Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651

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Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651 Page 63

by William Harrison Ainsworth



  In order that they might watch the proceedings of the two spies,Father Huddlestone took the king to his own room, the windows of whichcommanded the rear of the house. For a few minutes nothing could beseen of the troopers, and the watchers began to think they must havedeparted, when the two men were observed creeping stealthily past theoutbuildings on the left. Both being on foot, it seemed clear that theydesigned to enter the house.

  Becoming seriously alarmed, Father Huddlestone besought the king toretire to his hiding-place, while he himself called up Mr. Whitgreave,when the clatter of horses' hoofs was heard rapidly approaching, andalmost immediately afterwards Charles and his companion perceived twohorsemen enter the close known as Allport's Leasow.

  As a matter of course, the arrival of the horsemen had been heard bythe troopers as well as by the king and his companion, and alarmed bythe untoward circumstance, the Roundheads abandoned their design uponthe house, and hurriedly made for the spot where Madmannah had tiedup his horse. This was a gate opening upon the close, but before theycould reach it, they were confronted by the horsemen, who drew theirswords, and prepared to attack them, thus clearly proving themselves tobe Royalists.

  As an answer to this threat of the Cavaliers, Ezra discharged hiscarabine at the foremost of them, but evidently without effect, forthe individual he had aimed at uttered a fierce exclamation, and wouldcertainly have cut down the trooper, if the gate had not hindered him,and during the time required to force it open, Ezra had made good hisretreat. Nor did Madmannah stand his ground. When his comrade tookto his heels, he fled likewise, and they both sought refuge in thegrove that skirted the close. Here they were quickly pursued by theCavaliers, who did not rest till they had driven them away from thehouse, Madmannah's horse being seized upon as lawful spoil by thevictors.

  Charles and Father Huddlestone were still standing at the windowlooking out upon the scene, though all those engaged in the conflicthad disappeared, when Mr. Whitgreave, who had been roused by the reportof the carabine, entered the room, and learnt what had occurred.

  "Who can those Cavaliers be?" inquired the king. "'Tis strange theyshould have arrived so opportunely."

  "Perhaps Major Careless has returned, my liege, and has brought ColonelLane with him," observed Mr. Whitgreave. "No other persons would belikely to come here to-night. I will go forth and see."

  Mr. Whitgreave's conjecture proved correct. By the time he reached theclose, Careless and Colonel Lane had returned to it, and they thenexplained that they had come to conduct the king to Bentley House.

  "I do not think his majesty could safely remain here another day, Mr.Whitgreave," said Colonel Lane. "I have been given to understand thatCaptain Stone, the governor of Stafford Castle, intends to search thishouse to-morrow, and to bring Southall, the redoubted priest-catcher,with him. It seems quite certain that, in some way or other, the kinghas been tracked to Moseley Hall, and I am therefore of opinion that heought to change his quarters without delay."

  "I do not believe that even Southall will discover the hiding-placesin my house," rejoined Whitgreave. "Still, the king ought not to beexposed to any risk that can be avoided; and if you are prepared toreceive him at Bentley House, I think he had best go there to-night. Atall events, after what you tell me of Captain Stone's threatened visit,I should not dare to oppose the plan."

  Mr. Whitgreave then returned to the house, and told the king what hehad seen and heard.

  "Your two faithful adherents are waiting to take you hence, sire," hesaid. "Colonel Lane affirms," he added, with a sigh, "that my house isno longer a safe place of refuge for your majesty, and though I cannotagree with him, I will not urge you to stay."

  "I did not expect this sudden summons, I confess, Mr. Whitgreave,"rejoined the king; "and I need not say it is far from agreeable tome. But I have no option. From the appearance of those two spies I amconvinced that my retreat has been discovered, and if Colonel Lane hadnot come for me, I should have deemed it prudent, to leave beforedaybreak. I hope you will not suffer for the devotion you have shownme. But I shall ever remain your debtor." Then, turning to FatherHuddlestone, he added, "it might be enough for me to tell you that Ishall always think the better of your religion since I have seen howwell you practise it, but when I reflect on the many good and faithfulsubjects you have brought me in these evil times, when almost everyhand is raised against me, I feel that I should be ungrateful if I didnot say how deeply I am beholden to you. You have made the Penderelswhat they are, and what I have found them--the truest men living."

  "Through Heaven's grace I have made them what they ought to be, myliege," said Father Huddlestone. "I have always striven against thosewho have sought to overthrow the throne. It is possible that Heaven mayhave further trials in store for your majesty, to which I earnestlyexhort you to submit with patience, but I feel assured that in dueseason you will be amply rewarded. Place your trust in Heaven, sire,and you will be delivered from your enemies. It may be long ere youregain your kingdom, but the day _will_ come--provided you are true toHeaven. Forsake not God, and you shall not be forsaken!"

  Charles remained silent for a few moments, and then said in a low tone:

  "I will strive to follow your counsel, father."

  The king was still pondering on what had been said to him, when Mrs.Whitgreave, bearing a taper, entered the room. Robed in white, andlooking excessively pale, she looked like an apparition.

  Advancing to meet her, Charles said:

  "I should have been sorry to quit Moseley Hall without bidding youadieu, madam, but I trust you have not been disturbed from yourslumbers on my account."

  "I keep long vigils, sire, and often pass the greater part of the nightin prayer," she replied. "When my son tapped at my door just now toinform me that your majesty was about to depart, I was praying for yoursafety."

  "I thank you, madam," replied the king, much moved. "The prayers of soexcellent a lady must avail me."

  "If I live to see your majesty restored to your kingdom, I shall havelived long enough. Here is a little relic," she said, offering hima small silver box. "I dare say your majesty has no faith in suchthings--nevertheless, I pray you to wear it."

  "I will wear it for your sake, madam," he rejoined, taking the littlesilver box, "and I shall have no doubt of its efficacy."

  Charles would then have taken leave of the loyal-hearted dame, but shebesought permission to attend him to the outer door.

  Accordingly, the whole party quitted the room, and proceeding asnoiselessly as possible, descended the great oak staircase to the hall,where Charles bade adieu to the excellent old lady, and quitted thehouse, attended by his host and Father Huddlestone.

  Left by herself, Mrs. Whitgreave's strength almost forsook her. Onregaining her own chamber, she knelt down before a crucifix, placed ina small recess, and again offered up prayers for the king's deliverancefrom his enemies.

  Meanwhile, Charles had proceeded to Allport's Leasow, where he foundhis faithful adherents waiting for him, and saluted them most cordially.

  "I did not expect you quite so soon, Colonel Lane," he said. "But youhave arrived in the very nick of time. Without you and Careless wemight have had some trouble with those rascally troopers."

  "I am only sorry they escaped us," replied Colonel Lane.

  "Here is the horse we have taken, my liege," said Careless, who haddismounted, and was holding both steeds by the bridle. "Will you mounthim? 'Twill be a good jest to say that I have taken the rogue's horse."

  "Oddsfish! the horse is well enough," cried Charles, as he vaulted intothe saddle. "These Roundhead knaves have robbed all the best stables."

  The party being now ready to set forth, Mr. Whitgreave approached theking, and asked if his majesty had any further commands for him.

  "My last injunctions to you are, Mr. Whitgreave, that you come tome at Whitehall, and bring Father Huddlestone with you. I defer allexpression of my thanks till I
see you both there. May the good timearrive speedily!"

  After receiving the good priest's valedictory benediction, he rode outof the close with his attendants.

  At first, the party proceeded at a foot's pace, and they had not gonefar, when the king halted for a moment to gaze at the old mansion,which was seen to the greatest advantage on that bright moonlightnight. It looked so hushed in repose that no one would have dreamedthat its quietude could have been recently disturbed.

  But Charles was not allowed to indulge his meditations long. ColonelLane was impatient to be gone, and after another look at thepicturesque old mansion, the king was obliged to bid farewell toMoseley Hall.


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