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Deception (Ultimate Betrayal Book 1)

Page 30

by Eden Rose

  “Are we on the river?” She asks me and I can see her little nose smelling the air.

  “You are too cute. You will find out soon enough.” I’m leading her over the dock to the boat and I quickly pick her up. Once she’s settled against my chest, she wraps her arms around my neck. “There. Now, you can’t escape.”

  “Good. I don’t want to.”

  “It’s about time!” Shana calls from the bar. She’s sitting on one of my teammate’s lap and her arms are wrapped around his shoulders .

  “Shush!” I hiss.

  Then Olivia comes over and places her hands on my woman. “The cat’s out of the bag. Put her down.”

  “Why is everyone here?” Keeley asks and reaches for her blindfold. I swat at her hands but then she swats back. “No, I want to see!”

  As soon as the blindfold is ripped off of her face she looks around at all of our friends. “This boat is beautiful!” She yells out and looks around even more. “Who’s is it?”


  I place her on her feet and look at Shana as she stands up and walks over to us. She’s holding the box that holds Keeley’s ring in it and I hold my hand out for it.

  Keeley begins crying and has her hand over her mouth. “If that is a keychain or something, I’m going to kill myself and I’m taking you with me.”

  Everyone chuckles and I go to one knee. “I wish I would have got you a key chain. That would have been hilarious.”

  She’s glaring at me and I chuckle. “No, baby. I got this for you the day you left me after we got back from Florida. I’ve had it waiting for the perfect time. And you know what I found out?”

  Keeley shakes her head and then whispers: “What?”

  “Every time with you is perfect and there is no such thing as a perfect time. Marry me.”

  The end … or is it?

  Stay tuned

  You never know if Wyatt and Keeley are going to come back. Plus, they might come back around Christmas time.


  Thank you so much for reading Overtime. I went over everything I wanted to say for this story over and over. Keeley and Wyatt have the type of love that everyone hopes for. It’s the love that is unconditional and all consuming. I hope you enjoyed them and fell in love with them as much as I did.

  Check out this blurb from J.L. Ostle!

  XOXO: Eden

  He Owns Me




  College – Freshman Year

  “So x is 9?” Bryan asks, writing down his answer before looking at me and I give him a huge smile.

  “Yes, you got it. Told you, you would get it.” I beam with pride. Bryan asked me to tutor him and I was going to say no since I like to keep to myself, plus he is one of the most popular boys in school, but with his puppy dog eyes and his begging, how could I say no? We have been in the library for the past hour and a half and the look of accomplishment on his face makes me glad I said yes.

  “You are amazing! Why can’t Mr. Burroughs teach me like you do? I finally get it.” His light green eyes bore into mine. I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down at the textbook. I'm not used to getting compliments; well, actually, I'm not used to guys talking to me at all. I’m like a leper at this school. I have a few friends but the kids here know to stay away from me.

  “You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help.” I give him a small smile and start packing my books away but he puts his hand on my arm, stopping my movements.

  “I had fun. I knew you were smart but it’s easy talking to you, too.” He sweeps some loose hair from my face, stroking my cheek with his fingers. I feel my heart start to race, his touch is so soft. I’m almost nineteen years old and have always wondered what it would be like for a guy to notice me, actually notice me.

  Bryan is cute with his shaggy dark blond hair and cute smile. He is here on scholarship with the football team.

  His body looks hard and toned from what I can tell from his tight grey T-shirt. I know he can have any girl at this school and he probably has. He is definitely way out of my league.

  “Bryan…” I whisper, not knowing what to say. I have never been in this position before. Doesn’t he know if he gets close to me, it’s social suicide? He knows; everyone knows.

  “I like you, Raven.” He leans forward and presses his lips against mine. I feel his tongue lick my bottom lip and I open my mouth to follow his lead. I’m kissing Bryan Walters. Bryan Walters is my first real kiss, and it’s so nice. More than nice. I close my eyes and fall into the feeling but I stop, my blood running cold, when I hear laughing behind me. I turn around and see them, the three girls that love to torment me.

  “It’s about time, I thought I was going to fall asleep waiting for you to finally make a move,” Lindsey, the leader of the three, says as she saunters up to Bryan and sits on his lap. She kisses him passionately. He set me up. Everything he said was a lie. I feel the tears prickle behind my eyes. This was just another one of their sick jokes. I gave away my first kiss to a joke.

  “You did good Bry, a very convincing performance.” All of them clap their hands, their eyes glaring at me. I try and stand up to get away but I feel a hand grip my arm, slamming me back down into my chair.

  “Where do you think you’re going? The fun just started,” Tristen growls at me. I look at Sharron and she gives me a wink and smirks. These three girls have made my life hell since I was eleven, and as we got older, their tricks and jokes got worse, more sick.

  I look back at Lindsey and she’s wearing that smile that gives me chills. I know something bad is going to happen and I can’t do anything to stop it; I’m trapped here to endure whatever torment they are going to bring on me.

  I know what you’re thinking, if they have tortured me for so many years, why haven’t I said anything? Well, trust me, I have. When it first started, I told my parents and the principal even got involved, then their parents, but it got worse. I kept telling and telling but eventually, I learned if I didn’t say a word, I wouldn’t be punished as badly. Even though the jokes they pulled on me were still bad in my books.

  I don’t even know why they hate me so much. They are beautiful and flawless, they all have long, silky blonde hair, blue and green eyes, they look like models and I am the complete opposite. I have long dark brown hair that I always tie up, grey eyes, and my body is a little too skinny and not as curvy as the other girls due to my love for dancing.

  “So my little pet, I’m going to teach you some things from the goodness of my heart,” Lindsey purrs, looking down at Bryan but I know she is talking to me. Pet is a nickname she made for me and I hate it. I hate it with every fiber of my being. “It looked like you enjoyed that kiss, can’t blame you, he is a good kisser.” She leans forward and pecks Bryan’s lips.

  “Thanks, Linz.” He smirks at her. I look at him and can’t believe how different he looks to me now. Before, he looked so sweet, but now he looks like every other jerk in this school. As if he can feel me staring at him, he turns and I don’t know if he can see the sadness in my eyes but his eyes soften for a moment. Like Lindsey can feel it, she grabs his chin and pulls his face to hers.

  “Don’t even think about it, we had a deal, remember?” she scolds him. His shoulders slump but he nods. Deal? What deal? If he is having second thoughts, I know I am definitely not looking forward to what is about to happen. “As I was saying, I am going to teach you a little lesson. I want you to watch every second, if you don’t, you know what will happen.” I don’t say a word. I don’t need to; she knows I will do what I’m told, just so I can get this over with.

  I watch her climb off Bryan’s lap and kneel on the floor in front of him, spreading his legs open. My eyes go huge as I watch her unzip his jeans and pull down his boxers a little until his penis comes out. I try to turn my head but fingers dig into my skull.

  “Watch or else,” Tristen spits in my ear. This time, I let the tears fall. I don’t want to watch this. This is prob
ably the sickest thing they have made me experience. I watch as Lindsey opens her mouth and starts sucking on Bryan’s manhood. Licking him up and down, sucking on just the tip, teasing him. Her eyes stay on mine, making sure I watch every second. I can hear the wet noise and his moans and feel my stomach start to turn over. I keep watching as she licks and sucks; every time I try to turn my head, Tristen either digs her nails into my skull or grabs my face so hard I’m afraid she will leave marks on me.

  I hear Bryan groan and see some of his seed slide down Lindsey’s chin but she uses her finger to lick it up. I thank the lord that it’s over. I try to stand up again to leave but Tristen and Sharron pull me back down.

  “We aren’t finished yet, pet. Still got one more lesson to show you,” Sharron says sweetly. I take in deep breaths and tell myself this will be over soon. I say it over and over to keep myself in a good place, to try and make sure they don’t break me.

  Every time they do something to hurt me, I try so hard for them not to break my spirit, my soul. I know most people would have been broken by now, but I’m a fighter. I know one day I will be far away from these people, that is what gets me through these nasty moments.

  This time I watch Lindsey stand and sit in a chair as Bryan stands, tucking himself back in. He looks at me and I try and beg him to help me, to plead for him to try and let me go with my eyes but he sighs and gets on his knees. I watch him pull up Lindsey’s short skirt and soon his head is in-between her legs. Her head falls back, her fingers gripping onto his hair, grinding against his face.

  Holy crap, he is going down on her.

  Are they that fucked up?

  Who does this?

  How can Tristen and Sharron just watch their best friend do this? How can Lindsey be okay letting us watch something so intimate? I knew they were fucked up, now I know they are just sick in the head. And what’s worse, these sick as fuck girls are obsessed with hurting me. I feel my stomach start to get uncomfortable. I try to turn my head but like before, I yelp in pain when I feel nails dig into my neck. As I hear Lindsey’s moan, I can’t stop the bile that climbs up my throat and I throw up contents of my stomach on the floor.


  “Ewww.” The girls shout and stand. I’m glad that Bryan stopped and I watch the three girls, the evil bitches, glare at me. I cower when they start to walk towards me, knowing they are going to hurt me, but sigh in relief when the librarian, Ms. Cowen, comes our way and asks if everything is okay. I feel my body relax.

  Well as relaxed as it can be after experiencing what I just went through.

  “I’ve just been sick, is it okay if I go home?” I ask her. Ms. Cowen’s eyes train on the three bitches, to Bryan, to the puddle of sick, then back onto me where they soften. She knows I’m always in here studying, she knows I’m a good girl. This place was meant to be my sanctuary and they ruined it.

  I hate them even more if that’s even possible.

  “Of course, dear, come with me.” She extends her arm out for me to walk towards her.

  “It’s okay, we can take her home,” Lindsey calls out and my body freezes. Please no. Like the librarian can sense something is wrong, she tells them no.

  “You get back to class; I will see to Miss Hutchinson.” I finally breathe again. She walks me to my car and tells me that she hope’s I feel better. I thank her and drive back home.

  Luckily I live fifteen minutes away from campus by car. I turn on the radio to try and distract my brain but images of what she did will disturb me, probably to the day I die. I pull up to my house and see the one person who will cheer me up sitting on the steps reading the paper.

  I get out of the car and walk quickly towards him. When his eyes land on mine, he gives me the biggest smile as always. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is my rock, especially since my parents work all the time; they are both doctors which means I’m lucky if I get to see them for an hour a day.

  “What happened?” he asks me, the smile on his face gone, as if he can see into my soul. I fall to pieces and sob into his chest; I tell him everything that happened, I always tell him everything as he is the only person I can trust. “I am always here for you; you know that right?” I look into his eyes and see sympathy and something else I’m not sure of.

  “I know; just wish they would leave me alone.” I wipe away some tears with the back of my sleeve.

  “Let me speak to your parents, they can’t keep doing this to you,” he pleads with me.

  “You know it gets worse when I tell.”

  “What’s worse than this?” I look away, not answering. I don’t know what could be worse, but I eventually find out.

  If you loved Keeley and Wyatt as much as I do, please consider leaving me a review on your retailer’s website.

  I love you all.




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