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Harm's Way: Riot MC Biloxi

Page 23

by Karen Renee

  When he came closer to me, he muttered, “Har’s a lucky son of a bitch.”

  I gave him a small smile while I shook my head. His eyebrow arched and he stepped past me while speaking.

  “But not that lucky.”

  I wondered why Har wasn’t that lucky just before pain exploded on the back of my head and everything went black.


  AFTER THE DOOR SHUT behind Stephanie, Har threw a roundhouse punch to the opposite side of Dixon’s head.

  “You used a woman as insurance. You’re fucking scum.”

  Diana kept screaming behind her gag and he turned venomous eyes to her. “Shut the fuck up or I can break your nose, too.”

  Her eyes went stunned before they glared at him anew.

  Roman wandered up behind Dixon. “I agree he deserves serious punishment, but unless the plan’s changed, he needs to keep his damn teeth, Prez.”

  He lifted his chin at Roman and looked over his shoulder at Brute. His brother’s eyes were livid, his nostrils flared with his breathing, and he hated what he had to say.

  “I know you want vengeance, but you heard the man.” He tipped his head for a moment before he smiled. “At least we know he’s gonna burn.”

  “What the fuck?” Dixon roared, reminding Har he had to re-gag him.

  Joules sidled up to Roman behind Dixon, who was flailing wildly. “Now you did it, Harmful. You know better than that. Or at least you fuckin’ used to.”

  Once Roman and Joules controlled the man, Har was able to stuff the bandana back in his mouth. He shook his head. “You couldn’t possibly think you were gonna get out of this shit alive.”

  He faced Brute who quivered with anger. “Yo, brother. We good?”

  Brute’s gaze never left Dixon. “We’re good. But, I’m cuttin’ his fuckin’ dick off before he dies.”

  Har grinned. “Call Roll. He can tell you how it’s done.”

  Brute glared at him, but Dixon’s face paled and his eyes were round as saucers.

  Cynic and Block walked into the room. Cynic twirled his key chain on his finger. “Truck’s pulled up.” He looked at Roman. “You ready to do this shit?”

  Roman’s chin dipped at an angle. “Has the sun even set?”

  “Nearly dark now. It’ll definitely be dark when we get them where they’re going,” Block muttered.

  Har nodded. “Gamble and Tiny still watchin’ the place?”

  Block and Cynic nodded.

  “Load ’em up. We’ll leave as soon as I grab something from my room.”

  “Better not be Stephanie,” Brute grumbled.

  “Thought we were cool?”

  Brute shook his head. “Sorry. Givin’ you shit comes naturally.”

  Har held his gaze a moment. “More like bein’ a shit comes naturally to you.”

  He stalked out and went to the clubhouse. Entering through the back door, he saw Sandy puttering around in the kitchen before he beelined to his room. After he shoved open the door, he knew something was wrong.

  “Stephanie?” he called out while he moved to the bathroom.

  A ball of acid formed in his gut when he found the room empty.

  “Stephanie!” he hollered and stormed out to the common room.

  Sandy stepped aside in the hallway before he plowed into her. “Har, what’s wrong? Stephanie isn’t here.”

  He scowled at her. “She was on the back of my bike an hour ago, Sandra. Twenty minutes ago she left the shed and I told her to come in here, go to my room and stay there.”

  Sandy’s face fell before she shook her head. “She never came in here. I’ve been here since four o’clock. She isn’t—”

  He whirled away and slammed out the back door, yelling Stephanie’s name as he jogged back to the shed.

  Brute rounded the back of Cynic’s truck. “What the fuck, man? Why you yelling—”

  “Stephanie’s gone! She rode on the back of my bike with me, so she doesn’t have wheels. Where the fuck is she?”

  Brute’s nostrils flared. “Dixon’s still in the room. Let’s ask him if he’s got a fuckin’ accomplice.”

  The acidic feeling in his stomach intensified and a hollow ache formed in his chest.

  “Goddammit! This shit is not fuckin’ happening.” Har growled.

  Brute stood outside the shed telling the others what had happened.

  Joules stepped in front of him.

  “Pull it together, Prez. My brother-in-law has a hound. That dog’ll pick up her scent in no time, if you got somethin’ of hers for him to sniff.”

  Har didn’t know if he did, but any effort was better than nothing. He lifted his chin and barged into the shed.

  “You work your shit alone?” he demanded.

  Bewilderment filled Dixon’s eyes and he shook his head while muffled sounds came from the gag. Har yanked it out.

  “Talk, dammit.”

  “Work what shit alone?”

  Har glared, and Dixon continued. “Skimming money from women? Yeah, that’s just me. All me. I don’t have anyone else.”

  “Why should I believe you?” he hissed.

  Fear washed over the bastard’s face. “Why would I lie?”

  Har crouched to let a punch fly at Dixon’s gut. “I don’t fuckin’ know, but you better be tellin’ the truth.”

  Brute wandered up beside him. “If he ain’t got a partner, where the fuck is she?”

  He drove a hand through his hair. “Fuck if I know, man.”

  Roman cleared his throat and Har turned around.

  “What is it, Roman?”

  “I know you’re focused on finding your woman, but we aren’t the only ones able to figure out our brothers purchased a cookhouse. If we’re executing this plan, we gotta do it tonight. The sooner the better.”

  Har’s fists clenched, but Brute stepped in front of him. “Why? What’s the rush?”

  “Detective Dennizen paid a visit to us already. They’re gonna be keepin’ an eye on us. A truck leaving the compound followed by three or four of us on our bikes is gonna raise flags.”

  “That’s why we’re using the back gate for those of us on bikes,” Brute said.

  Har tilted his head back. Staring at the ceiling he blew out a frustrated sigh. Roman had a point but Har had to find his woman. How in the hell could she be missing? It was a short walk to the clubhouse...

  “Call Gamble. Now.”

  Brute put his phone on speaker. “Veep, what’s the status?” Gamble asked in greeting.

  “Where’s Tiny?” Har demanded.

  “Prez, he’s right here. You want to—”

  “You’re certain Mass and Wreck are in that house?”

  Gamble made a noise. “Uh, Wreck’s bike is here, but—”

  Brute took the call off speaker, and put the phone to his ear. “Your orders were to make sure both those fuckers were in the house. Tiny said they were both there. What the fuck?”

  Har held his hand out for the phone. Brute shook his head.

  “So neither of you checked for Massive’s bike since you been there? Fuckin’ hell.”

  Cynic moved closer to the huddle. He spoke low so Brute wouldn’t be distracted. “Massive’s bike was there at three, but he’d parked it out back.”

  Har asked, “There a back way out?”

  Cynic glanced to the side while he thought about it, but Block had joined them.

  Block said, “Yeah, but the gate was rusted and we didn’t figure it would open.”

  He grabbed the lapels of Block’s cut and rushed forward, but Brute pulled him back. “Stop, Mike. Tiny confirmed Massive’s bike isn’t in the back any longer. Let’s get out there and look for—”

  Joules opened the door. “She’s in the woods.”

  All their eyes swung his way.

  “That don’t make any sense,” Brute said.

  Har agreed, but he stormed past his men and broke into a run once he was out the door. He saw Sandy walking along the edge of the property with her phone
to her ear. The closer he came to her, the clearer he could hear the ringing of Stephanie’s phone.

  Thank God!

  He heard the pounding of his brothers’ footsteps behind him. He turned around to catch Brute’s gaze. “Get to my room. This isn’t right. Why leave her in the fuckin’ woods on property? He’s up to some shit.”

  Brute got two feet away when Wreck came out the back door of the clubhouse, aiming a gun at them. He heard a gun cock from behind him and he knew Cynic had pulled his gun.

  Har strode toward him, yelling, “Where is Stephanie?”

  Wreck’s brown eyes narrowed. “Your yes-man shoots me, you’ll never find out.”

  “Cynic won’t kill you, dumbass. He’ll shoot out your knee,” Brute said.

  Wreck shook his head. “He shoots, I kill Har.”

  “You mean to kill me? Why?”

  “You’ve let this club go to shit. We’re one-percenters in name only. It didn’t used to be that way.”

  “So, rather than renounce the club, you’re going to take the presidency from me, even if it means going down for murder?”

  Wreck stood a foot from Har. “You’re going to renounce the club. I’m going to strip your tat and if that doesn’t kill you, I’ll let you live.”

  Brute, in the slowest move possible, pulled his gun from his waistband.

  Block who stood well away from Brute diverted Wreck’s attention, allowing Brute to take aim. “So what were you doing in the fuckin’ clubhouse? Movin’ in to Har’s room?”

  Wreck chuckled but it held no humor. “No. I freed my only ally since you’re too stupid to put him in the shed. Cynic, drop your gun or I’m killing Har before I kill you.”

  “Prez, what do you say? You feel like dyin’ today? Or do you want me to follow this asshole’s order?”

  Wreck was only watching Cynic and Har, so Brute had been able to move closer to him. Har spoke so Wreck wouldn’t catch on. “I’m not dying today, ’Nic. Lower your piece.”

  As he spoke, Har kept his eye on the gun. Something told him Wreck would shoot him regardless, so he lunged fast enough to grab his wrist and had to pray the gun wasn’t pointed at anyone behind him. Wreck struggled against him until another shot rang out. In an instant, the fight drained out of Wreck and Har let the body hit the ground.

  Brute still had his gun trained on Wreck. He sidled up to the body. “Feel like shootin’ his ass again.”

  Before anyone could respond, a shout could be heard from the front gate. The men ran forward, though from the corner of his eye he saw Joules hang back. He heard him direct Sandy to go inside his room and lock the door.

  Rounding the corner of the clubhouse, they stopped short to prevent a collision with Mensa and Finn, the prospect manning the gate. The two of them were restraining Carter, who had been tied up in Brute’s room.

  “That’s what the fuck he was up to,” Brute muttered.

  Har yanked Carter away and shoved him against the wall. “Where the fuck is Stephanie?”

  Carter’s eyes gleamed with malice. “Fuck you.”

  He slammed a fist into Carter’s gut. “Wreck’s dead. Whatever he promised you is gone. Where the fuck is my woman?”

  His bravado slipped a fraction. “You’re a liar.”

  Har pulled him around the corner of the building. “His body’s right over there, dumbass. Now get smart. Where is my woman?”

  Block ambled up to them. “Take his ass to the shed, Har. I’ll go review the camera footage.”

  Carter jerked with a chuckle. “Good luck.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Har demanded.

  Brute took off into the clubhouse. He returned moments later. “My room isn’t the only room Wreck busted into, he was in Block’s room. Bashed your computer to shit.”

  Block clenched his teeth and shook his head. “That’s some bullshit, but I’ll still have access to the cameras. That shit goes to the cloud. Gimme a moment while I pull it from my phone.”

  Har handed Carter off to Mensa and Cynic. Not knowing what happened to Stephanie had his stomach in knots and it felt like his heart had stopped beating.

  If she was dead...

  He couldn’t let himself think it. She had to be alive. She had to be.

  Har didn’t pray often, but during the interminable wait for Block to tell him anything, he sent up the most heartfelt prayer he’d said in years.

  He’d finally found the right woman. He wasn’t late, and she wasn’t hung up on someone else. He didn’t just want her back. He needed her back.

  All of this left him feeling things he hadn’t felt since his father died.




  Chapter 26

  I'm Just... Me


  IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN two minutes or it might have been twenty that Block had been scrolling through footage on his phone. No matter how long it had been, Har deserved a medal for being so patient.

  He tilted his head back in an effort not to sigh.

  Finally, Block said, “Here we go. Son of a bitch!”

  “What?” he clipped out.

  Block shook his head. “Wasn’t Wreck that took her. Massive was here. Cold-cocked her from behind.”

  “Then dragged her to the woods?” he asked.

  “Not dragged. He threw her over his shoulder and carried her... looks like he went to the back gate. But he did toss her phone into the woods, which would explain why Sandy was able to call it and hear it ring.”

  Har barely heard the last part because he sprinted to the back gate of the compound. It was a smaller entry gate so vehicles couldn’t go through it. Only brothers on their bikes. The gate stood wide open. As he ran down the road, he saw Massive’s bike. At first he thought it didn’t make sense, and then he realized Massive wouldn’t be able to carry an unconscious woman on the back of his bike. Which meant there must have been a vehicle stashed back here.

  Over an hour had passed since Massive took her. They could be anywhere.

  He turned around to find Brute and Block at the gate. As he came closer they didn’t move to let him through.

  “This is not the time to—” he started.

  Brute dipped his chin. “Keep your shit tight, man. Gamble called. They heard someone screaming. There’s a car behind the cookhouse now.”

  Har pushed forward, but the two still blocked him. “I’m goin’ to get her.”

  “Not on your own, you’re not.”

  “Fine. But let’s fuckin’ go.”

  “That’s not all, Prez. Wreck did more to my set-up before he bashed it to hell. He diverted our feeds. I don’t know who’s got access after he got in, and odds are good that was his insurance policy. Brute shooting him is on camera. It’s a helluva bargaining chip for Mass.”

  He leaned toward Block. “I don’t fuckin’ care! I’m getting her back before the fucker can touch her any more.”

  Minutes later, Har roared out of the forecourt with most of his brothers at his back. Block stayed at the compound to fix the security camera issues, while Roman kept an eye on the prisoners.

  THE RIOT BROTHERS PULLED into the parking lot of a strip-mall. Har, Brute, and Cynic dismounted. One of the prospects had been ordered to follow in his Hyundai. Har folded into the passenger seat, while Brute and Cynic got in the back. Har gave the prospect the address where Gamble and Tiny were parked. Multiple bikes rolling down a street garnered attention like nothing else, and they couldn’t waste the element of surprise – assuming they had it at all.

  “What are we doing after we get there?” Cynic asked.

  Har looked over his shoulder at Brute. He didn’t want to admit that he had no goddamn clue, and Brute read that from their shared look.

  Brute looked at Cynic. “You know shit this extreme can’t be planned, brother. Thinkin’ Har’s gonna wing it, am I right?”

  Har nodded. “Once I talk to Tiny and Gamble, I’ll have a better idea.”

r original plan’s shot to shit isn’t it?” Cynic asked.

  He tamped down his initial annoyance at Cynic’s question because it gave him an idea. “I’m not so sure.” He looked at the prospect. “You brought the cuffs, right?”

  The prospect nodded. “Yes, sir. And Joules gave me a taser.”

  “We’re killin’ this motherfucker,” Brute muttered.

  Har’s head tilted. “Yeah, but tasing that asshole might not be a bad idea. Then, maybe the original plan might work.”

  They pulled up behind Gamble’s SUV. Har left the Hyundai and slid into the backseat of the SUV. “Any changes?”

  Tiny shook his head. “No. Only one room has a light on. It’s on the back side of the house and adjacent to another empty house.”

  He nodded. “He been through the front door at all today?”

  Gamble nodded. “Watched him go in the front at lunchtime.”

  “What about the other houses? There people around?”

  Tiny shrugged one shoulder. “One old man poked his head out when we heard the scream. After five seconds, he went back inside.”

  Har clenched his fists thinking about Stephanie screaming.

  Gamble caught his eyes in the rearview mirror. “What’s the plan, Prez?”

  “I’m gonna walk up, nice and quiet. Then knock on the door like a neighbor would.”

  Tiny looked over his shoulder at him. “Are you serious?”

  “Need to separate him from Steph.”

  Gamble’s head tilted. “He might just drag her to the door with him.”

  “What would you suggest?”

  “Let one of us break in while you distract him,” Tiny suggested.

  “Thought about that, but then if he has dragged her to the door, he’ll blow her brains out for sure.”

  The back passenger door opened and Brute slid into the SUV. “I did a quick check around the house. With five of us, you go to the front door and four of us can bust in—”

  Har looked at him. “And if he brings her to the door with a gun at her head?”

  Brute grinned. “I misspoke. Four of us will go in the back door because he left the damn thing unlocked. Just have to be quiet.”


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