Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1) Page 15

by MLJ Quigg

  We all made our way into the dining room and sat at the table. Johnathon looked at all of us and his eyes stayed on his Mum for a bit before he took a breath. “That was Dad as you probably guessed. He wants Mum back and has threatened to take Emma if she doesn’t come back. He’s been in contact with Emma’s father, and they want them both. I’m sorry, guys,” he stammered exhaling his breath.

  “I think he’s here. He made a comment about how pretty Harlow and Tweety are together and that they make a cute couple. We need protection on them immediately. I have no doubt he’s about to try something,” he continued as he grabbed Lisa’s hand and squeezed it gently.

  “He will never hurt you or anyone in this family again, Mum. No more. I will not let him get away with it,” he insisted.

  “You guys will have full coverage. He will not get near you without us knowing. You’re safe here,” I explained.

  “I know. You guys are good at what you do, and I realise you’ll protect us,” she divulged while nodding her head.

  “Alright. First things first. I would like to put tracking devices on all of you. Tweety and I have them. It’s a tiny device about half the size of your thumbnail that goes under the skin. We all had them put in when we rescued Tiny. They go just under the arm. Here, feel this.” I showed her where it was located, and she ran her fingers over it feeling the little bump.

  “It doesn’t hurt and feels like a mozzie bite when it’s inserted. There are no problems which would cause the tracking device to hurt you medically in any way. As I said, it will sting like a mozzie bite and then there’s no pain at all. When it heals, you won’t even know it’s there. The other thing I want to do is put a tracking device on your phones and in your watches, also in Emma’s pacifier and nappy bag. That way, you’ll always be able to be located. I know it’s a lot to deal with, but we will only use these to track you if something goes wrong,” I maintained.

  “No, that’s fine. I agree. I would rather be safe than sorry. I’ll do it, but it’s up to the kids if they want to,” Lisa stated.

  “I’ll do it, and you can do it to Emma, too. Are you sure it won’t hurt her at all?” Harlow asked.

  “Absolutely not, baby. Emma will be perfectly safe with the tracker in her. I promise you,” Tweety declared.

  “I’ll do it, too. If it keeps us safe and not in his hands, I’ll do anything,” Johnathon answered.

  “Okay, good. We’ll get that organised tomorrow, and I’ll contact Guy and see if he can track the phone number he called on,” I said to Johnathon.

  “Sounds good to me, Mike. Thanks for this. I know we wouldn’t be alive if you hadn’t have come for us.”

  “You’re welcome. You’re family, and we can and will do anything to protect our family,” I finished.

  It broke up pretty quickly after that, and we made our way to our rooms.


  The week went by pretty quickly. We put the tracking devices in the arms of Lisa, Harlow, Johnathon, and Emma without any problems. During the week, Dave had taken Lisa and Johnathon with some guards to the doctor to see how the casts were going on their arms. They were both excited and relieved when they were given the all clear to have them removed. They had to wear a sling for a couple of weeks and then rehabilitation after, but they were both happy with the progress they had made.

  We had about an hour until the engagement party, and we had done up the backyard of the house. It looked like a fairy threw up everywhere. We had given the girls free reign on the decorations. Tiny, Claire, Lisa, and Harlow had turned the backyard into a glittery paradise. There were fairy lights in every tree lighting up the yard and lights all around. The atmosphere was really intimate and cozy. It looked exceptional. I turned to a commotion on my right and took in an older lady around sixty-five to seventy who had come around the corner. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked around. She noticed Dave and me first, and her face lit up with a huge smile. I looked at Dave, and he was looking in Tiny’s direction. I tapped his shoulder, and he gazed around at me.

  “Do you know her?” I asked pointing in the direction of the lady.

  He looked over, and a shocked expression came over his face. “Mum. Oh my God. What are you doing here? I thought you said you couldn’t make it,” he questioned as he walked over dragging me behind him by my hand.

  “Oh, my baby boy, I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I had to come see you. I only just heard what happened to Lisa, and I had to come and see if she and the kids were okay. I hate he did those things right under my nose, and I had no idea. I’ve left your father. I’m getting a divorce,” she said grabbing Dave and hugging him tightly.

  “What happened since last week when we talked for you to leave like that? What did Dad do? Oh, sorry, Mum, this is Mike, my fiancé I know I’ve told you all about him,” Dave gushed out all in one sentence.

  “It is so nice to officially meet you, Mike. I know how happy Dave is, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic that he’s found a wonderful man. Dave, we’ll talk about that other stuff later, honey. We have plenty of time to catch up. I’m going to transfer to Sydney. I think my time in Adelaide is over. I can’t stand to be there anymore, and yes, I will tell you all about it later. Tonight is to celebrate the two of you together. Let’s not dull this night, okay, baby?” She sighed.

  “Please join us, Mrs. Harris. We would love that. You can see Lisa, Harlow, and Johnathon. You’re more than welcome,” I stated.

  “Well, thank you, Mike, and please call me Mum… or Laura,” she said with a smile.

  We took her over to Lisa, and as soon as Lisa saw her Mum, they both broke out in tears and hugged each other. Soon Johnathon and Harlow were joining them, and we all talked for a while.

  I was playing the dutiful host and seeing if everything was alright with our guests when I spotted the celebrant and went over to introduce myself.

  “Hi, I’m Mike. Thank you so much for doing this on such short notice. He still has no idea, and if he said no, God willing he doesn’t, we’ll start soon. If he does, just relax and enjoy the food and company,” I told her.

  “Sure. I’ll just stick around, and when you’re ready, signal me, and we’ll do it,” she replied.

  I indicated to Tiny who was looking in our direction, and she walked over to get introductions underway. After talking for a few minutes, we made our way over to where Dave was sitting with Lisa and Johnathon. I walked up behind him and leant down to kiss his neck, and he leant to the side to give me better access. I decided to get this underway and asked him to stand next to me. I see out of the corner of my eye that Tiny and Tweety had their phones out and were recording.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention, please,” I yelled out to our family.

  They all looked at us, and the music was turned down. I took a deep centring breath and hoped Dave went with my plan. I so wanted to have him as my husband sooner rather than later.

  “Thank you, everyone, for helping us celebrate this special time in Dave and my lives. Last week, I asked this gorgeous man beside me to marry me, and he said yes without hesitation. You have all made our lives so much more complete with your constant love and friendship. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I do have a confession to make, though,” I said turning to Dave and taking his other hand in mine, so I’m holding both. I leant down and kissed him softly on the mouth and pulled back. “Dave, you’ve made my life complete. I never thought I would love and cherish someone as much as I do you, but you’re the perfect man for me. Which is why in front of all our family I’m asking you to marry me right here, right now. I want you as my husband as soon as possible and don’t want to wait to have our names and lives connected any more than what we are. Will you marry me, babe? Combine your life with mine for eternity tonight. Right here, right now?” I asked him.

  I heard gasps from everyone around us.

  “Yes, of course. Right here, right now,” he replied raising his hand and wrapping it around my neck to bring me down to kiss

  Everyone started clapping and whistling. I smiled at them, turned my head, and signalled the celebrant to come over. She stood in front of us and introduced herself to Dave, and he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He looked so happy, it made my heart beat fast. I couldn’t wait for the end of the night when he would be all mine.

  We turned to the celebrant and held hands as Tiny and Tweety came to stand at our sides. Dave hugged Tiny, and she whispered in his ear, and they pulled back and smiled at each other. A tear rolled down Dave’s cheek, and she wiped it away with her finger and went up on her toes kissing his cheek. I squeezed his hand slightly, and he turned to look at me with such a happy and radiant smile, I couldn’t help but return it.

  “Hi, everyone. Mike has asked me to officiate today for him and Dave, and I couldn’t be happier than to see over the ceremony of the beautiful couple standing in front of all their family and friends. I believe Mike wanted to say his own vows, so I will leave the rest to the wonderful couple and just watch over it all,” she said with a smile.

  I turned to Dave and took his other hand, so he was facing me, and I looked into his sea-green eyes. “Dave Harris, here before our friends and family I willingly commit myself to you for the rest of our lives. I love you so much, babe. When Tiny told us all about you when we were in training and then described you, I was already half in love. The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew I was a goner. You’re the most loving, beautiful soul I’ve ever encountered and the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. You make my heart race just by looking at you. I can’t be happier and prouder to be linked to you for the rest of our days together,” I vowed squeezing his hands softly.

  “Mike, you are the love of my life, and I’m so honoured and blessed to be with you. I love you more than I can ever tell you. You’re my best friend, lover, and soul mate. I will cherish you till the end of our lives and even beyond. I knew you would change my life the moment I laid eyes on you, and you have for the better. You’re an amazing man, Mike, and I will gladly and eagerly link my mind, body, and soul to you,” he promised.

  I saw a tear start to slide down his cheek, and I reached out to wipe it as he did the same to me. I hadn’t even realised I was crying. That was how much emotion this man brought out in me.

  I turned to Tweety, and he handed me Dave’s wedding ring. I spun back to the love of my life and slid the ring on his finger. “With this ring, I gladly and wholeheartedly commit to you for the rest of our lives.” I lifted his hand and kissed the ring.

  Tiny tapped Dave on the shoulder and he turned toward her. She handed over the ring for me and he spun back with a smile.

  “With this ring, I commit to you for the rest of our lives,” he declared staring into my eyes.

  “With the commitment this couple has made, let it be sealed with a kiss. You may now kiss each other,” the celebrant insisted.

  I leant into Dave as he did the same to me, and I sealed my lips over his. I brought my tongue out and swiped it over his lips asking for entry. He opened, and I deepened the kiss and grabbed the back of his neck not giving him a choice. I heard whistling and clapping from everyone, and I ignored it while I continued to kiss him. When we came up for air, I smiled down at him. ‘I love you’ I mouthed, and he returned it with a smile of his own. I turned to the crowd behind us and brought our combined hands into the air.

  The applause continued as Tiny came in front of us and hugged us both around our waists. “Congratulations, guys. I couldn’t be happier for the both of you. I love you guys,” she gushed happily.

  “Love you, too, Monique,” Dave and I replied at the same time.

  For the next half an hour, we were hugged and congratulated by everyone, and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. This was one of the happiest days of my life. I finally had a chance to have a breather and was standing against the back wall by myself as I took in my surroundings. Lisa was with Johnathon laughing at something Bazza and Max were saying to them. Harlow and a sleeping Emma on Tweety’s shoulder, were talking to a couple of guys. Laura was talking to Mary and Richard. I walked up to Dave and grabbed him by the back of his neck and turned him to me and slammed my mouth on his kissing him hard. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and we continued to kiss. We pulled apart to breathe. I brought my forehead to his and kept it there. We were still wrapped around each other and staring into each other’s eyes, his green to my blue.

  “Hello, husband,” he whispered.

  “Hello, husband,” I repeated in a whisper of my own.

  Fuck that sounded damn good.


  He was mine forever now, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

  “How ‘bout we cut the cake, have our first dance, and get the fuck out of here. I wanna fuck you so hard right now,” I demanded in a low voice only he could hear.

  We made our way over to the dance floor that was purposely built for the party, and I took Dave into my arms as he wrapped his around my neck, very much like we were before. I leant into him and kissed him softly, snaking my tongue out and gliding it along his lips. He opened, and we slowly kissed. We both swayed to the song and just enjoyed our time together.

  After the song had finished, I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “Is it okay that we didn’t have a wedding song? I totally forgot to have one lined up,” I asked not sure of his answer. I shouldn’t have worried, though, as he said, “The day is memorable enough. It’s all good. I don’t need the whole wedding song thing. I’ve loved this day, and it couldn’t have been more perfect.”

  We smiled again, and I turned to the crowd that I had no idea was watching us.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” I yelled out.

  The music was turned off, and I cleared my throat. “Thank you all so much for making it the perfect night for Dave and me. I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say throughout the night, so I won’t be saying anymore other than a simple thank you. You wanna add anything?” I asked Dave.

  “Nope, you’ve said it all,” he replied.

  “Alright then… enjoy the rest of the night, and we’re going to cut the cake and then get the fuck out of here,” I said to everyone.

  We walked over to the cake and cut it while all our friends took photographs of us. We kissed and then grabbed a piece and feed each other. I took Dave's hand, and we made our way around to everyone to say goodbye.

  By the time we were finished, we had grabbed our bags, which I had packed, and made our way to the waiting limo I’d hired—it would also pick us up in the morning.

  We left the driveway to all our friends waving us goodbye.


  After we left the house, we drove to a hotel near Darling Harbour. We exited the limo, and I took Dave’s hand as we made our way inside. Walking to the concierge desk, I told them about the booking we’d made for the night. I was handed the key, and we made our way to the room.

  In the elevator, I grabbed Dave and kissed him hard, and when the elevator got to our floor, we continued kissing, and I walked us to our room. I slid the card into the reader, and it clicked open. I turned the handle and practically dragged Dave into the room.

  Once we were inside, I dropped the key and bag and pushed him onto the bed and followed him to lay on top. I wasn't gentle in removing his clothes. I wanted him naked as soon as possible. He was in the same mindset as me. Before I knew it, we were both naked and breathing heavily with anticipation.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous, my husband,” I said.

  “My husband,” he replied in a whisper.

  I honestly couldn’t get enough of him. I felt like a horny teenager and wanted to fuck him every chance I could get. I let my body do the talking, and I drove him wild and made exhausting but passionate love to my husband for the rest of the night.

  The next morning, we woke up and slowly got dressed. We departed our hotel room and went downstairs where I had a limo waiting for us to take to our next destination. Dave kept lookin
g at me wondering what I was up to, and all I would do was smile and kiss his lips. He finally relaxed and just went with it.

  We arrived at the docks, and I held his hand as we boarded the cruise ship to take us on a seven-day cruise around the Pacific Islands. I was lucky enough to get a room with a balcony near the top of the ship. When we walked in after check-in, we were both amazed at the luxury of the room. I opened the door to the balcony and put my hands on the rail and looked over the people standing on the docks. Dave came to stand at my side, and I moved behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled his neck, and we just stood there and watched it all.

  “Fuck. Check this out. The view is fucking awesome,” came a female voice to our left.

  We both turned our heads and checked out the small, female figure next to us. She had bright red hair, and I mean bright red which was shaved on one side. She was covered in tattoos and slim. She appeared to be about thirty or so. I smiled as she turned in our direction, and she smiled at us.

  “Pretty good view, hey?” she asked.

  “Certainly is. Can’t get much better than this,” I agreed.

  She walked over and held out her hand.

  “Hi, I’m Roxie. It’s nice to meetcha,” she smiled as I shook her hand. She had a firm grip and shook it confidently.

  “Hey, I'm Mike, this is my husband, Dave,” I said.

  “Fan-fucking-tastic. Now we won’t feel out of place.” She chuckled.

  I had no idea what she was talking about until a tall, blonde woman walked out of the room to Roxie and grabbed her neck and kissed her. I smiled, and Dave chuckled as we watched her take notice she wasn’t exactly alone. She looked over at us and smiled as she wrapped her arms around Roxie.


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