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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

Page 22

by Eden Rose

  I walk us over to the wall where I can hold onto her better. Once we are there, I reach to the back of me to ensure that she’s tightened against me enough, and once I’m sure, I give it to her hard. “You knew this was going to be hard enough. Brace yourself, cupcake. I have spent too long waiting for you.”

  She hums her satisfaction and then hums louder when I place my hands under her ass to hold her against me. I give it to her hard with bruising hip thrusts and each moan she gives me, I match her with another thrust.

  “I’m going to come! I’m going to come! Please!” She begs me and I give her what she wants. Her orgasm is huge and long as it keeps her face all tightened up along with her body tense.

  My orgasm shoots through me and I fill her full of my come and her head rolls to the side with a smile.

  The knocking on the door is loud and intense but we ignore it. “Hi,” I whisper to her.

  Her smile is huge and I can see all of her perfect teeth as she smile back at me. “Hi, I missed you.”

  I kiss her cheek and then slide of her. As I do, I notice that she winces. “What’s wrong?” Shit, was I too rough with her? I didn’t think that I was! Now I feel like shit.

  “Nothing is wrong. Everything is right. Are you ready to show me Miami?”

  Chapter 20


  Well, Wyatt has showed me Miami all right. We have had sex in every inch of the hotel room. The car. The stadium for their game. The dressing rooms in the store that he took me to.


  I’m surprised that I can walk, personally.

  The necklace that he had gotten for me is absolutely beautiful. It’s a basketball shaped pendant with all different color diamonds in it. It’s truly gorgeous.

  “I’m going to get too used to sleeping with you and waking up with you like this,” Wyatt whispers in my ear as he cuddles up behind me.

  We are lying in bed after watching his team dominate the last championship game. They are champions! I’m so happy for him.

  Every one of his teammates are going out to the bars around to celebrate, but we are in bed.

  I do think that this is my favorite place to be with him. Wrapped up in his arms and listening to him breathing.

  My fingers of my right hand, grab the necklace that he had given me and I roll it around. I know that I’m resenting the fact that I go back to Michigan in two days. I don’t want to leave him, I think that he doesn’t want me to leave either. If we could, I’m sure the both of us would want to stay here together.

  “I know the feeling,” I say back to him and grind my naked ass against his naked dick.

  He snuggles me closer to him and I can feel the heat from his body. He’s my little furnace. “You don’t have to go back to him, you know that right?”

  And just like that, I can feel myself coming off of my high. I hate being reminded that I’m married and that I eventually have to figure out what the hell to do with everything.

  I shrug him off and lift my leg a little so his hardening dick is resting on his thigh. “Slip it in.”

  He chuckles and does exactly what I ask of him. “You want my dick, baby?”

  “Of course.”

  When do I not want his dick?

  He slides his dick in me so slowly that my breathing is slowed all the way down and then he shoves himself in. My breath is caught in my throat and he’s sucking on the back of my neck.

  “My cupcake needs to be filled.”

  “I do,” I whisper to him on a groan. Wyatt hitches my leg higher up his thigh and slips his hand in between the lips of my pussy to finger my clit. “Oh!”

  Words are for another day.

  “You like it?” he taunts me.

  I nod my head vigorously and then yell out as my orgasm builds and builds. My lower stomach muscles tighten and my back bows with his continued thrusts. My clit gets harder and harder from being manipulated and I scream out.

  The coils from my orgasm are tight and when they finally stretch too far, I feel like I’m about to shatter. “I love you,” I scream at him.

  Wyatt hisses out his orgasm as I feel him lose his restraint. “I love you, too. So much, baby. So much.”

  Chapter 21


  The feeling of contentment is what I wake up to. Keeley’s lying across my chest with her thick hair spread out down her back. Her warm breath releases against my skin and causes me happiness.

  Everything about her is just perfect.

  “I love you,” I whisper to her and then slip out of bed.

  She groans a little and then buries her head in the pillow that I have been sleeping in. It’s cute as shit to see her like this.

  My phone is flashing from the bedside table and I walk over to see the barrage of messages from my teammates. All of them are pretty much the same. Telling me that I’m lame for wanting to spend the time with Keeley rather than them.

  Truthfully, Keeley is way better looking and more fun than they are. Plus, why would I want to go and pick up chicks when I have the best one at home?

  I scroll through all of my messages and wince when I come across the one from Jenna, my agent.

  JENNA: we need to talk when you get home

  WYATT: what about?

  JENNA: how about how your girlfriend is married and your lawyer

  WYATT: what about it?

  JENNA: do you honestly think that this is the best decision you could have come up with?

  WYATT: it doesn’t concern you

  JENNA: everything you do, concerns me. you take a shit in public and don’t flush, that concerns me

  JENNA: don’t ignore this

  JENNA: you are going to hurt your image

  JENNA: will your girlfriend like you when you are nothing?

  WYATT: stop

  WYATT: seriously

  WYATT: you don’t know what you are talking about

  I look over at sleeping beauty who is still oblivious to the world and decide to do something sweet for her. She needs to know that I’m not playing any games with her and that this is real. Nothing is fake.

  By placing my hands on my lower back, I bend backwards to loosen up a little bit. Last night’s sex was amazing but put a lot of pressure on my back. My girl is a wild cat.

  I’m going to have to change her nickname or something.

  Fuck that. My baby is a cupcake.

  Scanning the room, I quickly find my discarded basketball shorts and tee from yesterday. When we were walking in from the game, we were both shoving each other’s clothes off of the other’s bodies.

  It was great.

  I’m going to get her some breakfast. She probably needs the energy.

  Chapter 22


  Coming home to the house that I have shared with Jerry for the past few years feels surreal. Being with Wyatt is something completely different than being with Jerry. I love Wyatt and I know that he loves me as well.

  So, why do I feel guilty for coming back to my home I share with my husband? I feel as if I’m cheating on Wyatt by coming home. It’s silly and unnerving, but I do.

  By the time I pull into my driveway, I have butterflies that are flying all over my stomach at the possibility of seeing Jerry. We haven’t spoke since I left for Florida, but I know he’s got something to say. How could he be so hateful towards me? I have done nothing but love and support him. It’s crazy to me that he’s being so unreasonable.

  Yes, I admit that cheating on him wasn’t right. I admit that I could have tried to work on marriage more, but at what point do you just stop and accept it? My marriage with Jerry is over and there is nothing that I can do about it.

  I park my car and decide to leave everything in the back of the car so I can get settled inside. I do grab my Prada bag though and slide out. Since I didn’t park in the garage, I walk up to the front of the house and am about to try to the handle when I hear a voice behind me.

  “Keeley Johnson?”

  Spinning o
n my heels, my heart is beating faster and faster. I look to see a balding man with a bursting beer belly talking to me with papers in his hands. His hair has that Donald Trump comb over with too much gel in it.

  “Yes?” I question cautiously.

  The man hands me a packet of papers and then places his hands in his pockets. “You’ve been served. The details regarding everything is in that packet.”

  Before I can question anything, he has spun on his heels and is walking to a beat-up Toyota that has seen better days. Michigan’s roads suck so much that there is actually ice cream named after the pot holes and I doubt his car could last on them.

  My stomach begins to flow with anger and my eyes are unseeing as I stare at my name written sloppily across the packet of papers.

  The lawyer in me wants to point out to the man that he had spelled my name wrong and I’m not accepting it. However, that is pretty childish.

  I open the door that is unlocked and yell through it: “Jerry!” I yell a few more times but no one answers me.

  Deciding to go into my office where I can look over everything, I take myself in there. After opening and closing the door, I lock it for good measure. I’m sat in my seat before I even realize what I have done, and tear open the packet and am faced with the impending doom.

  The first sheet is the divorce decree and I don’t even want to read it. Honestly, what could he say to me? I scan the sheet and realize that it’s pretty standard. Since we both signed a prenuptial agreement before we got married, I don’t have to worry about him trying to take more of my money. Well, he’s taken some of it, but there is still a lot that is hidden.

  A smashing coming outside of my office door has my back straightening and I can feel the little hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. “Hello?” I call through the door.

  There’s another crash and fall of something heavy against the flooring of the house and I jump out of my chair and run through my office. I don’t even have time to open the door. There’s a man in a mask with a gun pointing right at my face.

  “Where does he have that shit hidden?” The man shouts at my face and cocks his gun.

  Looking down the barrel of a gun is something that I never wanted to experience. Before my father had left my mother’s crazy ass, he took me to the gun range and showed me how to shoot. One thing he did make sure to teach me is how to tell if a gun is loaded. This one is definitely loaded.

  I throw my hands in the air in a desperate attempt to prove that I’m unarmed and don’t have anyway to protect myself. I mean, look at me. Where would I hide a gun on my body?


  “Who has what hidden?” I ask the man.

  The man must not like my question because he shoves his hand into my chest and pushes me to the side. The impact of him pushing me has me slipping and falling against the wall. My back hits the door and tears spring to my eyes.

  Before I could blink, there’s another man and he has on a similar style mask. Both of them have identical body shapes and heights. I categorize both of them in order to keep my sanity.

  “I assure you, there is nothing hidden in my office,” I say in a hushed tone. I’m trying to distract them from destroying my house but I’m also trying to figure out what they are doing here.

  “You stupid fucking whore!” The new man shouts at me and punches me across the face.

  The pain from the hit is enough to kick my shocked body into action. I spring my body off of the door and latch onto him. “Tell me what you want and I will get it for you.”

  “This stupid bitch!” The man growls that is ransacking my office. “We should just kill her now. There’s no reason why the world needs another whore. It’s clear that she’s not going to be of any fucking help for us.”

  Before I can get my fingers latched into the man’s body that I’m attached to, he has shaken me off, and I fall to the floor. My head whacks against the floor boards and I feel things get cloudy. My vision blurs and my thoughts begin to whirl and think of things that I shouldn’t be thinking of right now.

  Like my mother or my sister.

  “KiKi, why does mom hate us so much?” Callie asks me as we cuddle in her bed.

  It’s a dark night or day. I’m not sure what time it is, I have lost all sense of time or date. Maybe it’s the same day or maybe it’s a month after our mother had left us.

  I rub the top of her snarly haired head and she winces as I catch a knot. “Come on, we need to take a bath. We never know when she’s going to be home.”

  She winces and shifts on the bed. “No, maybe if I stink… she will leave me alone.”

  I shake my head and hold her closer to me. “You don’t mean that.” My own jealousy has me wanting to strangle her. It’s not Callie’s fault that our mother likes her more than me. It’s not a secret either.

  “You don’t know what she does to me. You have no idea how bad it is.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  My sister’s face is tight and her eyes flood with tears. “She’s a mean person. Sometimes she makes me watch her and other men in her bed. They are doing gross things. I don’t know how to explain it. One time she wanted me to join in and I threw up in the corner. The man that was there told her that I was a dud and he didn’t want to be in the same room with a dud. He even told her that he didn’t sign up for a pukey fucking kid.”

  “Callie, there is no reason for swearing!” I chastise her. It’s no use. We both have heard worse words and we continue to hear them every time our mother is home from doing whatever it is that she does while she’s gone.

  “I don’t know what to do. KiKi, she really scares me. I think she needs help.”

  These thoughts have crossed my mind plenty of times before, but I would never be the one to say anything. I don’t want my mother to turn the anger on me.

  “Stupid bitch! Wake up!”

  My eyes open painfully, I look up to see the barrel of the gun again. I want to ask what it is that they are looking for, but my tongue feels like it’s made of lead. There’s no way that I can use it right now.

  Finding the strength that I didn’t realize that I had, I ask: “What are you looking for?” I don’t know if it’s a clear sentence, but I don’t even care. I want to know what they are looking for.

  Chapter 23


  I’ve been home all of fifteen minutes before I realize that I miss Keeley too much to leave her alone. I grab my keys and wallet and walk out the door.

  Ruth and Luke aren’t home and I’m not going to bother with calling them. I want to see my girl again.

  Having her to binge on for the past few days, has been amazing. I will always remember her eyes as I slipped the necklace around her neck. Truth be told, I almost didn’t think it was going to be enough. But she’s not like other girls. She’s not the type of girl that will want the big shiny things. She’s happy with the little stuff and I love her so much more for it.

  I hop into my car and start it. Should I call her before I show up? I don’t want to interrupt her if she’s telling Jerry to get fucking lost. I really hope she’s doing that. Keeley needs to free herself from him before she can fully give herself to me. Which is what I want. I want her to be all mine and no one else.

  Am I really desperate by driving all the way to her house? I just left her. I don’t think it’s a good idea that I show up so soon.

  Well, what else can I do between now and the appropriate time to surprise her with kisses?

  I’m going to go to the jewelry store.

  The five-minute drive feels like forever and I can’t help but feel like there is somewhere else I should be at right now. I don’t know why, but there is a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that is telling me to turn around.

  Realizing that I’m just going crazy, I park my car along the downtown parking and exit it. The store that I like is about two downtown blocks away.

  I swing by the coffee house and get myself a coffee. I normally don’t drin
k it, but I’m beginning to develop a taste for it. The sweet and bitter taste of the coffee wakes me up with a jolt and I stroll out of the coffee house with purpose.

  There’s something about today… I’m not sure what it is but I’m feeling like there is about to be a big change.

  By the time I walk into the jewelers, I have downed my coffee and discarded the cup in the outside trash can. The store is small but very shiny with bright lights and carpets that look like they are made out of diamonds.

  You know that shiny ass carpet that women are obsessed with? It’s that kind of carpeting.

  “May I help you?” A voice from behind me asks.

  I spin on my heels and see a younger woman standing there with her mouth open. Smugly, I smile my rogue grin and she swoons a little more. This is too easy.

  “I’m looking for a present.”

  The girl smiles more and fluffs out her blonde hair. It’s that fake blonde color that no man falls for. It’s a nasty orange-ish color and it makes me wonder what else is fake on her body. There had to have been more work done on her.

  She’s probably early twenties and this is more than likely her first real job. At least that’s my opinion. The woman is wearing some tighter than sin clothing that leaves little to nothing to the imagination and my dick doesn’t even stand at attention.

  Not even half of a salute.

  The look on her face as she registers what I say is alarming. I can tell she’s trying to decide if I’m worth money or not. I don’t wear clothes that are too flashy nor do I have any jewelry on besides my championship ring that I got this morning upon arriving home.

  “Are you sure you’re in the right place?” She asks me and looks me up and down. Inwardly I smirk when she sees my ring. “Oh, I’m sorry. How may I help you?”

  “Yes, like I said. I’m looking for a present for my girlfriend.”

  The woman places her hand on the glass case behind her and staggers back a little. “Your girlfriend?”


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