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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

Page 28

by Catherine Banks

  I shook my head. “I can’t control her yet.”

  Francois frowned. “I forgot you have only changed recently. Your wolf needs an alpha to control her.”

  I frowned. “What? Why do you need Ares to control me? He hasn’t yet.” My wolf stirred harder in me, and I felt her trying to change me.

  Francois hissed. “Stop it!”

  I screamed in pain as a few of my bones separated, trying to remake my shape. I yelled, “I’m trying! But I can’t stop her!” More bones and muscles separated and expanded. I fell to the floor screaming in pain. The change hadn’t been this painful before. Andre jumped over the table and grabbed me, throwing me on the ground and pinning me. I snapped my teeth at him and shook my head. “You aren’t helping Andre! My wolf doesn’t like you.”

  He got off of me, and my body finished the transformation. I lay still on the ground panting and hurting. The pain started to subside, and I rolled over. Francois and Andre’s faces were now that of the vampires I had nightmares of. Their fangs extended and their fingers turned into daggers. I growled at them softly, but stayed back. I suddenly knew how I could tell Ares I was captured. I ran to the front door and burst through it. I knew Andre and Francois were right behind me, but I had to do it. I stopped outside the door and raised my snout to the sky and howled as loud as I could. Andre reached for me and I jumped to the side, continuing my long howl. Dogs in the neighborhood near us began howling with me, and soon our songs filled the night air.

  Within seconds I lost my breath, and Francois tackled me. I didn’t fight and instead submitted to him. He frowned down at me, and then the faintest howl drifted on the wind to my ears. Ares had heard me and he was answering my call. He was coming for me. The thought made me happy and sad at the same time and if I had been in human form I would have cried. Francois dragged me by my scruff back into the house and hissed at me. I laid on the ground averting my eyes and staring at his shoes. He had on running shoes that were covered in mud.

  Francois hissed again. “Change back.”

  I tried to change, but my wolf wouldn’t let me. She liked being in control and didn’t want to go back. I whimpered and Andre sighed. “Dammit. She doesn’t have control over the wolf to change. You should have warned us that she was so new!”

  Francois sighed. “The mistress did not care about her being new. Neither of us foresaw this as a possible reaction.”

  I watched them bicker and relaxed on the ground. Ares had heard my call and answered. He was coming for me. I just had to wait for him. Andre grabbed me by my scruff while I was lying down and threw me across the room. My instincts kicked in, and I pushed off the wall with my feet and landed on the ground. Andre’s fangs were extended past his bottom lip and he screamed at me. It was a scream so full of rage and fury, that I flinched. He started towards me, but Francois stood in his path. “Our mistress ordered us not to kill her.”

  Andre hissed. “I won’t kill her, but I’m going to make her wish she was dead.”

  I remembered Koda telling me that they would do that and I growled softly. Apparently, rape hadn’t been the only thing they’d been worried about. I started moving around the table so it was between us, and Andre followed me. Francois let Andre go, and then began to come at me from the other side. It seemed that he liked Andre’s reasoning and the thought of causing me pain wasn’t a bad one. His fangs extended and he hissed at me. I snapped my teeth at them both and prayed Ares would come sooner rather than later. Andre jumped across the table at me. I had a second to decide my course of action and the wolf took over. I dove under the table and out the other side, while Andre tried to reach underneath.

  I ran for the stairs and up into my bedroom. I focused on my human form and my body transformed faster than I had ever been able to before and with no pain. I ran forward and shut the bedroom door and locked it. I knew it was silly to think the small wooden door could keep the vampires out, but it was all I could think to do. I heard them move up the stairs and smelled them closing in on me, but the door didn’t open. I curled up on the bed and waited for what they would do to me, because there was nothing else I could do. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. I listened harder and heard fighting downstairs. Had Francois come to his senses and begun to fight Andre? I strained to listen, but all I could hear was the thudding sound of fists hitting each other. I started to walk towards the door and decided it was better to stay here, until I knew who the winner was.

  Five more minutes passed and then I heard footsteps up the stairs. I frowned because they were heavier than the vampires had been originally. Could they only float when using magic? I waited tensely as someone stopped in front of my door and inhaled. I suddenly wished I was in my wolf form, but she was too scared to move. There were soft whispers, then a knock on the door. I frowned. Why would they knock on the door?

  A familiar male voice asked, “Artemis? Are you in there?”

  I jumped off the bed and ran for the door, throwing it open. “Victor!” I ran into his arms and hugged him. “Oh, Victor, you’re here.”

  Victor patted my back, then pushed me away.

  I felt something hot and wet on my face and put my hand up to feel blood. I looked at Victor and gasped. “Are you hurt?”

  He smiled, showing a little fang. “It’s not my blood.”

  I looked around. “Where is Ares?”

  He smiled at me. “He is not as fast as me, but he should be here in a moment. He wanted me to come ahead and to ensure your safety.”

  Jean Pierre stood just behind him, his face downcast. I reached my hand out to him and he took it, pulling me against him in a hug. “I am sorry for the pain my brother caused you, mon ami.”

  I shook my head. “It is not your fault. You came to save me.”

  He pulled back, tears running down his face. “I had feared the dark mistress had taken control of him, but I had not dreamed he would do something so despicable.”

  “He did not hurt me. He was probably the only reason Andre did not hurt me.” I frowned then. “Are they…”

  Victor’s lips thinned. “They are dead.”

  I exhaled in relief and began to shiver, thinking of what Andre had wanted to do. I heard someone come in the house and pressed myself against Victor, praying it wasn’t Isabella.

  Soft bone popping sounds traveled up the stairway and then loud footsteps followed.

  I inhaled and smiled wide. I ran from Victor’s arms towards the man I loved. I frowned at the realization and then quickly smiled again.

  Ares held his arms out to me, a look of relief on his face as I jumped up on him. He held me against his body, and I kissed his lips. I felt his tension and remembered what I had done. I pushed away from him and knelt on the ground in front of him, with my head turned to the side offering my neck. I whispered, “Please forgive me. I did not go with them to betray you.”

  Ares squatted and lifted my chin up. “There is nothing to forgive. What you did was stupid, but I did not think you betrayed me.”

  Hot tears slipped down my face and I asked, “You aren’t angry with me?”

  He frowned. “I am angry with you.” I let a few tears fall down my face, and he sighed. “But I am happier that you are alive and that my brothers are alive, as well.”

  I gasped. “Are they okay?’

  Koda and Matt walked up the stairs, naked and smiling. I only glanced at their lower bodies because the nakedness was still so new to me, then ran to them. I hugged them at the same time and kissed each of their cheeks. Matt kissed my cheek back and Koda licked the tears from the side of my face he could reach. “Don’t cry, Darling.”

  I pulled back. “I’m sorry, Koda. I know I am supposed to listen to you, but they wanted to kill you. They didn’t even know who you were. I couldn’t let you die for me. Please forgive me.”

  Matt put his hand on my cheek softly. “How could we not forgive you when you saved us? We are in your debt it seems now.”

  Koda snorted. “Don’t tell her that.

  I kissed Koda’s cheek and whispered, “Now you’ll never hear the end of it.”

  Koda sighed. “At least I’ll hear it. We were so scared that you were…” Tears ran down his face and he dropped to his knees. “Forgive us for failing you.”

  Matt dropped to his knees beside Koda. “Forgive us our Prince and Princess.”

  Ares walked to stand beside me and asked, “Shall we forgive them my Princess?”

  I extended my hands to Koda and Matt. “There is nothing to forgive. You fought, and there were simply too many.”

  Matt shook his head. “We could have taken them.”

  I sighed. “No more. I do not forgive you for there is nothing to forgive. You did your best at the time and that is all we can ask of you.”

  Matt stood up and kissed the back of my hand before smiling. Koda looked up at Ares. “What of you, my alpha? Am I to be punished for this unforgivable offense?”

  Ares picked my hand up and placed it against his cheek. “We have our pack mate back, unharmed. I think if she can forgive, then for this instance, so can I.”

  Koda stared wide-eyed at Ares then stood up and kissed my cheek. “As Matt said, we are in your debt.”

  I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Then repay your debt by taking me away from here.”

  Victor sighed. “We must find another refuge it seems. The lion’s den is too full for us to hide safely.”

  We started down the stairs, and Ares picked me up in his arms, cradling me against his chest. I frowned. “Why are you carrying me?”

  He laid his head against mine and said, “So that I know you are safe. I will not let you out of my sight again.”

  I smiled and kissed his lips softly. “As my alpha wills it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Isn’t it supposed to be as my king wills it?”

  I shrugged. “Alpha, king, same thing.”

  We were almost to the door when Koda yelled, “Get down!”

  Ares turned and squatted down so that his body was shielding me from whatever was attacking us. I could hear a woman shouting and knew it was Isabella. I tried to get free of Ares’ arms, but he held me. “I will not lose you again.”

  I stared at him in shock and for the first time saw the sadness on his face. “Ares, you have to help them.”

  “Can you stay here, out of trouble?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  He kissed my lips as though it were the only thing he needed to survive, and then disappeared out of the house.

  I sat on the stairway, stunned from the kiss. I could hear them fighting and her rage-filled screams, and then everything went silent. I ran down the stairs and stood in the open doorway.

  Maurice stood covered in moonlight over his dead wife’s body. His dagger like fingers glistened with blood. I swallowed as he looked up at me, eyes burning with power. He asked, “Have you been harmed?”

  I shook my head.

  He asked, “Do you feel we have broken our treaty?”

  I looked at Ares and he nodded. I shook my head in response. Maurice smiled and it made me smile back at him.

  “Then my job is done.” He turned and floated across the lawn, towards a limo and climbed in.

  Ares rushed to me and glared at me. “You promised to stay there.”

  “I promised to stay out of trouble, and when I came to the door there was no trouble,” I said with a smile on my face.

  He sighed, and Koda laughed. “She’s quick.”

  Ares snarled. “Don’t encourage her.”

  I pressed my naked body against his and felt his body respond against me. “I think encouragement is what we all need.”

  He stared down into my eyes and then took a step back from me so that our bodies no longer touched. “No, not tonight. Tonight, I want to just hold you, while we sleep. To be a united pack again.”

  My heart pinched in disappointment. “Alright.” I walked towards the second limo that I figured was waiting for us, and climbed inside.

  Victor climbed in after me and frowned. “You are bothered?”

  I wiped at the tears building in my eyes and knew I was being stupid and irrational. “No.”

  Koda climbed in next and frowned at me. “What’s wrong?”

  I pressed myself against the seat and stared out the window of the car. Once the door was shut and everyone was inside, the car drove off. I could hear the others whispering quietly, but ignored them, trying to console myself for the stupid feeling I was having. Ares had rejected me, but not because he was mad or didn’t want me, and yet it was still rejection. I brought my knees up, hugged them against my body, and buried my face between them. I felt a hand on me and knew it was Ares and did not look up. I stayed in my ball, as I tried to convince myself of how stupid I was being, and yet the sting of his rejection was too much after the drama I had been through. Ares tried to pick me up in his arms and it was too much.

  I moved across the limo as fast as I could to sit beside Jean Pierre. Ares snarled at Jean Pierre and he shrugged. “I did nothing Ares.”

  Ares asked, “Then why did she run to you?’

  I hid my face behind Jean Pierre’s arm as I answered. “He is not wolf and I need a second to clear my head.”

  Ares’ voice was short as he asked, “Why?”

  I opened my mouth to tell him and then stopped. I asked instead, “Why didn’t you tell me I am half Sidhe?”

  Everyone instantly stopped moving, so much so that I couldn’t hear a heartbeat.

  Ares asked, “Who told you?”

  I whispered, “Isabella. It is one of the reasons she wanted me. They were trying to force me to learn my powers.”

  Ares sighed. “I did not tell you because the fey are not our allies right now. If they learned of your existence, they might join in the hunt for you.”

  I chanced a look at Ares and asked, “Why does everyone want me dead?”

  “Everyone wants you because you’re valuable,” Ares said with a sympathetic smile. He then held his hand out to me. I stared at it and then turned my face into Jean Pierre’s back. Ares snarled. “Why are you refusing me?”

  I asked still pressed against Jean Pierre, “Why did you reject me?”

  Ares laughed softly.

  I looked up to glare at him. “You think this is funny?’’

  The car stopped at the mansion. I hurried out before Ares could stop me and ran up to the doors. The guards stared at me in shock at first. I realized that I was still naked.

  I straightened my shoulders and spoke in as firm a voice as I could, “Open the doors for your Princess.”

  The guards bowed their heads and hurried to open the doors. Ares was close behind me now. I ran inside as fast as I could into the bedroom, surprised that I remembered how to get there. I ran straight to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I turned the shower on and climbed in, letting the hot water beat against me as I cried for a reason I knew I shouldn’t be. Sometimes being a woman means that your emotions don’t always make sense. I heard the door crack and knew Ares had broken it down. I didn’t look at him but continued to cry and face the back corner of the shower stall.

  I felt his anger as he came closer to me and cringed as he opened the shower. I whimpered as his anger hit me like a waft of hot steam. He inhaled, then exhaled, and the anger was gone. He turned me around to face him, and I dropped my gaze immediately. He tilted my chin up and kissed my lips, but I pulled away.

  “Artemis,” he whispered, almost chiding and I turned away from him to face the corner again. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered into my ear, “Silly woman. I did not reject you.”

  I whimpered. “You did. You said you just wanted to—”

  He nodded against my hair. “That I wanted to hold you and be a united pack. Not that I didn’t want you. Artemis.” He turned me around and stared at my face. His small smile vanished and he put his hands on either side of my face. “Artemis, I could never reject you. You are all I want and more. I just did not wan
t sex with you tonight, because the thought of losing you was too much…”

  Koda answered from outside the shower. “You should see the dining room.”

  Matt sighed. “It will take many days for the holes to be repaired.”

  Ares growled. “Who invited you?”

  Koda and Matt stepped into the shower and stood on either side of us. Koda smiled. “She is our pack mate, too.”

  Ares frowned. “You see? Even if we had wanted time alone, we would not get it.”

  I smiled a little and then shook my head. “But you did reject me.”

  All of the men sighed. Ares asked, “Are you ready for that step? Are you sure that you want to do that?”

  I thought about it and asked, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Ares smiled. “You have only known me a few days.”

  I smelled Victor come near the room and spoke loud enough for him to hear, “A good friend of mine said that love is not something that we should waste. That if I love then I should love. I have realized that… I do.” I looked into Ares’ wide eyes and said the only thing I knew truly in my heart, at that moment, “I love you, Ares. All I could think about when I let those men take me was how angry you were going to be at me and how hurt you were going to be… because I left…” I began to cry again, and Ares hugged me.

  He kissed my cheek and said, “I was not angry or hurt, just, well…okay I was angry, but not how you thought. I’m just happy that you are alive and safe.” He pulled back from me so I could see his face, and I realized that everyone else was gone. He smiled at me. The look in his eyes said it before he did. “I love you, too, Artemis. More than you will ever know.” He kissed my lips, and I kissed him back. I let my hands travel up his body and into his hair and he pressed me up against the glass of the shower stall.

  Ares’ hands ran along my sides, but traveled nowhere else, as though he were worried of what I would and wouldn’t allow. I grabbed his hands and brought them forward to cup my chest. I whispered, “I want to finish our connection, to truly be your mate. I want to be Artemis Lupine. I want you, Ares.”


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