed. “I think I’ll leave that out of the baby book.”

  “He didn’t hurt you or anything, right?” I held my breath and tried to restrain my rage that was bubbling under the surface.

  “Not any more than he ever did. He didn’t want me anymore.”

  “Then what in the hell did he kidnap you for?”

  Royal closed her eyes and sighed. “Before Marco called, I was seventeen hours away from being boarded onto a plane and shipped off to Mexico to the highest bidder.”

  “Jesus Christ, Royal. He was gonna sell you and his baby?”

  Royal shrugged. “Yeah. He really was a bad guy, Indy. That glimmer of hope I had that everything was going to be hunky dory was stomped out pretty damn quick.”

  “Well, that’s over now. Thanks to my biker and mafia connections,” I winked, “Rider Meeks is nothing but a memory now.”

  “Yeah,” Royal whispered.

  I squeezed her hand. “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, Royal, but everything is going to be okay. You’re here now. This is where you told me to go two years ago, and maybe you should have come, too.”

  “You were running from Grit, Indy. Anywhere but Destin was better for you.”

  I curled my lip. “I know he’s your brother, but let’s not bring him up for a little bit, yeah?”

  “He has changed, Indy. I mean, he still has a temper and just an overall shitty attitude, but he is trying.”


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