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Harm's Way: Riot MC Biloxi

Page 13

by Karen Renee

  His hands made their way back to my face. “Sure. After you kiss me.”

  I STOOD AT THE KITCHEN island pouring strawberry shredded mini-wheats into a bowl, when Har came in wearing basketball shorts and a tank top. My eyes widened and I turned away to downplay it.

  He chuckled. “Wanna go to the gym with me? We can take the truck.”

  I smiled. “I’ll pass.”

  He arched a brow. “Do you work out?”

  “I used to swim, though I haven’t found anywhere around here, other than the Gulf, but that’s not really my thing. I prefer pools when I swim for exercise.”

  He did a long blink with his lips tipped up. “All right. Well, I’ll be back in a while, babe.”

  An hour after I finished my cereal, my phone rang.

  “Hey, Suzy Q!” I greeted.

  “Hi, there, you sound chipper. What’s up?”

  I chuckled. “I sound like myself, you’re hearing things.”

  “Have you found some place else to live? You’ve been staying with Har for six weeks now, right?”

  “Yeah, well, I’m building more of a cushion for right now.”

  “Oh, no,” she breathed.


  “You’re having sex with him, aren’t you?”

  I shouldn’t have paused, but I did.

  “Stephie! Have you learned nothing?”

  Anger welled within me. “Susan, you need to back off. He’s not a scumbag like Wycliffe. Hell, he’s as good and upstanding as Turk is, so do not tell me you’re judging him for being part of the Riot MC.”

  She scoffed. “I’m not. I just worry. You swore off men and as far as I know you haven’t been with anyone in two years.”

  There was one guy for one night, but she didn’t need to know about that.

  “Well, he’s not going to do me wrong. In fact, if he cheats me out of money, he’s given me his express permission to cut his balls off. And I think Turk would help me, too, if it came to that.”

  She made a humming noise before deadpanning, “Express permission, huh?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah. I was surprised by that term, too.”

  “Money’s not the only thing Wycliffe did to you.”


  “Are you sure he won’t take naked pictures of you? Sexting gone wrong could happen.”

  I braced a hand on the counter. “He is not one for sexting, Suzy. I mean, there are always women around the clubhouse.”

  “You’ve been there?”

  “Well, the one time Brute took me, but believe me. Michael is not about to post revenge porn.”

  “The fuck,” I heard hissed and turned to see Har standing there.

  His face was full of the fiercest rage I’d ever seen. He set a metal water bottle down with a resounding thunk.

  In my ear, Suzy said, “You think that, but hell, you never thought—”

  “I’m gonna have to call you back, sis. Bye.”

  I ended the call and put my phone on the island well out of his reach.

  He stood leaning into the counter, the muscles in his forearms and biceps taut like cables. Those green eyes glittered at me.

  “Revenge. Porn. What in the fuck is that, Stephanie?”

  My head tilted a touch because I couldn’t believe he needed me to explain it. “Exactly what it sounds like.”

  He blinked. “You let the jackass who cleaned you out film a sex tape with you?”

  I shook my head and willed myself to stay calm. That first reaction was the go-to reaction of all men (and my mother at the time, but that’s another story): that somehow I let this shit happen to me. Not that my power was stripped, that this shit could happen without my knowledge.

  “I misspoke. It isn’t exactly what it sounds like. He took pictures of me without my knowledge. We lived together and all that comes with that. I fell asleep with the light on once afterward. He took his pictures then, as far as I know.”

  His anger showed no signs of diminishing. “How does that become pornography?”

  I sighed. “When I caught on to his skimming and ruining my credit, I kicked him out. He didn’t like that, but I had tossed all his shit out and he went. Thought that’d be the end of it, but a week later I found out how wrong I was.”

  His brows raised when I paused.

  “He posted the pictures on dedicated revenge porn sites, then started a fake dating profile under my name. Used my personal information and at least one of the nude pictures. My phone blew up with texts, calls, and I had to call the cops against a guy who came to my door.”

  “A stranger came to your door? Are you shitting me?”

  I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes at the memories. “I’m not. And it got worse before it ever got better.”


  I pressed my lips together. “I had to move. There was no way around it. He sent the pictures to my boss at the time. And I lost my job. I should’ve filed a lawsuit about that, but that required more money I didn’t have. With no job, my credit in the shitter, random creepy-ass men showing up at my door, I had to move in with Mom. By then Suzy was living with her to take care of her, but Mom...” I shook my head. “Let’s just say she wasn’t that supportive or understanding.”

  “Jesus. What mother wouldn’t be supportive of her daughter?”

  “The one who said I shouldn’t have been living with him out of wedlock. The one who thought I was an idiot on top of being a floozy, because it was around that same time I realized Wycliffe wasn’t his real name. I couldn’t even press charges against him because I had no way to track his ass down.”

  He stared at me and I watched the anger seep out of his eyes and concern replaced it. “You reported it anyway though, right?”

  I nodded. “For all the good it did me. The officer who took my statement didn’t say it outright, but I sensed he wondered why I would let this guy take my pictures and shit. Like asking why this asshole would do such a thing didn’t concern him.”

  “Come here.”

  His body was still strung tight and I didn’t trust that.

  “I am here. I’m right here, Michael.”

  His eyes blazed at me for a moment. “You got tears welling in your eyes, and you just laid some serious shit on me. You need to come here, Stephanie.”

  I bit my upper lip while I deliberated.

  A low sound like a growl came from his chest and I moved to him. Once I was within arm’s reach, he wrapped me in the tightest bear-hug I’d ever had. His head went straight to my neck and he kissed me there before he murmured, “Christ. I’m sorry you went through all that shit, and I can’t believe your mother—”

  “She was terminally ill by then—”

  He pulled his head out of my neck to look down at me. “Doesn’t matter. You’re her daughter.” His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking near my eye, forcing a tear out. “She should’ve been there for you. Done whatever she could, ill or not. Hell, she was like that when shit hit the fan, I can’t even think how she treated you day-to-day.”

  My forehead hit his chest and he squeezed me again.

  “Thanks, honey.”

  His hand at my cheek gently guided my face back. When his eyes caught mine, he smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  My brows furrowed. “Why do I sense a ‘but’ coming?”

  He grinned. “Because I want to point out something and ask something. You reported him to the cops, which you should have, no doubt. But because he’s a slippery fuck, the cops can’t catch him, right?”

  I nodded, my lips pursed with anger.

  His hand slid down to my neck while his chin dipped. “Shit like that is why I’m part of the Riot. Most of us don’t believe in the system or have been let down by the system. I know you think you’ve put this asshole behind you, but I want everything you have on him.”

  My head tilted. “What?”

  His eyes blazed again. “You heard me. Get me what you have. Who you reported him to, what bank you use
d, all of that shit.”

  “Why?” I whispered.

  An impatient look crossed his face. “Because you’re mine. He fucked with you, and if I can, I’m doing something about it.”


  WHEN STEPHIE ASKED ‘why,’ he almost said because he loved her. But, he didn’t love any woman besides his mother and his sister – for all the good that did him. His sister wasn’t talking to him and his mother walked on eggshells around him.

  After he told her he was going to do something about it, her face paled and she looked as skittish as a rabbit. Hard to say what pissed him off more, that look on her face or hearing what that asshole did to her. No wonder she didn’t trust him. And no wonder she thought she had to pay the price for going after what she wanted.

  She shook her head. “You really don’t need to do anything. It’s done. It’s over, Har.”

  He squeezed her neck. “He needs to pay, Stephie.” He shook his head as a thought struck him. “Christ, I’m amazed Turk didn’t do anything about it.”

  Her lips pressed together.

  “You never told him, did you?”

  She shook her head.

  After a sharp exhale through his nose, he arched his brows. “Be interesting to see how he reacts.”

  She pulled at his arm still holding her. “You can’t tell him! He and Beast and the others don’t need to know this shit, Michael.”

  He smirked. “I like how you switch my name so easily, baby. Callin’ me Har when you know I’m in revenge mode, but using Michael when you’re trying to appeal to some other side of me.”

  She pulled again and he loosened his grip to give her some space. Her eyes widened. “I don’t do it on purpose.”

  He chuckled. “Didn’t say you do. Just find it interesting.”

  Those hazel eyes looked up at him. “Please don’t tell your Jacksonville brothers.”

  He pressed his lips together and sighed. “I want to say I won’t, but I can’t promise you that, Stephie. If that bastard is still in that area, they can round his ass up for me. And if I ask that of them, they need to know why. Hell, I want them to know why, so they’re just as fuckin’ angry as I am.”

  She sighed quietly and looked down at his shirt.

  He gave her a squeeze. “Look at me, baby. You do not need to be ashamed. They won’t assume you did this.”

  “You did.”

  His body stiffened.

  She spoke fast. “You asked me if I let him film a sex tape, so you blamed me right off the bat. It’s knee-jerk. Doesn’t make it right, but I know —”

  He ran his hand along the top of her head, down through her long brown hair. “You didn’t explain it right away, honey. Told me it was exactly what it sounded like. I shouldn’t have assumed anything, and let you finish. And I’m sorry I made an assumption. But believe me, when I tell Volt, he will have the full picture. That fucker took advantage of you, no two ways about it.”

  She took in a breath and he felt her body quiver when it hitched. “Okay.”

  He smiled. “Okay. You gotta be at work soon?”

  “I don’t work today.”

  His eyes widened. “It’s Sunday. How the hell are you supposed to make any fuckin’ money, Combes?”

  She grinned. “I’m doin’ all right, Walcott. I got this fabulous roommate who doesn’t charge me rent.”

  He swatted her ass. “Right. Get your bikini, woman. We’re goin’ to the beach.”

  Her eyes lit up and he wanted to take her picture, but he basked in the warmth of her happiness instead.

  HAR STOOD ON THE BLANKET toweling his hair dry and staring at Stephanie’s body in her purple bikini. She cleared her throat and he met her gaze. “Sorry, babe. Can’t help it. Hard to believe you’re so damn curvy when you’re actually half-fish.”

  She threw her head back with laughter. Her eyes danced over his face. “I didn’t expect you to say that!”

  He rubbed the towel across his chest. “I didn’t expect you to swim farther than me.”

  “Glad I can surprise you. Are we heading back?”

  He grinned. “If we don’t, I’m gonna get arrested for the cock-stand I got in my trunks, woman.”

  She glanced at his groin and smiled that Mona Lisa smile of hers. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m really not.”

  He wrapped the towel around his waist. “I know, and you’re gonna pay for that in the shower with me.”

  She grinned. “I finally get to wrap my mouth around you.”

  His dick swelled with her words. “Don’t get naughty in public—” He cut himself off hearing his words. “Sorry, honey. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Her eyes squinted. “What are you talking about?” Then the realization hit her. “Thank you, Michael. It was two years ago now; I’m... not entirely over it, but I’ve learned some coping mechanisms and stuff.”

  He stooped to pick up the blanket and to hide his anger from her.

  She shouldn’t have to learn fucking coping mechanisms. That was bullshit. And why this asshole would pay.

  She grabbed the other end of the blanket from him and started folding.

  They trudged through the sand to the parking lot.

  “I have a question,” she said.


  “When your mom came by, she asked how you were doing. Why wouldn’t she already know that? Do you guys not talk much?”

  He busied himself with unlocking the truck and grabbing a t-shirt from the back. Tugging the shirt on, he said, “We don’t.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  He shook his head. “Get in the truck, Steph.”

  “Okay, fine. We don’t have to talk about that, I’m sorry I asked.”

  After a few minutes of the air going full-blast, he turned it down. He didn’t like talking about the shit with his family, but he also didn’t like keeping anything from Stephanie.

  “Mom blames me for Corrina not being at family gatherings. She won’t be in the same room as me.”

  From the corner of his eye, he saw her head twist his way. “What? That doesn’t make sense. She idolized you growing up.” She shook her head. “Well, really, Sammy, but still. How can she not be speaking to you?”

  At a red light, he looked at her. “What do you mean she idolized Brute?”

  She looked at him like he was dense. “Your mother knew I had a screaming crush on you, well, I damn sure knew a girl with a crush when I saw one, too. Even if she was a year or two older than me, she had it bad for Sammy. She was just shy or something about it.”

  Damn. Shit.

  Now he got it. Her anger had never been about him so much as about him getting Brute to do something she didn’t think he would ever do, if not for him.

  “Fuck,” he hissed.

  “What? Why won’t she talk to you?”

  He took a deep breath, held it, and exhaled hard. His mouth opened, but he closed it thinking of ways to preface it, but couldn’t.

  The light changed and he focused on the road. “Whatever. Gonna rip the band-aid off, find out what kind of woman you really are.”

  She scoffed. “What?”

  “I’ve done everything sexually with a woman. Including sharing a woman with Brute.”

  He looked over at her, she turned her head a fraction and then turned the other way. “You mean passing her off—”

  He gave a short shake of his head. “No. Mean at the same time, Stephanie.”

  Her brow arched, but he knew it wasn’t judgmental. He didn’t know how he knew, but he knew it.

  He watched the road. “Don’t do it any more, but Corrina came to my place. Not the clubhouse, but a place I used to rent. Brute, or the woman, I don’t know which, left the door unlocked. She came in, and got an eyeful.”

  “Oh, geez.”

  “Brute’s the only one who saw her. When I confronted her about it, she said shit that’s hard to take back. She hated me. I was the worst human on the planet. I wouldn’t be so perverted if Dad h
adn’t died. It was my fault Dad died. You name it, she said it.

  “I’m not always even-tempered and I lost it, too. Accused her of being uppity and holier-than-thou. She shouldn’t judge anybody, damn sure not me. Now that you mention her having it for Brute, it makes more sense. She’d been prattling on before that about how Brute did anything I did. I can see where she’d blame me for him being in the position he was in, even though—”

  She held a hand up. “I’m not judging, promise, but since I used to live with Brute stepsister style, I don’t need to know whatever you’re about to say.”

  “Yeah. Well. Mom wanted me to make shit right with her. I asked if she knew what Corrina was pissed about. She didn’t. She came by almost every day pleading with me and I lost it again. It sucks. I hate that it happened. Lot of shit changed with Corrina after that.”

  “How long ago did this happen?”

  “Nine years ago. Give or take a few months,” he said, glancing at her.

  Her eyes widened. “You haven’t seen your sister in nine years?”

  His head tilted for a moment. “Can’t say that. Last saw her three years ago just after Christmas. Even after six years, she hasn’t let it go.”

  “Wow,” she whispered, then asked, “What about Ben?”

  “He’s done with us.”

  “What?” she shouted.

  He glanced her away again. “Not talking about Ben today. Hard enough to tell you about Corrina.”

  “Okay,” she whispered while her hand darted out squeezing his thigh. “I’m sorry, for whatever it’s worth.”

  He grabbed her hand and laced their fingers. “Me too, baby.”

  Chapter 16

  Got My Heart Running the Same Way


  BACK AT HIS HOUSE, Har went to the bathroom while I gathered our towels, the beach blanket, and other clothes to start a load of laundry. As I dealt with the detergent, I saw movement from the corner of my eye.

  He leaned against the doorway to his bedroom, bare naked, and I did a double-take. He had tattoos, but the Riot MC patch dominated his left pectoral. When I paid close attention, I could see it move with his heartbeat and it spoke volumes about how he felt about his club. His chest hair was sparse, but the further my eyes raked down his body the thicker that hair became leading to his groin. The longer I stared the taller his cock seemed to stand.


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