Book Read Free

Road to Forever

Page 17

by Piper Davenport

  “Watch my girl, Cass,” she said and left the room.

  Cassidy groaned and followed. A few minutes later, Poppy walked in and stretched out on the bed beside me. “Your moms have gone postal.”

  “I was afraid of that.” I sat up. “We need to stop them.”

  “No.” Poppy squeezed my arm. “Flea and Sid are upstairs. There’s no way in hell those two will get past them.”

  I settled back on the pillows. “Why is Hatch here? I thought he’d be with my dad.”

  “Your dad asked him to be here, and Flea said he goes where you go.” Poppy smiled. “Precious cargo and all.”

  “I need this to be over, Poppy.” I forced back tears. “I need Maverick.”

  “I know, honey.” She sighed. “He’s going to be okay.”

  “What if he’s not? What if they do something to Tillie? I couldn’t bear it.”

  “I know this is just lip-service, but you can’t think that way.” Poppy settled her hand on my belly. “Charley needs you to stay calm.”

  I nodded, the tears leaking down my cheeks. “I can’t live without him, Poppy.”

  “You’re not going to have to live without him.” She wiped the tears from my cheek. “Maverick would lose his mind if he knew you were thinking like this.”

  “I just want to know where he is,” I whispered.

  “You know that guy Ryder?”

  I nodded.

  “Mum says Sid thinks he’s the shit. Ryder’s been really helpful getting information to Crow and the rest of the guys, and you know what everyone thinks of Sadie.”

  I smiled. “She’s amazing.”

  “Exactly. So trust that they’re going to find Maverick and Tillie, okay?”

  I nodded. “I’ll try.”

  “Good. I think you should try and sleep.”

  I snorted. “That’s never going to happen.”

  “I did say try...”

  “Thanks, Poppy. You’re a pretty good Maverick stand-in.”

  She giggled. “I’m your SIM?”

  “Stand-in Maverick? Yeah, totally.”

  “Just don’t make me suck your tits. I’m all about the cock.”

  “Ohmigod, Poppy, warn me next time.” I laughed so hard, Charley started somersaulting again and I peed a little. “Thank you,” I said once I could breathe again.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I took a couple of deep breaths, feeling a little less out of control than I had a few minutes ago.

  Startled by the bedroom door slamming open, I sat up with a gasp.

  “They found them,” Mom said. “They’re at the hospital. We need to go now.”

  “What?” I slid off the bed, but a sharp pain shooting through my stomach had me gripping the mattress. “Why are they at the hospital?” I rasped.

  “I don’t know...” She wrapped an arm around my waist. “Baby girl, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m okay. Just take me to Maverick.” I tried to walk, but I couldn’t seem to move without pain, and I involuntarily cried out as I stepped forward.

  Mom rushed to the door and bellowed, “Someone find Hatch.”

  “Where’s Flea?”

  “He got called out,” Mom said. “Hatch and Devon are here.”

  “Mom, I’m okay.”

  “You’re not okay, Lily. We need to get you to Legacy.”

  I frowned. “Where’s Mav?”


  “Then take me to Emmanuel.”

  “Baby girl, you’re going to Legacy. I can’t risk driving you all the way to Emmanuel if something’s wrong with the baby.”

  “I swear to God, Mom, if you don’t take me to Maverick first, I will never speak to you again.”

  “What’s wrong?” Hatch asked from the doorway. Hatch was in his fifties with long salt-and-pepper hair and an epic beard, and to say he was gorgeous was an understatement. He’d pulled his hair back into a man bun, and he rocked the look.

  “My daughter’s being stubborn,” Mom said. “She’s in pain, so we need to get her to the hospital, but she’s insisting on going to Emmanuel.”

  I grimaced as pain shot through my stomach again. Hatch didn’t waste any time as he gently lifted me then carried me upstairs and out to his truck.

  “I’m gonna get you to Maverick, Lil. I’m gonna defer to you on the pain side of things because you’re a nurse and you know what you can take, but you don’t lie to me if it’s bad, hear me?”

  I nodded as I secured my seatbelt.

  “Swear it,” Hatch demanded.

  “I swear, Hatch.”

  He nodded and closed my door. Maisie stood on the porch with Poppy, and Hatch said something to them, kissed Maisie, and then jogged to the driver’s side. Mom and Cassidy had already jumped into the backseat, so we took off for Portland.

  My heart raced as we hit traffic, but Hatch was an expert driver and maneuvered us through the gridlock and to the hospital entrance.

  “Why are you going to emergency?” I asked. “I’m fine. I want to see Maverick.”

  “He’s here, baby girl,” Mom said.

  I felt sick. “Ohmigod, how bad is he?”

  “I don’t know. Dad’s inside.”

  “Don’t move,” Hatch ordered and climbed out of the truck. He walked into the building, returning with a wheelchair. Pulling open my door, he lifted me out of the cab and cautiously settled me into the chair. “You good?”

  I nodded. “Thanks, Hatch.”

  “I’m gonna park the truck, and then I’ll find you when I’m done.”

  “Thanks, honey,” Mom said and kissed his cheek.

  A volunteer wheeled me into the emergency waiting area, and we found Dad and several other Dogs pacing the room.

  “Where’s Carter?” Cassidy asked.

  Dad closed the distance between us and pulled Mom close. “Ace is fine, Cass. He’s got a minor bullet wound—”

  “Minor bullet wound?” Cassidy squeaked. “He was shot?”

  “In the upper arm, a graze. Just needs a few stitches. He’ll be out in a few.”

  “What about Tillie?”

  “She’s getting checked out, but she’s good, Cass.” He squeezed her arm. “Safe. She’s with Ace.”

  “Where’s Maverick?” I asked. Dad hunkered down in front of me, and I immediately burst into tears. “Is he dead?”

  “No, baby girl, but he’s in surgery.”

  “What happened?” I whispered.

  “Brick came for Tillie. Maverick stabbed him when he tried to take her, but Brick had a gun, and when he aimed for Tillie, Maverick jumped in front of her.”

  I nodded, sobbing so hard I couldn’t catch my breath.

  Mom leaned down and cupped my chin. “Lily, you need to breathe. You’re going to hyperventilate. Charley needs you to breathe.”

  “He’s gonna be fine, baby girl,” Dad promised. “You hear me?”

  I nodded, but I was distraught... and in pain. “I need you to take me to him.”

  Mom didn’t respond as she pulled out her cell phone. “Hey, Mace. Who’s on that you can pull strings with? Yeah, she’s cramping, and Mav’s in surgery, so she’s stressed. Okay. Thanks, honey. Bye.” Mom squeezed my shoulder. “Dallas’s brother’s here. Macey’s calling him now.”

  “I need to know what’s going on with Maverick.”

  “I’ll go ask,” Mom offered.

  I nodded. “I’m going to be sick.”

  Dad lifted me and carried me to the bathroom. Mom changed tack and followed me, and I barely made it to the toilet. A nurse arrived a few minutes later and whisked me into an exam room.

  In the middle of demanding information about Maverick, a doctor walked in, and I immediately knew who he was. He looked a lot like Macey’s husband, Dallas.

  “Hey, Alec,” Mom said.

  “Hey, Payton.” He hugged my mom and then turned to me. “Hey, Lily. I’m Dr. Stone.” He shook my hand. “Macey called and said you’re cramping a little?”

  I nodded

  “A lot,” Mom corrected.

  “What’s going on with Maverick?” I asked. “Mom, I need you to find out how he is.”

  “I checked on him before I came down,” Dr. Stone said. “He’s still in surgery, but it’s going well. Now, let’s make sure you and the baby are okay. Maverick’s going to want to wake up and find his girls safe and healthy. Sound good?”

  I nodded, and he did a full exam.

  “Good news is you’re not in labor,” he said once he was done. “But your blood pressure is slightly elevated, probably due to stress, so we’ll keep you here for a bit, give you some fluids, and if you’re still in pain, I can give you a mild narcotic.”

  “I don’t want drugs.”

  “That’ll be the last resort,” he promised.

  “Can you please check on Maverick again?”

  “Sure thing.” Dr. Stone squeezed my shoulder. “I’ll let you know as soon as I have any news.”

  “Thanks, Alec,” Mom said.

  The doctor left, and a nurse came in and set me up with an IV. Dad arrived a few minutes later followed by Cassidy and Tillie. Tillie rushed to me and hugged me gently. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good, Till.” I stroked her cheek. “Are you okay?”

  “It’s all my fault,” she whispered almost too low to hear her.

  “No, it’s not, honey.”

  “If I had done what I should have, Mav wouldn’t have been shot.” She burst into tears and licked her lips. “Neither would Daddy.”

  “Your dad’s totally fine, Till.” I gave her a gentle hug. “And I know Maverick’s going to be fine.”

  “Okay, honey. We need to get you back to Daddy,” Cassidy said. She kissed my cheek. “As soon as I know anything, we’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, Cass.”

  Cassidy and Tillie left the room, and Dad dragged a chair to the side of my bed and sat down. “How are you feeling, baby girl?”

  “I’m okay, Daddy. I just want to see Maverick.”

  He dragged his hands down his face. “I know.”

  As I watched the clock on the wall tick forward, I started to feel better about an hour into the IV treatment. But I still had no word on Maverick, so my panic started again. Dr. Stone came back at about four a.m. and checked my vitals.

  “Maverick’s out of surgery, but he’ll be in recovery for a while.”

  “Take me to him.”

  “Lil—” Mom started.

  “No!” I snapped. “Goddammit, someone had better take me to my husband, or I’m gonna start breaking things.”

  I removed the IV and swung my legs off the bed.

  “Fuck me, Lily,” Dad bellowed. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Hold on, Lily,” Dr. Stone said. “That wasn’t a good idea.”

  “I’m a nurse, doc; I know how to remove an IV.” I kept pressure where the needle had been in my arm, knowing the bleeding would stop any minute. “Now, someone take me to my husband!”

  “Let me get you a wheelchair,” Dr. Stone said.

  “You have two minutes,” I said. “Or I’m walking.”

  A wheelchair appeared in less than two minutes, and the doctor was finally leading my parents and me to the recovery area. We arrived at Maverick’s room, and the doctor faced me. “He’s suffered some pretty significant injuries, so he’s intubated until he can breathe on his own.”

  I nodded. “I’m ready.”

  He pushed open the door, and Dad pushed me inside. I lost it. My Möosh looked dead. I’d worked in the ER department long enough to know what to expect, but upon seeing the love of my life hooked up to wires and intubated, I couldn’t deal. My breathing grew shallow and my nausea started again.

  “I need you to pull yourself together,” Dr. Stone said. “My priority is you and your baby, Lily, so if you can’t handle this, I’m putting you on bed rest.”

  “I’m okay,” I rushed to say.

  I was pretty sure the doctor knew I was lying, but he let me off the hook... for the moment. I pushed myself out of the wheelchair and leaned over Maverick, stroking his cheek. “I’m here, Möosh.”

  Dad pulled a chair by the bed. “Sit down, baby girl.”

  I lowered myself into the chair and slid my hand into Maverick’s, lifting his hand to my lips and kissing his palm. “I need you to breathe, baby. We need to get that tube out of your throat.”

  “I’m gonna find Cass,” Dad said and left Mom and me with Maverick.

  Our bedside vigil went on for several hours. I hadn’t slept, I hadn’t eaten, and I was exhausted, but I couldn’t relax until I knew Maverick would be okay.

  Dad brought us something to eat around five a.m. I didn’t let go of Maverick’s hand even to eat, so I muddled my way through a burger and fries one-handed. I needed to stay connected. The only time I left his side was to use the facilities.

  “Lily, would you let us get you a bed?” Mom asked, her voice concerned. “You need to sleep.”

  “No, I’m good.”

  Mom sighed but didn’t press. I kissed Maverick’s hand again settling my cheek on the edge of the mattress. It was an awkward position, but until I could climb on the bed and sleep next to him, it would have to do.


  GENTLE FINGERS STROKED my head, and I sat up with a gasp. I still wasn’t entirely awake, but I was lucid enough to see Maverick smiling. His eyes were still closed, but he was smiling. I glanced around and found my parents, along with Ace, Cassidy, Liam, and Tillie.

  Cassidy was awake, and I whispered, “When did they remove the tube?”

  She scooted her chair closer to me. “About an hour ago.”

  “How did I miss that?” I rubbed my aching back. It was killing me, probably from falling asleep in the chair. I regretted not letting them bring in a bed for me, but if they had, no one else would have fit in the room.

  Cassidy squeezed my arm. “You were exhausted, sweetheart. You obviously needed to sleep.”

  I focused back on Maverick. “Has he woken completely yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  I lifted his hand and kissed it gently. “Wake up, Möosh,” I ordered. He didn’t obey, but that didn’t surprise me. It could take a long time for a patient to wake up after surgery. The body had to process the trauma and the effects of anesthesia.

  “What did they say about his oxygen level?” I asked.

  “Ninety-eight percent after they took the tube out.”

  I kissed Maverick’s hand again. “That’s really good.”

  “How are you feeling, honey?” Cassidy asked.

  “I’m okay, Cass.” I pushed up from my chair. “I do need to pee, though.”

  “Baby girl, you okay?” Dad asked gruffly. He stood and closed the distance between us.

  “I’m good, Daddy. I just have to use the restroom.” He walked to the bathroom with me and was waiting for me when I came out, walking beside me as I headed back to my vigil.

  “You need to rest, Lil.”

  “I just slept for two hours.”

  Dad frowned. “That’s not really what I meant.”

  I sighed as I took my seat again. “I know, but I’m not leaving him, so please don’t ask me again.”

  Dad shook his head as he stroked my cheek, but he walked back to his chair without comment.

  “Don’t argue with your dad, Lil,” Maverick rasped.

  I gasped and jumped to my feet, leaning over him. Finding the call button, I pressed it and then sat on the edge of the mattress. The rest of the family circled the bed.

  “Hey, Möosh.” I stroked his cheek. “Can you open your eyes?”

  He smiled. “No.”

  I chuckled. “Try harder.”

  He blinked and managed to squint a little. His nurse, Sandra, walked in and shooed everyone away so she could check him. I refused to leave, keeping firm hold of Maverick’s hand, and watched every move she made.

  “I’m going to let the doc know you’re awake,” Sandra said. “Everyt
hing looks good. Can I get you anything?”

  He shook his head.

  She nodded to me. “He can have water if he’s thirsty.”

  She left, and I leaned over him, kissing him gently. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  Maverick smiled. “Sorry, baby doll. Is Tillie okay?”

  “I’m here,” she said and rushed to his side, tears flowing down her cheeks. “You saved me.”

  “You kinda helped, sis.”

  While the family spent a few minutes with him, I poured him some water and forced him to drink a little. “It’ll help your throat, Möosh.”

  “Sit down, Lily,” he demanded. “You need to rest.”

  “If you think I’m leaving you, you’re high.”

  “Then get your ass up here.” He patted the mattress beside him.


  “Now,” he pressed. He grimaced as he shifted his large body to the side.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself,” I growled.

  He held his arm out to me (the one not hooked up to the IV), and I settled myself against him as gently as I could. As soon as his arm came around my waist, I burst into tears. I buried my face against his chest and let the stress of the last two days go.

  “I’m okay, baby doll. I got you.” He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head as my sobs wracked my body.

  Mom leaned over me, kissed my cheek, and then pulled a blanket around me.

  * * *


  Lily lost her battle with sleep, and I refused to wake her when the doctor came in to examine me. “You’re gonna need to work around her,” I whispered. “I’m not moving her.”

  Hawk and Payton had taken the kids down to get something to eat while my parents stayed behind. When the doctor left, I glanced over at my mom. “Can you hit that pain pump for me, please?”

  Mom rushed to help, stroking my cheek. “Do you need me to call the doctor back in?”

  “I’m good, Mama,” I assured her.

  “If anything happened to you...”

  “I’m good, Mom. I wasn’t about to leave any of you.” I focused on my dad. “What happened to Brick?”

  Dad crossed his arms and whispered, “DOA.”

  I relaxed. “Good.”

  “Don’t like that he got a shot off,” Dad said.

  “He didn’t shoot me,” I said. “Jenny did.”


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