Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651

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Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651 Page 62

by William Harrison Ainsworth



  "I have a suggestion to make, my liege," said Lord Wilmot, as Charlescame back. "On consideration, I think it will be best that I shouldproceed to Bentley House at once. There I can be of use to yourmajesty, whereas my presence here rather tends to imperil you. MajorCareless can accompany me, if he pleases, and return to let you knowwhen Mistress Jane Lane is ready to set forth on her journey."

  "Good," replied the king. "Does Lord Wilmot's proposition meet withyour approval?" he added to Careless.

  "Perfectly," was the reply. "If your majesty can dispense with mypersonal services during your sojourn here, I think I can be betteremployed in acting as a messenger. If I should unluckily fall into theenemy's hands, they will get little out of me. Moreover, if the roguesshould get on your track, I will engage to mislead them."

  "I have every reliance upon thee," said Charles. "But, faith! I shallbe sorry to lose thee."

  Almost immediately after the conference just described, his majestyrepaired with his attendants to the room above the porch, the latticedwindows of which commanded the approach to the house, and of course asharp look out was kept, but the only persons who came near the placewere some wounded soldiers, one of whom Charles recognised as belongingto his own guard, and it distressed him exceedingly that he couldnot speak with the poor fellow. Mr. Whitgreave, however, and FatherHuddlestone gave the men relief, but did not dare to invite them intothe house.

  About this time Careless disappeared, and was not seen again for twoor three hours. When an opportunity occurred, the king questioned himas to the cause of his absence, and Careless owned that he had beenat Pendeford Mill, but had not seen Jasper. The page was gone. He haddeparted early in the morning, the miller said, without mentioningwhither he was going.

  "You need not be uneasy about him," remarked Charles with a laugh. "Heis born under a lucky star, and like myself, as I hope and believe,will escape his enemies. Very probably, you will hear of him at BentleyHouse."

  Careless thought so too, and though disappointed, did not allow himselfto be cast down.

  No troopers were seen that day, but Careless was able to account fortheir non-appearance, Croft, the miller, having informed him that thepatrols had gone in a different direction, and he added a distressingpiece of intelligence, to the effect that Colonel Ashenhurst had paid avisit to Boscobel House, and allowed his men to plunder it.

  The king, with Lord Wilmot and Careless, dined in the library, wherethey were less liable to observation than they would have been in anyother room. No servants were present, and Mr. Whitgreave and FatherHuddlestone again waited on his majesty.

  As soon as the household had retired to rest, Lord Wilmot and Carelesstook leave of the king, and were conducted by Father Huddlestone to theclose called Allport's Leasow, where they found Mr. Whitgreave with acouple of steeds, ready saddled and bridled.

  Mounting without a moment's loss of time, they bade him and FatherHuddlestone good night, and rode off very quietly, till they were farenough from the house, as they judged, to accelerate their pace withsafety. They then galloped off in the direction of Bentley House.

  After their departure the king remained for some time alone in the roomover the porch. Not daring to burn a light, he could not read, andhaving no inclination for slumber, he was obliged to occupy himselfwith his own thoughts, and having much to meditate upon, he fell into adeep reverie.

  At last he roused himself, and finding that the moon had arisen in theinterim, moved towards the lattice window, and gazed at the lovelyscene without.

  Seen by moonlight, the picturesque old mansion had a most charmingeffect, but only certain portions of it were visible from theprojecting window at which he stood, and he had surveyed withadmiration all that came within his ken, when his eye was caught by aglittering steel cap which could just be seen above the garden wall.

  A mounted trooper, it appeared, had raised himself in the saddle, andwas peering inquisitively at the house.

  More careful examination showed the king that the trooper had a comradewith him, the latter being on foot, and armed with a carabine.

  Even at that distance, and by that light, Charles recognised theforemost trooper. The man's features were too marked to be mistaken;and, besides, circumstances had fixed them on his memory. It wasMadmannah. And Charles did not for a moment doubt that the other wasEzra. Like bloodhounds these two men seemed ever on his track, and thedread that they might hunt him down at last, for a moment shook him.

  At this moment the door was softly opened, and Father Huddlestone camein.

  "I came to warn your majesty," he said. "But I find you have discoveredthose two spies."

  "Yes, I see them plainly enough," replied the king. "And I can tell yousomething about them, father, that you would hardly guess. Those arethe two rogues who tried to capture me in the oak."

  "Is it possible, sire?" exclaimed the priest. "They will fail as theydid then. The saints who have your majesty in their guard will thwarttheir evil designs. Mr. Whitgreave, being somewhat fatigued, hasretired to rest. But he bade me call him on the instant if any dangerthreatened. I will do so now."

  "Stay an instant, father," said the king. "I am unwilling to disturbhim without cause. I think those two spies are only reconnoitring thehouse, and do not design to attempt an entrance now."

  "Oh! the treacherous villains!" cried Father Huddlestone. "Were I topoint them out to my patron, he would fire upon them and destroy them."

  "Then do not wake him," said Charles. "I see no cause for apprehension.Look! they are marching off."

  "Truly, they are moving, sire, but they have not finished their survey.Having examined the front, they are going to the back of the house."

  "You are right, father," replied Charles.

  End of Book the Fourth.

  Book the Fifth.



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