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Shelby: A Forbidden FBI Bad Boy Romance (The Bang Shift Book 4)

Page 9

by Mandy Harbin

  When she’d researched BDSM, some sites had commented how subs would remain nude, including going without shoes, while in the presence of their Doms. Mason wasn’t really hers, but as far as this mission—and the scenes he was training her on—he was close enough. She needed him to talk tonight and hoped the token of her submission would soften him to the possibility.

  He’d commented before how she’d dressed like a Domme. Hopefully, her appearance was less harsh than before. The lack of shoes…and panties…would hopefully pass his appraisal.

  “Hello, Ms. Landry.”

  She jumped and turned to the side where the bouncer from the first night she’d shown up here was standing.

  “Hi,” she squeaked, then cleared her throat. “I’m supposed to be here. I’m meeting—”

  “I know. Mr. Showalter said to have you meet him upstairs in the room you were in last week. Do you remember where it is?”


  He raised an eyebrow and studied her. She straightened her shoulders and leveled her glare on him. Just because she was on assignment didn’t mean she’d let just any man do or say whatever he wanted. She knew how to take down guys this size. She wouldn’t come away unscathed, but at least he’d be worse off than she.

  The brute chuckled. “Head straight back. Don’t talk to anyone. If a Dom stops you, say, ‘My Master awaits.’ Any Dom at this club knows that’s code for ‘leave me the fuck alone’. It’s like using your safe word in a scene. Understood?”

  “Understood,” she repeated before grabbing the strap of her bag to ensure it wouldn’t slip off as she waded through the crowd.

  My Master awaits? Had she traveled back in time to some English manor where her duties included milking Betsy and stuffing her lord’s straw bed with this morning’s clippings? My Master awaits? In his damn dreams. It was one thing to play in the bedroom, but no way was she comfortable taking any of this BDSM stuff outside into the world. Hell no.

  Laughter drifted out of the room as she neared, taking her ire with it. She knew the person behind the joyful voice, but the laughter felt foreign. Mason had been so serious on the two occasions they’d been together, and their phone conversations hadn’t netted a reaction like this. She liked that he felt at ease with the other man in the room.

  Dread punched in her gut. She’d forgotten they wouldn’t be alone. Her steps faltered as she gazed down at her dress. Insecurity swamped her again, but the jovial sound coming from room reassured her the man at least had a sense of humor. She pushed through the door and the joyful camaraderie that had been shared seconds before died.

  She stared at Mason, who gaped at her wordlessly. Her nervous smile shook in its place to the point she had to draw her lips in and bit them both to still the quaking.

  “Damn,” the other man in the room muttered. He blinked at Mason. “You didn’t say anything about role playing. You know I love that shit. Why didn’t you save this for me?”

  Shelby frowned at the man, not understanding.

  “Let it go,” Mason murmured to him, but not taking his eyes off her.

  “Dude, costumes don’t work with bondage,” the other man said, turning his gaze back to her.

  “Go find Jedrek.”

  The other man huffed but started for the door. When he reached it, Shelby had to step aside to let him pass. Only he didn’t. He stopped right in front of her. “I like French maids. You show up in that next week, and we’ll pretend I’ve caught you stealing my silver.” She flinched when his finger grazed her arm and trailed down it slowly. “After I’ve done a body cavity search, I’ll whip you good.”


  The man chuckled and looked over his shoulder. “Chill out, Mace.” Then, as he walked out the door, he muttered, “I can’t believe you’re letting that uptight douche have all the fun.”

  He shut the door at his departure, and Shelby couldn’t hide the shiver that ran through her at the realization she was now alone with Mason—the man who now seemed past his shock and was giving her a slow, sexy smile.

  “Interesting clothes, pet.” He started toward her. “I’m not sure if I should ask your reasoning or question you on the bag you’re carrying first.”

  She licked her dry lips as she set it beside the door, making sure not to block it. “The answer is the same.” She shrugged as she wrapped her arms around her middle.

  “Is it now?” His smile brightened.

  “Yes, Master.” Mason’s eyes heated at her address, which gave a little bit of her confidence back. “You said to plan on staying the night. I wanted to be prepared.”

  “I would have seen to your needs,” he chided softly.

  “I…” She looked down. How was this man able to expose her with just a stare? She took a deep breath and focused on him again. “Thank you, Master. But my intention was to see to your comfort tonight. Should the scene go well, I mean.”

  “My comfort?” He seemed genuinely perplexed, and she found it adorable. Adorable? He’s a point of interest. Get it together, Shelby!

  “Granted, I don’t wear this on my job, but I thought it’d be fun to be dressed naughty while I gave you a massage.” Why was her throat so dry? She swallowed again and indicated her bag. “I brought some essential oils. For later, of course.”

  Now he seemed completely shocked. Her attire had made him temporarily speechless, but at the suggestion of her therapeutic offering, he seemed totally lost. “Why?” he finally breathed.

  She lifted a lone shoulder. “You’ve been…” She stopped and shook her head. She was about to say that he’d been so helpful with her and her BDSM exploration, but suddenly, that felt too much like a lie. Even though it held more truth than anybody would understand. Instead, she kept her response simple. “Because I want to.”

  That look. Oh God, the look he just gave her would have melted her heart if she’d have let it. It held so much emotion, not the least of which was pride and something else she didn’t understand. He took a step toward her, but the door opened, startling her.

  “Sorry. Problem with a bouncer.” The man shucked his jacket as he walked in and tossed it onto the couch. When Shelby looked at Mason again, that warm expression was gone. In its place was cool indifference.

  “It’s fine,” he said, darting his gaze at the man before finally walking to Shelby. He took her hands and guided her to the couch. The other man walked to the other side of the room, busying himself with what she could only assume had to do with their scene. “Pet, that’s Jedrek.” He tilted his head toward the other man’s direction. Jedrek turned from what he was doing, gave her a short nod, and then twisted back toward his task.

  Mason stared after him a few seconds more, but it was long enough for Shelby to question the type of friendship the two men had. He’d been so lighthearted with the other guy, but now that Jedrek was here, Mason’s mood had instantly changed. She didn’t know him very well, but with Rafe at the spanking scene, Mason had seemed at ease for the most part. Tonight with Emory, he’d been laughing even, but with Jedrek, he almost seemed on edge. Why? She made a mental note to look at his file again. Maybe there was more to this Jedrek man than they’d considered. She and her team knew it was a possibility that information could be garnered here at the club, but they hadn’t considered some direct connection with F and B. From all accounts, the club and Mason’s work with the firm were completely separate. Of course, she could be getting ahead of herself. Maybe the sudden stiffness in the air had nothing to do with her case. Regardless, she’d look into it.

  Jedrek turned toward them. “Has he explained what we will be doing tonight?”

  “Yes, Sir. I mean. I know you’ll be tying me up.”

  “To some, bondage is just a form of restraint.” The foreboding man wrapped a length of rope around his hand as he spoke. “There are some who’d rather use cuffs and be done with it. They don’t understand the beauty, but I do. To me, bondage is an art. Come here.”

  The authority in his voice almost ha
d her rising without question, but she glanced at Mason first. He nodded, and she stood, his permission all she needed to obey the other. She felt Mason walking behind her as she proceeded slowly toward Jedrek.

  “Give me your hands.”

  Shelby trembled as she lifted them to him.

  “What’s your safe word?” Mason asked.

  “Red,” she whispered. Her insides were trembling and she hoped the shaking hadn’t made its way outside her body.

  He gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. “And if you just need a break?”


  “Good, girl. Tonight, pet, there are no other words that will stop this scene. Last week, you were given your safe word but also told you could tell us to stop with the reassurances we would. It was your first scene. You did well with it, so we are moving on to something harder. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Are you ready to begin?” Jedrek asked.

  She looked at him and nodded.

  “Verbally,” he said, biting.

  “Uh, yes, Sir.”

  “Master,” he corrected.

  “Sir,” Mason retorted.

  Jedrek glanced at him. His neck stiffened, but that was the only sign he’d been unhappy with the little rule. “Seems you left more details out.” He looked back at her. “Fine. Sir it is. Remove your dress.”

  Shelby trembled at the sound of Jedrek’s voice. The man had an unwavering authority about him, but she still had to force her arms to lift to reach the zipper behind her.

  Mason’s gentle hands nudged hers away. “Allow me, pet,” he murmured. She shouldn’t feel safe with him, but she did. Damn it to hell, she did. He was the monster she knew. Not that she knew him well at all, but this Jedrek guy was scary. “Beautiful,” Mason breathed when her dress hit the floor. His hands glided up and down her back before he stepped in front of her and stood by Jedrek. She had to admit her torturer tonight was attractive, but standing next to Mason, he paled in comparison. The cranky man was bald where Mason had beautiful brown hair, his eyes a steely gray to Mason’s warm brown. The goatee added to Jedrek’s hard persona.

  “Hands,” Mr. Mean barked.

  She offered them without hesitation and watched as he skillfully wrapped her wrists damn near to her elbows. She stared at his work as he stepped to the side and grabbed another length of rope. Her arms felt okay. The binding wasn’t too tight or even abrasive.

  But the message was clear.

  She felt more helpless now than she had last week when she was mounted to a spanking bench. Then, only cuffs had secured her wrists. This was completely different. Oh God, could she really do this? Her breathing spiked and her eyes darted to Mason.

  “Eyes down,” Jedrek ordered, and her gaze flew to the floor.

  Mason’s shoes came into view, but she still flinched when his hand rubbed her back again. “Good girl.”

  Her muscles relaxed at his praise. Her body liked pleasing him even if her mind struggled with it. She had many good reasons to struggle, but right now, she had to put them all aside. She took a deep breath, fortifying herself to her task. She could do this. When she got through the scene and she and Mason were alone, she’d pry him for information. Right now, she’d submit. Do what was needed.

  Make Mason proud.

  “Come,” Jedrek said as he grasped her arm and tugged her to the middle of the room. He reached up and pulled down a ring, but realizing she should have her eyes downcast, she immediately dropped her gaze. She wanted to watch what he was doing to prepare herself. Something cool covered her eyes and she gasped.

  “It’s just a blindfold, pet.”

  Oh God, now she couldn’t see! She swallowed through the need to hyperventilate, forcing the urge away.

  “Say your safe word,” Jedrek said calmly.


  “Do you want to use it?”


  Lips touched her neck, and she flinched. Who was kissing her? She didn’t want Jedrek to touch her like this. “Easy,” Mason breathed against her, and she practically slumped against him. He clutched her waist and continued his glorious assault on her neck.

  Shelby barely recognized her arms being lifted over her head.

  Mason’s hands trailed up her sides and cupped both of her breasts. Skillful fingers plucked at her greedy nipples, and she moaned as her head fell back onto his shoulder.

  More rope found its way around her body—tummy, thighs, she didn’t care. She was too focused on Mason’s ministrations to give her attention to Jedrek’s.

  One of Mason’s hands trailed down, and her hips thrust to meet him. He ignored her silent plea, but she felt him squat behind her as his hands reached her thighs, trailing over the rope while he kissed his way down her back. She was suddenly lifted, suspended in the air. Her legs were moved into some position, she wasn’t quite sure what, but the ease of it shocked her.

  “Relax,” Mason murmured. He was standing up with her, though she could tell he wasn’t the driving force behind her change in elevation. His hands continued their soothing caresses.

  Until he stepped away, and no one touched her.

  No one made a sound.

  She struggled, swinging slightly with her effort, but she was completely bound. Her hands did not budge, her feet, though moving, were not making any headway.

  “Master Mason told you to relax.” Jedrek didn’t sound irritated, just stated it mater-of-factly.

  “I’m trying, Sir.” How the hell could someone relax where they were hogtied to the freaking ceiling? If this was supposed to be erotic, Shelby had totally missed the memo.

  “No you’re not,” Mason said calmly. “You’re too tense. Just let your body relax.”

  “Start with your feet,” Jedrek said. She nodded and forced her legs to stop moving, allowing them to lay limp. “That’s a girl, pet. Now your arms and chest.”

  It took her several seconds to ease her body into a calm state, but when she thought she’d finished, Mason was quick to correct her. “You’re head.”

  “Huh?” She twisted it to the side as if she could see them.

  “That’s not how you address me, Shelby,” Mason said sternly.

  “I-I’m not sure what you mean, Master.”

  “Shelby,” Jedrek started. “Your head is still up. You need to drop it. Relax completely for me.”

  Drop her head? How was she supposed to do that? She was suspended in air! Maybe he’d fashioned some rope-styled pillow for her? Slowly, she let it ease back, but jerked it up when she’d reached the end of her comfort zone and had not met any support. Now her body had tensed up again.

  “C’mon, pet. You can do it,” Mason encouraged. “Once you’ve let go, I’ll show you how freeing it is to be so restricted.”

  How could she be free and confined? That didn’t make any sense. With a steadying breath, she forced herself into relaxation. This time, she let her head hang.

  She’d totally gone limp.

  “Beautiful,” Mason murmured.

  “That she is.”

  She heard some mumbling between the two men, but she was too engrossed in this feeling of flying to care what they were talking about. The blood would’ve rushed to her head if she’d been at a different angle, but like this she felt amazing. When a door opened and closed in the background, she didn’t bother asking if someone was leaving or coming in. She should care, but she didn’t. Besides, she wasn’t really given permission to speak, so she saw no reason to break this odd euphoria.

  “It’s just us, pet,” Mason breathed right in her ear. And how did he get so close to her without her hearing him? That didn’t matter either. She was naked and on display for him. Only him. And her body immediately electrified. His hand skimmed her inner thigh. “You’re doing so well.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  She wasn’t sure if it was rhetorical or not, so she said not
hing. She figured she was pretty enough, but she wasn’t one to dwell on her looks. He pushed her legs open wider. Without warning, his tongue grazed her clit, and she gasped. “Such a good girl. I’m going to reward you now. If you want to stop, use your safe word, Shelby. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  She’d barely gotten her reply out when he’d fastened his mouth upon her core. Any calmness her muscles had experienced left with the sudden tightening that engulfed her. She was so stiff that she’d swear no ropes held her, that she was floating of her own accord.

  But that thought fled with the heat that consumed her, radiating from her as he feasted on her. She moaned, and he grabbed her rear to hold her steady and continued his assault. And it was amazing. Pure bliss. Her body hummed with so much energy she just knew she’d combust.

  And come the fastest she had ever in her life.

  And without any other foreplay.

  “You can come as soon as you’re ready, my beautiful pet.” Mason shoved two fingers inside her and fucked her with them while he batted his tongue on her overly sensitized nub. Within seconds, she was screaming…maybe his name, maybe incoherent nonsense. She had no idea.

  “Fuck. I’d planned on teasing you for hours. I can’t. I need you. Now. So fucking bad.”

  She’d have screamed her agreement if she could be certain her sentences were back to being coherent. She was too eager to feel him, give him what he wanted, because it was what she wanted, too.

  She heard a zipper, a packet being torn, and then he was pushing inside her.

  “Oh God,” she breathed. He felt huge, but she wanted it, wanted him. “Don’t stop.”

  “Never.” He pounded into her as if he was possessed. He’d grabbed her shoulders from underneath so she wasn’t pushed away each time he entered her. His fingers dug into her so hard, she’d wear his bruises later, but it only heightened her ecstasy. She heard his belt buckle jingle as he moved, felt his sleeves on her thighs. He was fully clothed while she was naked. Naked, bound, tied, being controlled, yet she’d never felt freer in her life. It was so much to accept.


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